Educational Service Unit #1

Step 1: Open a new photoshop document with 2800 x 1800 pixels. Step 2: Type one word- any word- into on the page with the type text tool on the left.Step 3: Go to google and find a texture. Right click on the texture and click save picture as.Step 4: Click file open and find the picture you saved and then open it.Step 5: Click back to your other page with the word you have chosen on it.Step 6: Drag the page with your texture on it onto your screen with the word on it. Step 7: Put picture on top of your name by clicking the texture and dragging it onto the screen.Step 8: Look at the right hand side of your page at the layers. Go to your ‘Layer 2 Copy’ and right click on it. Then click duplicate layer.Step 9: Once this layer is duplicated, there should be an extra copy of your texture on top of itself. Click and drag the copied texture onto the rest of your word. If it is still not covered, repeat step 8 until the rest of your word is covered.Step 10: Click the eraser tool on the left. Step 11: Go up to the top of your page and read across until you find the opacity tool. Lower it to 70%.Step 12: Then go all the way to the left of the opacity tool. There will be a number and a blotch to show what size and kind of tool you are using to erase- click it.Step 12: I scrolled down and clicked on the Splatter 24 pixels because it worked the best for my texture. I also increased my eraser tool size to 200 on the same tool. Change the size and type of your eraser tool to your needs. If the opacity isn’t working the best then you can change that too.Step 13: Go all the way to the right to look at your layers. Click on the one of your layers.Step 14: Then go to your picture and find the layer you clicked on. Smooth out the line in between the edges on that layer. Then repeat the same steps on the rest of your layers that have your textures on them until your whole texture is blended together.Step 15. Go all the way to the right again and select your text layer. Right click on the thumbnail and click select pixels.Step 16: Select all of your texture layers by holding shift and clicking on them. Step 17: Go all the way up to the top panel and click layer and find group layers.Step 18: Click on your group layer.Step 19: Go all the way up to layer, down to layer mask, and to Reveal Selection and click. ................

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