
PSY-1100-403.TAMMY ANN-ZIEGLER MCCREERYJAIME VILCHEZ ANAZCO08-02-2016SIGNATURE ASSIGMENTFirst, select a theorist that you enjoyed studying this semester. Provide details about this developmental theorist's theory, the various stages of development, and current opinion on this theory according to current research. (Think about the new research and the conflicts of information with Freud as an example to this last point). GIVE REFERENCES!The theorist that I was reading a lot, and enjoyed was Erick Erickson, in his theory he state the idea that people through his life in the measure they are growing, pass for different stages, developing conscious trough the social interaction. Also Eric Erickson theory state that all the stages are different stages according their age. Those stages are characterized, for develop some specific competences, according the age that the people have. The social interaction is fundamental to create the normal emotional development of the child, and must develop in specific order. The socialization process is a special key for the normal and healthy developing of the children’s. The most important think regarding the Erick Erickson theory is, the people should to develop the competencies in positive outcomes and move on the next stage, but if the people couldn’t to do. Then they develop the opposite characteristics but in negative way. This could to be a problem when the child pass the next stage, but is not 100 per cent secure that people can’t overcome this situation more ahead. It’s too hard but not impossible.Stages of Erick Erickson theory.Stage 1 - Basic Trust vs. Mistrust. Developing trust is the first task of the ego, and it is never complete. The balance of trust with mistrust depends largely on the quality of maternal relationship.Stage 2 - Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt. If denied autonomy, the child will turn against him/herself urges to manipulate and discriminate. Shame develops with the child's self-consciousness, and doubt has to do with having a front and back -- a "behind" subject to its own rules. Stage 3 - Initiative vs. Guilt. Initiative adds to autonomy the quality of undertaking, planning, and attacking a task for the sake of being active and on the move. The child feels guilt over the goals contemplated and the acts initiated in exuberant enjoyment of new locomotor and mental powers.Stage 4 - Industry vs. Inferiority. The fundamentals of technology are developed. To bring a productive situation to completion is an aim which gradually supersedes the whims and wishes of play. The child can become a conformist and thoughtless slave whom others exploit.Stage 5 - Identity vs. Role Confusion (or "Diffusion"). The adolescent is newly concerned with how they appear to others. The Ego identity is the accrued confidence that the inner sameness and continuity prepared in the past are matched by the sameness and continuity of one's meaning for others, as evidenced in the promise of a career. The inability to settle on a school or occupational identity is disturbing.Stage 6 - Intimacy vs. Isolation. Body and ego must be masters of organ modes and of the other nuclear conflicts in order to face the fear of ego loss in situations which call for self-abandon. The avoidance of these experiences leads to isolation and self-absorption and the danger at this stage is isolation which can lead to sever character problems.Stage 7 - Generativity vs. Stagnation. Generativity is the concern in establishing and guiding the next generation. Simply having or wanting children doesn't achieve generativity. The socially-valued work and disciples are also expressions of generativity.Stage 8 - Ego Integrity vs. Despair. Ego integrity is the ego's accumulated assurance of its capacity for order and meaning. The healthy children, Erikson tells us, won't fear life if their elders have integrity enough not to fear death. (1)Despite that Erick Erickson take some ideas of Sigmund Freud, the conflict with him have relation with the Freud sexual behavior. One of the differences with Freud was about the ego, the ego according Erickson is one of the most importance part of the personality, and he state to, that the ego is the most powerful agent that can adapt the situations thereby promoting. “Freud’s psychosexual theory emphasizes the importance of basic needs and biological forces, while Erikson's psychosocial theory is based upon social and environmental factors. Erikson also expands his theory into adulthood, while Freud's theory ends at an earlier period” (2).Second, think of a time in your life or another person's when you can see that they may have struggled in one or more of the developmental stages. Describe the situation, how you can recognize the developmental conflict as it was, and how others dealt with the conflict in the person's environment.It is the Hugo history , I did call him “The best man”, Hugo was a child eight years old, he was going the Lds Church in Piura Peru, almost every Sunday when we were in Peru, For some parents Hugo was considered as “The devil paw” or Huguito “The terrible”, and usually this child during the Sunday class, he had some trouble with the other children’s in the church for different reasons ,first his precedence , the neighbor when he lived, was really bad , his parents unemployed, they had not healthy life condition , around them a lot of people with dangerous behaviors drugs and alcoholic. The prognostic for him wasn’t good, because the environment around him didn’t the best. Some parents was really upset and worried, because his temperament was really violent some times, and also during the meeting in the church the other child complain him a lot, because he hiked them all the time. most of the time he was accusing and he didn’t nothing, Usually we found him with his breathed faster, closing really hard his hands, for the impotence because some time he didn’t anything but his friend annoying him, and he couldn’t discharge his angry.After some conversations with the parent and the teachers, we make a plan for avoid the negative commentaries about his behavior and reinforce his good behavior; reinforce everything that he did do very well. We said: “very well done Hugo”, all the time. For us the most important, was try to avoid that Hugo can fell insecurity or inferiority felling because the other children’s have different life condition, better economic, and social condition that him, and the comparison with others as a result of course was evident. The parents were really worried, because they didn’t like that anybody touch their children’s. sometime when I saw this situation I was trying to make a positive reinforce him, and separately I was talking with him saying “ok my friend you are the best man” I do know exactly, I was repeating this phrase all the time I did find him. “You are the best’ and “The best man”, “If children are encouraged and reinforced for their initiative, they begin to feel industrious and feel confident in their ability to achieve goals. If this initiative is not encouraged, if it is restricted by parents or teacher, then the child begins to feel inferior, doubting his own abilities and therefore may not reach his or her potential”(3)Third, how did this conflict affect the person's life?This conflict affect the Hugo life, because he was suffering a lot during this time, because was rejected not only his companions, also for some parent of the children. The prognostic for him was no really good, because the poor condition, the unhealthy condition the negative environment that he grew, anybody think they could overcome his difficult life conditions, and probably will finish involved in some destructive behaviors.Fourth, provide details on how you or the other person was able to overcome this conflict. How you can see the growth and the transition to the next developmental stage? The positive reinforce during the age 6-12, have a transcendental relevance, because according Erick Erickson he could to develop inferiority felling that will be a problem in his future life. Hugo has a friend, this friend was going the Gym, and Hugo was invited for him to go , with the support of his parent , Hugo and his friends began to go the Gym, and surprise, Hugo began to work hard in the weightlifting discipline, and make good scores . That was the best way how Hugo canalizes all the energy that had inside him. Making weight lifting Hugo finally could to find the resources for to improve his self-esteem. The transition of the next development stage was making for his parent, and some families close him. The fact all the work reinforcing this child in positive way maybe began to make good outcomes, and logically trough this job we were avoiding some condition called inertia. The inertia is the state that keep the child stay doing nothing, the child accept everything and don’t do nothing for to change his situation, according alder in this age this condition came for excess of criticism Alder wrote :"We all wish to overcome difficulties. We all strive to reach a goal by the attainment of which we shall feel strong, superior, and complete" This complex developed when a person tried to conquer their inferiority complex by suppressing their existing feelings”(4). It is important to note that a lot of childrens have similar problem in Peru.Fifth, what are the positive outcomes?The positive outcome where when suddenly Hugo began to change his behavior, he didn’t hit the other children’s, and in unexpected way he began to change, he become more sociable, and after those years when he was going the Gym he began to develop, trusts in him. As a result when Hugo become younger, he was participating in local and national events , inclusive in international events getting good scores, Also he get some medals in that deportee discipline. I am not completely sure what happens with him, but in the age that I knew him I was trying to help him. The true is that Hugo trough his life experience develops the virtue called competency, and is an example of courage determination and value.The Peruvian weightlifter Hugo Saldarriaga was champion in weightlifting test (+85 kilos), on the last day competition of the South American Youth Games 2013, played in Lima Peru“The 16 year old qualified athlete won the gold medal after lifting a total of 245 kilos in their respective interventions. Brazilian Silva Pereira won the silver medal and the Chilean athlete Juan Navarrete reached the bronze”. (5)Resources.1. - CITATION htt169 \l 10250 (, 2016)2.- CITATION htt1659 \l 1033 (, 2016)3.- CITATION htt142 \l 1033 (, 2014)4.- CITATION htt1660 \l 1033 (, 2016)5.- CITATION htt143 \l 1033 (, 2014) ................

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