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Assignment 1 – What is Learning? & What is my Learning Style? ( /38 points)

Part A

1. What is learning? (2 points)


2. When you practice, are you learning? Explain your answer. (3 points)



3. Briefly describe, in your own words, observational and cognitive learning. (4 points)


4. For the following situations, verify whether classical or operant conditioning applies.

I. If you decide the situation is an example of classical conditioning, label the UCS (unconditioned stimulus), UCR (unconditioned response), CS (conditioned response) and CR (conditioned response)

II. If you decide that operant conditioning applies, decide which of the following best fits the scenario; positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, or negative punishment.


A very bright (mildly painful) light is turned on a rat. The rat has learned that he can turn off the light by pressing a lever on the other side of his cage. As soon as the light comes on, the rat runs across the room and presses the lever.

a. Can the behavior of pressing the lever be explained best through Classical Conditioning or

Operant Conditioning? Explain. (2 points)

b. If you chose classical, follow part I of the instructions; if you chose operant, follow part II. (2 points)


When a mother strokes her infant’s skin, the stroking creates pleasure responses in the baby. After this goes on for many days, the baby begins to show pleasure responses simply at the sight of the mother (before even being touched).

a. Does classical conditioning or operant conditioning best apply? Explain. (2 points)

b. If you chose classical, follow part I of the instructions; if you chose operant, follow part II. (2 points)


A patient in a mental hospital is very disruptive at mealtimes. She grabs food from the plates of those sitting near her and tries to cram the food in her mouth. Because this behavior of stealing food is very undesirable, a plan is developed whereby every time the patient steals food from other plates, she is immediately taken to a room without food.

a. Is the mental health staff attempting to change the behavior of stealing through classical or

operant conditioning? Explain. (2 points)

b. If you chose classical, follow part I of the instructions; if you chose operant, follow part II. (2 points)


Johnny has gotten into a habit of yelling “Bye, Mom” and then slamming the door very loudly in his hurry to leave for school in the morning. The door slam causes his mother to flinch. After several days of the procedure, Johnny’s mother begins to flinch at the sound of her son’s words, “Bye, Mom.”

a. Can the behavior of flinching be explained best through classical or operant conditioning?

Explain. (2 points)

b. If you chose classical, follow part I of the instructions; if you chose operant, follow part II. (2 points)

Question #4 Scenes 1-4 Retrieved from

If you have already completed activities like Part B and Part C for careers or communications this year, you do not need to repeat. Bring a copy of the completed assignment to your science instructor.

Part B

1. What learning style do you think is your dominant style? Write one paragraph explaining the type of learning style you think you have. Describe reasons / examples of why you chose that style. (3 points)

(a) auditory (b) visual (c) tactile (d) multi-modal

Part C

1. Complete the online learning style questionnaire found at

2. Print and analyze your results and the strategies that emphasize your learning style.

3. Determine your predominant learning style (from the results of the two surveys).

4. Read these study strategies and choose a few to apply to your studies this year and keep the print out for reference.

5. Based on the survey you completed above, answer the following questions.

a. What is your dominant learning style according to the survey? Were you surprised? Explain in a paragraph! (5 points)

b. In paragraph format, describe three study strategies suggested by the survey that you feel could work for you this year. How will this new information help you be more successful in a subject you have found difficult in the past? (5 points)

Assignment 2 – Learning Disabilities & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

( /20)

Research and report about a learning disability of your choice or about ADHD.

Be sure to include in your assignment

• How a diagnosis is made

• Symptoms of the disability or ADD/ADHD

• Treatments / assistance available and

• How it affects everyday life.

Be sure that you properly site your references according to APA standards. Review the rubric attached to the end of this packet of assignments and grade yourself prior to handing in your report. Can you make any changes before you submit this report to your instructor that will increase your mark?

Assignment 3 A – The Brain ( / 45 points)

1. What three large structures comprise the brain? (3 points)


2. Where is grey matter located? (1 point)


3. Where is white matter located? (1 point)


4. Where is the cerebral cortex located? (1 point)


11. a. Label the four lobes on the diagram below. Colour the Frontal Lobe blue, the Parietal Lobe yellow, the Temporal Lobe green, and the Occipital Lobe pink. (2 points)

b. List 3 functions under each lobe. (6 points)

c. Where is the Insula located and what is its function? (2 points)

c. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. Define the following terms: (4 points)

a) sensation:



b) perception:


c) stimulus:


d) sensory threshold:


13. Explain what the brain is doing when it is organizing visual information. (1 point)




14. List two factors which could affect the sensory threshold. (1 point)


15. Sometimes our brains perceive things differently than the stimuli actually exist. That is the interpretation assigned to the stimuli as it arrives in our brain is not the true meaning of the stimuli as it presents. What term is used to describe this difference in the brain’s perception of the meaning of stimuli and the actual stimuli? (1 point)


Assignment 3 B – Left and Right Brain – ( /20 points)


Create a poster with images (clip art, cut from magazines, or your own drawings) that symbolize left and right side brain functions. Here are some examples;


Figure 3 Retrieved from


Figure 4 Retrieved from


Create a poster that summarizes the left and right side brain functions (include at least ten for each side), using a chart, diagram of brain, and strategies for learning for both left and right sided brains.

Assignment 4 – Developmental Theories – ( /20 points)

Your module presents information regarding Freud’s and Piaget’s theory of development. You are responsible for knowing those theories for the test. There are many other theorists in developmental psychology. In this assignment you will explore the developmental theories of Erik Erikson.

1. Complete the following chart which details Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development. (14 points)

|Stages |Crisis |Favourable Outcome |Unfavourable Outcome |Examples |

|First year of life |Trust vs. Mistrust |Faith in the environment and|Suspicion, fear of future |Feeding, Abandonment |

| | |future events |events | |

|2nd year | | | | |

| | | | | |

|3 – 5 years | | | | |

| | | | | |

|6 – Puberty | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Adolescence | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Early Adulthood | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Middle Age | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Aging Years | | | | |

| | | | | |

2. Which theory do you think is most accurate in describing human development? Give 3 reasons to support your choice. (6 points)

| |

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| |

Assignment 5 – Psychological Disorders ( / 15 points)

1. How are psychological disorders defined? (1 point)



2. Define the term anxiety disorder. (1 point)



3. Name and define 3 anxiety disorders. (3 points)







4. Define the term somatoform disorder. (1 point)



5. Name and define one type of somatoform disorder. (1 point)



6. Define the term dissociative disorder. (1 point)



7. Name and define one type of dissociative disorder. (1 point)



7. Define the term mood disorder. (1 point)



8. List and define two types of mood disorders. (2 points)








9. Define the term schizophrenia. (2 points)



10. Define the term personality disorder. (1 point)



11. Name and define 1 personality disorder. (1 point)



Assignment 6 – Application - ( / 20 points)

In this assignment you have the opportunity to apply psychology to an area of interest to you. Choose one of the options below. If you want to submit your assignment in a non-traditional format (something other than a written assignment), this will be acceptable, but please, discuss the format you wish to use with your instructor before you begin work on the assignment.

Choose 1 option.

Option 1:

Choose a branch of psychology and deliver a 15 minute presentation to the class to inform everyone of the nature of that branch. Topics you may want to consider for your chosen branch include

• Name

• Brief history of the branch

• Subject matter benefits to studying

• Notable people associated with this branch and their work

• Type of jobs dealing with this branch

• What training is needed to work in this area

Check Section 4 of the module or the website as a good place to start to discover some branches of psychology and to read a brief overview of each type.

Option 2:

Select a movie (from the list below) that is about a psychological condition. Watch the movie while observing how it portrays this condition. Before you watch the movie, make sure you have researched the disorder thoroughly so that you have the answers to the questions listed below. Take notes while watching the movie. These notes will form the basis of your report.

• What are the symptoms of this condition?

• How is it diagnosed?

• Are you born with it?

• Is it acquired? How?

• How does it affect everyday life?

• Are there different degrees of severity of this disorder?

• What is the typical treatment? – medication, therapy, institution etc.

1. Prepare a one page critique of the portrayal of the disorder in the movie. Base the critique on your research of the disorder. In your critique, you may want to address some of the points below:

• Give a brief outline of the story line.

• Was it an accurate representation?

• Which symptoms did you notice?

• Was it being treated?

• How did the person cope with the disorder?

• Based on your research was the portrayal of the disorder realistic? Why/Why not?

Hint: The website, , has sample movie reviews written from a psychological perspective. These critiques are similar types of work that you are trying to produce.

Movie List for Assignment (available from Campus library)

Substance-related disorders:

• 28 Days (Sandra Bullock)


• A Beautiful Mind (Russell Crowe)

Personality Disorders:

• Girl Interrupted (Winona Ryder, Angelina Jolie, Whoopie Goldberg)

• Me Myself and Irene (Jim Carrey, Renee Zellweger)

Anxiety Disorders:

• I am Sam (Sean Penn, Michelle Pfeiffer)


• Boys Don’t Cry (Hilary Swank, Chloe Sevigny, Peter Sarsgaard) – transgendered

Marking Rubric for Assignments 3 & 7 (Total Points /20)

| |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |0 |

|Content |All topics are |Missing one topic |Missing 2 topics |Missing 3 topics |Missing 4 topics |Missing 5+ topics |

|(x 2) |included & well |or all are present|or all present but|or all present and|or all are present| |

| |developed |but not all are |2+ not well |3+ not well |but none are well | |

| | |well developed |developed |developed |developed | |

|Organization | | |Has a well |Introduction, body|Missing one of the|Missing two or |

| | | |developed |and conclusion is |essay components |more essay |

| | | |introduction, body|present but needs | |components |

| | | |paragraphs and |to be further | | |

| | | |conclusion |developed | | |

*in the case of the presentation option, a Reference sheet will be submitted to the instructor directly after the presentation is delivered.

** In the case of the presentation option, visual aids, their use and organization will become part of the Organization Marks.


NSCC – Adult Learning Program


Psychology Module

Science IV 2016 - 2017



Figure 1 Retrieved from


Figure 2 Retrieved from


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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