Developmental Psychology

Developmental Psychology Jigsaw

Cooperative Group Activity

A jigsaw activity is a cooperative learning technique in which the responsibility for learning outcomes are divided up among members of the class. Just as in a jigsaw puzzle, each piece--each student's part--is essential for the completion and full understanding of the final product.

Assignment: With your partner or group members, create a Power Point presentation that will educate your classmates on an assigned topic. The presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes, and should include the following:

✓ A creative introduction to “grab your audiences attention”

✓ A clear and thorough explanation of the learning objectives of your assigned topic (see attached)

✓ Incorporation of all assigned key terms and VIPs in context. For example, don’t just define a term, but surround it with text which will help us to determine its meaning and significance.

✓ A conclusion that includes an evaluation by the group on what you collectively believe to have been the most important, interesting, or personally meaningful concepts included in your stage.

Evaluation: The project is worth 48 points, broken down as follows:

(see attached rubric)

42-48=Excellent 47-41=Very good 40-34=Average 33-27 =Poor 26-below =Minimal

Learning Outcomes: Following your presentation, the class will be “tested” on what you have taught them by responding to 2-3 questions relating to your topic. If your group has carefully studied your assigned section and adequately prepared for your presentation, you should be able to explain the answers clearly and articulately. These quizzes will be scored and entered in the gradebook.

Note: Should you be absent for any of the presentations, you are expected to read the text to find the answers to the questions, NOT to copy from a classmate. Should you choose the latter, both you and your classmate will receive zeros for the quiz for that presentation/s.

Individual Accountability Requirement: A minimum of 30 minutes of class time will be utilized by all students for independent reading and note taking. DO NOT divide up your reading/notes. Each member of the group is responsible for becoming an “expert” on the assigned topic. Students who fail to do so will be docked points and/or removed from their group and required to complete the project on their own.

Group Topic_______________________________

Group Member 1_____________________________ Assigned Tasks_____________________________

Group Member 2_____________________________ Assigned Tasks_____________________________

Group Member 3_____________________________ Assigned Tasks_____________________________

Power Point Tips

1. Keep it Simple. Don’t use a lot of words. Write in “bullet format”—much like an outline—and then elaborate on your points in your oral presentation. You may want to create some notes for yourself by clicking on View>Note Page. When you are done with your presentation, print these out by choosing File>Print and then choose “Note Pages” under the Print What drop-down menu.

2. Use the Templates. It takes a whole lot of time to format each slide separately. Choose one of the many templates available. Choose Format>Apply Design Template. Then scroll down through the files. As you click on each file, a sample slide will appear in the space to the right.

3. Create your Text First. Because you have only a limited amount of work time in class, create all your text first, then go back and add graphics, photos, etc. Other “bells and whistles” (special effects) should be included only if you have the time.

4. Work Efficiently. No one in your group should be sitting around doing nothing. Split up tasks. It is possible for all group members to work on separate parts of the presentation. If you use the pre-formatted templates, you can easily combine two or more presentations at the end by cutting and pasting, and then sorting the slides into the correct order.

5. Save Often! Save your file to the network as soon as you choose your template and then save often! You can do this quickly by hitting Ctrl-S. It would be tragic to lose your work because you forget this easy step, and chances are it will mean working on the project outside of class time.

6. Good Speaking Skills Count. DO NOT read your slides when presenting. As mentioned in #1 above, your Powerpoint is an outline; the presentation allows you to elaborate on your points. Choose the person(s) in your group with the best understanding of your topic and good speaking skills to do your presentation. Doing both well is important to your group’s success.

7. Don’t Forget a Hard Copy. When your presentation is finalized, print out a hardcopy in handout format to turn in for grading. Choose File>Print then choose Handouts in the “Print What” drop-down list. Choose “4” in the “slides per page” drop-down list. Click on “pure black and white” in the lower left corner, then click “OK.”

Content: Your group will receive one of the following assignments:

|Developmental Stage |Topic |Page #s |Study guide objectives|Terms/VIPs |

| | |[2nd ed] | | |

|Infancy/Childhood & Prenatal |Physical & Cognitive |57-68 |#1 - 4 |accommodation |

|Development | | | |assimilation |

| | |[260-271] | |cognition |

| | | | |egocentrism |

| | | | |Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) |

| | | | |Jean Piaget stages of cognitive dev’t maturation |

| | | | |object permanence |

| | | | |maturation |

| | | | |temperament |

| | | | |teratogens |

|Infancy/Childhood |Social |68-74 |#5 & #6 |attachment |

| | | | |authoritarian parenting |

| | |[271-278] | |authoritative parenting |

| | | | |critical period |

| | | | |Harry Harlow |

| | | | |imprinting |

| | | | |Konrad Lorenz |

| | | | |Permissive parenting |

| | | | |stranger anxiety |

|Adolescence |History & Cognitive |80-82, 85-88 |# 7 - 9 |adolescence |

| | |[284-286; 288-292] | |Lawrence Kohlberg (stages of moral dev’t) |

|Adolescence |Physical & Social |82-84, 88-93 |# 10 - 12 |Erik Erikson (stages of psychosocial dev’t) |

| | | | |identity |

| | |[286-288; 292-298] | |intimacy |

| | | | |primary sex characteristics |

| | | | |puberty |

| | | | |secondary sex characteristics |

| | | | |sexual orientation |

|Adulthood/Aging |Social clock & Physical |98-103 |#13 & 14 |Alzheimer’s disease |

| | | | |menopause |

| | |[303-309] | |senile dementia |

| | | | |social clock |

|Adulthood/Aging |Cognitive & Social |104-111 |#15 & 16 |ageism |

| | | | |crystallized intelligence |

| | |[309-315] | |fluid intelligence |

|7. Death and Dying |(none) |Pp 112-113 [316-317] |#17 |hospice care |

| | |& Kubler-Ross Packet | |Kubler-Ross biography |

| | | | |5 Stages of Grief |

| | | | |Application to all our lives |

| |Pervasive Development Disorders (PDDs) |General symptoms, Causes & Prevalence |

|8. Other Topics |NHI Handout |Autism spectrum disorders |

|(This group will choose ONE of| |Asperger’s syndrome |

|these topics) | |Rett’s syndrome |

| | |Treatment |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Scientific method (hypothesis, subjects, operational |

| |In Control and Glad of It |definitions, controls, etc) |

| |(Langer & Rodin, 40 Studies) |Conclusions |

| | |Significance of findings |

| | |Application & criticism of research |

Minimum Requirements

Meeting these will get you a grade in the “B” to “C” range depending on quality. “A” projects will meet these requirements but have added elements of creative presentations, and thoughtful/complete coverage of content goals.

|Multimedia Project : Developmental Psychology |

| |

| |

|CATEGORY |7-8 |5-6 |3-4 |0-2 |

|Class |Well-rehearsed with smooth |Rehearsed with fairly smooth |Delivery not smooth, but able |Delivery not smooth and |

|Presentation |delivery that holds audience |delivery that holds audience |to maintain interest of the |audience attention often lost.|

| |attention. |attention most of the time. |audience most of the time. | |

|*If Applicable* | | | | |

|Written |Well-written with clear |Fairly smooth writing with |Writing is awkward and |Writing is unorganized and |

|Presentation |organization- Intent and |evident organization and |organization is weak, but |hard to follow. Content and |

| |content are clear within the |intent. Content is clearly |evident. Content and intent |intent are not clearly |

|*If Applicable* |written work. No misspellings |communicated. Three or fewer |are present but not strong. |communicated. AND/OR there |

| |or grammatical errors. |misspellings and/or mechanical|Four misspellings and/or |are more than 4 errors in |

| | |errors. |grammatical errors. |spelling or grammar. |

|Organization |Students have developed a |Students have developed a |Students have developed a |Students have no clear plan |

| |clear plan for organizing the |clear plan for organizing the |clear plan for organizing the |for organizing the information|

| |information as it is developed|information for the final |information as it is gathered |and students in the group |

| |AND for the final product. All|product. All students can |but final product is |cannot explain their |

| |students can independently |independently explain this |disorganized. All students can|organizational plan. |

| |explain the planned |plan. |independently explain most of | |

| |organization of the research | |this plan. | |

| |findings. | | | |

|Requirements |All requirements are met and |All requirements are met. |One requirement was not |More than one requirement was |

| |exceeded. | |completely met. |not completely met. |

|Use of Worktime |Group members used time well |Group members used time well |Group members used some of the|Group members did not use |

| |during each class period. |during each class period. |time well during each class |class time to focus on the |

| |Focused on getting the project|Usually focused on getting the|period. There was some focus |project OR often distracted |

| |done. Never distracted others.|project done and never |on getting the project done |others. |

| | |distracted others. |but occasionally distracted | |

| | | |others. | |

Total ____________________/48

Psychology Unit 2 – Developmental Psychology

OBJECTIVES & GOALS for Jigsaw Presentations

Unit Objectives:

1. Explain how teratogens can effect prenatal development.

2. What is temperament? Explain how it is evident in newborns and can be predictive of later personality development.

3. Explain the concept of maturation, and how it affects brain and motor development in infancy and childhood.

4. Identify Jean Piaget, his theory of childhood cognitive development (explain stages of cognitive development), and recent research that has changed our understanding of cognitive development.

5. Determine how attachment develops, and then explore the effects of attachment between infant and parent.

6. What are the three different parenting styles and which one tends to have the best outcomes?

7. Define adolescence and evaluate how adolescence has changed over the last century.

8. Describe how moral reasoning changes over time, according to Lawrence Kohlberg.

9. Analyze how the reasoning ability of adolescents differs from that of younger children.

10. Summarize the major physical changes that occur during adolescence

11. Identify evidence to support Erik Erikson’s idea that a sense of identity is the primary challenge of adolescence.

12. Explain the road a typical American adolescent travels toward independence from family

13. Describe the social clock and the sorts of things that affect how it is set.

14. Describe the effects of physical changes in middle and late adulthood.

15. Analyze whether memory and level of intelligence normally increase, decrease, or stay the same as people grow older.

16. Identify the factors that affect social well-being as adults age, and tell the “secrets of a happy marriage.”

17. Explain some ways we can cope with the death of our loved ones.


Vocabulary and VIP’s –

|Accommodation |Imprinting |VIPs |

|Adolescence |Intimacy |Jean Piaget |

|ageism |maturation |Harry Harlow |

|Alzheimer’s disease |Menopause |Erik Erikson |

|Assimilation |Object permanence |Konrad Lorenz |

|Attachment |Permissive parenting |Lawrence Kohlberg |

|Authoritarian parenting |Primary sex characteristics |Kubler-Ross |

|Authoritative parenting |Secondary sex characteristics | |

|Cognition |Puberty | |

|Critical period |Senile dementia | |

|Crystallized intelligence |Sexual orientation | |

|Egocentrism |Social clock | |

|Fluid intelligence |Stranger anxiety | |

|Hospice care |Temperament | |

|Identity |teratogen | |

Name __________________________ Stage __________________________ Topic _____________________

Important Terms. Write definitions in your own words; DO NOT COPY FROM THE BOOK! (A 7 year old could do that; it doesn’t demonstrate you’ve learned anything)

Important Concepts: Write the learning objective/s from the study guide below, and then demonstrate that you have met that objective/s by explaining the answer. (use back of sheet if needed)


*Group Members involved with class presentation will be scored according to that criteria- others will be scored according to their written contributions.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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