Psychology Review

Psychology Review

Developmental Psychology

Know these people: Be able to write a sentence or two about each one telling what they are known for.

1. Harry Harlow

2. Konrad Lorenz

3. Jean Piaget

4. Lawrence Kohlberg

5. Erik Erikson

6. James Marcia


Be able to define these terms.

1. Developmental psychology

2. maturation

3. reflex

4. attachment

5. infancy

6. imprinting

7. egocentism

8. assimilation

9. accomodation

10. contact comfort

11. puberty

12. cliques

13. crowds

14. identity moratorium

15. identity achievement

16. identity foreclosure

17. identity diffusion

18. identity status

19. status offenses

20. patriarchy

21. menopause

22. dementia

23. hospice

24. euthanasia

25. empty-nest syndrome


Be able to give the key information regarding each of the following subjects. When in doubt, focus on the item’s relevance to Modules 14-16.

1) Nature vs. nurture in early childhood

2) Continuous development vs. stage theories

3) Maturation vs. development

4) Perceptual development in infants

5) Piaget’s stages of cognitive development

6) The influence of day care

7) Styles of parenting

8) The Heinz story

9) Primary vs. secondary sex characteristics

10) Parent-child relationships in adolescence

11) The three broad stages of adulthood

12) Fluid intelligence vs. crystallized intelligence

13) Reasons for and results of divorce

14) Documentary movie Mean Girls

15) Documentary movie Inside the Teenage Brain


Be able to answer each of these essay questions. Two of them will appear on the test. Except where noted, each answer should be 35 to 40 words long. Some will appear as multiple choice questions instead of essays.

1) Think about your life (what others told you about your infancy and what you remember from your childhood). Write an essay about how your infancy and childhood may have influenced how your personality and thinking developed. During your essay, use the following terms: temperament, schema, assimilation/accommodation, attachment, and parenting style.

2) Sixteen-year-old Juan has to make a decision. His friends are getting together Saturday afternoon and they invite him along, but he already committed to staying home to help his mom clean out the garage. Juan knows he could easily make up a story about having to do some work for school and go meet his friends. Please predict what Juan might do and explain his decision using Piaget's theory of cognitive development, Kohlberg's theory of morality, and Erikson's theory of identity formation. 

3) Write a brief fictional story of a person's transition from adulthood to older age using information from this module. In your story, use information about some physical, cognitive, and social changes that might happen to your fictional character, and what effect these changes have on the happiness of your character.


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