Quick Quiz #8

Sociology 301 – Fall 2012

|Quiz and Essay Questions for Unit 7 | |

|George Herbert Mead |Your |

|& Erving Goffman |Name_______________________________ |

1. According to Mead, the concept of the Self includes the I and the Me. How would you describe these two elements?

2. Carefully fill in the missing terms: According to Mead the concept of the Self includes (a) the ___________________ and (b) the __________________________. The latter component is closely related to (c) the “________________________ Other” which develops out of earlier experiences with one or more (d) “_____________________ Others.” In the process of human self- development (e) the “_____________________ Other” is preceded by the pleasurable activities of (f) _______________ followed by (g) ________________ .

(NOTE: length of blank line does not necessarily indicate the size of the missing word.)

3. In one precise sentence explain what Mead thinks the mind is.

4. According to Mead what is a self-referential symbol and why would it be so important to human behavior?

5. Thinking back to your completion of the “fat pencil model, ” use any two of the statuses you described (or any other two statuses which you occupy), and amplify your description of them utilizing Goffman’s concepts of:

(a) identity kit

(b) impression management

(c) dramatic realization

(If there are other concepts of Goffman’s that seem apropos, use them as well.)

6. Identify and briefly describe any three significant characteristics of what Goffman calls a Total Institution.


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