
Go to the website different photographers using the drop down menu on the main page.Be warned that, because this is photojournalism you may come across some disturbing images. Please use your own discretion when exploring certain photographer’s work and skip any that you feel uncomfortable viewing.Copy each photo you choose into a word document (you should be able to click and drag the image straight into a word document) Label the photo with the title of the work (if possible), date, photographers name and the capitalized subject of your photohunt. Examples are provided for each topic.DO NOT use the search engine. Use this opportunity to explore the work of master photographers at your leisure.Find and example of the use of Shallow depth of field.lefttopElliott Erwitt | Personal Best?New York City, USA. 1974Find and example of the use of Great depth of fieldLarry Towell, the Menonites, 1994Find an example of the use of shallow DOF in which the subject is in the background subverting our natural ideas of subject/ground relationship. Patrick Zachman, Merab Kostava’s Funeral, Tblisis, Georgia, 1989 ................

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