Dark Avenger Walkthrough - Neverwinter Vault

Dark Avenger Walkthrough by Wyrin

The philosophy behind Dark Avenger is to provide a story-driven adventure, where the focus is more in interactions between people, and to steer away from humanoids in caves or rats in warehouses. Not that I think there’s anything wrong with that, but it wasn’t my goal here. I wanted it more to feel like a story about the growth of a hero/villain, rather than the standard adventurer that starts out skinning rats in someone’s basement. A story the player could shape and unfold around his PC.

Dark Avenger is designed for a PC of any gender/race/class with an ECL of 4. PCs with less than 6000 XP will be levelled up at the start of the game. Equipment will be stripped, but can be reacquired at the end of the introduction – up to the player how much is used.

It is heavily story driven, an involved many interactions and conversations with others of the playable races. It is dialogue heavy, and there are several opportunities to use skills and/or stats within these. When designing a PC to play the game there are several factors to take into consideration

1. As part of the plot, the PC is given Martial and Exotic Weapon Proficiency at the start of the game – reasons why will become clear.

2. There are currently 5 companions available in Chapter 1 of the game. Any/all of these can be taken. One companion cannot be removed from the party, and is a melee tank that will benefit casters/archers. BlackDeath cannot be levelled up normally – if he has enough XP to gain a level, talk to him and notice that he is stronger. Companion level packages can be altered – talk to companions about their skills before levelling them up. Companions are swayed by your actions, although this has little impact in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 introduces two new companions. Chapter 3 will introduce an eighth and final companion.

3. Particularly in chapter 1, magic is not particularly abundant. Low level magical items are easier to find, but not available very freely. Items like Full Plate mail are also harder to find.

4. Rangers – when choosing favoured enemies, many of the creatures you face will be the playable races. Whilst there will be several traditional ‘monsters’ to combat, there will be fewer than might be expected in traditional D&D, and so you might want to adjust your choices accordingly.

5. Crafting will be implemented, but not necessarily readily available at all stages of the game

6. General tips – do not click through dialogue too quickly, as it may cause some cutscene errors. Sort the Journal by Priority to help give clues to the order to tackle the quests if you need guidance. I’ve done my best to ensure all cutscenes fire correctly – after key battles, there will often be dialogue, which might not fire correctly if you are controlling the PC too much, so try to avoid looting as soon as a combat finishes.

7. Note that I’ve tried to steer away from the conversation skills simply being a way of avoiding combat – often by using Diplomacy/Bluff/Intimidate you will uncover more plot relevant information, or different options to complete quests, rather than it simply always being a means to talk your way out of a fight.

8. Resting is restricted. There should be clues on failed rest attempts to indicate where you can safely rest. In exterior areas, often a tent or camp site will indicate a good place to rest.

9. Chapter 2 – this should only be started from a save game in chapter 1 by using the bandit map or the debug script. For people with saves from earlier versions of chapter 1, the debug script can be obtained by entering Debug mode (` followed by DebugMode 1), and using the function ‘giveitem it_script’. Alternatively, in DebugMode, use the command ‘rs ga_load_mod(“da2”,””)’ . (all without typing ‘ ‘)



I’d like to thank all those who helped with testing, feedback and support; in no particular order

Chapter1: SirChet, Sean O’Daniel, Charles Egli, Judy Tucker, Jackyo, Lorft, Raith Veldrin, potatocubed, andgalf, Anduraga, steelfiredragon, Gomerz, Patrick Ransom for very helpful proof reading!

Chapter 2: Thanks to Azenn for the SwanMay area, Amraphael for useful advice and discussions with some VFX (Stained glass windows are his), Hellcow for the cobweb pack, Trevor Morris for the cliff structures. Thanks to playtesters Nadia, Argoyne, Kaida Rose, Caleya, Wylonus, Thasic, Sharon.

I’d also like to thank all the other builders out there who support the community on the forums and blogs with their expertise. I’ve used the package swapping script from the FRW guys (better than my effort) – especially the scripting guru that is Dirtywick, and Black Death’s levelling up was cobbled from FalloutBoy’s Stormchaser mod. Thanks to you all.

Installation notes

THIS IS MEANT TO BE PLAYED AS A CAMPAIGN. The Dark Avenger folder should be placed in the Campaigns directory in the Neverwinter Nights 2 folder in My Documents, and the large mod file(s) should go in the modules directory. Start the game as a New Campaign.

CHAPTER 2 – The download contains the campaign folder, the mod file, and the hak. Place the Dark Avenger folder and it’s contents in the Campaign folder (overwrite anything in there). Put da2.mod in the modules directory. Finally put the da2.hak file in the hak directory. See above for instructions on starting a game in chapter 2.

Version History

19/7/07 – updated for spelling mistakes. PC given gold after introduction to enable some dialogue options. NPC variables altered so should use magic more often in combat.

21/7/07 – journal added, villagers added. Cutscenes tweaked and back-up actions included. Some grass/vegetation thinned to improve performance.

4/8/07 – Lots of spelling/gender token errors corrected. Contessa conversations altered to reflect possibility of killing Barrington before meeting her. Vengeance script altered so alignment shift doesn’t fire on simply equipping the sword. Included autosave after intro, and just prior to final fight. Final fight made slightly easier (less enemies). Backup in case epilogue doesn’t fire – if it doesn’t happen after killing the final boss, it will now happen when you acquire the map from his chest after the battle. Barrow wight encounter – party should now be restored even if conversation doesn’t fire.

18/8/07 – Fixed bug where Pyretta would repeatedly give the PC reward for offering help. Added blank scrolls to the store in the inn for wizards/scribe scroll feats. Tweaks to several of the combats to aid balance (inn and temple elementals).

20/8/07 – Further tweaking to combats – Treeblight should be easier, and various tweaks to the bandit encounter to increase variety and challenge. Debug tree stump included for those having trouble with the Marut cutscene and Gork entering the party – only use if these do not fire correctly, and it will attempt to restart the conversation

6/9/07 – LOTS of spellchecking. Briars level increased to 2nd. Some tweaks to the stores

14/10/07 – Companion cosmetic tweaks to bring in line with MotB added functionality – BlackDeath is now an actual horse! Some area cosmetic tweaks

28/10/07 – New resting system added. Debug included in introductory cutscene.

02/01/08 – Foraging system included – uses combination of Craft(Alchemy) and Survival skills and allows nature types to find useful items in the wild. Will be expanded in later chapters.

10/05/08 – Chapter 1 retroactive changes included for Chapter 2 compatibility.

26/05/08 – Chapter 2 released

Chapter 1 – From Whence ye came

1. Introduction – taken from the introduction to the song ‘Dark Avenger’, this sets the scene for the module. You gain your first companion, Black Death, and a new sword.

2. Back to life – you rise from your grave. Discussion with Black Death about whats and whys. Meet second companion, Briars, who leads you to your former home

3. Former home – after some more background and setting up of the plot, you get into the game proper. Briars informs you to seek out old friends, and to investigate the bandits, who seem to have taken over the old farm. He also gives you a key to your old equipment. Intro over you can now examine

a. Basement – contains basic starting adventuring gear, and locked chest containing any equipment stripped from the PC on starting the module.

b. Vengeance – The sword given to the PC – equipping it outside combat initiates a conversation. The sword can be shaped by succumbing to it (EVIL) or bending it to your will based on EGO – currently this is factors from the three mental attributes INT/WIS/CHA and level. Early PCs will not be able to control it – a minimum of level 7 and INT+WIS+CHA>32 is required.

4. Raby Mere – on exiting the old house, you come to the village of Raby Mere, and have several options where to explore next. Things can be done in any order.

a. Camp – two guards will block the western exit from the village and entrance to the military camp. Dialogue skills can uncover some information. This becomes more important in Chapter 3

b. Seven Stars Inn – run by former friend Rosetta. Entering this will trigger a cutscene with the militia inside – depending on who is in the party and stage of the game as to how this can run. Rosetta has a small store.

c. Old Farm – PC’s former home. See entry above.

d. Market – three merchants with ranges of different goods. Central merchant Midas Touch – after examining his store, a cutscene will fire with two guards harassing the merchant. Another member of the militia will interrupt.

e. New Farm – entering this, the PC will be stopped by a worker, who will not allow entry without a fight (Diplomacy (if the PC has gold) and Bluff can avoid this). Upstairs, an imp views the party and then runs away. A cutscene will fire as the PC eavesdrops outside the main bedroom door. Entering the bedroom, PC is confronted by Contessa Mignet and Treeblight. They will reveal some information but attack when questioned too far. Contessa will plead for her life after they are defeated, and offer to join the party.

f. Miller – home of former friend Kobin, the butler will have to be bribed/fought/negotiated to get entry. Kobin can be confronted upstairs, and will reveal his part in the PCs murder.

g. Graves – using the gravestone initiates a small conversation for roleplay/backstory

h. Temple – entering here will trigger a cutscene with former friend Seich Towermast who will panic and summon elementals to attackthe party. Seich flees to the basement where he can be confronted; he will then either join the party or escort the party to the exit. Returning upstairs, militia that are intimidating Seich will attack – Seich realises his time in the village is short, and asks to join the party.

i. Village houses – these contain various encounters, from villagers, to guard dogs, to a hidden cult in a cellar – known issue: the game will hang on entering the cellar to approach the cult – leave it for ~20 seconds and it should start a conversation. The cult quest will involve visiting another of the houses to confront a grieving woman, if the evil path is chosen.

j. Warehouse – a smuggling operation can be overheard in progress in here

Exits from this area are to the North (based on information that the bandits that burnt the home are in the northern mountains) or East, along a dirt trail, to the Wilderness

5. Wilderness – this area was built in the style of a BG1 wilderness, to be roamed around, but with only some non-critical encounters in it. The area doesn’t have to be entered at all. There are several wolves roaming about the wooded parts

a. Bears – a bear caves lies to the north. The dire bear may prove tricky for lower level or smaller parties

b. Barrow wights – three undead prowl these ancient burial mounds. They will attack – beware level drain attacks – on defeating the wights, a cutscene will fire to reward the PC (also all level drain should be healed)

6. Northern Trade Route – on taking the northern road from the village, the party will take a grassy road between some trees.

a. A merchant called Mugulio can be met there. On travelling further, a cutscene will fire to introduce two Marut constructs who will judge and attack the party. Once defeated, another cutscene will fire, to introduce Gork, a goblin who will request to join the PC as a companion.

b. Travelling further north the party will reach the mountains. A Cutscene will fire with some bandits, and Contessa will betray and be betrayed – a fight with the bandits is unavoidable, but with conversation skills, the party can be advanced to the barricade, to give them a slight advantage. The barricade must be bashed to progress. Fighting across the mountain is intentionally difficult and is in three dimensions – beware arrows from above.

c. A Bandit supply cave can be a good point to restock and avoid the mob of bandits outside. A bandit quartermaster and healers are within.

d. The Bandit hideout is in the hidden valley. Fight your way upstairs and you will encounter Barrington, the leader of the bandits, and Croaker, a mysterious villain form your past. Defeat them all and the epilogue should fire.

This climaxes with you obtaining the bandit map, the epilogue, and then being thrown back into the game. Save here, and then you will be ready to continue with chapter 2, by using the map

Chapter 2 – Seek payment


Suggested companions: Any

Start location: You will emerge from an overgrown trail into a sunken pass. The Introductory cutscene should fire a few paces ahead. This will give the party and XP award, and BlackDeath’s powers should increase

Ropeslide: A cutscene should fire here, leading to a combat. You are stuck in the gorge and will need to escape it to fight back. There is a narrow path to use up the rocky face of the cliff, but a failed DEX check will mean falling and taking damage

Militia Camp: An encounter will spawn in militia soldiers guarding the pass. One is in a watchtower and only targetable with spells and ranged weapons. The tent contains a reward.

Briars’ sidequest: A tree stump next to an overgrown path leads to an optional (but recommended) sidequest. This is not necessary to complete the module, but contains additional playtime, XP and resources to make later parts easier. Having Briars in the party or a high survival/lore check will open up the tree stump conversation.

Celestial encounter: In the open grass, you should be met by a group of celestials who will discuss your quest with you. This can be resolved in several ways depending on skill checks/alignment etc.

Slavers: after the celestials, the slavers should spawn around a wagon. Approaching them will trigger a cutscene, which again can be resolved in several ways. Beyond the slave wagon is the exit to the area.

Random monsters – Wyvern and Shambling Mound.

Sidequest: Raven’s Lake


Suggested Companions: Briars and Gork for back-story. Potentially, Seich for undead.

The area will load and an on enter cutscene should start. If Briars is in the party, he will also want to speak to the PC. The village is crawling with various kinds of undead and dark creatures. The area is not safe to rest unless you can get to some higher ground (to the wet of the map), or find an interior area. High power enemies to be aware of are the Dusk Giant and the Caller in Darkness.

Mayor’s office – this contains a temple and a workshop to Gond. This area is safe to rest, but there are vermin inhabitants to clear out. A small bonus for those with crafting feats is the ability to construct a mechanical henchman – found by searching the far corner of the temple and examining the equations on the blackboard.

Ranger cabin – an old ranger called Huck lives in a cabin perched on the top of the cliff. A rope leads down from the cliff to the waterfront. A brief dialogue should open on entering the cabin. Confronting Huck to ask about what happened to the village can lead to several outcomes depending on skill checks. A stuck door leads to a spider infested basement. A hidden lever in the pantry leads to the cave under the lake – see below.

Exits from this area leads to the far lake shore by boat on the jetty or into the mines.

Lake shore

Suggested Companions: Briars and Gork for back-story

A cutscene should fire on entering the area. There are several dark Hounds of Gloom lurking in the woods. At the far side of the area from your entry you’ll encounter the spirit of a goblin warrior, who is seeking rest. After encountering him, a Taint elemental will emerge in the woods. The abandoned goblin camp is a safe rest area.

Key monsters: Hounds of the Gloom and Taint Elementals


Suggested Companions: Briars for back-story and new character options

Entering the mines, the party finds a burning altar to Flandal Steelskin. Briars will swear an oath to Flandal and new class options can be unlocked by talking to him further. The mines are filled with undead, but fighting through these, there are some collapsed tunnels. The blocking earth can be dug through, ultimately to find a tunnel leading to some lower caves. Interjections form the party occur in the tunnels, and by a rune covered door that leads to the caves beneath the lake

Key monsters – Ragewind and Undead adventuring party

Safe rest – entrance area, central office, alcoves in collapsed tunnels

Caves under Raven’s Lake

Suggested companions: Briars and Gork for back-story

This area can be entered from either Huck’s Cabin, which will lead to a brief cutscene, or from the mines. The area is filled with Skum, and there is a party interjection on entering the flooded tunnels to tie some of the clues together. The flooded tunnels contain various nests of Skum. These eventually leads to a large chamber in which an aboleth awaits. A cutscene should fire to launch discussions with the beast. The party can either attack the creature or bargain with it for assistance later on.

Back to the main plot

Thornton Hough


Suggested companions: Any. Who you take will givern which sidequests become available.

NOTE: This is quite a busy area, and some machines might want to turn down graphics options to improve performance.

On entering the area you first meet a merchant, and his guards. You can bargain with him for trade (depending on result is the markup you receive). You can also hire one of his guards as a henchman (All 3 HD warriors with an additional class)

Further down the path you should trigger a cutscene – a flashback about being left on the shore. Then companions will chip in and offer different options to help in assaulting the base. If Contessa is in the party, she will also want to talk privately with the PC.

Attack options

• Briars – If you successfully complete the Raven’s Lake quest, and Briars is on the track to becoming a Sacred Fist, he will offer the player a whistle of animal summoning.

• Contessa – Contessa will suggest starting a fire, which will make a fallen tree useable in the area to the north of the camp. Sneaking up there and either damaging the tree with fire or putting a torch inside it’s inventory will start a fire trail, which will burn down the barn (do not pause after setting fire to the log as it will break the script). An attack penalty will be applied to the guards in the camp, for starting the fire.

• Seich – Seich will suggest he calls upon Umberlee for aid. He will need a symbol of her power, which can be found by heading west along the beach to the Secluded Cove area. To get him to use his power, head back east along the beach to the rocky outcropping. He sends a tidal surge into the cave – all sailors within the cave will be at lower HP.

• Gork – Gork will suggest poisoning the camp water supply. To do this he needs to find some animal dung – this quest continues in the Northern wilderness area by heading to the north. To complete the quest, find the lake to the north of the camp, and drop the dung in the water hole. All guard that spawn henchforth will be at reduced abilities.

• BlackDeath – BlackDeath suggests he find the heart of a powerful creature to use in a summoning ritual for aid form the Lower Planes. There are 3 such hearts on offer – all to be found in the northern wilderness. Each Heart is only usable by outsider, and casts Lesser Planar Ally.

Hermit – the northern lake is also home to a hermit who will offer to ‘beat some sense’ into the PC. This can be resolved several ways. If you let the hermit hit you, there is a random chance that you may learn a new skill focus feat. But you’ll also get clobbered.

Camp Guards – if you are spotted approaching the camp, the guard AI will kick in. 1 guard will run to the alarm bell, and ring for reinforcements, which will appear by the barracks. This will be repeated at set intervals. The guard closest to the gates will try to close and lock them. The alarm bell can be destroyed preventing them calling more reinforcements.

Exits from the area are talong the eastern beach, the front door to the complex, and the sea cave. By the seacave, there will be a cutscene introducing the pirate Luxor Thebes. He is also a merchant, and will offer you passage to chapter 3 once you have defeated Elder D’Arque.

Sea Cove


This area introduces the new companions, Zabados, and is the location of Seich’s sidequest to help gain entry to Thornton Hough. A cutscene will introduce Zabados. Approaching the wreck, Seich will notice an anchor that you should retrieve. This is guarded by giant crabs and drowned dead. On collecting the anchor, Seich will comment again

Mountain Wilds


This area is linked Gork and BlackDeath’s sidequest to obtain assistance for the attack on Thornton Hough. A cutscene should fire showing an injured badger, and will introduce the druid Tynah. She knows of a powerful beast that could serve as BlackDeath’s sacrifice, and will direct the player to the Fhorge. She also has a small request for help in the caves. If Gork is in the party, he will be looking for animal dung, which can be found in the cave.

Cave level 1 - this contain the animal dung Gork needs. Tynah may have requested none of them are killed – should any die, she will need placating back outside.

Cave level 2 – Tynah may have requested you help destroy an Umber hulk nest, which is located here.

BlackDeath can use either Tynah, the Fhorge, or the UmberHulk queen as his sacrifice.

Sea Cave


This cave is the back entrance to the fort. If the aboleth was bargained with, it’s help can be summoned here during a cutscene on entering the area.. If Seich’s plan to flood the cave worked, the sailors will be injured from the attack.

Inside Thornton Hough


Accessed from front entrance to inner complex, or from main floor of the comlex.

This area has two points of note

1. Hall ambush. A half-dragon named Bastita is waiting for you at the entrance, and will call on golem defences. If you triggered the alarm in attacking the camp, archers will be stationed in the alcoves – if the alarm wasn’t triggered, they will be absent. If you approach the area from within the complex, you can catch Bastita by surprise form the raised alcove and rain down death upon her golems

2. Sembian ambassador. An ambassador waits to meet Elder D’Arque. Handling this diplomatically, you can offer to do him a service and return the Crown he seeks – currently in possession of one of the Militia captains. It is safe to rest in this room.

Main level

Accessed from Thornton Hough entrance (north) or from the Sea cave (south)

NOTE: there may be some performance problems with older/slower machines on this area. Let me know if it’s an issue

There are several points of note with cutscenes. Two exits in the centre of the area lead to the East and west towers. Safe rest areas are in small empty defensible rooms.

1. Sauna – entering this area in the north east will trigger a brief dialogue, especially if Contessa and Gork are in the party

2. Shrines – the largest room, off centre, contains the shrines to the gods of the militia. Here, a cutscnee will fire to confront the chaplains. Also in the room are the remains of long dead miltia heroes, and a crafting workstation

3. Portal – heading to the north-east, there is locked chamber containing a portal. A cutscene will fire, after which you can examine the portal – see Acheron section

4. Captains – to the east are the captains chambers. A cutscene will fire as they notice you. If Taron is in the party, he can try and persuade one of the captains to stand down. The southern-most captain has the Sembian Crown in her chambers

5. Jail – east of centre is the jail, where a cutscene will show Taron being interrogated. He can be rescued and asked to join the party.

6. Armoury – this are at the south of the map is very heavily trapped. Two golems will active on entering and attack. But the rewards are pretty good (randomly generated).

7. Wine cellar – in the centre of the area. Worth paying a visit…


Entering the portal takes you to Acheron. Chaotic PCs will suffer a CHA penalty whilst here due to the lawful alignment of the plane. Various creatures stalk the surface of the cube you arrive on. You will have to fight past these to enter a palace, inside which you will find the bladeling general. He can be reasoned with or beaten. After defeating him, another dialogue should fire, and you could be attacked again by the Maruts from Chapter 1.

West Tower

The base of the tower is entered from the main complex. There are 4 floors

1. This floor contains a riddle spoken by a dragons head. You need to know the draconic for fire in order to continue

2. This floor contains a cutscene where the party are locked in a room, and a statue poses them a riddle. The answer is dlobok (backwards). On getting the answer wrong, creatures will be summoned to attack the party, until the statue is destroyed

3. This floor contains a wine cabinet which will askthe PC for a vintage. If the player has the wine from the wine cellar (above) this can be solved easily. Failure leads to a dragon attacking the party

4. The top of the tower contains the Master Mage. A cutscene should fire and he will start performing a ritual before attacking the party, whilst defended by summoned mephits. At the end of the ritual, a blood golem is summoned. The ritual can be interrupted by doing enough damage to the mage

The top floor has an exit to the Cliffside rooftops

East Tower

This tower is run by the Militia Animal Keeper and has 4 floors

1. This floor contains some animal pens. Animal empathics can noticed they are trained to attack, and a pressure plate in the centre of the room opens the cages. This can be disarmed and bypassed.

2. Two sets of heavily trapped stairs lead up the tower. Rogues and drow (spell resistance) can bypass these

3. Arena. Entering this causes the doors to lock. A cutscene should fire and the statue in the centre will start to glow. Trapdoors will pen and animals will keep appearing until the statue is destroyed.

4. The top of the tower is home to the ranger. Him and his pets will start a cutscene and he will have to be destroyed.

The top floor has a ladder exit to the roof.


A wyverns nest sits atop the central tower and the young hatchlings will attack anyone approaching. Trapdoors lead to the central tower of Elder D’Arque.

D’Arque’s tower

The two entrances from the east and west tower are safe resting points. A locked door leads to D’Arque’s chambers – you will need the key from his body. At the stairs down, a brief dialogue will fire and if Taron is in the roster, he will ask to face the Elder. At the base of the stairs, a cutscene will fire, with D’Arque talking to an image, and then confronting the party. If you have the bear token from the Barrow Wights in Chapter 1, an Elder Spirit will be summoned to aid you. If you defeated the bladeling, he will not appear to support the Elder’s battle. Once all the opponents are destroyed, a brief dialogue should fire. Using the keys from D’Arque’s body, you can enter his chambers. Invisible stalkers guard his belongings. An invitation to a masquerade ball sits on his desk – dialogue on acquire. A shrine to Bane sits in he corner – this can be destroyed, or Bane can be worshipped for a reward.


With Elder D’Arque dead, the trail now leads to Ellesmere Port by sea. Head back to the pirate Luxor on the beach by the cliffs. You can now buy passage from him. This will jump you to his ship, and talking to him again will trigger the Epilogue.

Thanks for playing!



Old Farm



Northern Trade Route



New Farm



Eastern trail



Barrow wights

Bandit encounter


Supply cave

Bandit hideout


Start location

Rope slide cutscene

Celestial encounter

Briars sidequest

Miltia encampment

Militia Slavers

Jetty with boat

Ranger Cabin

Area transition

Entrance to mines

Mayor’s burrow

Area transition

Area transition

Rocky path to shore

Area transition

Sea front cave

Route to northern wilds

Sidequest options

Camp alarm

Inner complex

Area transition

Ship Wreck


Fhorge and cave

Area transition



Exit to beach

Exit to Main base


Pirate ship


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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