Report on the AMS Proposal

Report for the LHCb Oversight Committee

Meeting No. 2: 13th October 2004

Mid-Term Review of the UK Contribution

to the LHCb Experiment

The Universities of Bristol, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Oxford, Imperial College London, and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory


Section 1 Introduction ……………....…………………………………………………….2

1. PPARC Approved Deliverables and Estimated Costs……………….....…..2

2. Status of the LHCb Experiment …………….……...……………………..3

3. LHCb Project Management ………………………………………………..3

4. Document Overview ……………………………………………………….3

Section 2 The RICH Project …..………………………………………………………….4

2.1 RICH1 …..………………………………...………………………………..4

2.2 RICH2 …..…...…………………………...………………………………...9

2.3 RICH Photodetectors ……....……………………………..……………....13

2.4 RICH Readout Electronics ……..………………………………………...16

2.5 RICH Alignment, Monitoring, Control and Services ……………….........21

Section 3 The VELO Project ….……………………………………………………...…24

Section 4 Summary of Project Costs …………………………………...……..………...28

Section 5 Summary of Mid-Term Review ……………………………...………...…….32

References …………………………………………………………………………...……..33

Annex 1 PPARC Approved Deliverables and Estimated Costs……………….….……34

1. Introduction

This document covers the current status and costs the requirements to completion for the UK deliverables for the LHCb experiment. The objectives of the UK groups remain as presented in the original proposal to PPARC [1, 2] and in the LHCb Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) [3]. The UK constitutes 13% (8 out of 44 institutes) of the collaboration and, in the capital phase of the experiment, has major responsibilities to deliver the two RICH detectors, RICH1 and RICH2 [4, 5], and the VELO detector [6]. The UK groups also contribute significantly to the physics activities, are responsible for the RICH and VELO software projects and are actively involved in the LHCb computing strategy and Grid project.

Since PPARC approval of UK participation in LHCb, the LHC start-up has been delayed from 2005 to 2007 and the overall design of LHCb has been reoptimized to fulfil the requirements set by the original physics goals [7]. The re-design of the experiment, which includes a reduction in the material budget and the introduction of a magnet field in the region of RICH1, has meant significant modifications both for the RICH1 and VELO detectors. In this document, we review the baseline cost to the UK for the capital phase of the experiment in light of the re-design of the LHCb detector, the actual cost of the photodetectors for the RICH detectors and overall more accurate cost estimates. We assume that the current LHC schedule is maintained and expect to review the cost of the exploitation phase of the project at a later date.

PPARC Approved Deliverables and Estimated Costs

The UK contribution to the LHCb requisitions and common fund pledged in the MoU is 10.3 MCHF (7.36 MCHF capital and 2.94 MCHF common fund) and, as a fraction, is in agreement with UK personnel involvement. The capital cost is split 6.3 MCHF (£2.76M at the current exchange rate) for the RICH detectors and 1.06 MCHF (£0.47M) for the VELO. For the capital phase of the experiment (Apr 2001- Mar 2007), the UK was approved by PPARC in 2000 for a total amount of £15.2M including travel and staff. The approved contribution to the LHCb requisitions and common fund was commensurate with the MoU financial pledge. A breakdown of the approved deliverables and estimated costs is given in Annex 1.

In January 2002, the UK LHCb groups were asked to address the cuts proposed by the SCP4 committee, namely:

• 20% on the capital phase;

• 25% on the exploitation phase;

• 50% on CERN M&O costs; and

• 25% on UK M&O costs.

The cuts imposed were severe. Nevertheless, the UK groups minimized the effects on the deliverables, albeit at a significantly increased risk [8]. The total estimated cost reduction was £1.26M and is comprised of £0.38M CCLRC ED staff costs, £0.36M travel, £0.45M equipment and £0.07M PPD effort. At about the same time, the University and PPD costs were readjusted to take into account the delay in the LHC start-up. The current baseline costs for the UK contribution to LHCb, taking into account the SCP4 cuts and revised LHC schedule, are given in Annex 1. The readjusted total cost is £14.4M.

The total SCP4 capital cost (£2.66M), excluding common fund, remains £564k below the UK capital commitment in the MoU (£3.23M at the current exchange rate). The difference with the £0.45M mentioned above is due to a change in the exchange rate and the exclusion of R&D and preproduction costs.

Status of the LHCb experiment

The construction phase of the LHCb experiment is progressing very well and the Technical Design Reports of all the detector subsystems have been approved by CERN. The construction of the magnet is completed and is in the process of moving into its final position. The assembly of the calorimeters is 100% (ECAL) and 70% (HCAL) complete. The production of the muon and outer tracker chambers has started and the preparation for the production of all other subsystems is in progress.

At the time of the April 2004 RRB, the total estimated cost of the experiment was 71.65 MCHF compared to the estimated cost of 75.05 MCHF (Year 2000 Swiss Francs) given in the Memorandum of Understanding [3]. The main difference between these cost estimates is due to the reoptimization of the LHCb detector in September 2003. Although the overall cost of the experiment has decreased, there still remains an overall funding shortfall of at least 707 kCHF, presented at the April 2004 RRB.

The detector, including all UK responsibilities, remains on course for completion in 2007.

LHCb Project Management

The LHCb UK collaboration report to the PPARC Oversight Committee biannually. In addition, there are biannual Project Management Committee meetings conducted on a formal basis and chaired by the Director of Particle Physics CCLRC, Prof. K. Peach. There is rigorous technical and financial reporting and a full discussion of staff and equipment budgets. To discuss ongoing business, the LHCb UK Steering Board, consisting of the UK group leaders and the UK physics and computing co-coordinators, and chaired by the UK spokesperson, meet approximately once every 8 weeks. At these meetings, the financial status, project progress and bottlenecks are discussed and formal minutes are recorded. The UK based meetings are in addition to the LHCb subproject meetings and full collaboration weeks; the latter usually held at CERN every 3 months, at which the experiment-wide integration of the experiment is discussed.

This mid-term review document was prepared by the UK Steering Board.

Document Overview

The document is divided into two main sections corresponding to the RICH project (Section 2) and the VELO project (Section 3). The RICH section is further divided into the sub-projects of RICH1, RICH2, photodetectors and test facilities, readout electronics and alignment, monitoring, control and services. In each case, we review the deliverables, responsibilities, schedule, engineering and technical effort, costs and the cost implications due to residual risks. A summary of the reviewed costs is given in Section 4 and the final outcome of the mid-term review and request to the PPARC via the LHCb Oversight Committee is given in Section 5.

Note: We assume the following exchange rates throughout the document:

£1 = 1.49 Euro, 2.28 CHF and 1.81 US$.

2 The RICH project

This section presents a review of the deliverables, schedule, engineering and technical effort and revised costs for the following subprojects: RICH1, RICH2, the photodetectors and test facilities, readout electronics and alignment, monitoring, control and services.

2.1 RICH1

1. Institutes

UK Institutes: Bristol, Edinburgh, Oxford, Imperial and RAL

External Institutes: Milan, CERN

Project Engineer: Trevor Savidge (Imperial)

Project Physicists: Bill Cameron (Imperial), Dave Websdale (Imperial), Nick Brook (Bristol)

UK Budget Holder: Dave Websdale (Imperial)

2. Overview

Hadron identification in LHCb is provided by two Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detectors. RICH1 is located upstream of the LHCb spectrometer magnet and uses two radiators, 50mm of silica aerogel and 850mm of fluorocarbon (C4F10) gas. It provides particle identification for tracks with momenta up to about 60 GeV/c, within the polar angle range from 25—300 mrad. The

Figure 1: The RICH1 Detector

Cherenkov light is focused onto two planes of photon detectors, each of which contain 98 HPDs, by two tilted spherical mirror arrays with radius of curvature 2700mm followed by arrays of flat mirrors. The baseline design is illustrated in Figure 1 and the details of the technical design are described in the Reoptimized Detector Technical Design Report [7].

The impact of the overall reoptimization of LHCb has been very significant for the RICH1 design. The requirement to reduce material in the spectrometer acceptance resulted in a reduction of the RICH1 material budget from 14%—8% radiation length. In addition, the trigger requirement for a fast track momentum measurement implied introducing a magnetic field in RICH1, of order 600G (which had previously been reduced to 25G with the design of a large shield plate). Local shielding of the photon detectors is then required and has prompted a major redesign of RICH1. The following developments have been included in the new design:

• removal of the RICH1 entrance windows and beam-pipe seal, by sealing to the VELO tank;

• reduction of material in the spherical mirrors - prototype mirrors made from beryllium, Perspex and carbon-fibre composites have been tested. Beryllium mirrors, the baseline choice, satisfy the optical requirements. There are concerns over the long term stability in fluorocarbon gas of the carbon fibre mirror and Perspex has been shown to degrade in this radiator gas. So far no full-size mirrors have been tested due to the high tooling cost, but a full-sized beryllium mirror prototype has been ordered with delivery expected in October 2004;

• reduced material in mirror supports;

• shielding the photon detectors requires a change in RICH1 layout;

2-mirrors: secondary (plane) mirrors are required (as in RICH2) so that the photon detectors can be positioned at a location where soft iron magnetic shielding can be used. These mirrors are outside of the acceptance so conventional glass mirrors can be used;

Vertical RICH1: since horizontally located iron shields steal the field away from where it is required by the trigger, the RICH1 spherical mirrors are tilted to reflect the light up and down, so the iron shields can act as pole pieces to focus the field.

The new RICH1 design presents a difficult challenge. The structure has increased in weight from

2—18 tonnes and experiences a strong attraction from the LHCb dipole. FEA calculations are needed to guide the design process, particularly for the gas enclosure, which is mechanically isolated from the magnetic shielding, but is required to provide the necessary stability for mounting the optics. A baseline design of the magnetic shield design has converged. A field attenuation of a factor about 25 has been achieved. The current design also provides the B-field in the spectrometer that is sufficient for the trigger. Optimization using finite element modeling will continue, and will include the detailed modeling of the cylindrical Mumetal shields that shield individual HPDs.

The design of the carbon fibre skinned composite exit window has been completed. Calculations and measurements with prototypes have demonstrated that a structure similar to that used in the (much larger) RICH2 entrance window can be used for RICH1.

Procedures for installation of the beampipe, its sealing to RICH1 and provisions for its bake-out are converging and the proposed procedures were reviewed at the beam-pipe Engineering Design review in September 2003. Installation and handling in the experimental zone is also difficult due to the unavailability of cranes of the necessary capacity. We are receiving assistance from the LHCb-CERN infrastructure team, and we do not expect that we will need to make any direct financial contribution to the proposed crane/rail system.

The RICH1 engineering design review (EDR) occurred in August 2004. The schedule for RICH1 construction, which should begin towards the end of 2004, is compatible with its installation at the interaction point early in 2006, but does not leave margin for unexpected delays.

3. Review of Deliverables and Responsibilities

The UK deliverable components of the RICH1 project remain as in the PPARC approval and as was signed in the LHCb MoU:

• engineering design of RICH1 detector;

• construction and assembly of the Cherenkov vessel and its support structure;

• construction, testing and assembly of the mirror system;

• construction and assembly of the photon detector mountings;

• final assembly and commissioning of the RICH1 detector at CERN;

• monitoring, alignment and control.

The main UK responsibilities for the RICH1 project are:

Bristol: Mirror testing, mirror mountings and support

Imperial: Gas enclosure and support structure

Photon Detector mounting and Magnetic shielding

Oxford : Gas enclosure

RAL: Entrance and exit windows, beam-pipe seal, finite element analysis (FEA)

RAL & Edinburgh: Monitoring, alignment and control

All institutes: Shared responsibility for installation and integration at point 8

4. Schedule

The time schedule required to resolve the LHCb redesign and verify its physics performance has been respected as follows:

Dec 2002: Define essential parameters of new design (including RICH1)

June 2003: Complete performance studies of new layout

Sept 2003: Submit LHCb-light technical design report to LHCC.

Summary of remaining project milestones for RICH1 mechanics and optics:

Engineering Design Review June 2004 August 2004

Production drawings completed September 2004

Orders for mirrors and structure placed November 2004 expected Dec 2004

Begin assembly at CERN September 2005

Mirrors produced and tested September 2005

Begin installation at IP8 December 2005

RICH1 ready for global commissioning September 2006

The UK schedule is coherent with the RICH1 project milestones.

5. Review of Engineering and Technical Effort

The engineering and technical effort for the RICH1 project is provided through Imperial, Bristol, Oxford and CCLRC (ED) and is summarized in Table 1. The effort needed to deliver the RICH1 project exceeds what was originally foreseen due to:

• the re-design of RICH1;

• the consequent delay in the start-up of the RICH1 construction schedule, resulting in a reduced time available for completion; and

• the effort required in 2006/7 due to the delayed LHC was not in the original plan.

Increases in staff effort of about 0.75 FTE are required from each of CCLRC (ED), Imperial and Oxford.

|Institute |2001/2002 |2002/2003 |2003/2004 |2004/2005 |2005/2006 |2006/2007 |Total |

|CCLRC ED |.74 |.70 |.60 |.65 |.50 |.75 |3.94 |

|Bristol |1.15 |1.35 |0.85 |1.65 |1.65 |1.7 |8.35 |

|Imperial |2.9 |3.45 |3.25 |3.70 |4.10 |4.2 |21.60 |

|Oxford | | | |0.60 |0.65 |0.4 |1.65 |

|Total |4.79 |5.50 |4.70 |6.60 |6.90 |7.05 |35.54 |

Table 1: RICH1 Engineering and Technical Effort (full time equivalent staff years). Included in the table are PPARC and HEFCE supported engineering, technical and research associate staff; academics and students are not included.

6. Residual Risks and Cost Implications

The fabrication of the glass-coated beryllium spherical mirrors requires special technology that is available only in Russia, and a bid is currently pending for support from the International Science and Technology Center (ISTC). While we hope for a successful outcome, the full cost is included as a residual risk. Further residual risks, with cost implications include:

• exchange rate (10% contingency on items sourced outside UK); and

• installation and commissioning staff effort (10% contingency).

7. Review of Costs

A summary of the RICH1 mechanics and engineering costs to completion and residual risk costs are given in Table 2 overleaf.

8. Summary

The total RICH1 cost, excluding staff, is expected to amount to £495k. This exceeds the PPARC approved amount by £216k and the SCP4 corrected amount by £230k. The increase is due to the revised specifications that followed the LHCb overall detector optimization in 2003. An increase in the CCLRC manpower of 0.75FTE (£48k) is incurred due to the requirements in 2006/7, not foreseen in the original bid.

A contingency of £80k has been included to cover the full cost of the beryllium mirrors, in case the ISTC bid is unsuccessful. Additional contingency of £46k is to cover exchange rate and additional manpower.

|Deliverable |Unit |Number of Units |SCP4 Cost £ |UK Cost to Completion £|

|R&D and Preproduction |misc. | |40k |38k |

|Production Facilities |misc. | |23k |26k |

| | | | | |

|Equipment Costs | | | | |

|Gas enclosure and superstructure |m3 |5 |86k |156k |

|Magnetic shielding |module |2 |0k |66k |

|Spherical mirror |m2 |2 |32k |80k |

|(Beryllium) | | | | |

|Plane mirror |m2 |2.3 |0k |15k |

|Mirror support structures |module |2 |22k |33k |

|Photodetector support |module |2 |43k |52k |

|Quartz window |m2 |1.65 |19k |29k |

| | | | | |

|Subtotal | | |202k |431k |

|Staff Costs | | | | |

|CCLRC (RAL) ED |FTE |3.94 |208k |256k |

|Grand Total | | |473k |751k |

| | | | | |

|Residual risks | | | |Cost £ |

|Beryllium mirrors | | | |80k |

|Exchange rate | | | |21k |

|CCLRC (RAL) ED | | | |25k |

|Residual Risk Cost | | | |126k |

Table 2: A Summary of RICH1 Costs

2.2 RICH2

1. Institutes

UK Institutes: RAL

External Institutes: CERN, Genoa, Milan

Project Engineers: Chris Densham (RAL), Mike Woodward (RAL)

Project Physicist: Paul Soler (RAL)

UK Budget Holder: Paul Soler (RAL)

2. Overview

The RICH2 detector is a joint responsibility between RAL, CERN and the Italian institutes Genoa and Milan. Overall RICH2 project management is the responsibility of CERN, while RAL retain responsibility for the RICH2 superstructure, gas enclosure windows, central tube surrounding the beam pipe, quartz windows and supports for the magnetic shield and supports for all optical components. CERN also has responsibility for the mirror systems, Milan has responsibility for the magnetic shielding and Genoa has responsibility for the photon detector mechanics. This complex organizational structure necessitates strong central project management and excellent communication between the collaborating parties.

As a consequence of the overall reoptimization of LHCb, two changes to RICH2 were imposed and affected the design of the superstructure:

• an increase by 20 cm of the gas enclosure thickness; and

• a change in the material composition of the gas enclosure windows and central tube. The gas enclosure windows were originally made up of glass fibre skins with a polymethacrylimide (PMI) core. The upstream window will now be made of carbon fibre skins and the downstream will have aluminium skins, both with a PMI core. The central tube will also be made out of carbon fibre.

Both of these changes were implemented to improve the photon yield and to reduce the material budget of the detector, but have added to the cost of the RAL contribution to the RICH2 system. Despite these changes and the complex interactions between all the elements in the RICH2 detector, the project is proceeding according to schedule.

The Engineering Design Review (EDR) was submitted and approved in March 2002 [9]. A Production Readiness Review (PRR) of the superstructure, gas enclosure windows and mirrors was approved on 19 February 2003, a PRR for the mirror support and adjustment systems was approved on 28 April 2003 and a PRR for the magnetic shielding, photon detector support, quartz window and calibration and alignment systems was approved on 23 January 2004 [10].

The two gas enclosure windows were manufactured at CERN by RAL engineers between June and December 2003. A tender for the superstructure was awarded to Metalcraft (Chatteris) Ltd. near Cambridge in September 2003 and its manufacture was finished on schedule in April 2004. The structure was transported to CERN and is currently being assembled at CERN ready for a gas leak test and for the installation of the magnetic shield and optical components. The quartz window is due to be installed in 2005.

CERN have also constructed and installed their mirror support system in the RICH2 superstructure in August 2004. The production of the 54 spherical and 20 flat RICH2 mirrors are on schedule to meet the production milestones.

The magnetic shielding has been delayed by two months from the original estimate and has affected the installation schedule. The shielding is now due to be installed in November 2004. Alignment of the mirror components will proceed from October 2004 to February 2005, in a clean environment especially made at CERN for RICH2.

After the completion of the RICH2 detector and alignment of its mirrors, the superstructure will be transported from its assembly point into the pit in Point 8 in June 2005.

3. Review of Deliverables and Responsibilities

The UK deliverable components of the RICH2 project remain as in the PPARC approval:

• engineering design of the RICH2 detector superstructure, gas enclosure, entry and exit windows, central tube surrounding the beam pipe, quartz windows for the detectors, supports for the magnetic shield and supports for the optical components;

• construction and assembly of the above elements of RICH2. ;

• joint responsibility for the final assembly and commissioning of the RICH2 detector in underground point 8 at CERN; and

• monitoring, alignment and control.

Main responsibilities for the RICH2 project are:

RAL: RICH2 superstructure, gas enclosure, entry and exit windows, central tube surrounding the beam pipe, quartz windows for the detectors, and supports for the optical components

CERN: Mirror system and gas services

Genoa: Photon detector mechanics

Milan: Magnetic shielding

RAL/CERN: Monitoring, alignment and control

All institutes: Shared responsibility for integration and installation in Point 8

4. Schedule

RICH2 Mechanics and optics

Engineering Design Review March 2002 achieved

Production drawings completed May 2003 achieved

Orders for mirrors & superstructure placed July 2003 achieved

10% of mirrors produced and tested May 2004 achieved

50% of mirrors produced and tested July 2004 achieved

100% of mirrors produced and tested October 2004

Begin assembly at CERN September 2004

UK schedule

Superstructure, windows and centre tube assembly completed 1/11/04

Magnetic shielding assembly completed 1/12/04

Installation of mirror panel assembly and mirrors completed 7/03/05

RICH2 ready for transport to Point 8 17/04/05

Start RICH2 transport to Point 8 09/05/05

Quartz window completed 02/09/05

5. Review of Engineering and Technical Effort

There has been a net increase in the engineering effort needed to deliver the RICH2 project. Total CCLRC ED effort at RAL for RICH2 was approved in SCP4 to be 10.1 SY and it is now estimated at 11.9 SY, a net increase of 1.8 SY.

The main reasons for the increase in ED staff are due to:

• delay in the timescale for the delivery of the LHCb project due to delay in LHC;

• scope of RICH2 was changed (glass fibre windows changed for carbon fibre and aluminium, increase thickness by 20 cm); and

• complicated interfaces with non-UK collaborators.

However, this increase in staff, especially between 2002-04, has allowed RAL to be able to deliver the superstructure for RICH2 according to schedule.

|Institute |2001/2002 |2002/2003 |2003/2004 |2004/2005 |2005/2006 |2006/2007 |Total |

|CCLRC ED |1.91 |3.25 |3.96 |1.9 |0.6 |0.25 |11.87 |

|Total |1.91 |3.25 |3.96 |1.9 |0.6 |0.25 |11.87 |

Table 3: RICH2 Engineering and Technical Effort (full time equivalent staff years).

6. Residual Risks and Cost Implications

Most of the UK contributions to the RICH2 project have been delivered. The main remaining risks are:

• superstructure fabrication costs (10% contingency): £3k;

• increase in costs of the remaining items yet to be purchased for RICH2: handling jigs for the central tubes, quartz window and antireflective coating for quartz window (10% contingency): £6k; and

• installation and commissioning staff effort (10% contingency): £17k of ED staff effort.

7. Review of Costs

A summary of the actual RICH2 mechanics and engineering costs to completion and the residual risk cost is given in Table 4.

|Deliverable |Unit |Number of Units |SCP4 Cost £ |UK Cost to Completion £ |

|Equipment Costs | | | | |

|Vessel superstructure, gas enclosure|m3 |100 |250k |304k |

|windows and center tube. | | | | |

|Quartz window |m2 |2 |25k |47k |

| | | | | |

|Subtotal | | |275k |351k |

|Staff Costs | | | | |

|CCLRC (RAL) ED |FTE |11.87 |656k |744k |

|Grand Total | | |931k |1095k |

| | | | | |

|Residual Risks | | | |Cost £ |

|Superstructure fabrication | | | |3k |

|Remaining materials | | | |6k |

|Installation staff effort | | | |17k |

|Residual Risk Cost | | | |26k |

Table 4: Summary of RICH2 Costs

8. Summary

The RICH2 detector is proceeding according to schedule. The total cost of CCLRC (RAL) ED staff on RICH2 is £744k, a net increase of £88k with respect to the total expected ED expenditure. A contingency of £17k has been estimated from the remaining work to be done on RICH2 by ED staff.

The total actual cost to the UK of the RICH2 mechanics requisitions is £351k. This total is to be compared to the SCP4 figure of £275k and to the original estimate of £358k from the LHCb approval. Since it is expected that only £58k remains to be spent on requisitions, the contingency on this remaining total is £9k.

2.3 The RICH Photodetectors

1. Institutes

UK Institutes: Cambridge, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Imperial, Oxford and RAL.

External institutes: CERN

Project Physicist for Photodetectors: Neville Harnew (Oxford)

Project Physicists for Test Facilities: Franz Muheim (Edinburgh) and Paul Soler (Glasgow)

UK Budget Holders: John Morris (RAL, HPDs), Franz Muheim (Edinburgh, test facilities)

2. Overview

The Photodetectors

The chosen RICH photon detector is the Hybrid Photon Detector (HPD), a development led by CERN with DEP (Delft Electron Products, Netherlands) as the principal industrial partner. A total of 484 HPDs cover a total area of ~2.8 m2 in RICH1 and RICH2. They provide:

• single photon sensitivity (wavelength range 200-600 nm);

• 2.5mm x 2.5mm granularity;

• LHC speed (40 MHz) electronics with 25ns peaking time;

• active area fraction ~ 70%;

• operation in low (~25G) magnetic fields;

• ~500,000 channels at affordable cost.

The HPDs are a primary responsibility of the CERN group; however the UK groups have played an active part in their development and testing. A total of 550 tubes, which includes spares, will be ordered.

The HPD is based on an electrostatically-focussed tube design. It has an 8 cm diameter quartz entrance window with a visible/uv-sensitive photocathode. The tube is at 20kV, de-magnifying the produced photoelectrons by a factor of ~5 onto a silicon pixel detector array. The silicon detector has 8192 pixels and is bump-bonded to a binary readout chip, logically OR-ed to give 1024 pixels of 500µm × 500µm. The silicon and readout chip assembly is encapsulated within the HPD vacuum envelope.

There are a number of independent stages to the HPD tube production:

• the silicon sensor (Canberra) and the binary readout chip (IBM) are currently being produced. The order has been placed through CERN and prices are final;

• the silicon sensor and readout chip are bump-bonded (VTT). The order has been placed through RAL and prices are final;

• a ceramic carrier (Kyocera) is brazed and gold-plated. The brazing and gold-plating costs are still under negotiation so best estimates are used, however these uncertainties will only be a small perturbation to the total cost;

• the sensor and readout chip assembly are mounted and wire-bonded into the ceramic carrier (HCM). Again, the costs are still under negotiation and best estimates are used, however this uncertainty will only be a small perturbation to the total cost;

• the packaged assembly is encapsulated into the HPD tube body, the photocathode is deposited, and the quartz window is vacuum-sealed to the quartz window (DEP). The tube fabrication is the major cost item of the HPD, for which we now have a firm tender.

Photodetector Test Facilities

Two photodetector test facilities (PDTFs) based at Edinburgh and Glasgow will provide quality control measurements for the 550 HPD’s. The test facilities will include a light-tight box, LEDs to provide visible photons and readout electronics based on the existing facility at CERN. Each PDTF will test HPDs at a rate of 15 per month and are scheduled to be commissioned in Oct 2004. The test programme will include the following measurements for all HPD’s:

• visual inspection (quartz window, dimensions, fit to socket);

• pixel chip threshold and noise scans;

• anode silicon bias scan to check for full depletion;

• high voltage scan to establish operating point (signal count rate, threshold and noise);

• dark count rate, ion-feed back;

• optical distortion and focusing measurements using masks;

and the following measurements for approximately 10% of the HPD’s:

• photon detection efficiency with backpulse;

• quantum efficiency with Sr90 Beta source and quartz radiator; and

• aging tests.

The construction of the PDTFs is underway and training for the test facility operators has started at the existing HPD setup at CERN. PDTF operators have also gained experience by contributing to the pixel chip and anode testing at CERN in 2004. A prototype of a quantum efficiency monitor using Cherenkov light produced by a beta source in a quartz bar has been constructed. The development of a high voltage steering and monitoring system is underway.

3. Review of Deliverables and Responsibilities

The main UK responsibilities are as follows:

Photodetector test facilities and quality control: Edinburgh and Glasgow

Pixel chip and sensor testing: Imperial and Oxford

Magnetic field integrity: Imperial

Electronics support: Cambridge and Oxford

Database and software: RAL

HPD project management : Oxford

The projected cost of the HPDs and power supplies at the time of the MoU was 3760kChF, or £1.649M at the current exchange rate. The UK’s share of this, written into the MoU, was 76% of the total, i.e. 2860kChF or £1.254M. This was cut by SCP4 to £1.197M. The number of HPDs at that time was 472 units, which included 10% spares. Following the RICH1 redesign, the number of HPDs required has been increased to 550 units, which also includes 10% spares. The costings given below reflect this increase.

4. Schedule

A sample of 10 preproduction HPDs will be produced by October 2004. There will then be a full HPD Production Readiness Review after the pre-production tubes have been tested, and approximately one month before full HPD production starts. Production tubes will be available for testing at the end of the year, with a linear production schedule of 550 tubes up to the middle of 2006. The bump-bonding schedule has been agreed between VTT, LHCb and the ALICE experiment (which has a parallel production schedule).

Photon detector milestones

Working 40MHz pixel readout chip June 2002 achieved

Working HPD with 10MHz readout December 2002 achieved

Prototyping 40MHz HPD completed September 2003 achieved

Technology choice October 2003 achieved

Place photon detector order June 2004 exp. end Oct. 2004

10% of detectors produced and tested June 2005

50% of detector produced and tested February 2006

100% of detectors produced and tested November 2006

Begin installation in RICH detectors November 2005

5. Review of Engineering and Technical Effort

There is no UK engineering or technical effort associated with the procurement of the HPD’s (the major effort is associated with project coordination). The Edinburgh and Glasgow effort required for HPD testing and evaluation will be provided by PPARC approved University technical staff and Research Associates (shown in Table 5), together with academics and students.

|Institute |2001/2002 |2002/2003 |2003/2004 |2004/2005 |2005/2006 |2006/2007 |Total |

|Edinburgh |0.1 |0.1 |0.5 |2.3 |2 |1.7 |6.7 |

|Glasgow | |0.3 |0.45 |1.3 |1.8 |1.5 |5.35 |

|Total |0.1 |0.4 |0.95 |3.6 |3.8 |3.2 |12.05 |

Table 5: Photodetector Test Facilities Effort (full time equivalent staff years). Included in the table are PPARC and HEFCE supported engineering, technical and research associate staff; academics and students are not included.

6. Residual Risks and Cost Implications

The costs and tenders for the HPDs are firm. Therefore, the only residual risk is an exchange rate fluctuation, which we set at 10%.

Risks associated with the PDTF’s arise due to possible delays in commissioning and extra staff effort required for the installation and commissioning. Mitigating factors are the use of two test facilities, each with 2 DAQ chains. In addition, spares are available for almost all customized components in order to produce a third DAQ chain if necessary. The main risk is that additional operators will be needed to run a third station. However, we expect to cover any operator shortage within our current staff effort and therefore assign no cost risk to the PDTFs.

7. Review of Costs

A summary of HPD costs is shown in Table 6. The cost to the UK column assumes a 76% UK share, as in the MoU.

8. Summary

The revised cost to the UK of the HPDs plus power supplies is £1.707M, with an additional £171k contingency for possible exchange rate fluctuations. The new cost represents an increase of £453k above the UK MoU commitment, and £510k above SCP4. The additional cost above SCP4 is 43%, and is made up as follows:

• 7% due to the SCP4 cut on the MoU commitment;

• 5% due to a downward exchange rate fluctuation (2.4 CHF per £ versus 2.28 CHF per £);

• 16% due to an increased number of tubes (474 versus 550 tubes); and

• 15% due to price increases (which includes an inflationary effect due to LHC delays).

The PDTFs are within the approved budget of £68k.

2.4 RICH Readout Electronics

Report for the LHCb Oversight Committee: 18th March 2004

1. Institutes

UK Institutes : Cambridge, Imperial and Oxford

External Institutes : CERN, Genova, Milan

Project Engineers : John Bibby (Oxford) and Stephen Wotton (Cambridge)

Project Physicists : Valerie Gibson (Cambridge) and Neville Harnew (Oxford)

UK Budget Holder : Valerie Gibson (Cambridge)

2. Overview

Since PPARC approval, the UK maintains the major responsibility to deliver the readout electronics for both RICH detectors. Full details of the design of the RICH electronics readout chain can be found in the LHCb Oversight Committee report (Meeting 1). The on-detector Level-0 board and optical fibre links are the responsibility of the Oxford group and the off-detector Level-1 readout board is the responsibility of the Cambridge group. The front-end PIXEL chip, encapsulated in the HPD photodetectors, remains the responsibility of CERN. An LHCb internal review of the general architecture for the RICH readout electronics has been successfully completed and was endorsed by the LHCb Technical Board in May 2004.

The design of the RICH1 magnetic shielding accommodates a common solution for the on-detector readout modules of both RICH detectors. The design of the on-detector modules is advancing rapidly and Level-0 pre-production prototype boards are expected by Oct 2004. Optical transmission between the Level-0 and Level-1 boards has been achieved and the choice of optical link has been

|Deliverable |Unit |Number of Units |Total Cost to |UK Cost to Completion £|SCP4 Cost £ |

| | | |Completion £ | | |

|R&D costs |misc. | |15k |15k |0k |

|HPD costs | | | | | |

|Readout chip wafers (IBM) and testing |wafer |48 |127k |97k |82k |

|Silicon sensor (Canberra) |wafer |42 |60k |46k |16k |

|Ceramic carrier (Kyocera) |piece |800 |65k |49k |16k |

|Bump bonding (VTT) |piece |800 |156k |118k |65k |

|Packaging (HCM) |piece |800 |16k |12k |0k |

|HPD tubes (DEP) |piece |550 |1758k |1336k |973k |

|Pre-series costs |misc. | |22k |17k |0k |

| | | | | | |

|Subtotal HPD only | | |2204k |1675k |1152k |

|Power supplies | | | | | |

|Silicon bias supply |module |6 |18k |14k |10k |

|HV supply |module |70 |24k |18k |35k |

| | | | | | |

|Subtotal HPD plus power supplies | | | 2246k | 1707k | |

| | | | | |1197k |

|Test Facilities |system |2 |68k |68k |68k |

|Grand Total | | |2329k |1790k |1265k |

| | | | | | |

|Residual risks | | |Cost £ |Subtotal Cost to UK £ | |

|Currency | | |225k |171k | |

|Residual Risk Cost | | |225k |171k | |

Table 6: Summary of RICH Photodetector Costs

decided. The decision by the RICH group to use the RICH specific optimized Level-1 readout was endorsed by the collaboration in February 2004. Since then, the design of the Level-1 board has undergone further optimisation, made possible by recent advances in FPGA technology. A Level-1 prototype board is expected by October 2004, followed by a full-sized pre-production version early in 2005. The front-end PIXEL chip and pixel detectors are in production and good performance and yield is observed.

The breakdown of responsibilities for the delivery of all parts of the RICH electronics is well defined. We do not anticipate any major difficulties in moving towards the timely production for all components of the UK RICH electronics project. We foresee the need for three electronics production testing and repair facilities based in Cambridge, Oxford and CERN.

3. Review of Deliverables and Responsibilities

The deliverables for the RICH electronics project is largely unchanged from PPARC approval; apart from an increase in the total number of readout channels due to the RICH1 redesign.

The UK deliverable components of the RICH electronics sub-project are:

• design of the readout electronics chain;

• production and testing of the 300 (incl. spares) on-detector (Level-0) boards;

• production and testing of the 15 (incl. spares) off-detector (Level-1) boards;

• procurement, assembly and testing of the 600 (incl. spares) optical data links; and

• data acquisition of the RICH detector system.

The main responsibilities for the RICH electronics sub-project are:

Cambridge : Off-detector electronics (Level-1) and DAQ.

Oxford : On-detector electronics (Level-0), optical fibre links and DAQ.

Imperial : Electronics modules for test facilities.

Cambridge and Oxford : General readout software and support.

CERN : Pixel HPD front-end chip.

CERN, Genova, Milan : Mechanics, cooling, low and high voltage boards.

4. Schedule

The RICH electronics project milestones and the UK schedule to meet those milestones are summarized below.

RICH readout electronics project milestones

Review off-detector r/o electronics March 2004 achieved

Pre-production readout chain test September 2005

10% of Level-0 units produced December 2005

50% of Level-0 units produced May 2006

Complete production and tests of L0 units December 2006

50% of Level-1 units produced May 2006

100% of Level-1 tested and installed December 2006

UK schedule

Level-0 pre-production prototype complete 03/01/05

Level-1 pre-production prototype complete 01/07/05

Start electronics commissioning 01/07/05

Readout electronics production and testing complete 30/12/05

Finish electronics commissioning 30/03/07

5. Review of Engineering , Technical and Software Effort

The RICH readout electronics staff effort is summarised in Table 7 and includes all electronics engineering, technical and electronics software effort.

|Institute |2001/2002 |2002/2003 |2003/2004 |2004/2005 |2005/2006 |2006/2007 |Total |

|Cambridge |3.1 |3.2 |3.2 |3.0 |2.8 |2.6 |17.9 |

|Oxford |4.5 |4.9 |4.5 |4.6 |3.6 |3.5 |25.6 |

|Imperial College |0.75 |0.75 |0.75 |0.75 |0.75 |0.75 |4.5 |

|Total |8.35 |8.85 |8.45 |8.35 |7.15 |6.85 |48 |

Table 7: RICH Electronics Engineering, Technical and Software Effort (full time equivalent staff years). Included in the table are PPARC and HEFCE supported engineering, technical and research associate staff; academics and students are not included.

6. Residual Risks and Cost Implications

We assume that all the electronics costs are subject to exchange rate fluctuations, even if purchased in the UK, and assign a cost due to this residual risk of 10%. We have accounted for one Level-0 and one Level-1 pre-production run. Therefore, the residual risks include second pre-production runs if they are required. In addition, there is a risk that the thermal matting used to insulate the Level-0 board will fail and have to be replaced. We introduce a cost risk of 50% of the total cost for this item. The Italian groups have the responsibility to provide the low and high voltage distribution boards for the on-detector electronics. However, there is a high risk that the cost of these items (89 kCHF) will not be funded by Italy and the UK will be asked to contribute.

7. Review of Costs

The revised cost of the RICH electronics to completion and residual risks cost is summarized in Table 8. The costs presented here are on the understanding that the optical fibre installation costs, cabling and network charges will be borne by the CERN LHCb infrastructure budget.

8. Summary

The revised cost of the readout electronics for both RICH detectors is £513k. The new cost represents a decrease of £212k below the PPARC original approval and £123k below that of SCP4. The cost reduction can be explained by the reduction in cost of the optical links and the simplification of the Level-1 readout board. We have costed the residual risk to the RICH electronics as £101k.

|Deliverable |Unit |Number of Units |SCP4 Cost £ |UK Cost to Completion £ |

|R&D and Preproduction |misc. |misc. |48k |108k |

|Level-0 | | | | |

|Level-0 board |board |300 | |139k |

|GOL and VCSEL |chips |2 x 600 | |18k |

|TTC and SPECS |fibres/board |2x300/32 | |12k |

|Base power supply system |system |1 | |42k |

| | | | | |

|Optical Links | | | | |

|Breakouts |fibres |190 | |20k |

|Patch panels |Panel |8 | |2k |

|Data fibre links |fibres |75 | |13k |

| | | | | |

|Level-1 | | | | |

|Level-1 board |board |15 | |77k |

|Crates and power supplies |crate/unit |2 | |7k |

| | | | | |

|Subtotal | | |521k |330k |

|Production Facilities |system |3 |67k |75k |

|Grand Total | | |636k |513k |

| | | | | |

|Residual Risks | | | |Cost £ |

|Currency | | | |38k |

|Pre-production | | | |20k |

|Level-0 Thermal matting | | | |4k |

|HV and LV distribution boards and | | | |39k |

|cables | | | | |

|Residual Risk Cost | | | |101k |

Table 8: Summary of RICH Electronics Costs

2.5 RICH Alignment, Monitoring, Control and Services

1. Institutes

UK Institutes : Bristol, Glasgow, Imperial, RAL.

External Institutes : CERN, Genoa.

Project Engineers : Was Derrick Hill, new post RAL PPD October 2004.

Project Physicists : Antonis Papanestis, Paul Soler.

UK Budget Holder : Paul Soler (Antonis Papanestis from 2005).

2. Overview

The RICH alignment, monitoring, control and services (AMCS) sub-project was recently reorganized to encompass all tasks associated with monitoring and control, alignment of the RICH detectors and other associated services. Previously, these tasks were included in the respective RICH1 and RICH2 projects.

The MoU includes a UK contribution to alignment and services of 280 kCHF (£123k at the current exchange rate) out of a total of 730 kCHF (38.4% of the total). However, the UK funding of the AMCS after SCP4 was cut to £68k, a far from amicable cost sharing amongst the RICH groups, and only included funding for the optical alignment system and refractive index monitoring.

Despite the funding shortfall, there has been steady progress in the AMCS project. A prototype laser alignment system has been built, demonstrating that the required alignment accuracy of selected mirrors can be achieved. In addition, an ultrasound gas quality system has been built to monitor the concentration of N2/C4F10 and N2/CF4 in RICH1 and RICH2 respectively. The UK also plays a major role in the implementation of the RICH in the global Experiment Control System (ECS) and the RICH Detector Control System (DCS).

In addition to alignment, monitoring and control responsibilities, the UK is expected to fund a portion of the gas and cooling services for the RICH detectors. In particular, there is an added cost for cooling the HPDs and their associated electronics that was not included in the original proposal, since it was foreseen that they would be cooled by forced air convection. The thermal power budget in the electronics has increased by a factor of four to 1.6 kW per assembly, necessitating active cooling with C6F14.

3. Review of Deliverables and Responsibilities

Due to a significant UK expertise and the need to provide an amicable sharing amongst the RICH groups, it is essential for the benefit of the RICH project that the UK increases its effort on AMCS. An increased contribution to alignment, monitoring and control will provide direct control of the physics output from the RICH and enhance the overall UK contribution to LHCb physics.

The PPARC approved AMCS deliverables are:

• laser alignment system for RICH1 and RICH2; and

• gas quality (refractive index) monitoring systems.

The additional UK deliverable components of the RICH AMCS project are:

• delivery of the software architecture for the LHCb Experiment Control System (ECS);

• coordination and delivery of the RICH Detector Control System (DCS) software and hardware systems, including environmental monitoring, protection interlock systems and interface to the Detector Safety System (DSS);

• responsibility for deployment of RICH software alignment infrastructure; and

• partial responsibility for deployment of HPD cooling system.

The main responsibilities for the alignment, monitoring, control and services sub-project are:

Bristol: alignment software for RICH1 and RICH DCS.

Glasgow: laser alignment system for RICH2.

Imperial: alignment software and hardware for RICH1.

RAL: software architecture for the ECS and RICH DCS, environmental monitoring and interlock system, DSS interface, gas quality monitoring system, alignment hardware and software for RICH2.

4. Schedule

AMCS milestones

Start gas system commissioning with RICH 2 October 2005

Start gas system commissioning with RICH 1 March 2006

UK schedule

Install RICH2 laser alignment system 18/07/05

Install RICH1 laser alignment system 31/07/06

Installation of monitoring and control systems completed 2/10/06

Commissioning completed 30/03/07

5. Review of Engineering, Technical and Other Effort

The total manpower needed to deliver the AMCS project is given in Table 9. All effort is accounted for within the existing approved manpower, with the addition of one eScience position at Bristol that will work on alignment software. Glasgow effort for AMCS only includes a SHEFC funded academic and student(s) and so is not included in the table.

|Institute |2001/2002 |2002/2003 |2003/2004 |2004/2005 |2005/2006 |2006/2007 |Total |

|Bristol |0 |0 |0 |0.7 |1.2 |1.2 |3.1 |

|CCLRC PPD |1.68 |2.0 |1.78 |2.3 |2.9 |3.0 |13.66 |

|Imperial |0 |0 |0 |0.15 |0.3 |0.3 |0.75 |

|Total |1.68 |2.0 |1.78 |3.15 |4.4 |4.5 |17.51 |

Table 9: RICH AMCS Effort (full time equivalent staff years). Included in the table are PPARC and HEFCE supported engineering, technical and research associate staff; academics and students are not included.

6. Residual Risks and Cost Implications

The residual risks for the RICH AMCS and cost implications arise due to:

• exchange rate (future tender prices 10% contingency); and

• installation and commissioning staff effort (10% contingency = 0.25 PPD staff).

7. Review of Costs

Revised costs for the RICH alignment, monitoring, control and services are now in place and negotiations have recently been carried out with our international partners to share these expenses. The total AMCS cost for the RICH detectors is now 1118 kCHF, corresponding to £490k at the current exchange rate. Of this, the unforeseen HPD cooling system with C6F14 will cost a total of 250 kCHF (£110k) and the gas system will cost a total of 612 kCHF (£268k).

As the scope of this project has increased and the UK has been forced to take a greater share of the costs, especially because of the increased cooling requirements of the electronics, the total UK contribution for AMCS is now £273k, compared to the £68k of SCP4. This corresponds to 56% of the total cost for all services, which remains well below the 76% UK share of the RICH project. A substantial fraction of the difference between the current UK AMCS contribution and the SCP4 cost was originally earmarked in the MoU as RICH data handling services, which was cut in the SCP4 exercise.

A summary of the UK contribution to the costs for the RICH alignment, monitoring and services is given in Table 10.

8. Summary

The scope of the alignment, monitoring, control and services project has necessarily increased since the MoU and SCP4. The UK has responsibility for the alignment, monitoring and control services of the RICH detectors and we have increased our share in the funding of the gas system and the new HPD cooling services. This increase is essential to deliver the RICH project successfully, and to ensure that the UK retains control of the physics output of the RICH detectors. The total cost of the AMCS to the UK is now £273k, increasing our total share to 56% instead of the 38% signed in the MoU.

|Deliverable |Unit |Number of Units |SCP4 Cost £ |UK Cost to Completion £|

|RICH 1 & RICH2 Gas system |system | |0k |105k |

|Optical alignment system |system |2 |36k |42k |

|Gas quality monitoring |system |2 |32k |36k |

|Detector Control System | | |0k |20k |

|HPD cooling | | |0k |70k |

|Grand Total | | |68k |273k |

| | | | | |

|Residual Risks | | | |Cost £ |

|Currency | | | |27k |

|Staff costs | | | |17k |

|Residual Risk Cost | | | |44k |

Table 10: Summary of RICH AMCS Costs

3. The VELO Project

1. Institutes

UK Institutes: CERN, Heidelberg, Glasgow, Lausanne, and Liverpool, NIKHEF

External Institutes: CERN, Heidelberg, Lausanne and NIKHEF

Project Engineers : J. Carroll (Liverpool)

Project Physicists : T. Bowcock (Liverpool), C.Parkes (Glasgow)

UK Budget Holder: T. Bowcock (Liverpool)

2. Overview

Since approval, the details of the VELO project have remained largely unchanged; although the number of stations has reduced since the VELO Technical Design Report [6] due to the effect of the LHCb reoptimization. There was no need for a major redesign; the most important resource implication being a need for the UK to involve itself in a substantial programme of simulation. However, the physics scope and hence the relative importance of the detector has increased due to two factors:

• the removal of most of the non-VELO tracking stations. This will make the VELO the primary tracking and vertexing device in the experiment; and

• the refinement and development of VELO triggers at Level-1.

The final VELO detector design has 42 instrumented disks of silicon sensors (grouped in r-phi measuring pairs into stations, thus there are 21 stations positioned along the beam direction). The closeness of the sensors (8mm) to the LHC beam means the station must be retracted during injection. Thus, each station is split into a separate right and left module placed symmetrically about the beam axis. These modules will be moved apart by 6cm during injection. A total of 42 modules (two per plane) will be built. The 2 sensors on each module will be readout with the Beetle ASIC designed by Heidelberg. The Beetle deep sub-micron design replaced the SCTVELO (D-Mill) design of CERN that was the baseline proposed at time of approval. The choice of the Beetle ASIC involved the UK in a substantial additional programme of work over that projected at the time of approval.

The R&D phase of the VELO is almost complete. Construction techniques and Quality Assurance (QA) procedures are being refined and all staff are being deployed and trained for the final production phase due to start in April 2005 and a large scale system test (unplanned at the time of approval), at CERN, in 2006. In response to a slippage that has occurred with respect to the contract placed in Q2 2004, the VELO management has demanded that the UK provide permanent onsite QA support at the fabrication plant (Micron Semiconductor) from November 04. Experience has shown this is strongly advantageous to meeting delivery schedules with this manufacturer. However, this was unforeseen at the time of approval and the UK VELO groups currently have no member of staff able to make this commitment.

The outstanding issues to be addressed in 2004 are:

• verification of the performance of the PR-04 (prototype sensor design). The PR-04 is the final design of the sensors. It takes account of the changes forced on the UK by the redesign of the RF foil by NIKHEF. The PR-03 design would have been adequate if the foil had stayed as specified at time of approval;

• final construction and testing of the cooling interface;

• testing of the double sided bonding of the modules;

• testing of the overall construction method to achieve the 5 micron accuracy (absolute) required by the specifications; and

• building of 4 pre-production modules.

3. Review of Deliverables and Responsibilities

The UK deliverable components of the VELO project are largely unchanged from PPARC approval:

• 42 VELO modules and short cables (plus spares);

• software for alignment, simulation, reconstruction, testbeam and physics exploitation; and

• installation, deployment and testing of the modules.

The main UK responsibilities of the VELO project are:

CERN: Test beam

Heidelberg: Front-End Chip Production

Lausanne: Off Detector electronics

Liverpool: Sensor design, testing and quality assurance R&D,

Hybrids design and testing

Module design, testing and fabrication

Module assemblyand Module Design and Fabrication.

VELO module coordination

Tracking and reconstruction, testbeam, alignment and simulation software

Glasgow: VELO software coordination

Alignment, simulation, reconstruction and testbeam software

HV power supply integration

4. Schedule


Design Review February 2003 achieved

Production (Si) Readiness Review June 2003 achieved

Order for sensors placed March 2004 achieved

Start hybrid production (prototypes) February 2004 achieved

Start module production April 2005

Module production finished January 2006

The UK schedule is coherent with the above milestones.

5. Review of Engineering and Technical Effort

The engineering and technical effort at Glasgow and Liverpool to deliver the VELO is listed in Table 11.

|Institute |2001/2002 |2002/2003 |2003/2004 |2004/2005 |2005/2006 |2006/2007 |Total |

|Glasgow |0.2 |0.8 |0.65 |1.4 |2.8 |2.9 |8.75 |

|Liverpool |4.2 |4.2 |5.3 |7.2 |6.9 |8.15 |35.95 |

|Total |4.4 |5 |5.95 |8.6 |9.7 |11.05 |44.7 |

Table 11: VELO Engineering and Technical Effort (full time equivalent staff years). Included in the table are PPARC and HEFCE supported engineering, technical and research associate staff; academics and students are not included.

6. Residual Risks and Cost Implications

The major residual risks and their cost implications for the UK contribution to the VELO project are:

• failure of prototype PR-04 sensor: This would be a serious problem. It would require the remanufacture of the prototype sensors with a cost implication of £100k. However, we expect a remanufacture would not impact on the delivery date of the sensors;

• hybrid failure: This would require the redesign of the hybrid with an additional (£50k) expenditure. The production process is still being refined to attain the required flatness, avoid delamination and attach pitch adaptors;

• extended system installation: Since approval, the LHCb experiment has requested a 6 month extended system test at CERN, to fully commission the VELO. This reflects the enhanced importance of the VELO as the primary tracking, vertexing and triggering device. This system test may uncover problems, such as common mode noise, that cannot be revealed in the laboratory or testbeam environment. In this circumstance it may be necessary to provide up to two additional FTE at CERN and an additional cost of £20k.

7. Review of Costs

A summary of the VELO costs to completion and residual risks costs are given in Table 12.

|Deliverable |Unit |Number of Units |SCP4 Cost £ |UK Cost to Completion £ |

|R&D and preproduction |misc. | |131k |136k |

|Production Facilities |system |1 |16k |11k |

|Equipment costs | | | | |

|Detectors |wafers |84+spares |228k |315k |

|Module mechanics |system |42+spares |21k |8k |

|Electronics readout |systems |42+spares |152k |85k |

|Subtotal | | |401k |408k |

|Staff Costs | | | | |

|QA Staff at Micron |FTE |1 |0k |50k |

|Grand Total | | |548k |605k |

| | | | | |

|Residual Risk | | | |Cost £ |

|Prototype failure | | | |100k |

|Hybrid failure | | | |50k |

|Installation Staff effort | | | |20k |

|Residual Risk Cost | | | |170k |

Table 12: Summary of VELO Costs

8. Summary

The cost of the UK contribution to the VELO detector is £605k and represents a decrease of £40k below the PPARC original approval and £57k above the SCP4 estimated cost. The VELO project is progressing well and we have confidence that it can be delivered on time and in budget. However, there remains a significant residual risk cost of £170k for the UK contribution to the VELO project. This is mainly due to the risk that the PR-04 prototype sensors do not perform as expected.

4. Summary of Project Costs

A summary of the deliverables, capital and staff costs for the UK component to completion of the LHCb experiment is given in Table 13. The overall revised cost of the project, £14.41M, excluding contingency, is £142k (1%) above the PPARC approval cost and £919k (7%) above the SCP4 corrected cost. The total equipment cost to the UK has increased to £4.03M compared to the SCP4 estimated cost of £3.06M. Much of this increase has occurred due to external circumstances, such as the redesign of RICH1 and the increase in the number of photodetectors due to the overall reoptimization of LHCb, the actual cost of the RICH photodetectors, the RICH service costs and the VELO project cost to place QA personnel at Micron Semiconductors. The LHCb UK groups expect to deliver the project well within the allocated University and CCLRC staff costs.

In addition to the overall project costs, we have estimated a potential cost to completion of any residual risks associated to both the RICH and VELO projects. The main contributions are due to currency fluctuations, failure of VELO prototype wafers, the ISTC support for the RICH1 beryllium mirrors and installation staff effort. We estimate a maximum cost due to the residual risks of £638k. However, we expect this amount to decrease substantially as firm orders are made, remaining issues resolved and the project moves towards completion. We therefore estimate the total contingency requirement to completion, including travel (£40k), as £678k.

The revised costs for the UK component of the LHCb experiment have also been entered into Table 14 which, in addition, gives the breakdown for all the University groups’ capital spend and forecasts. Table 15 and Figure 2 show the current profile for expenditure during the capital phase of LHCb.

|Item |Approval |SCP4 Cost £ |UK Cost to Completion £|

| |Cost £ | | |

|Equipment Costs | | | |

|RICH1 | 279k | 265k | 495k |

|RICH2 | 358k | 275k | 351k |

|RICH Photodetectors |1412k |1265k |1790k |

|RICH Electronics | 725k | 636k | 513k |

|RICH AMCS | 82k | 68k | 273k |

|VELO | 645k | 548k | 605k |

| | | | |

|Total Equipment |3501k |3057k |4027k |

|Staff Costs | | | |

|University Staff |5642k |5844k |5813k |

|CCLRC PPD |1332k |1548k |1360k |

|CCLRC ED |1247k | 864k |1000k |

| | | | |

|Total Staff Costs |8221k |8256k |8173k |

| | | | |

|Common Fund |1278k |1280k |1271k |

| | | | |

|Travel |1270k |900k |941k |

| | | | |

|Contingency |949k |949k |40k |

|(Staff and Travel) | | | |

|Grand Total |15219k |14442k |14452k |

| | | | |

|Residual Risk Costs | | |Cost £ |

|RICH1 | | |101k |

|RICH2 | | | 9k |

|RICH Photodetectors | | |171k |

|RICH Electronics | | |101k |

|RICH AMCS | | | 27k |

|VELO | | |170k |

|CCLRC Staff | | | 59k |

| | | | |

|Total Residual Risk Cost |0k |0k |638k |

Table 13: Summary of the UK Cost to Completion for the LHCb Experiment

and Residual Risk Cost.

|Group |Original |Latest MC |Spend to date |Expected |Estimated |Total |Balance |

| |Approved Sum|Rec. |(Apr 04) |Spend to Date |Future |[3+5] |[6-2] |

| |[1] | |[3] |[4] |Requirement | | |

| | |[2] | | |[5] |[6] | |

|BRISTOL |0.252 |0.331 |0.177 |0.124 |0.139 |0.316 |-0.015 |

|CAMBRIDGE |0.532 |0.637 |0.345 |0.363 |0.28 |0.625 |-0.012 |

|EDINBURGH |0.677 |0.568 |0.363 |0.377 |0.191 |0.554 |-0.014 |

|GLASGOW |0.495 |0.497 |0.283 |0.282 |0.218 |0.501 |0.004 |

|IMPERIAL |1.174 |1.153 |0.75 |0.71 |0.443 |1.193 |0.04 |

|LIVERPOOL |1.038 |1.297 |0.722 |0.739 |0.558 |1.280 |-0.017 |

|OXFORD |1.474 |1.361 |0.853 |0.902 |0.491 |1.344 |-0.017 |

|UNIVERSITIES S/T |5.642 |5.844 |3.493 |3.497 |2.32 |5.813 |-0.031 |

| | | | | | | | |

|CCLRC PPD |1.332 |1.548 |0.75 |0.663 |0.61 |1.360 |-0.188 |

|CCLRC ED |1.247 |0.865 |0.692 |0.515 |0.308 |1 |0.135 |

|TRAVEL |1.268 |0.9 |0.543 |0.502 |0.398 |0.941 |0.041 |

|REQUISITIONS |3.503 |3.057 |0.538 |1.251 |3.489 |4.027 |0.970 |

|COMMON FUND |1.278 |1.28 |0.762 |0.762 |0.509 |1.271 |-0.009 |

|TOTAL |14.27 |13.494 |6.778 |7.19 |7.634 |14.412 |0.918 |

| | | | | | | | |

|CONTINGENCY |0.949 |0.949 |0 |0 |0.040 |0.040 |-0.909 |

|GRAND TOTAL |15.219 |14.443 |6.778 |7.19 |7.674 |14.452 |0.009 |

Table 14: Summary of Groups' capital spend and forecasts (£M): Outturn 03-04. All University and PPD staff numbers assume the PPARC exploitation factors

(5: 20: 45: 80% for 03/04: 04/05: 05/06: 06/07)

|Capital Sub-project |2001/2 |2002/3 |

|Item |Cost £ |Subtotal £ |Cost £ |Subtotal £ |

|R&D and Preproduction costs | | | | |

|RICH Mechanics | 43k | | 40k | |

|RICH Electronics | 63k | | 48k | |

|VELO |171k |277k |131k |219k |

| | | | | |

|Production Facilities | | | | |

|RICH Mechanics | 24k | | 23k | |

|RICH Photodetectors | 82k | | 68k | |

|RICH Electronics | 71k | | 67k | |

|VELO | 17k |194k | 16k |174k |

| | | | | |

|Subtotal | |471k | |393k |

| | | | | |

|Equipment costs RICH 1 | | | | |

|Mechanics |212k | |202k | |

|Photodetectors |662k | |596k | |

|Electronics |237k | |209k | |

|AMCS | 41k |1152k | 34k |1041k |

| | | | | |

|Equipment costs RICH 2 | | | | |

|Mechanics |358k | |275k | |

|Photodetectors |669k | |602k | |

|Electronics |354k | |312k | |

|AMCS | 41k |1422k | 34k |1223k |

| | | | | |

|Equipment costs VELO | | | | |

|Detectors |275k | |228k | |

|Module Mechanics | 22k | | 21k | |

|Electronics readout |160k | 457k |152k | 401k |

| | | | | |

|Subtotal | |3030k | |2664k |

|Total Requisitions | |3501k | |3057k |

| | | | | |

|Common Fund | |1278k | |1280k |

| | | | | |

|University Staff | |5642k | |5844k |

|CCLRC PPD | |1332k | |1548k |

|CCLRC ED | |1247k | | 864k |

| | | | | |

|Travel | |1270k | | 900k |

| | | | | |

|Contingency (Staff and Travel) | | 949k | | 949k |

| | | | | |

|Grand Total | |15219k | |14442k |

Table A.1: Detector Construction, CCLRC Staff and Travel Costs (capital phase).


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