Michigan Credit Union League

-361950-19050Your Logo Here00Your Logo HereSafe Work PlaybookCreated May 1, 2020In Response to Coronavirus PandemicINTRODUCTION[Your Credit Union] Team:We are deeply focused on keeping our staff, volunteers, members, and vendors safe while visiting our facilities and helping our membership grow. To this goal we have developed a “Safe Work Playbook” that lays out health & well-being protocols and helpful practices to safely navigate our new normal. This playbook includes practical recommendations, based on guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, tailored by businesses to address various scenarios faced when returning to work. Regular updates will be made to the playbook based on real-time feedback and changes in our Michigan health environment. Our playbook covers a wide range of topics, including:TrainingPrevention effortsEquipment to be utilizedProtocols for screening and isolating Resources for staffIt is our hope that by sharing this resource we can reestablish a workplace where employees feel comfortable performing their jobs safely. Be well & stay safe,[Your Name][Your Title][Your Credit Union]TASK FORCE AND RESPONSE TEAMTASK FORCE ROLES AND ASSIGNMENTS: The management team will be responsible for the following aspects of virus prevention and protocols. All managers and supervisors will be responsible for employee entry protocols for their staff.President & CEO: Provides senior leadership and communication with Board of Directors, employees, and members. Ensures compliance with emerging state governance. Chief Operating Officer: Ensures compliance with emerging lending regulations. Coordinates Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) supplies and communication with vendors responsible for cleaning and office maintenance. Oversees member safety and operations designed to protect them, such as traffic flow and entry requirements.Chief Financial Officer: Provides financial updates to Senior leaders and Board of Directors as needed.VP Marketing: Communicates to members regarding [Your Credit Union Name Here]’s safety efforts and office operations updates. Engages with members on social media platforms. Supports procurement of PPE supplies. VP Community Affairs: Participates in MCUL’s Task Force and communicates best practices to management team. Engages with members on social media platforms. Researches and follows the experts for updated virus information.VP Branch Operations: Coordinates sanitizing, disinfecting, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) protocols for branch locations. Oversees branch member safety and operations designed to protect them, such as traffic flow and entry requirements. Coordinates safety protocol training for branch staff.VP Risk Management & Compliance: Coordinates online training efforts for staff regarding emerging protocols. Supports procurement of PPE supplies. Supports compliance with emerging lending regulations.VP Human Resources: Coordinates compliance with emerging employment regulations. Researches and follows the experts for updated virus information. Supports employee communication and training efforts, including engaging in dialogue with employees.VP Information Technology: Coordinates technology needs for work from home and distancing efforts. Supports remote member service infrastructure to adapt as necessary in changing environment.VP Member Service & Lending Operations: Supports compliance with emerging lending regulations. Supports member safety efforts and operations designed to protect them. Supports remote member service infrastructure to adapt as necessary in changing environment.VP Mortgages: Supports compliance with emerging lending regulations.EMPLOYEE EXPOSURE LEVELS[Your Credit Union Name Here]’s employees are considered to have low to medium exposure risk level using the following OSHA definitions:Lower Exposure Risk jobs are those that do not require contact with people known to be, or suspected of being, infected with SARS-CoV-2 nor frequent close contact with (i.e., within 6 feet of) the general public. Workers in this category have minimal occupational contact with the public and other coworkers.Lower Exposure Risk JobsInformation TechnologyMember SupportMember SolutionsAccountingComplianceExecutiveHuman ResourcesMarketingQuality AssuranceIndirect LendingDocument ImagingeServicesCourierMaintenanceLower exposure risk employees should continue to follow established hygiene and distancing rules.Medium Exposure Risk jobs include those that require frequent and/or close contact with (i.e., within 6 feet of) people who may be infected with SARS-CoV-2, but who are not known or suspected COVID-19 patients.Medium Exposure Risk JobsTellersBranch ManagersMbr Service/LendingReceptionCommunity AffairsMortgageMedium exposure risk employees should continue to follow established hygiene and distancing rules. Additional safety measures have been implemented to reduce risk as outlined in this booklet.High Exposure Risk jobs are those with high potential for exposure to known or suspected sources of COVID-19.Very High Exposure Risk jobs are those with high potential for exposure to known or suspected sources of COVID-19 during specific medical, postmortem, or laboratory procedures.EMPLOYEE TRAININGThis booklet will be provided electronically to all staff, or in print form if necessary, then a question and comment period will be provided.The VP of each area will be responsible for coordinating the review of the information and protocols with their team(s), either in small group, conference call, or video chat format. The CEO, COO, VP Human Resources, and VP Community Affairs will be available to support these meetings in any of the mentioned formats.PREVENTION EFFORTS AND WORKPLACE CONTROLSPERSONAL HYGIENE: Hands must be washed following recommended washing guidelines before and after eating, using restroom facilities, and touching dirty surfaces.Hand sanitizer must be used when proper hand washing is not feasible and is recommended prior to and after moving throughout the building, touching doorknobs, shared equipment, and paperwork.If you must cough or sneeze do so into a tissue, then throw it away.Avoid touching your face.Avoid using other workers’ phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and equipment, when possible. If such use is unavoidable, all touched surfaces must be wiped down with a disposable sanitary wipe or other sanitizing tool.Do not shake hands with, touch, or hug coworkers, members, or vendors.PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (Masks and gloves):Face coverings will be required to be worn by employees and members at all times and in all areas of the building. The only exception will be if you are working alone in your own office/workspace or if a medical condition prevents you from doing so.Triple Layer Sublimated [Your Credit Union Name Here] branded face masks will be provided for all employees; however, employees may provide their own mask/face covering which should not have any designs that could be considered offensive. Disposable masks will be provided for members or visitors who do not have one. If masks become unavailable for these guests or if guests refuse to wear a mask, they will be denied in-person service and asked to leave the building.Gloves are not recommended, as frequent hand washing has proven to be more effective. If gloves are used, gloved hands must still be sanitized frequently, and proper removal techniques must be followed in order to prevent contamination. Proper removal of PPE equipment can be found here: AND EQUIPMENT CLEANLINESS:[Your Credit Union Name Here]’s offices are professionally cleaned every evening. In Member Contact areas, the following surfaces will be sanitized after each interaction:Members’ side of teller counterSignature pad & penDesktopArms of chairsPensDoorknob(s)Any other surface the member(s) may have touchedSOCIAL DISTANCING RULES:Managers are responsible for establishing remote work, distancing schedules, staggered shifts, and/or other procedures appropriate for their department operations.All employees are expected to follow these distancing rules:Avoid in‐person meetings. Use online conferencing, email, or the phone when possible, even when people are in the same building. Unavoidable in‐person meetings should be short, in a large meeting room where people can sit at least 3 feet from each other; avoid touching or shaking hands.Keep six feet apart when possible. Do not congregate in work rooms, pantries, copier rooms or other areas where people socialize.Practice the personal hygiene and cleanliness rules outlined in prior section.Avoid using other workers’ phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and equipment, when possible. If they are used, following cleaning procedures.In break areas, wipe down the area(s) you used/touched with a sanitizing wipe before walking away, including handles to the refrigerator, microwave, water/ice machines, etc.If you bring your lunch, eat at your desk or away from others. Do not share food. If you’re ordering takeout for others make sure it is individually wrapped/packaged (no shared soup, salad, pizza, etc.). Please do not sit in a car together for breaks/meals.In your non‐work time, practice social distancing per federal and state orders as much as possible. Eliminate unnecessary travel and cancel or postpone nonessential meetings, gatherings, workshops, and training sessions.MEMBER SOCIAL DISTANCING - BARRIERS AND SPACING:The following measures will be taken to help enforce distancing rules:Signs will be posted for members regarding distancing.Queue control ropes will be installed in branches to form member lines and distance markers will be placed on the floors. This will determine how many members will be acceptable in the lobby at one time.Plexiglass germ shields will be utilized in all member facing workstations.Video/electronic messaging will be provided on branch TV monitors.Couches and chairs will be limited and spread apart to create space.The number of members/guests allowed in lobbies will be limited.SIGNAGE AND FORMS:The following signage pertaining to employees shall be posted at all locations: Do Not Enter if you are sick – posted at every employee and general entrance.Health Department Orders – Your County Order posted at every employee and general entrance. Bay County Order posted alongside employment posters.Safety Guidelines (for members) – posted at all member entrances.In-Branch Social Distancing Sign (for members) – posted at each teller station and in main office reception area.Beverage Center Unavailable (for members) – posted at all member beverage stations.Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) poster - posted alongside employment posters.Proper Hand Washing – posted in all employee and member restrooms.Prevent the Spread of Germs – posted in all employee and member restrooms.PROCEDURES TO IDENTIFY AND ISOLATE SICK/EXPOSED EMPLOYEESDAILY SCREENINGS:Before you start your shift each day, your supervisor or another [Your Credit Union Name Here] representative will be asking you to answer the following questions: If you have symptoms of fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, or diarrhea.If you have had close contact in the last 14 days with an individual diagnosed with COVID‐19.You should proactively reach out to your supervisor before you begin each work shift to answer these 2 questions. In addition, you must communicate to your supervisor, VP, and HR immediately if you begin experiencing any of the symptoms or if you learn someone you’ve had close contact with in the last 14 days has received a positive diagnosis of COVID-19.You may be expected to undergo a forehead thermometer scan at any time during your work shift. Each facility has been supplied with a contactless device that must be cleaned after each use.ISOLATION AREAS:In the event an employee begins to have symptoms while at work or learns someone they’ve had close contact with has received a positive diagnosis, they will be asked to leave immediately. In the event they are unable to drive home, they must wait in their vehicle until a ride can be arranged. If they do not have a vehicle available, an isolation area will be identified for each [Your Credit Union Name Here] location where they can wait until a ride is arranged. RETURN TO WORK PROCEDURES:If an employee received a positive diagnosis, return to work permission from their treating physician or the county health department will be required. If an employee has COVID symptoms, they need to stay home and contact a nurse or physician for advice and follow it. [Your Credit Union Name Here] will follow CDC guidance, generally asking employees to quarantine until all 3 of these conditions are met:Fever is gone for 72 hours; Other symptoms have improved; AND7 days have passed since the first symptoms appearedWORKPLACE FLEXIBILITY AND POTENTIAL BENEFITS:FMLA AND EMERGENCY FMLA:Should an employee have a confirmed case of the virus they may be eligible for Family Medical Leave. Emergency FMLA may be requested when an employee is caring for a son or daughter if the child’s school or place of care is closed, or if the childcare provider is unavailable due to COVID-19 related precautions. FMLA leaves must be coordinated with Human Resources.EMERGENCY PAID SICK LEAVE:Two weeks of Emergency Paid Sick Leave will be available on or after April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. Full time employees are eligible for up to 80 hours (equivalent of 2 weeks) of Emergency Sick Leave.Part time employees are eligible for Emergency Sick Leave equal to the number of hours the employee works over an average 2-week period.There are 6 qualifying scenarios under which Emergency Paid Sick Leave can be used:????? When the employee is subject to an order of quarantine or an order of isolation.When the employee is advised by a health care professional to self-quarantine due to concerns over COVID-19.When the employee has symptoms of COVID-19 and is seeking medical diagnosis.When the employee is caring for an individual who meets criteria 1 or 2.When the employee is caring for a son or daughter of the employee if the child’s school or place of care is closed, or if the childcare provider is unavailable due to COVID-19 related precautions.If the employee is experiencing similar conditions as specified by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human ServicesPANDEMIC HOURS:If you are not at work due to a social distancing schedule in your department, you may use this pay code to make up your normal scheduled shifts. This may also be available if other income protection options have been utilized, see HR for guidance.SHORT TERM DISABILITY:Full Time employees who have received a COVID-19 diagnosis or have been advised to remain off of work for more than 7 calendar days for medical reasons may be eligible for Short Term Disability benefits. Contact Human Resources for additional details. PAID TIME OFF AND SICK BANK:Employees who had pre-scheduled/pre-approved PTO time or have a non-COVID-19 related absence would still utilize PTO or Sick Bank as scheduled or as appropriate. Employees who do not have a pandemic-related illness or need to stay home but are anxious or fearful about contracting the virus and choose to remain at home may utilize PTO or Sick Bank for the time off or they may choose to be unpaid. Up to 24 additional hours of Sick Bank are available to be utilized through May 25, 2020.VIRTUAL MEDICAL CONSULTATIONS:The following virtual services may be available:Part time employees: or 800-TELADOC (free visit) Full time employees enrolled in one of [Your Credit Union Name Here]’s medical plans: 24 Hour Nurse Line: Blue Cross: 800-775-2583 Blue Care Network: 855-624-5214 Telemedicine: or 1-844-733-3627 (copay is waived until 12/31)EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS:Employees experiencing concerns about their mental health or that of their family members, [Your Credit Union Name Here]’s Employee Assistance Programs are available and may offer virtual consultations: [Enter Assistance Programs Here][Enter Assistance Programs Here][Enter Assistance Programs Here]BRANCH/LOBBY SAFETY & CLEANING PROCEDURES:The following areas/services will be unavailable until further notice:Coin machinesBeverage stationsPens and sucker cups will be removed. Pens may be handed out and kept by the member after use. Any pens that are left by members will be sanitized and reused. Branch staff must follow these additional cleaning & sanitizing requirements:The Recycler is cleaned weekly following instructions previously provided. The Recycler’s menu screen should be wiped down after touched each time.All touch points wiped frequently (as needed) throughout the day and at minimum between each shift rotation (includes mouse/pad, speakers, drive-thru tube buttons, handles, keypads).ATM’s and drive-thru lane buttons must be wiped down every morning at minimum. Members and Face masks:If disposable masks become unavailable for member use or if members/guests refuse to wear a mask, they will be denied in-person service and asked to leave the building. “For the safety of our employees and all other guests of [Your Credit Union Name Here], we are requiring masks to be worn. You are welcome to utilize our electronic banking tools, drive thru services, or an ATM.”In order to properly identify members, they must pull down their face mask momentarily while presenting their ID to the teller.<Optional section of forms to consider>REQUIRED FORMS:Employee Report form (if employee becomes ill)Visitor screening formCleaning checklist ................

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