ESL conversation lesson on religion


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

|1) |What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘religion’? |

|2) |What does religion mean to you? |

|3) |Is religion always a good thing? |

|4) |With all the religions in the world, how do we know which one is best or true? |

|5) |Do people choose their religion or do people’s parents choose it? |

|6) |If religion is all about love and peace, why are many of the world’s conflicts and wars caused by religion? |

|7) |If religion teaches us that all men and women are equal and we must love everyone the same, why is there so much racism? |

|8) |Do you like talking about religion? |

|9) |What do you think of the argument that religion is really modern-day superstition? |

|10) |What would the world be like without religion? |

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

|1) |Why do you practice your religion (or why don’t you have a religion)? |

|2) |How does religion give hope to so many people? |

|3) |Do you think people will eventually stop believing in religion? |

|4) |What do you think of new religions? |

|5) |Do people who follow a religion have a better time than those who don’t? |

|6) |Do you think religion always fits our modern-day world? |

|7) |What would Jesus, Mohamed and Buddha think of our world today? |

|8) |Do you think there’ll ever be a single world religion? |

|9) |Money is more important than religion and shopping malls are more popular than places of worship. What do you think about this? |

|10) |How did religion start? |


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