Welcome to the ESL Writing Seminar


(ESL 302L & 91L)

1) Objective of the 302/91 Lab: The goal of the Writing Seminar is to prepare you for the Department Final Exam for ESL 302 and ESL 91. These weekly writing and reading assignments will help enhance your writing skills.

2) Credit: To receive credit, you must attend your lab for 14 weeks at the time you have registered for and complete all of the assigned work. Each lab session will last 80 minutes, and you will work on the following:

➢ Lab Time Spent Writing Essays (6 Weeks): Every other week during the semester, you will write an essay in the lab. You will be given a question to which you will respond for 80 minutes. At the end of your lab time, you must turn in your essay (writing your name, lab hour, lab day of the week, lab teacher, and essay number on the first page). By the end of the semester, you will have written 6 essays in the lab.

➢ Lab Time Spent Conferencing & Summarizing (6 weeks): The alternate week (when you are not writing an essay), you will divide your 80-minute lab time between these two activities:

* For 25 minutes, you will meet with an ESL instructor or instructional assistant for a one-to-one conference to discuss the essay you wrote the previous week. Your conference will be held at a scheduled time during your lab every other week. If you miss a conference, you will lose this key instructional time.

* In the time when you are not discussing your essay, you will read an assigned article and then summarize it. At the end of your lab time, you must turn in your summary (labeled with your name, lab hour, lab day of the week, lab teacher, and summary number). By the end of the semester, you will have read 6 articles and written 6 summaries.

➢ Lab Time Spent Doing Vocabulary Journal (1 to 2 Weeks): Each time you do a lab reading, you should mark words, which you would like to learn. At the end of the semester, you will need to submit a list of at least 20 words you gathered from the lab readings. Each word entry must include 1) a definition, 2) the sentence from the article using the word, and 3) an original sentence you have written which uses the word.

3) English Language Learning Help Outside of the Lab: On your own time, we strongly encourage you to visit websites such as Guide to Grammar and Writing and Activities for ESL Students at . We also highly encourage you to learn vocabulary, grammar, & cultural information by listening to KQED 88.5 F.M. radio or going to . Especially for ESL 91 students, we also highly recommend the New York Times (), a newspaper with very high-quality writing and information. For a more basic level, try listening to news (spoken slowly) at (click on “Learning English”).

4) Policy for Essay Revisions: Your teacher may ask you to revise one section, a few sections, or, occasionally, all of your essay. If your instructor asks you to revise only part of your essay, you should not recopy the whole essay; just write the revised paragraph(s) on a separate piece of paper and attach it to your original draft. (Your teacher will usually not have time in your conference to review a complete rewrite of your paper, so rewrite only what your teacher assigns.) You should do revisions as homework to turn in two weeks later during your next conference.

5) Supplies Needed: Pens, Lined Paper, College-Level English Dictionary, Two-Pocket Folder (After your teacher checks your work, keep it in your two-pocket folder to turn in again at the end of the semester.)

6) Absences & Plagiarism: You may miss only ONE lab, and you must write the summary or essay you missed within a week. This make-up work can be done any hours the lab is open as long as it is completed before your next lab. Missing more than one lab may result in a NO CREDIT. Plagiarism (copying other people’s work) is also strictly forbidden; see ESL Lab plagiarism policy. If you need to contact the lab, call 408-274-7900, extension 6608. Keep in mind the last day to add the Writing Seminar through MyWeb is Sunday September 13th, 2015.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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