Answer Key - esldocs – Discussion topics, activities ...

Marriage: A Changing Institution p.5According to the book, why do some people get married?What are arranged marriages?What are some reasons that people choose to stay single?What are three reasons for the increased divorce rate?What is speed-dating? Would you like to try it?The Family Today p.14All single parent families are due to divorce? True or false? What is a blended family / nuclear family / extended family?Who are boomerang children? Do you think you will be a boomerang child?Answer KeyMarriage: A Changing Institution p.5According to the book, why do people some people get married?Lines 5-7: Fall in love, economic, or political reasons.What are arranged marriages?Line 10: Parents decide whom their child will marryWhat are some reasons that people choose to stay single?Lines 28-43: 1) haven’t met right person; 2) like to be single; 3) free to spend money and time as they wish; 4) free to start and end relationships; 5) less social pressure to get married; 6) more opportunity for single to have a good life; 7) education and employmentWhat are three reasons for the increased divorce rate?Lines 73-84: Social disapproval decreased; women no longer need economic support; laws have changedWhat is speed-dating? Would you like to try it?Page 8 Box: 5 minute meetings, switch partnersThe Family Today p.14All single parent families are due to divorce? True or false? Lines 24-26: False.. some single people choose to have kidsWhat is a blended family / nuclear family / extended family?Line 33: blended=when two people with children from previous marriages get married; Line 54: nuclear=husband+wife+children; Line 56: extended=includes grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousinsWho are boomerang children? Do you think you will be a boomerang child?Lines 64-69: adult children who leave home for a while, and then return ................

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