Approved on October 24, 2018



Minutes #5

October 17, 2018

217 Varner Hall


Present: G. Cassano, K. Castoldi, S. Dykstra, L. Ostergaard, E. Shesko, R. Stewart, C. VanderKaay,

D. Wendell

1. Committee approved Minutes #4, October 10, 2018.

2. Committee approved the request from the Department of Communication and Journalism to change the prerequisites for the following courses:

COM 3000 Relational Communication Theory (4)

Prerequisite(s): COM 1000 or permission of instructor, sophomore standing or public relations major standing.

COM 3003 Media and Mass Communication Theory (4)

Prerequisite(s): COM 1000 with a grade of (C) or higher or public relations major standing or permission of instructor

COM 3201 Rhetorical Theory (4)

Prerequisite(s): COM 1000 with a grade of (C) or higher or public relations major standing or permission of instructor.

3. Committee approved the request from the Department of Chemistry to end date the following course:

ENV 3720 Human Adaptation (4)

4. Committee deferred the request from the ESL Institute to add the following new course:

ESL 1010 American Cultures and Language Exploration (4)

Introductory course to prepare students for academic success at an American university. Students will explore American campus culture, learn about a variety of student success services, and develop academic success strategies and skills to help navigate and prepare for general education courses.

5. Committee approved the request from the Department of English to change the credits for the following course:

CIN 3906 Topics in Filmmaking (4) (2-4)

6. Committee deferred the request from the Department of English to add the following course:

CIN 4910 Study Abroad (4)

Topics will vary from year to year, depending on the location. May be repeated for additional credit. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.

7. Committee deferred the request from the Department of History to add the following new courses:

HST 3122 The American Founding (4)

Examines the founding of the United States from independence through the Confederation era, the drafting and ratification of a new Constitution, and the adoption of the Bill of Rights. Prerequisite: WRT 1060 or equivalent with a grade of (C) or higher.

HST 3132 The Early U.S. Presidency (4)

Explores the creation, growth, and development of the early American presidency from 1789-1848. It focuses on both the evolution of the institution as well as on the individuals who held the office. Prerequisite: WRT 1060 or equivalent with a grade of (C) or higher.

HST 3277 History of Murder in America (4)

The history of American murder, from the legal system’s origins in British Common Law, to the present. Exploration of conditionsthat have led murder rates to rise and fall, why that murder rate is uniquely American, evolving views about murderers and murder victims, and the history of representations of murder in popular culture. Due to the nature of the class some texts and images will be of a graphic violent nature. Prerequisite: WRT 1060 or equivalent with a grade of (C) or higher.

HST 3805 China: The Middle Kingdom before 1700 (4)

Explores the foundation of Chinese civilization and the rise of the Chinese empire until the beginning of the Qing dynasty. Major topics include the ancient roots of Chinese civilization, Confucianism, Daoism, Chinese Buddhism, empire building from Qin to Han, Tang cosmopolitanism, Song-Yuan transformation, Ming-Qing expansion and stagnation, and gender relations. Prerequisite: WRT 1060 or equivalent with a grade of (C) or higher.

HST 4010 – Biography and History (4)

A consideration of biography as a form of historical research, writing, and analysis. Addresses the historical development of the genre, the different approaches to writing biographies, and the methodological issues and problems inherent in the process. Prerequisite: WRT 1060 or equivalent with a grade of (C) or higher.

8. Committee approved the request from the Department of History to make the following changes to catalog copy:

History, B.A.

Requirements for the liberal arts major in history, B.A. program…

2. At least 28 credits numbered 3000 or above including

• HST 3000 - Seminar in Historical Research (4)

• HST 3010 – Historical Thinking and Writing (4)

• HST 4980 – Historical Research Seminar (4)

• One course in American history

• One course in European history

• One course in African, Asian, Middle Eastern, or Latin American history

History, STEP…

2. At least 28 credits must be numbered 3000 or above and must include

• HST 3000 - Seminar in Historical Research (4) (must be completed with a minimum grade of 3.0)

• HST 3010 – Historical Thinking and Writing (4) (must be completed with a minimum grade of B)

• HST 4980 – Historical Research Seminar (4) (must be completed with a minimum grade of 3.0)

• One course in American history

• One course in European history

• One course in African, Asian, Middle Eastern, or Latin American history…

Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP): Endorsement in Social Studies…

8. Required course

• HST 3210 - History of American Foreign Relations in the Twentieth Century (4)

Also approved as an alternative course – or PS 3610 - United States Foreign Policy (4)

9. Committee deferred the request from the Liberal Studies Program to add the following program concentration:

Video Game Studies Concentration

Curriculum (28-36 credits)

Required core classes

• LBS 1100 – Video Game Design & Development 1 (4)

• LBS 2100 – Video Game Design & Development 2 (4) Prerequisite: LBS 1100 or LBS 1000

• 3 Foundational Classes in Video Game Fields

o Select one course from three of the following four areas (Studio Art/Graphic Design, Writing & Rhetoric, Computer Science, Music)

▪ Studio Art/Graphic Design (4 credits)

• ART 1002 – Foundations of Studio Art 2D

• ART 1003 – Foundations of Studio Art 3D

• ART 1004 – Foundations of Media Art

▪ Writing and Rhetoric (one required course)

• WRT 2070 – Introduction to Writing for Digital Media

• WRT 3073 – Digital Storytelling

• WRT 3074 – Rhetoric and Video Games

▪ Computer Science (4 credits)

• CIT 1220– Computer Animation

• CIT 1300 or 1310 – Introduction to Computer Programming

• Music (4 credits)

• MUS 1002 – Exploring Technology in Music

• MUS 1006 – Exploring Film Music

• MUS 2020 – Computer-based music composition

Recommended Elective Design and Development Relevant Courses:


o COM 3602 – Popular Media in the Age of Convergence

o JRN 3290 – Digital Storytelling for the Media: Diversity, Identity and Community

o COM 3607 – Rise of Electronic Media

o COM 2654/JRN 2654 – Audio Production

▪ Focus – Voice Acting: COM3650/JRN 3840

Computer Science

o CIT 1300 or 1310 –Introduction to Computer Programming

▪ Focus: CIT 2300 - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming

▪ CIT 3500 – Human Computer Interaction (includes user experience) (major standing required)


o CIN 1600 – Introduction to Filmmaking (CIN1150/ENG2610 prerequisite, major/minor standing)

o CW 2400 – Intro to Screen/TV writing (prereq. WRT160)

▪ Focus: ENG 387 – Screenwriting (prereq. CW2400 and CIN 1150/ENG2610)


o THA 2023 – Drawing and Rendering for the Theatre (THA 1024 prereq.)

▪ Focus: THA 3022 – Costume Design


o PSY 2350 – Social Psychology (PSY 1000 prereq.)

o PSY 3100 – Creativity & Innovation (PSY 1000 prerequisite)

o PSY 3160 – Cognitive Psychology (PSY 1000 & PSY 2500 prereq.)

Studio Art/Graphic Design

o ART 1002 – Foundations of Studio Art 2D

▪ Focus –Drawing: ART 2100, ART 3100, ART 3120

▪ Focus – Digital Illustration: DES 1130, DES2230, DES3330/ DES 3370

▪ Focus – Motion Graphics: DES 1130, DES 3350, DES 3360

o ART 1004 – Foundations of Media Art

▪ Focus: ART 3120, 3220, 3290

▪ Focus – Digital Illustration: DES 1130, DES2230, DES3330/ DES 3370

▪ Focus – Motion Graphics: DES 1130, DES 3350, DES 3360

Writing & Rhetoric

o WRT 3073 – Digital Storytelling

o WRT 3074 – Rhetoric and Video Games

10. Committee deferred the request from the Department of Mathematics and Statistics to add the following new courses:

MTH 1331 College Algebra (4)

Functions, roots of polynomials, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions. Students cannot receive credit for both MTH 1441 (or MTH 141) and MTH 1331.

Prerequisite(s): MTH 0662 (or MTH 062) with a grade of 2.0 or higher or placement.

MTH 1332 Trigonometry (4)

Trigonometric functions (including graphs, identities, inverse functions, equations and applications); complex numbers, analytic geometry and conic sections. Students cannot receive credit for both MTH 1441 (or MTH 141) and MTH 1332.

Prerequisite(s): MTH 1331 with a grade of 2.0 or higher or placement.

11. Committee deferred the request from the School of Music, Theatre and Dance to add the following new course:

THA 2024 Designer Computer Skills (2)

Introduction to graphics and computer drafting software that have become the industry standard for work in the performing arts. Includes architectural draftings, lighting plots and presentational renderings using Vectorworks and Photoshop, Introduces common programs such as AutoCAD, Sketch-Up and Illustrator.

Prerequisite(s) or corequisite(s): (THA 124 or THA 1024).

12. Committee approved the request from the School of Music, Theatre and Dance to change the description for the following courses:

MUS 1010 Exploring African Music (4)

Study of music traditions in Africa and the African Diaspora, focusing on cultural context and the relationship of music to language, dance, ritual, and social activities. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the arts knowledge exploration area or in the global perspective knowledge exploration area, not both. Some performance required.

MUS 1011 Exploring Caribbean Music (4)

Study of the African-based music traditions found in the Caribbean Islands, South America and the United States. Emphasis on cultural context and the development of new musical forms by African-Americans. Satisfies the university general education requirement in the arts knowledge exploration area. Satisfies the university general education requirement in U.S. diversity. Some performance required.

13. Committee deferred the request from the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work and Criminal Justice to add the following new course:

SOC 3470 Sociology of Education (4)

A sociological framework on education emphasizing history, theory, and practice of education in the United States. Explores theories and concepts dealing with schools and society.

Prerequisite(s): SOC 1000 or permission of instructor.

14. Committee approved the request from the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work and Criminal Justice to change the description for the following course:

CRJ 3351 Geography of Crime (4)

Examines the structural and social determinants of crime across geographic places and considers the spatial distribution of crime and victimization. Includes the measurement of crime across places, e.g., countries, cities and neighborhoods.

Prerequisite(s): CRJ 1100

15. Committee approved the request from the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work and Criminal Justice to change the description of the following course:

AN 3720 Human Adaptation (4)

Examines current theory on the cultural and biological adaptation of human groups to natural and social environments. Identical with ENV 3720.



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