List of Clinic Tests


|TESTS | | | | |

|CDI: Words and Gestures |8-16 months |Part I: Early Words (396-word vocabulary checklist; prod/comp) |parent checklist |Spanish version available |

|(MacArthur Communicative Dev’t | |Part II: Actions and Gestures (nonverbal symbolic and social communicative | | |

|Inventories, Singular | |behaviors) | | |

|Publishing:1993) | | | | |

|CDI: Words and Sentences |16-30 months |Part I: Words Children Use (680-word production vocabulary; no comprehension |parent checklist |Spanish version available |

| | |measures) | | |

| | |Part II: Sentences and Grammar (production of regular and irregular bound | | |

| | |morphemes; multi-word utterances) | | |

|CELF-P |3;0-6;11 |Receptive: Expressive: |Time: |Composite scores for Receptive, |

|(Clinical Evaluation of Language | |Linguistic Concepts Recalling Sentences in Context |30-45 min. |Expressive, or Total Language. |

|Fundamentals-Preschool; | |Sentence Structure Formulating Labels | | |

|Psychological Corporation: 1992) | |Basic Concepts Word Structure |Ceiling: |Age Equivalents for Total Language |

| | | | |only. |

|CELF-3 |6;0-8;11 |Receptive: Expressive: |Time: 3 |Composite scores for Receptive, |

| | |Sentence Structure Word Structure |0-45 min. |Expressive, or Total Language. |

|(Clinical Evaluation of Language | |Concepts and Directions Formulated Sentences | | |

|Fundamentals-Third Edition; | |Word Classes Recalling Sentences |Ceiling: |Age Equivalents for Total Language |

|Psychological Corporation: 1995) | | |varies (see score sheet) |only. |

| |9;0-21;11 |Receptive: Expressive: | | |

| | |Semantic Relationships Sentence Assembly | | |

| | |Concepts and Directions Formulated Sentences | | |

| | |Word Classes Recalling Sentences | | |

| | | | | |

| | |Supplementary Subtests for 6;0-21;0 | | |

| | |-Word Associations | | |

| | |-Listening to Paragraphs | | |

| | |-Rapid, Automatic Naming | | |

|PLS-3 |0;0-6;11 |Auditory Comprehension |Time: |Need set of toys, and stimulus manual; |

| | |Expressive Communication |15-40 min. |Age Equivalents for individual subtests|

|(Preschool Language Scales, | | | |and for total language score |

|Psychological Corporation: 1992) | |Supplementary subtests: -Articulation Screener |Ceiling: | |

| | |-Language Sample Checklist | | |

|TACL-3 |3;0-9;11 |Receptive Language: |Time: |Age Equivalents for subtests, not for |

|(Test for Auditory Comprehension | |Vocabulary |20-30 min. |total test. |

|of Language-Third Edition; | |Grammatical Morphemes | | |

|Pro-Ed:1999) | |Elaborated Phrases and Sentences |Ceiling: | |

| | | |3 zeros in a row | |

|TLC- level 1 |5;0-9;11 |1. Ambiguous Sentences |Time: 30-40 m.? |Age Equivalents on Composite Score only|

|level 2 |9;0-18;11 |2. Listening Comprehension: Making Inferences | | |

|(Test of Language Competence |(For 9;0-9;11, use |3. Oral Expression: Recreating Sentences |Ceiling: |Test of metalinguistic competence in |

|–Expanded Edition; Psychological |Level 1 if student |4. Figurative Language |1: 4 zeros in row |semantics, syntax, pragmatics |

|Corporation:1989) |is poor reader) | |2: 3 failures to respond (NOT|(receptive + expressive) |

| | |Supplemental subtest for Level 2: |3 zeros in a row!) | |

| | |-Remembering Word Pairs | | |

|TOAL |12;0-24;11 |Listening Vocabulary Reading Vocabulary |Time: 1 hr. 45 m. |No age equivalents. |

|(Test of Adolescent and Adult | |Listening Grammar Reading Grammar |Ceiling: 3 out of 5 answers | |

|Language | |Speaking Vocabulary Writing Vocabulary |incorrect | |

| | |Speaking Grammar Writing Grammar | | |

|Token Test for Children |3;0-12;5 | | |Age equivalents. |

| | | | |Grade equivalents for preschool age 3 |

| | | | |through grade 6 |

|TOLD-P |4;0-8;11 |Picture Vocabulary Grammatic Understanding | |Supplementary subtests: |

|(Test of Language | |Relational Vocabulary Sentence Imitation | |-Word Discrimination |

|Development-Primary) | |Oral Vocabulary Grammatic Completion | |-Phonemic Analysis |

| | | | |-Word Articulation |

|TOLD-I |8;6-12;11 |Sentence Combining Generals | | |

| | |Picture Vocabulary Grammatic Comprehension | | |

| | |Word Ordering Malapropisms | | |


|PAT |5;0-9;11 |Rhyming: Discrimination, Production; Segmentation: Sentences, Syllables, Phonemes;|Time: 40 min. |Age equivalents on subtests and on |

|(The Phonological Awareness Test;| |Isolation: Initial, Final, Medial; Deletion: Compounds/ Syllables, Phonemes; | |total test. |

|LinguaSystems: 1997) |Some subtests for > |Substitution; Blending: Syllables, Phonemes; Graphemes: Consonants, Long/Short |Ceiling: No basals or | |

| |5 yo only. |Vowels, C Blends, C Digraphs, R-cont. Vs, Vdigraphs, Diphthongs Decoding: VC, CVC,|ceilings. | |

| | |C digraphs, etc. | | |

|TERA-2 |3;0-9;11 |Measures skills that emerge in preschool years: |Time: 15-30 m. | |

|(Test of Early Reading | |-Constructing meaning from print. | | |

|Ability-Second Edition; Pro-Ed: | |-Knowing alphabet and its function. |Ceiling: 5 zeros in a row. | |

|1989) | |-Discovering print conventions. | | |

|TORC-3 |7;0-17;11 |1. General Vocabulary 5-7. Content vocabulary: |Time: 60 min. |Age equivalents for individual |

|(Test of Reading | |2. Syntactic Similarities -math | |subtests. |

|Comprehension-Third Edition; | |3. Paragraph Reading -social studies |Ceiling: varies | |

|Pro-Ed: 1995) | |4. Sentence Sequencing -science | | |

|TOWL-3 |7;0-17;11 |1. Vocabulary 4. Logical Sentences |Time: | |

|(Test of Written Lang.-3rd Ed.; | |2. Spelling 5. Sentence Combining | | |

|Pro-Ed: 1996) | |3. Style 6. Contextual Conventions |Ceiling: | |

|TOPL |5;0-13;11 |Measures six core components of pragmatic language: |Time: 45 min. + |Age Equivalent for total test. |

|(Test of Pragmatic Language; | |-physical setting (context) | | |

|Pro-Ed: 1992) |(also for adults |-audience (relationship, #, given/new, mood, turn-take) |Ceiling: Give all test items;| |

| |with LD, DD, |-topic (history, intro, maintenance, breakdown, change) |use tape recorder to score | |

| |aphasia, ESL) |-purpose (speech acts: request, inform, regulate, etc.) |items later. | |

| | |-visual-gestural cues (body L, facial exp., eye contact) | | |

| | |-abstraction (non-literal) | | |

|TOPS | | | | |

|Elementary-R |5;6-12;6 | | | |

|Adolescent |10;0-19;0 | | | |

|(Test of Problem Solving) | | | | |


| | | | | |

|Bus Story | |Informal assessment of narrative retell ability. Score for: |3;6-8;0 |Age equivalent. |

| | |--information content | | |

| | |--sentence length | | |

| | |--subordinate clauses | | |

|Frog Story | | | | |

|Pragmatic Protocol | | | | |

|Prelinguistic Communication | | | | |

|Checklist | | | | |

|SSRS |3-5 years |Checklists for parents and teachers. | | |

|(Social Skills Rating System) |K-6 grade | | | |

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|Vocab and Artic | | | | | | |

|TESTS | | | | | | |

|EOWPVT-R | | | | | | |

|EOWPVT | | | | | | |

|(upper ext.) | | | | | | |

|EVT | | | | | | |

|PPVT-III | | | | | | |

|(A, B, Spanish) | | | | | | |

|APP-R | | | | | | |

|TOWF | | | | | | |

List of Stimulus Materials With Which to Engage Children in Low Structured Interactions

for the Purpose of Assessing Communicative and Symbolic Behaviors

(a.k.a., toys):

➢ Kitchen set (plastic food, dishes, silverware, etc.)

➢ Train set

➢ Barn set

➢ Barney schoolhouse set

➢ Barbie grocery store

➢ Pirate ship

➢ Sundry stacking and nesting items

➢ An array of cause/effect toys

➢ Wind-up toys

➢ Bubbles

➢ Box’o’dolls, stuffed animals, hand puppets

➢ Box’o’cars and trucks (various sizes)

➢ Set of doll accessories

➢ Nerf and koosh balls

➢ Wooden puzzles

➢ A few picture books

➢ One big dinosaur


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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