Past Tense ESL Game

|Start |lazy | |honest |warmhearted | |Personality | | |

| | | | | | |Traits | | |

| | | | | | |[pic] | | |

|shy | |well-

traveled | |Go back 2 | | | |hard working |adventur-ous |generous | | |kind |[pic] |talk-

ative | |

moody | | | |Trade

places | | |

passionate | | | | | | |strict | |easygoing | |unreliable |FREE

Candy |stubborn | | |reserved | | |FREE

Candy | |ambitious |rude | |impatient | | | | |Go Ahead 2 | | |mean | | | | |arrogant |Talk about someone you know that has the trait you land on. You must give an example. |Go Back 1 |greedy |romantic |patient | | |stingy | |Go Ahead 2 |[pic] |sneaky | |Trade

Places | |

rational | | | | | | |messy | | | |grumpy | |conservative |


|picky | | |[pic] |cold-hearted | | |neat | |clumsy | |outgoing |polite | |well-

read |intelligent | | |END | |Examples: My boyfriend is romantic. Last week, he took me to a movie and then a really cool café. Then we went for a walk in the park.

My father is stubborn. He never changes his mind about anything.

My best friend is adventurous. She likes to travel and she always tries new things. ©


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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