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TEST INFO: Tuesday, 11am, room 308 (or 309)






PRESENT PERFECT Y/N Q & A --Have/Has + Past Participle 7





You will need to read/know ideas from these topics:

1. Media-parts 1, 2 and 3. Make sure to know some statistics and some real stories on media and it's effects.

2. Know the handouts (pg. 6,7,9,16-19,23 and I think also: pg. 40-43) and chapters 6 from Top Notch 2

3. Know and be able to translate the grammar structures of present perfect and would/used to.

4. Know how to correct grammar mistakes from homework and speeches

Sample questions I might ask in the short answer or short essay sections:

How many servings of fruits and vegetables should you eat per day?

Who was the real criminal in Tiffany Eunick's death in your opinion? Why?

What are the 3 psychological ways that violence in media causes violence in real life? Provide examples.

How many murders is TV responsible for causing every year in the USA?

What are three things that can be done to change the content of the media?

How will your use of media change from what you have heard on this topic in our class (from articles, handouts and other students presentations?

You will be able to find the mistake corrections and the handouts from the term online on Wednesday (or Tuesday night) at:

click "Dongeui files-info" directory and download files that start with "Practical Conversation 1".

Best of luck to you, but those who are diligent in studying are almost always luckier ;),

Bryan Bissell


|A boy killed his father and stepmother followed by SCREAM's murder scene. |A boy killed his father and stepmother in the same way that this happened in SCREAM's|

|When he was arrested, he wore Scream's clothes. |murder scene. |

|So many people were died on September 11. |When he was arrested, he was wearing the same clothes as the criminal in Scream. |

|After all, scenes of world trade center in movies was corrected and deleted. |So many people died on September 11. |

|The police was investigated his crime. |After that, scenes of the world trade center in movies were corrected and deleted. |

|He killed Mrs. Kim and then set fire to her house. |The police investigated his crime. |

|Many different crimes have created when we become civilized. |His crime was killing Mrs. Kim and then setting fire to her house. |

|In the time of younger, the body and mental state are changed. |Many new and different crimes have been committed as we become civilized. |

|Therefore, as the source of trouble they have, the Time is it so much curiosity|In the time of youth, the body and mental state are changing. |

| |Therefore, one source of the troubles that they have is that at this time they are so|

|Also, owing to radical secretion of hormone and increasing of the desire, they |curious. |

|make their power of self-control weak. |Also, owing to radical secretion of hormones and the increasing of desire, their |

| |powers of self-control are weak. |

|This is a mental state of hero that happened in the time of teenager. |This refers to the mental state of idolizing heroes that happens during the teenage |

|This is a mental state of hero is the present situation that teenagers evaluate|period. |

|them so smart. |This mental state of idolizing heroes causes teenagers to evaluate them as very |

|The Film and Television was judged and was got the class before the movie |smart. |

|opened. |Film and Television products are judged and given a rating before the movie opens. |

|So the movie class, the teenagers can't see the movie that banned to the |So, because of the movie rating, teenagers can't see movies that are banned for |

|teenagers. |teenagers. |

| |When the teenagers tumble into risky sites and violent sites, they can't control |

|When the teenagers tumble for a risky site and Violence site, they can't |themselves. |

|control themselves. |They can develop the impulse and possibility to become criminals. |

|They have the possibility of impulse criminal. |These days our society is getting more complicated. |

|Thesedays our society are being more complicated. |We have to do lots of work, studies, with little free time and very little time for |

|We have to do lots of works, studies, even no friends and no time. |friends. |

|He also used to enjoy the game every day. |He also used to enjoy playing these kinds of games every day. |

|You know, the game addict causes lack of sleep, drop of physical strength, |We know that game addiction causes lack of sleep, a drop in physical strength, |

|anthrophobia, hypochondria. |anthrophobia, hypochondria and other conditions. |

|In weapons case, these were made from real ones in a game; same name, same |In the case of the game weapons, these were made to look exactly like real ones with |

|outlook. |the same names, same outlook. |

|Considering an age trend in juvenile delinquency, the older they are, the more |. Considering the age trends in juvenile delinquency, the older they are, the more |

|there are |crimes they commit. |

|it's not just our problem in the country. |It's not just a problem in our country. |

|it must be one of the most serious problem in the world. |It is one of the most serious problems around the world. |

|there are lot's of cases in the world surprisingly it's definitely over my |There are lot's of cases all over the world and surprisingly it was definitely beyond|

|expectation . |what I expected. |

|the government makes more some program that they can feel they are a prat of a |The government should make some programs that help them feel that they are a part of |

|society |society. |

|a person who has some problems physically and mentally should be paid |The government can make more programs that can help them feel that they are a part of|

|attention by their family ,friends and acquaintance whatever they do |a society. |

|But result of murderer was not that cool like movie. |But, the result of the murder was not cool like it was in the movie. |

|These movies is based on real story are very violent and stimulative. |These movies that are based on real stories are very violent and stimulating. |

|National organization and government must cultivate professional in variety|The national organization and the government must cultivate professionals in a |

|area. |variety of areas. |

|Almost people think “good looking is best”, it will be appraised a person’s |Most people think “good looking is best” and they appraise a person’s ability by |

|ability of standard. |this standard. |

|Therefore, someone addicted plastic surgery. |Therefore, some become addicted to plastic surgery. |

|When Lookism is arisen big issue in society. |Obssession with looks, also called lookism, has become a big issue in society. |

|she has met psychiatrist. |She has appointments with a psychiatrist. |

|Why people addicted plastic surgery? |Why are people addicted to plastic surgery? |

|The advertising instigates us to change your life and think about external |Advertising motivates us to change our lives and think about external features. |

|feature. |They are thinking about how to be beautiful and diet.  |

|They are thinking how to beauty, diet.  |The result of surveys show that more than half of the students of girls' high |

|The result of survey came out that more than half students of girls' high |schools, if they can afford it, want to have plastic surgery. |

|school, if they can afford to, they want to have a plastic surgery. |As the result of a survey on obsessions with looks of 700 students, 360 students, |

|As the result of survey of the lookism for 700 students, 360 students, that is,|that is, 51.4% of respondents answered like the above. |

|51.4% of respondents answered like this. |Mass media has changed the standards of beauty. |

|mass media change the standards of beauty. |That is why these problems are becoming more aggravated. |

|That is why these problem aggravate.  |The most important thing is that they should know that they have beautiful figures |

|most important thing is they should know that they have beautiful figure which |which are inherited from their parents. |

|inherited from their parents. |The Werther effect refers to someone who copycats the suicide of a famous person. |

|Werther effect means copycat suicide himself or herself by famous people's |Anyway in 1779 suicides of young people increased significantly as a result of this |

|suicide. |book. |

|Anyway in 1779 young people's death was increased by this book. |They copycatted werther's suicide. |

|They capycat werther's suicide. |This book's hero Werther commits suicide due to agonies of a broken heart. |

|This book's herowerther was suicide by agonies of broken heart . |Between 2003.4/1~4/2 six Chinese committed suicide. |

|Between 2003.4/1~4/2 six Chinese were suicided. |When she died some Korean people copycatted her death. |

|When she died some Korean people were copycat her's death. |Famous people’s death easily infects XX normal people and usually this effect is |

|Famous people death is easily infect to normal people and usually this effect |caused by mental depression. |

|caused by mental depression. |Someone volunteers to answer the question. |

|And someone is apply for volunteer or answer question. |If a certain company starts having labor trouble, other companies soon have the same |

|If certain company begin their capital and labor trouble, other company follow |trouble, and it spreads to a whole area. |

|it, and it spread whole area. |This behavior could prevent people's |

|This behavior could prepare people's |copycat suicides or prevent them from losing their courage or individuality. |

|copycat suicide or lose their courage or characteristic. |Our second opinion is easier to do. |

|Our second opinion is more easy to do it. | |


| |significant:중요한 |

|In the movie Titanic, Kate Winslett and Leonardo DiCaprio raised their hands to the sky at the front of the ship in a very romantic |impact:영향 |

|pose. After seeing this in the movie, many many couples imitated this on ships and on mountains and in other places. Many of them |imitation:모방 |

|took photographs of this pose. This movie had a significant impact on the actions of many couples. This is normal and natural and fun|imitated:모방했다 |

|to do. But, there are other times that this imitation of things on movies and TV can become very dangerous. |moves: wrestling techniques |

| |tragically:비극적으로 |

|Lionel Tate (pictured on the right) loved watching wrestling shows on TV and he sometimes imitated them in play with his friends. On |traumatic:외상의 |

|July 28, 1999 he was babysitting his younger friend Tiffany Eunick (below Lionel). He was 12 years old and weighed 170 pounds. |injuries:상처 |

|Tiffany was 6 years old and she weighed 48 pounds. For some reason, he started wrestling with her and tried out some of the moves that|autopsy:부검 |

|he had seen on TV on his young friend. |fractured:골절 |

| |lacerated:찢긴 |

|Tragically, Lionel’s “play” caused many traumatic injuries eventually ending in Tiffany’s death. An autopsy showed that she suffered |liver:간 |

|some 35 injuries including a fractured skull, lacerated liver, broken ribs, internal bleeding and many cuts and bruises. |ribs:갈빗대 |

| |internal:내부의 |

|Lionel was taken into custody and a trial was held. The defense lawyers for Lionel argued that Lionel and Tiffany were friends. He |bruises:타박상 |

|would not intentionally hurt a girl who was his friend and that he often played with. The defense argued that TV and media violence |custody:강금 |

|caused Lionel to do these terrible things and that he didn’t realize that he could seriously injure Tiffany. So they reasoned, he |trial:재판 |

|shouldn’t be held responsible for his actions. TV violence and professional wrestling shows were the real criminals and they should be|intentionally:고의로 |

|on trial. |defense:피고측,변호 |

| |held responsible:책임을떠맡다 |

|The prosecutors alleged that Lionel knew that he was hurting her, but enjoyed hurting her. They showed that he was known as a bully at|criminals:범죄의,범인 |

|school. The prosecution said that TV and wrestling were not on trial in this case and they said the violence went far beyond |prosecutors:검사 |

|wrestling. The injuries were so extensive that Lionel must have known what he was doing and the effects that it would cause. But, he |alleged:언명하다 |

|beat her up anyway. |bully:폭한 |

| |prosecution:검찰당국 |

|The judge didn’t allow professional wrestlers (like Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson) to testify about how they staged the shows and he didn’t|extensive:광범위한 |

|allow testimony from psychologists that showed that TV violence causes children to be more violent. |testify:증명하다 |

| |staged:실행하다 |

|There are many stories of children imitating wrestling moves and other violent actions from media, books and video games (and the |psychologists:심리학자 |

|examples of family and friends around them). These imitations sometimes lead to tragic deaths. |tragic:비극적인 |

| |sentence: punishment from a |

| |judge/court |

| |banned:금지하다 |

| |restricted:제한하다 |

| | |

|MEDIA AND VIOLENCE--PART 2 |decades:수십년간 |

|Lionel’s case is only one example of millions of violent acts. In this section you will read some of the research on the enormous |aggravated assault |

|increase in violence in the last few decades. As you read, remember that each number in the statistics that you read represents the |rate: 가중폭행율 |

|life of a person like Tiffany. It’s not just a number, it’s a person. |paramedics:의료보조자 |

| |glorifies:찬송하다 |

|In America, the murder rate has nearly doubled between 1957 and 1992. But, the aggravated assault rate (people trying to kill or |unethical:비윤리적인 |

|seriously injure other people) has jumped by almost 800%, from 60/100,000 people to 440/100,000 people (sources: Statistical Abstracts |dramatic increases: |

|of the United States, 1957-1997 and “Crimes and Crime Rates by Type of Offense” from the US Census Bureau). These rates would be even |shocking increases극적 |

|higher except for 2 things: |인증가 |

|We are putting many more people in prisons now than before. So, many of the most violent people can’t commit crimes. |enable:가능하게하다 |

|We now have helicopters, 911 services, paramedics, emergency rooms and other wonderful medical technology. If 1000 people died in 1940 |conditioning:상황 |

|from injuries, now only 100 people would die from those same injuries. |indiscriminately:무차별|

| |의 |

|Movies and media can be used very positively. There are history, science and educational channels that are wonderful. Humor, drama |safeguards:보호 |

|can be very good too. So, it can be used for good. But, unfortunately, a lot of media is violent and glorifies unethical behavior |species:종류 |

|because that shocks people and makes money. But as you will see, this causes dramatic increases in real life violence. |resistance:저항 |

| |systematically:체계적으|

|David Grossman is an expert for the US army on the psychology of killing. He says, “I spent almost a quarter of a century (25 years) as|로 |

|an army infantry officer and a psychologist, learning and studying how to enable people to kill. Believe me, we are very good at it. |desensitization:민감하 |

|But it does not come naturally; you have to be taught to kill. And just as the army is conditioning people to kill, we are |지않음 |

|indiscriminately doing the same thing to our children, but without the safeguards.” David Grossman and many others believe violence in |brutalization:야만화 |

|media is causing the large increases in violence today. |permeates:스며들다 |

| |reaction:반응 |

|Almost every animal species resists killing its own kind. Humans have the same resistance. In World War II, U.S. Army Brig. Gen. S. |criminogenic:범죄를야기|

|L. A. Marshall discovered that only 15 to 20 percent of the individual riflemen could make themselves shoot the enemy soldiers. Men are|하는 |

|willing to die, they are willing to sacrifice themselves for their nation; but they are not willing to kill. This shooting rate was a |juveniles:청소년,아동 |

|very serious problem for the military. And they systematically fixed this "problem". By the Korean War, 55 percent of the soldiers |cite:예로들다 |

|were willing to shoot to kill. And by Vietnam, the rate rose to over 90 percent. We can learn a lot about cause of the level of |media-saturated:대중매 |

|violence in our world from the training methods they developed. |체에 스며들다 |

| |emotionally:감정적으로 |

|DESENSITIZATION OR BRUTALIZATION (violent heroes or experiences often produce violence) |immune:면역의 |

|People imitate what they see. So, from the very beginning, military training camp is violent, both verbally and physically. The |civil lawsuits:민사소송|

|soldiers experience so much violence and brutalization that they think violence is normal and they are willing to kill. |incitement:고무,자극 |

|Violence is everywhere. It’s on TV (WWF, The Matrix, the Silence of the Lambs), in comic books, in most video games, etc. When |First Amendment: USA |

|violence permeates a culture, violence becomes a common reaction to stressful situations for some people. |constitution law that |

|Jacqueline Helfgott, a professor who specializes in "the criminogenic effects of pop culture." says that as many as one-quarter of |guarantees freedom of |

|juveniles involved in criminal cases now cite films, video games, or songs to explain their crimes. "Our culture has become so |speech |

|media-saturated," she says. "I would expect it to come up more and more." Similarly, college guys who play violent video games are |override:압도하다 |

|much more likely to be physically violent in real life. The imitating of media is not just in violent areas. It extends to many other|liable:책임을져야할 |

|areas such as sex for example. According to several studies, teens that listen to lots of sexual music or watch many sexual programs |copycat:모방자 |

|are about twice as likely to become sexually active in their teens. This is often damaging both physically and emotionally. |salivating(침)분비하다 |

|But, adults are not at all immune from the effects of TV violence. After Natural Born Killers, there were at least 12 copycat crimes |bayonets:무력,총검 |

|that imitated violent acts in the movie. The Matrix has also had a big following and there have been many crimes that followed it and |cruel:잔혹한 |

|people claiming that they were “in the matrix” and didn’t know that it was reality. |repetitions:반복 |

|In civil lawsuits, another professor Kunich argues, entertainment producers who market violent media to teens should be held |automatically:자동적으 |

|responsible for incitement, a category not protected by the First Amendment. So far though, victims of violence have had little success|로 |

|convincing courts to override producers' First Amendment protections and hold them liable for copycat crimes. |stimulus-response:자극-|


|Pavlov used this psychological training method with his dogs. Whenever he rang a bell there was food. Soon, the dogs were salivating |accurate:정확한 |

|just when they heard the bells. |subsequent:그이후의 |

|In World War II, a few Japanese soldiers were told to kill Chinese prisoners with bayonets. It was cruel. But, the other soldiers |homicide:살인 |

|would cheer and clap. Right after this, the soldiers would eat a wonderful meal, sake (wine) and be provided with comfort girls. |exposure:폭로 |

|Violence was associated with pleasure and rewards. In this way, large numbers of soldiers were trained to kill. |causal factor:원인요소 |

|Every time people play violent video games, they are also learning to associate violence with rewards. Movies do the same thing when |annually:매년 |

|people connect violence and death with favorite soft drinks, candy bars, their girlfriend's perfume, etc. |hypothetically:가정하면|

| |rapes:강탈 |


|This is when you do something so many times that it becomes automatic. You just respond. In the military, targets come up, the soldiers|assaults:상처주는폭행 |

|shoot and the target goes down. Soldiers and police officers experience 1000s of repetitions of doing this. Later, when they get into |overwhelmingly:압도적이|

|a dangerous situation, the response is automatically to shoot to kill. 75 to 80 percent of the shooting on the modern battlefield is |게 |

|the result of this kind of stimulus-response training. |causal:원인의 |

|Video games use the same techniques. People kill hundreds and thousands of times in games like “Counterstrike”, “Virtual Cop” and many|aggressive:공격적인 |

|other video games. This is even worse than TV violence because players are participating in doing the violence. They are learning the |pediatricians:소아과의 |

|exact same response that soldiers and police officers do. |사 |

|One boy went to rob a store with a gun. When the clerk looked up, the boy automatically shot and killed the father of 4. Police asked |psychiatrists:정신병의 |

|why he killed the guy (there were 6 video cameras in the store), he said, "I don't know. It was a mistake. It wasn't supposed to |사 |

|happen." This boy and the several of the kids who did the school shootings spent huge amounts of time playing shooting video games. |baseline:기선 |

|They were amazingly accurate and killed many people even though they had never held a gun before! How? They had been trained by video|physical:신체의 |

|games. |verbal:말의 |

| |aggression:공격 |

|Today 1000s of studies show a strong link between media violence and real life violence. There is more data for this than the data |righteousness:정의,정직|

|that shows a link between tobacco and cancer. The Journal of the American Medical Association wrote that "the introduction of |harmony:일치,조화 |

|television in the 1950's caused a subsequent doubling of the homicide rate, i.e., long-term childhood exposure to television is a |order: well organized, |

|causal factor behind approximately one half of the homicides committed in the United States, or approximately 10,000 homicides |well-run |

|annually." The article continued, "…if, hypothetically, television technology had never been developed, there would today be 10,000 |defiles:더럽히다 |

|fewer homicides each year in the United States, 70,000 fewer rapes, and 700,000 fewer injurious assaults" (June 10, 1992). |immorality:부도덕 |

| |slander:욕설 |

|In July, 2000, a joint statement was made to the US Congress by the AMA, the APA, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American |noble:숭고한 |

|Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. They said, "Well over 1,000 studies point overwhelmingly to a causal connection between |admirable:훌륭한 |

|media violence and aggressive behavior in some children." That's our doctors, psychologists, pediatricians and child psychiatrists |experiment:실험 |

|testifying that media violence causes violence in children. |manifests:분명하게보여 |

| |주다 |

|So, violence in media definitely causes violence in real life. But, does removing the violent media, reduce violence in real life? |deed:행동 |

|This was the subject of a study by Stanford in 2003. They compared 2 elementary schools in San Jose. The scientists first watched the|character:성질, 기질 |

|students carefully to see their baseline levels of violence (both physical and verbal). Then 2/3s of the students in 1 school agreed |nagging:성가신 잔소리 |

|to turn off the TV for 10 days. For the next 20 weeks, ½ of the students only watched TV for 7 hours a week. After the 20 weeks of |portraying:표현하다 |

|the experiment, the scientists found that physical violence had reduced by 50% and verbal aggression by 40%. |illegal:불법의 |

| | |

|The idea that what we think about influences our thoughts is not new: | |

|Confucius said, "If there be righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character. If there be beauty in the character, | |

|there will be harmony in the home. If there be harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there be order in the | |

|nation, there will be peace in the world." | |

|Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” Jesus said, "It is the thought-life that defiles you. For from within, | |

|out of a person's heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder…envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. "Mark 7:20-23 | |

|Paul gave us the way to stop violence. He said, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure…whatever is | |

|admirable…think about such things.”(Phil 4:8) Stanford’s experiment shows that it works. | |

|Buddha said, “The thought manifests as the word. The word manifests as the deed. The deed develops into habit. And the habit hardens | |

|into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care. And let it spring from love, born out of concern for all beings.” | |

| | |

|People used to say that what you read and watch isn’t important. But, science now proves that the Bible’s advice is very wise. Be | |

|careful what you think about and watch. It does affect your actions and it can change your future and the lives of others. | |


Adapted from and other sources

What can we do to reverse these serious problems? Here are some ideas:

1) EDUCATE: People need to learn: Violence is not a game; it's not fun, it's not something that we do for entertainment. Violence kills. Every parent must be warned of the impact of TV and other violent media on children, just as we would warn them of some widespread carcinogen.

2) WATCH CAREFULLY: Media makes money because many people watch it. If people stop watching programs, the media companies will change them. They do this many times every year. Choose media and games that match your values and follow what is right and true. Refuse to watch violent and abusive media. As many people do this, the content of media will change and become more positive and character building. How can you do this? From the summary on the video or the movie trailer you can usually see what it’s about and whether it’s good to watch. Choose true stories or movies with positive heroes and character building content. There are also many internet sites that review movies and video games. You can get good suggestions and comments on media there:

Media Family: (good site with reviews of movies and video games and a lot more research. You can search movies and games and look at a rating of them.

Christian Movie Reviews: spotlight/home.html

Christians Video Game Reviews:

Some excellent games that have been given positive reviews for their social and play value and technical merit are: The Mario Brother Series (Super Mario World, Mario Party 4, etc), Civilization 3, Simcity, Pushover, The Mystery of Veggie Tale Island, Animal Crossing, , Roller Coaster Tycoon, Railroad Tycoon, I spy Challenger, Worms, NASCAR , SimCity, The Incredible Machine, Earthworm Jim, Tetris, Myst, Westward, King’s Quest

Educational but fun games are: “Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego”, Oregon Trail, Eduprofix, Reader Rabbit, Zoo Vet, and others

3) CONFRONT: Confront the idea that violence is acceptable entertainment among neighbors and people you know. If other parents have violent media and games, don’t allow your kids to go there and explain why to the parents. If friends or students are laughing at a violent action, confront it and explain why this isn’t acceptable.

What the media teach is unnatural, and if confronted in love and assurance, the house they have built on the sand will crumble. But our house is built on the rock. If we don't actively present our values, then the media will most assuredly inflict theirs on our children.

4) LEGISLATE: Work towards legislation to ban violent media and video games for kids. A CBS executive said that he knows all about the link between media and violence. So, he is not going to expose his child to TV until she's old enough to learn how to read. And then he will select very carefully age-appropriate videos for her to watch. This should be the bare minimum with children: Show them only age-appropriate videos, and think hard about what is age-appropriate.

5) DEMAND HONESTY: Write to networks demanding that they honestly speak about the connections between violence and the media. The networks will stick their lenses anywhere and courageously expose anything no matter how terrible or disgusting. But, they almost never focus on themselves and their guilt in the tragic crimes that happen. We should demand honesty from them by writing letters and joining campaigns.

6) SUE: Sue corporations and media networks for their cause of violence. Make them take the responsibility for the crimes that products cause. Cigarette companies have had to pay billions for the results of smoking because of hiding the effects. Media companies should be responsible for the damaging effects on people that they cause.

There are many other things that people can do to help change our culture. Youth activities can provide alternatives to television, and churches can lead the way in providing alternative locations for latchkey children. Fellowship groups can provide guidance and support to young parents as they strive to raise their children without the destructive influences of the media. Mentoring programs can pair mature, educated adults with young parents, helping them through their child's preschool years without using the TV as a baby-sitter. And most of all, religious groups as well as other concerned citizens can provide the call of decency and love and peace as an alternative to death and destruction--not just for the sake of the church, but for the transformation of our culture.

PRESENT PERFECT Y/N Q & A --Have/Has + Past Participle




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