PREFACE - Broward County Public Schools / Homepage

PREFACEPrincipal’s MessageMission and BeliefsCharacter EducationSECTION 1 – DAILY OPERATIONAL PROCEDURESPolicies and Procedures for Oakland Park ElementarySECTION 2 – FORMS and POLICIES ON FILESECTION 3 – GOVERNANCE and STRUCTUREOffice Staff Duties and ResponsibilitiesPREFACEPrincipal’s MessageIt is the responsibility of all staff to become familiar with the contents of this handbook. We will operate within the constraints of the Law, School Board Policy, School Policy, and Personnel Policy. School decisions will be based on what is best for the total school.The primary purpose of the school is to educate children and this purpose needs to remain uppermost in the minds of all School Board employees. As the instructional leaders, we provide the example that children will model. Teachers are expected to speak and dress appropriately and professionally. Ask nothing of children you are not willing and able to do yourself.All information will be applicable throughout the school year, unless you receive written notification regarding a change.In addition to the information contained in this handbook, you should read and become familiar with the following documents:Parent/Student HandbookStudent Code of Conduct Proactive Discipline PlanCafeteria PlanSchool Board PoliciesCurriculum GuidesCode of Ethics and Principles of Professional ConductStandards of Competent Professional PerformanceLet us strive to provide a quality educational program for the students at Oakland Park Elementary:Be positive and flexible.Honor commitments and meet deadlines.Arrive at school and meetings on time.Provide an attractive, neat, organized environment for children.Display students’ work and original (non-purchased), pertinent displays and boards.Assume total responsibility for field trips.Abide by school policies; they refer to entire staff.Never leave children unsupervised.Become involved in inservice activities.Use teaching tools such as document cameras, LCD Projectors, Promethean Boards, etc. to reduce reliance on dittos.Become familiar with and use the Faculty/Staff Handbook.Be an active participant in the life of the school.Don’t allow the text to be the program.OAKLAND PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOLMISSION STATEMENTThe mission statement for Oakland Park Elementary isOpportunity Promotes ExcellenceBeliefsWe believe that a quality education program provides a safe and nurturing environmentWe believe we promote physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of the students. We believe education is enhanced when children manipulate theirenvironment, learn to solve problems and use critical thinking skills.We believe children learn using exploration, discovery and inquiry.We believe every child is entitled to an equal educational opportunity.We believe that every child is to be treated with dignity and respect.We believe that to meet new challenges of change, we need to be open to innovation.We believe we provide an atmosphere that fosters positive student self-concept.CHARACTER EDUCATIONListed below are the Character Education traits we encourage all our students to adopt. Each month a student from every class who exemplifies the monthly trait is chosen. Select students have their pictures taken and their names announced on morning announcements.ResponsibilityCitizenshipKindnessRespectHonestySelf-ControlToleranceCooperationABSENCE FROM WORKThe effective and efficient operation of Oakland Park Elementary is of primary concern to all of us. Therefore to standardize our procedure for reporting sick and /or vacation leave, please adhere to the following guidelines:FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE Federal legislation permits employees to take up to 12 weeks (in a 12 month period) for medical reasons; for the birth or adoption of a child; and for the care of a child, spouse, or parent who has a serious health condition. Health benefits will continue during such leaves. For up-to-date information, check with the Office Manager.JURY DUTYWhen you receive a Notice of Jury Duty giving a starting and “until further notice,” date, you must submit the notice to the Office Manager. You must call before your scheduled school day ends if you have to report for jury duty on the following day and will not be able to return to work.PERSONAL LEAVEPersonal leave is granted to any qualified employee without pay as defined in School Board Policy 4409.PERSONAL REASONS LEAVEAll permanent, full-time employees of the Board shall be entitled to paid leave for personal reasons as defined by School Board Policy 4403.Specific procedures are governed by each individual bargaining unit contract. Please refer to your contract. Teachers should, if possible, request permission for Personal Reasons Leave in advance in order to provide sufficient time to secure a substitute. All staff should use a Notice of Absence when requesting Personal Reasons Leave. Once approval is granted, the form will be filed in the employee’s payroll file. A copy will be returned to the originator. Failure to follow Personal Reasons Leave procedures may result in said leave being considered as Personal Leave without pay.SICK LEAVEFull time employees, eligible for benefits, earn one sick leave day per month based on their employment calendar. These days are cumulative and can be carried over from one fiscal year to another. These days are used for personal illness or illness in the immediate family. This type of absence requires no prior approval, but notification is required. All personnel are required to heed the procedures outlined as follows for reporting illness:INSTRUCTIONAL PERSONNELOn any given day you will be absent, or prior to the day you will be absent, please report your absence via E-Solutions (Sub Search) via the telephone or via the computer web-site. (directions are included in the appendix of this handbook). Please give as much advance notice as possible.Contact the Office Manager by 3:00 of your scheduled school day if you do not plan to work the next day. She will need to know the name of the substitute covering your class. If no call is received by the end of your normal workday, we will expect you back the following day.When notifying the office of your absence, make sure to inform them of the type of absence: i.e. sick, illness in the family, death in family, injury in the line of duty, or personal reason, etc. If more than SIX PERSONAL REASON days are taken during the year, you will not be paid for the additional personal days, regardless of the number of sick days you have accumulated. It is your responsibility to keep track of the number of personal days that you have used.As stated in the Broward County Teacher’s Contract, personal leave shall not be granted on the day preceding or following a holiday nor during the first or last week of school. The first week of school starts on day one of the 196 day work calendar and the last week of school concludes on the final day of said calendar.Lesson plans; rosters and other materials necessary for efficient class operation must be available for a substitute teacher. Substitute information must be placed in a substitute folder. This folder must be clearly labeled and kept in a conspicuous location known to your grade chair.A sign-in book for substitutes is kept in the front office and is to be used by all substitute teachers.Be sure to return your signed Certificate of Absence to the Office Manager.NON-INSTRUCTIONAL PERSONNELReport your absence via E-Solutions (Sub Search) via the telephone or via the computer web site. (Directions are included in the appendix of this handbook.) Affected teachers will be notified.PATTERN OF NON-ATTENDANCEIt is not acceptable to take sick days when you are not sick or to use all your days. Administrators will have discussions with staff members when a pattern of non-attendance is recognized. Such patterns may be before or after a weekend or a holiday, or absence on several planning days.TARDINESSOn any day you will be tardy, call the Office Manager at least thirty (30) minutes prior to your reporting time. Arrival time for staff is 7:30 a.m. The parking lot on N.E. 10th Ave. is locked at 7:45 a.m. ACCIDENT REPORTSWhen a child appears to be injured, or has been involved in any type of accident, make the child comfortable and call an Emergency Code. DO NOT MOVE THE CHILD. When a child is involved in an accident, the teacher must complete a Student Accident Report Form. This form is completed to protect you in any future legal action. The staff member on duty at the time and location of the accident will sign the report as witness. Any hazardous condition should be reported to the office.All school related accidents/injuries to staff members must be reported to the office immediately. Failure to do so may result in the inability to acquire Workman’s Compensation, insurance, etc.ActivitiesAll student activities must be pre-approved by the administration. This includes activities during the school day, as well as after school and on weekends.The following are the guidelines for scheduling a school program during the school year:?All major activity dates are to be scheduled with the Principal at least ten (10) days prior to the planned activity.?Each planned activity, and any related practice dates, Must be posted on the master activity calendar. See the Office Manager.?The date, number of students, and sponsoring group must be clearly indicated.?Parents are encouraged to attend assemblies.?Notify the custodian and cafeteria manager of the scheduled event if they are affected.Adults on CampusAll adults who have business on campus are required by Board policy to report to the office upon entering the campus. This applies to substitute teachers, visitors, tutors, volunteers, etc. If visitors come to your classroom without a badge, send them to the office to sign in and to receive a badge.Animals/PetsAnimals/pets must not be kept in classrooms or brought to school by students, parents, or staff members. The State Department of Education and Risk Management are quite specific about restrictions that require that animals may be used in a classroom only when such is directly related to a specific educational objective and course of study. If you are planning to bring an animal on campus, you may do so only with prior approval from administration.AnnouncementsWe will have live morning announcements each day at 8:05 A.M. Announcements will be broadcast live on WOAK from the Media Center on Channel 15. We will have the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and deliver all important messages and announcements at that time. Every effort will be made to avoid class interruptions throughout the day unless absolutely necessary. If you wish to have an announcement made, please complete the “Request for Announcement” form, and submit it to the Media Center 24 hours before you want the announcement made.All students and staff MUST stand during the Pledge of Allegiance and the OPE or patriotic song. Arrival / Dismissal ProceduresARRIVAL PROCEDURES Car Riders – All students are to be dropped off at the main entrance of the school (NE 33 St.) NO EARLIER THAN 7:20 AM. A letter will be sent home to those children arriving before 7:20. School personnel will be available to ensure the safety of the students. Students are NOT to be dropped off at the southern most gates on N.E. 10th Ave. or in the bus drive. Walkers – All students who walk are to enter the school campus using the main entrance on N.E. 33rd Street.Bike Riders – By law, bike riders MUST wear helmets. All bike riders are to enter the campus using the main entrance on N.E. 33rd St, and walk their bicycles on school grounds and adjacent sidewalks.Bus Riders – Bus riders will be dropped off in the bus drive, NE 8th Avenue.Waiting Areas – All children will wait outside their classrooms. They will be seated in line, crisscross legs, and reading books from the “Book Basket.” All students must be welcomed into their rooms no later than 8:00 a.m. Children should be in their seats and ready to begin at 8:00 a.m.DISMISSAL PROCEDURESAll students are dismissed at 2:00 PM. Teachers should work with teammates to walk children to car, bus and walker dismissal areas. We are responsible for children until they are off our campus. No children should be unsupervised. Car Riders – Car riders are to be picked up at the pick-up area on N.E. 10th Ave. School personnel will be available to assist with pick-up.Walkers – Students who walk are to leave the school campus through the gate located at the corner of N.E. 8th Avenue & N.E. 33rd Street. 92011548514000302323548514000Bike Riders - Bike riders are to walk their bikes off the school campus through the gate located at the corner of N.E. 8th Avenue & N.E. 33rd Street. Bus Students – Bus students are to report to the bus drive on NE 8th Avenue. All gates will be locked at 8:00 AM. Parents picking up students at dismissal time are requested to remain in the appropriate waiting area on 10th Ave. Any parent who needs to pick up their child before the 2:00 PM dismissal time must check in at the front office and sign the student out. Parents are not permitted to walk into a teacher’s class at dismissal time to pick up a student or to conference with the teacher unless an appointment has been made.Early DismissalAny student who must leave before the end of the school day must be signed out in the front office by a parent or other authorized adult listed on the emergency dismissal form. No child is to be released from the classroom without notification from the front office. There will be no early dismissals after 1:30 P.M.Rainy Day DismissalCar riders will report to room 910 (PK-Gr. 2) and room 908(Gr. 3-5). Bus Riders will report to the bus drive on NE 8th Avenue. We ask for and appreciate all teachers’ support with dismissal during inclement weather conditions. EmergencyIn the event of an emergency, the decision to dismiss school early will be made by the Superintendent's Office. All schools are notified of such a decision and local radio stations make a public service announcement.Extreme weather conditions and emergencies may warrant dismissal directly from the classroom. In this event, student’s names will be called over the public address system.Each student in your classroom should have an emergency dismissal form. Please discuss with your students the instructions given by their parents as to where they are to go in the event of an emergency. All emergency dismissal forms must be kept in a labeled folder in the front of your plan book. Photocopies of all emergency dismissals must be on file with the front officeASSEMBLIESAll activities, such as assemblies, must be scheduled with the principal and put on the master calendar and in the Eagle Edition.Teachers are expected to present appropriate lessons prior to an assembly and follow-up activities in the classroom.Appropriate assembly behavior should be discussed before coming to the auditorium.Instructions regarding when grade levels should report to the auditorium for an assembly will be provided over the public address system.Teachers are to bring their classes to the assembly in an orderly manner and see that they are seated in their designated areas.Teachers are to remain with their classes during an assembly.All teachers are required to attend assemblies unless otherwise instructed to leave.Special teachers are to maintain their schedules and supervise their classes.DISMISSAL PROCEDURESStudents should stay seated until their class is called.Each class should dismiss one row at a time.The first student in each row should come to the line after the last student in the row ahead is in line.ATTENDANCE-STUDENTAttendance will be taken daily using Pinnacle. Absences and tardies should be carefully entered by 9:00 A.M. All absences are to be entered as UNEXCUSED!!! Any communication with a parent (written or verbal) regarding an excused absence must be given to our IMT. Unexcused absences will be changed to excused at that time. Students with an excessive number of tardies will receive a letter home. Parents must report student absences to the office at the beginning of the school day to the automated Attendance Line at 754-322-7502. A written note by a parent will be accepted within forty-eight hours of the student’s return. At your earliest convenience, please give this written note to our IMT. When a student is absent for three or more consecutive days and no information has been received, the teacher should contact the parent. If further assistance is needed, please contact the IMT.2148840889000The Broward Truancy Intervention Program guidelines are as follows:The District’s ETS department will electronically mail the three-day notice letter to all parents/guardians of students who have accrued (3) unexcused absences. All notices regarding reasons for absences should be sent to the IMT, at your earliest convenience. This is a vital part of maintaining our school records, and your cooperation is appreciated. Once a child is absent from school for 6 days, a doctor’s note is requested upon the student’s return. If there is an ongoing medical condition, the IMT must be notified. Keep documentation of all contact including telephone messages received from the front office. Please keep a record of the date and time that you attempted to reach the parent by telephone on a separate telephone log if you have not written it up on a conference form. Keep the log with your attendance records.Review individual concerns with administration and support staff during when necessary.After the third unexcused absence, the student must be referred to the School Social Worker.After the fourth unexcused absence, a Student Intervention Plan must be developed in conjunction with CPST. Head Lice - 1st 5 days of absences are considered excused. Day 6 is considered unexcused if school has followed through with all interventions. The office will notify the teacher if a child is excused because of lice.Unexcused absences must be addressed on the Interim Reports each quarter. HABITUAL TRUANTSWhen a child has two unexcused absences, teachers should call parents to remind them to send a note to school to excuse the absences. Teachers and the IMT should notify administration and support staff of any children who have three or more unexcused absences. Audiovisual Materials for Classroom Use Any audiovisual materials, including films and videotapes, and DVD’s, purchased or borrowed from sources outside the Broward County Schools for use in Board approved courses of study must be approved by the administration. To provide guidance both for the evaluation and for the approval of such media, the guidelines and procedures listed below shall be followed:Board Policy 6100 states that curriculum materials shall:Be consistent with School Board of Broward County policies.Support and be consistent with the educational goals of Broward County Schools and the objectives of specific courses.Be positive in approach.Have literary, aesthetic or social value.Impart social values consistent with core values as identified by a community-wide task force established by the School Board.Be free of bias.Help students gain awareness and understanding of the many contributions made to our society by minority and ethnic groups and women.Be appropriate in content and in references.Be accurate in content.Be relevant to curriculum continuum.Be timely.Exhibit quality in language and format.Films, videotapes or DVD’s rated R, X or NC17 are prohibited in Broward County Public Schools. AWARDS CRITERIAIn order to encourage good attendance and academic excellence an honor roll system is being implemented. There are six honor roll awards for students in Grades Three through Five. Students in Kindergarten, Grade One and Grade Two are eligible for perfect attendance and good behavior.THE HONOR ROLL AWARDS ARE AS FOLLOWS:Perfect Attendance - Students in attendance and on time each school day for that quarter;Gold Honor Roll - Students achieving straight A's and all 1's and 2's for grades 3-5 each marking period;Silver Honor Roll - Any combination of A's and B's and all 1’s and 2’s on the Report Card. Bronze Honor Roll – Given after the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grading period to any child who improves at least one grade, does not drop any grade and receives all 1’s and 2’s.Excellent Behavior – Given to all children who earn all 1’s in Social Skills for the quarter.Improved Behavior – Awarded quarterly to all students who improve in at least one area of social skills and who do not drop in any others.965835889000035947358890000 BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENTDefinition of Discipline: A school wide discipline plan is an approach to managing and changing student behavior by using strategies that are supportive, corrective and preventative in achieving order and control, while at the same time creating a positive classroom climate for all students.School-wide Discipline Plan: Please refer to the Proactive Discipline Plan under separate cover.Cafeteria: See the cafeteria plan under separate cover.Classroom Rules should be based on the Character Ed Traits and should be stated positively. Rules and consequences must be displayed in the classroom and reviewed at least once a week.Hallways/Walkways:Students should be in a single line.Students should use the Eagle Strut.Teacher should walk next to the class midway in order to see the students in the front and back of the line.Recess:Playground equipment should be used appropriately, i.e. do not go up the slide, no jumping from equipment.Tag games of any sort must be avoided. They always end with an injury or a fight.Teachers must stand strategically to be able to monitor all the children.Games that begin to get out of control must be stopped.Keep an eye out for bullying. This is when it usually takes place.Restrooms: Some children see going to the restroom, especially the group restrooms, as anopportunity to misbehave. Therefore, the following procedures should be followed:Children should use the restroom prior to cafeteria and specials. Teachers should take the group as a whole and monitor behavior.Children should not be sent to the restroom alone or with a buddy from the playground or PE court. Children must be supervised at all times.Transitioning: All children switching classes for departmentalizing must be monitored by anadult standing at the door.The Student Code of Conduct supersedes all other discipline plans.Bomb Threat ProcedureIn the event that a bomb threat is received, the following procedures will be implemented:The person receiving the threat will immediately notify the principal.The principal or his designee will proceed to notify the area superintendent, the Police Department and the Special Investigative Unit.The principal will order the evacuation of the building according to established procedures.After police investigate and are convinced that no danger exists, the principal will order an all clear signal and the school will return to normal activity.As soon as possible after notifying the principal, the person receiving the call will fill out the form, BOMB THREAT CALL.Bulletin Board InformationStandards to be maintained for displays and bulletin boards:CurrentInteractiveOne board should be dedicated to an active word wall, which is updated frequently. These can include science, vocabulary, and math words.All teachers who teach math should have a board dedicated to Calendar Math or Mountain Math. A number line should be visible. Intermediate students’ number line should include negative numbers.Teachers who teach writing should have a board displaying students’ completed writing and/or a section highlighting “million dollar” words, synonyms, parts of speech, sentence structure, etc.NeatCorrect spellingSimple, unclutteredPertinent to curriculum or management procedureComplete in a reasonable length of timeStudent or teacher madeRemain up for a reasonable length of timeHave titles and bordersDisplays should include, but not be limited to:Discipline and classroom management proceduresStudent of the WeekGood work papers in all areas of curriculumComposition/creative writing boardExamples of exemplary workCafeteria displays must be of excellent qualityBulletin board background paper and borders must be in good condition.Bus DutyBus duty is a serious responsibility and is required by Florida State Law. The law requires that bus supervision be provided when the first load of students arrives, and that they remain watchful of students’ behavior until student’s report to the classrooms. Bus duty begins at 7:30 until 8:00; afternoon duty begins at 2:00 until 2:15 or until the last bus has left.Staff members assigned bus duty will:Be on duty from 7:30 until the last bus has arrived.Collect bus referrals and confer with the driver if necessary regarding the offense. Turn referrals in to the administrator.NO STAFF MEMBER is permitted to keep a class or student in the room after the dismissal, thereby causing the student to miss the bus. Staff members are assigned supervision duties around the campus. They are to report to their post by 7:30 a.m. Cafeteria ProceduresStudents are encouraged to eat all of their lunch and drink their milk, but they are not forced to do so.The cafeteria is an extension of the classroom environment. Working together can and will make a difference. The paraprofessionals supervise the students during their lunch period, with the support of the support staff. Communication and recommendations regarding behavior concerns will be given as needed. In order to improve and create an environment of respect and consideration for others, discuss the Cafeteria Rules with your students. Students should not have food brought to school by a parent for consumption in the cafeteria that has been purchased by an outside vendor, such as McDonalds. Soda cans and glass bottles are also not permitted in the cafeteria. MOST IMPORTANTLY, FOLLOW AND ENFORCE THE CAFETERIA RULES.Walk quietly into the cafeteria and remain in a straight line, facing forward.Sit and eat correctly. Do not play with food or lunch items.Follow and use good table manners.Respect all adults.Speak softly.Raise your hand if help is needed.Toys or books are not to be brought into the cafeteria.Collect all lunch items for disposal, walk quietly to the disposal and discard trash.Teachers are to bring their classes to the cafeteria on time and pick them up at their scheduled time from the cafeteria.Please refer to the Cafeteria Handbook under separate coverChange of AddressPlease change your address via ESS and notify the office manager when you change your address or phone number. Changes In Federal ProgramsThe NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND ACT OF 2001 (NCLB) re-authorized and amended the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, changed the titles and names of many of the programs and introduced new requirements. The following changes have occurred:Title I is renamed Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged Program.Title II is now the Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers and Principals Program, and the former Title VI Class Reduction Program has moved to new Title II.Title III is now the Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students Program. Former Title VII Programs such as Emergency Immigrant Education and Bilingual Education have been moved to new Title III. Title IV is now the 21st Century Schools Program.Title V was renamed Promoting Informed Parental Choice and Innovative Programs.Title VI is now the Flexibility and Accountability Program.Title VII is now Programs for Indians, Native Hawaiian and Alaskan Native Education.Checkout of EquipmentAny equipment that leaves the school needs to be checked out and in through the bookkeeper or TLC. A property pass form must be completed and then approved by the principal.School Board insurance will not pay for items lost, damaged, or stolen while signed out to you. Be sure that your Homeowners policy will cover such loss or be prepared to pay for the damage yourself. Child Abuse Reporting Procedures SCHOOL BOARD POLICYThe School Board Policy 5.3 upholds Florida Statute 415.504 making mandatory the reporting of child abuse and/or neglect. “…Any teacher or other school employee who knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a child has been subject to abuse/neglect shall immediately report such knowledge or suspicion to the Department of Children and Families (formerly HRS) at the statewide toll-free hotline: 1-800-96-ABUSE.” The person who has the most firsthand knowledge of the situation should make the report.Description of HarmABUSE: Non-accidental infliction of physical or psychological injury or sexual abuse by a parent, adult household member, or other person responsible for care of the child.NEGLECT: Failure/Omission by a caretaker to provide the care, supervision, services or protection necessary to maintain physical and mental health.THREATENED HARM: A situation, circumstances or behavior which lead a prudent person to have reasonable cause to suspect abuse or neglect has occurred or may occur in the immediate future if no intervention is provided.Confidentiality/ImmunityYou must identify yourself to the Hotline staff. Your name shall be entered into the record but shall be held confidential. Immunity from liability is provided for persons or institutions reporting in good faith.Penalty for Not ReportingThere is a legal penalty for failure to report. “Any person required by law to report known or suspected child abuse or neglect, who knowingly and willfully fails to do so, or who knowingly and willfully prevents another person from doing so is guilty of misdemeanor of the second degree.”SCHOOL GUIDELINESThe person with firsthand knowledge must report the suspected abuse. You do not need to interview the child or investigate the situation.You may notify your Child Abuse Designee and/or Administrator. Child abuse forms are available from the Guidance Counselor who will assist you with the process.Call 1-800-96-ABUSE to make a report. Child Abuse Reporting forms must be completed within 48 hours.Pony the completed report form (in a sealed envelope marked “CONFIDENTIAL”) to: Child Abuse Coordinator, K.C. Wright Building. No copies are to remain at the school. Keep a note of the date, time and name of the Hotline staff member who took your report.Any questions or concerns should be directed to the Guidance Counselor.Children of Staff MembersChildren of Staff MembersStaff members who have children are asked to be responsible for supervision of these children BEFORE and AFTER class hours. Children should not be given free access to the school. All rules and regulations that apply to the student body also apply to children of staff. Staff members who have children attending our school are asked to be responsible for supervision of these children before and after class hours. Children must REMAIN IN THE STAFF MEMBER’S CLASSROOM or assigned area. The computer lab, media center, teacher’s lounge or work area are off limits. Confidential conversations take place in these areas. All rules and regulations that apply to the student body also apply to children of staff members. Administrators will discipline children if necessary. Children of staff members may not be on campus during the regular workday as this presents a liability. If a staff member has a child of high school age who needs volunteer hours, that student must have completed a volunteer application and been approved by Volunteer Services.Children who are ill and attend another school may not be brought to OPE. (Citizen) Student Of The Month ProgramWe are very fortunate to have many students who display excellent behavior and attitudes. In an effort to recognize the outstanding students, we have a Student of the Month Program, which focuses on different monthly character traits. This program is designed to comply with each individual teacher's selection criteria, according to the monthly character trait.PROCEDURES FOR STUDENT OF THE MONTH1.Teachers are to select an outstanding citizen each week based upon criteria established and communicated to students. Teachers should discuss the theme for the month but may establish individual criteria to meet their needs.2.Each student will be recognized during the morning announcements on the last day of the month.Students who are selected will receive special school privileges or opportunities when available and applicable. However, each teacher is encouraged to do something special for the student each month. Individual teachers may wish to have a Student of the Week program in the classroom.This program represents a minimum amount of work for each teacher but should result in appropriate recognition for deserving students, as well as create a positive environment in each classroom. Teachers will be notified of each theme for the upcoming month on morning announcements. Civil DisturbanceDuring a civil disturbance, it is extremely important that everyone remain calm. The decision making process should not be made in haste.Whenever there is a civil disturbance, it is imperative that the Police Department should be called immediately. They will dispatch a supervisor who will work in conjunction with the school administration. The police department can arrange other support services that are not normally available to schools. In any event, common sense must prevail! Be cautious that you do not elevate the situation by making harsh decisions under pressure.A good technique to quell civil disturbances (with large or small groups of people) is to sit and discuss the issues. This will allow the participants a sense of participating in the decision-making process. In any event, the important concept is remaining calm! Utilize the police department as a resource in the decision-making process.Class CoverageOccasionally it is necessary to have a fellow teacher cover a class because of illness or other emergency. All arrangements for class coverage must be cleared with administration. Also, by mutual agreement, teachers may cover class for one another when the need arises. Direct supervision of students is required at all times.Classroom DisplaysAll displays should be visible and large enough to see from across the room. The following should be displayed in the front of your room:Instructional Focus Objective – Example: ”The students will be able to identify the main idea of a passage.” The objectives should be referred to at the beginning and at the end of the lesson to assess if the objective has been mastered. There should be an objective for each core subject you are teaching.Objectives should be similar to the rest of your team.Objectives will change daily depending on the lesson you are teaching.Classroom rules and consequences should be posted.Class InterruptionsUnder no circumstances should a teacher send a child out of the classroom without a note or pass indicating a particular destination such as the clinic, rest room, etc.Messages/announcements over the intercom will be kept to a minimum.Classroom SupervisionChildren are not to be left unsupervised! In an emergency, have the office monitor the class until you return. Children are to be quiet while you are out. Noise, conversations, etc. tend to magnify over the intercom system. An intercom call is to be answered by the teacher only or in her absence, one student only (such as the student council representative) should be designated as responder.Teach children to get quiet immediately when the office calls you. It is embarrassing when a parent comes for a child, we call, and there is an excessive amount of classroom noise heard over the intercom. Children are not to answer for the teacher.As visitors come to the room, children should have an established procedure to follow when the teacher is interrupted. Children should not be placed in the hallway to complete work or take a test. Children must be supervised at all times.Classroom SuppliesYou must complete a Supply List Form on CAB Conference and mail it to Office. Please allow for a 48-hour turnaround. ClinicIf any student becomes too ill to remain in class, he should be sent to the clinic. If it is necessary for the student to be sent home, parents will be called. Only emergency first aid may be administered. The clinic is prohibited by law from giving students any form of internal medication such as aspirin, Anacin, etc. Therefore, students with headaches, etc., should be allowed to call home.INJURIES-BOARD POLICY- When a student is injured on school property, the teacher or person in charge may render such aid as is advisable under the circumstances and within the limits of his knowledge for treatment of such injury. If possible, the principal and parents should be notified immediately. Injured persons should NOT be moved. As soon as possible after the student has been treated or placed under competent care, a written accident report shall be submitted to the principal. Staff members must report injuries, no matter how small they may seem to be, to the office manager. Accident Reports must be completed on all injuries.ACCIDENT PROCEDURE- In the event of serious or extensive injury, the teacher to whom the student is assigned or in the event that injury occurs when the student is not under specific teacher observation, the first teacher upon the scene shall adhere to the following procedures:Do NOT move the injured.Render first aid ONLY if necessary.Notify the principal or assistant principal by the most expedient method possible.Give student’s name and grade.Possible extent of injury.An accident form must be filed in the clinic and submitted by the end of the school day. Code of Student ConductThe student Code of Conduct is issued by the Broward County School Board. It outlines the district’s policies and procedures relating to students’ rights and responsibilities. Specific consequences for different levels of bus misbehavior have been included. As new students arrive during the year, teachers must be sure that the signature page is returned for filing in the cum folder. Please review the Code at least once each marking period and as needed. It is the teachers’ responsibility to ensure that all acknowledgement pages are returned. A child cannot be expelled without this signed form.Coffee, Soda, etc.Coffee, soda, food items, etc. should not be taken out of the lounge for use during instructional time of your class. Students are not allowed to eat, drink or to have empty food and drink containers placed around the room, neither should staff members. Such items may be taken to the classroom before or after school hours or during breaks or planning periods when students, parents or other visitors will not be present. Staff members should also be aware that the Safety Department does not permit coffeepots, hot plates or microwaves to be used in classrooms.Collaborative Problem Solving Team (RtI)A Collaborative Problem Solving Team has been formed to provide the best educational placement for each Oakland Park student. The team may consist of the Psychologist, Guidance Counselor, Exceptional Teacher, Speech Teacher, Classroom Teacher, ESE Specialist, Reading Coach, Social Worker, Assistant Principal, Principal, Visiting Teacher, and/or Nurse.Any teacher may refer a student for evaluation to CPST. Reasons for referring a child might include: academic difficulty, advanced academic achievement, emotional or behavioral problems, etc. Procedure for Referral:Teacher contacts the Assistant Principal for a CPST packet to be pleted packet is returned to the Assistant Principal.The Assistant Principal will schedule a time for the CPST Team to meet, and notify the teacher.All CPST members, including the teacher, should be prepared to discuss any information available on the student and must have appropriate documentation and paperwork available.At the conclusion of the study, information regarding the finding of the team will be made available to all team members.Collection Of MoniesAll monies collected by teachers will be receipted by the bookkeeper through Internal Accounts and will be recorded on a pre-numbered “MONIES COLLECTED ENVELOPE”, or in the “BC-40P RECEIPT BOOK”. Monies collected for PTA members will collect PTA fundraisers. MONEY COLLECTION ENVELOPES: used for the collection of funds for book clubs, field trips, and individual pictures for amounts less than $14.99 per person.It is imperative that strict procedures are followed when recording information on the Money Collection Envelopes, as this is part of an audit trail. Failure to complete the envelope correctly can result in an audit RMATION CAN ONLY BE WRITTEN IN BLUE OR BLACK INK. WHITEOUT, PENCIL, AND RED INK ARE NEVER ALLOWED TO APPEAR ON THE MONEY COLLECTION ENVELOPES.ALL ENVELOPES MUST BE RETURNED TO THE BOOKKEEPER ON MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY BEFORE 11:00 A.M. THERE WILL BE NO COLLECTION OF MONIES ON FRIDAY. PLEASE INFORM PARENTS OF THIS POLICY AND REFRAIN FROM COLLECTING ANY FUNDS ON FRIDAY. CHILDREN ARE NEVER ALLOWED TO BRING ENVELOPES TO THE OFFICE. BC-40P Receipt Book: used for field trips (of $14.99 or more), sunshine dues, lost library books, and any other collections for amounts of $14.99 or over.450913536004500All monies are to be turned in DAILY to the bookkeeper by the teacher (not a student) by 11:00 am! Monies Collected Envelopes and BC-40P Receipt Books must be signed out through the bookkeeper. The bookkeeper will keep a log, which the teacher must sign out and in.The bookkeeper will fill out the top portion of the collection envelope and / or BC-40P Receipt Book with the teacher name, amount to be collected (if applicable) and the reason for the trip. The teacher is to make sure the student’s name; date of collection and amount of money collected is listed correctly on the form for all monies collected. **If the monies collected do not match the total on the envelope or receipt book, it will be given back to the teacher to correct.The teacher must sign the bottom of the collection envelope form.All checks are to be made out to Oakland Park Elementary. DO NOT ACCEPT checks made out to the teacher or to book clubs or any other mittees/Learning CommunitiesIn order to develop, as well as implement, the goals as set forth in the School Improvement Plan, a School Advisory Council has been formed. Faculty and staff members are encouraged to collaborate on curriculum committees to provide input into decisions which impact student achievement positively. Professional Learning Communities have been established to support the implementation of the School Improvement Plan as well as to assist in Shared municable Diseases and InfestationThe School Board policy states that students infected with any communicable disease or infestation or suspected of being infected with a communicable disease or infestation shall not be permitted to attend school. This policy shall also apply to students having outbreak of infestation of lice, impetigo, scabies, or ringworm.Students having such communicable diseases or infestations shall be excluded from school according to the rules of this policy until shown by examination to be free of infection or municationAll staff members are to check the master calendar, mailbox, and email on a daily basis. Routine information is passed out to the staff by email, memos, posted announcements, the Eagle Edition, the intercom, or through the WOAK announcements.Email must be read several times a day, but never during instructional time.All teacher-produced letters or notices to parents must be approved by the administration before being copied and sent home. A copy of all notices being sent home must be given to the office. This does not apply to individual notes to parents. Behavior reports, Interim Progress Reports and requests for parent conferences may be sent home by way of the student, however, if these communications are not getting home with the student, they are to be mailed.Conferences are an important part of reporting pupil progress to parents and can be of help in furthering home-school understanding. Teachers must hold two conferences with all parents each year. Results of conferences are to be written on the Parent-Teacher Conference Form and placed in the cum folder. Conferences involving unusual concerns should be relayed to the Principal. It is unrealistic to expect all parents to be able to attend a conference with teachers during the normal work hours therefore it may be necessary to have telephone conferences with the parent at work or in the evenings. When telephone conferences cannot be held, send a written report home by U.S. mail.The Eagle Edition will be issued weekly and will notify the staff of activities for the upcoming week as well as operational reminders. Please inform the office if you are planning an activity that should be in the Eagle Edition. The Eagle Edition will be sent out electronically and should be kept for future reference. It is expected that all staff will read the Eagle Edition for important updates.A quarterly newsletter will be sent home with students. Please submit articles when called for.Team meetings should be held weekly to keep lines of communication open, to share best practices and to analyze data. Team Leaders and chairpersons of committees should complete minutes on appropriate forms and submit them electronically to the principal within 24 hours after the meeting is held.After you attend a workshop, you will be scheduled to report the information to the staff during faculty meetings or at team leader meetings. See Administration to schedule your pensatory timeNon-instructional staff must fill out a Pre-Approval Authorization for Overtime/Compensatory Time form and have it signed by Administration before any time may be taken. Request the Pre-Approval from the Office Manager.Conferencing GuidelinesHelpful HintsAt least two (2) written conferences are required each year.Learnfare laws are back requiring parents receiving assistance from Department of Children and Families to prove to DCF that they have had a school conference for each child. The conference must address attendance, grades, and behavior. It is the parent’s responsibility to request the conference and bring a form to be signed and notarized. Be Prepared: Prepare for the conference by:Reviewing all the information in the cum folder.Conferring with other teachers (including art, music and physical education) in order to complete a well-rounded picture of the child.Gathering records, papers and drawings as examples of the child's work.Discussing the upcoming conference with the student.ESOL interpreters are available upon request.Be a Listener: A great deal of information can be learned by attentively listening to a parent/guardian.Be Open: Allow no barrier such as a desk to separate you and the parent(s). Do not represent yourself (or other staff members) as a superior. Avoid use of educational or psychological terms unfamiliar to parents.Be Positive: After greeting the parents, open the conference agenda by saying that the staff would like to join with the parents and student in a cooperative endeavor to work out the best educational program for the student. Observe and remember positive attributes the student possesses, and verbalize them in the conference at appropriate times.Be Aware: Parents come to school conferences with half-buried memories of their own school experiences with principals, teachers, and counselors. Avoid overwhelming them with an array of staff members.Parents also come with hidden agendas. Observe with your ears what is said and what is glossed over or avoided. Be supportive as the conference progresses.Be Honest: Be tactfully truthful with parents. Be professionally honest avoiding being brutally frank. Avoid superlatives in either direction. A child is seldom the "worst" or the "finest".Be Reassuring: Remember the parent may be apprehensive, fearful, or resistant. Assure the parent that conferences may be tense, difficult situations for everyone, but we wish to help each other and the student by sharing our information and insights.Be Sensitive: Avoid being so objective and business-like that you can't empathize with the parent in some of his/her anxiety. Avoid reacting defensively, which means you must also be sensitive to your own reactions.Be Patient: Allow time for silences. Although conference time is limited, twenty or thirty seconds of accepting silence is often trust building. Avoid jumping into the silence every time someone stops talking. A parent may be trying to phrase something or making up his/her mind to share something which will be very important to the child's progress.Be Observant: Observe signals that parents want to talk; leaning forward, seeking eye contact with you, stealing glances at you, pursing their lips or moving in their seats. Read these signs and invite the parent to comment: "Can you tell us something about this, Mrs. Smith?" Also observe the dynamics of the interactions between all conference participants, both parents and staff members.Project Optimism: Reinforce participants' contributions. Project the rationale understanding are achieved independently of time. At the appropriate time summarize the conference verbally and secure necessary signatures.Be Aware Of:preaching or moralizingarguing with hostile parentsjumping to conclusions not knowing enough about the child using technical language Talking more than listening that individuals can, to a large degree, control what happens to them by making considered choices based on available information. Suggest, too, that the team approach makes more information available.Be Punctual: Begin the conference on time, but make a professional judgment as to the need for extending time limits. Contact Sports and EquipmentStudents are not allowed to participate in contact sports at school. Staff members must prohibit students from playing football (including “tag”), baseball (with hardball), red rover, soccer, dodge ball, etc. Copying Of MaterialsTeachers are to exercise extreme care in the selection and duplication of materials. Make sure that the publisher has given written permission to reproduce said materials. If the material has a copyright date, it is against the law to reproduce the material.Each teacher will receive a code to the copy machine for instructional purposes. As we transition to CCSS, fewer photocopies should be made and students need to be engaged in authentic work. Once you have reached your copy limit, it will not be reset without administrative permission. Do not send items to the office to be copied by the office staff, unless it is an emergency.There are very specific laws and School Board Rules that govern copyright issues. School Board Policy 6318 (Section V) deals with copyright. It is the responsibility of the teacher to adhere to all copyright laws. CorrespondenceAll written communications must be submitted for administrative approval. Correct spelling and sentence structure are essential. Always be tactful. Good public relations will make your job more effective and pleasant. All report cards, interim reports, class letters, and parent correspondence must be reviewed with school administration prior to distribution.School stationery with School Board letterhead may be used when appropriate. An administrator must approve and sign all communication being sent out on letterhead. All correspondence going home will have a copy attached to the envelope so that you will know its contents. Cumulative RecordsWhen a child withdraws from Oakland Park Elementary School, his/her updated and completed cumulative (Cum) folder plus any other records should be provided to the office within three (3) days of notification of withdrawal. All information on the Cum Folder Checklist must be completed. If a student is transferring, a transfer paper goes with the child to the new school. The report card copy should be clipped to the original report card and placed in front of the cumulative folder. If a student is transferring out of the county, all information should be completed in ink.Remember Cumulative Records are legal documents. They are kept in the safe in the front office.Students and parents are not allowed to handle cumulative folders. Parents may request to see cumulative folders.Cum folders may not be taken out of the cum room. Classroom teachers are accountable for a cum folder for each child assigned to them. Any missing folders should be reported to the registrar as soon as possible.Curriculum ExpectationsRooms must be arranged so that ALL eyes can be focused on the teacher.Teachers should be able to monitor all the students from wherever he/she is.NO time should be wasted. Procedures must be in place from the first day of school. What do children do when:The bell rings, the pencil breaks, the work is finished early, the child has a question, the child needs to use the restroom, a visitor enters the room, changing groups, passing papers, when you are absent???Teachers should be circulating while children are completing assignments. Therefore, teachers should not be on the laptops. Entering grades, working on lesson plans, and preparing for the day ALL should be done during planning periods.Teachers should pull small groups for remediation/enrichment.Teachers should give one-on-one assistance.Teachers should differentiate instruction.Teachers should have centers daily in both Reading and Math.Technology should be used as much as possible. Rubrics should be developed with the children as often as possible so they know the expectations.While children are on laptops, teachers should be circulating and pulling small groups.The District Instructional Focus should be followed as closely as possible.Objectives for core subjects should be prominently displayed in the front of the room.Lesson plans should be complete at least one week in advance and open on desks. See the Plan Book Checklist under separate cover.Custodial ServicesThe cleanliness of the building can greatly influence both students' and teachers' attitudes about school. This is a cooperative program that must exist and the teacher plays a vital role in any custodial program.The custodial staff is charged with the responsibility of cleaning and maintaining the school buildings. They empty the garbage cans; sweep daily, dust, vacuum and clean. They supply soap and paper towels to your room. They will cooperate with any reasonable requests made by the staff and administration.Teachers are to maintain an orderly room, by having students keep books and materials off the floor, which will make the room easier to clean. Food, art supplies, and debris MUST be kept off the floor. It is most helpful to have students stack their chairs at dismissal time.Particular care, when using supplies such as water, paint, glue, and other substances that may stain the walls and furnishings, are to be taken.If students eat in the classrooms, it is the responsibility of the teacher to be sure all food and trash are disposed of properly.Cooking utensils and other dishes and cups, both in the classroom and in the faculty lounge, are the responsibility of the teachers to clean. Food, either for cooking or art projects, is to be stored in airtight containers to avoid insect and rodent infestation.It is the responsibility of all staff members to keep the lounges clean! Throw away all trash and clean the microwaves after use.Students are not to empty trashcans, sweep or mop floors unless they are serving community service or retribution. Suggestions or recommendations for the custodial services are to be made to the head custodian. All maintenance requests must be put in writing to head custodian. In the event that these requests are not addressed in a timely manner, please notify the administration in writing. Daily ScheduleTeacher Work Day – 7:30a.m. - 3:00p.m. (7.5 hours) MUST BE ON CAMPUS AT 7:30 PROMPTLY!Breakfast:Breakfast is served from 7:20-7:50 a.m. for walkers, bikers, and car-riders. Only late bus students will be served after 7:50 a.m.Bells:Take-up bell8:00 a.m.Final bell2:00 p.m.Students dismissedActivities:Morning Announcements 8:05 a.m.Lunch:See School Lunch ScheduleDismissal:Prepare for dismissal at 1:50 p.m.Please reinforce to car-riders that parents are not to park in any area around the campus to pick up students at dismissal time. They must go through the pick-up line.DeadlinesPlease adhere to all deadlines. We try to give you ample notice so everyone needs to meet the standard of compliance. If you are having a problem with the deadline, please see the principal so we can work something out. Dismissal From ClassYou are required to keep students in the classroom until the bell sounds for dismissal. Students should remain seated until you dismiss them after ringing of the bell. All teachers must supervise students during final dismissal. NO students should be kept after the 2:00 bell unless previous permission has been granted. The office should be notified if students are being kept after school.224028047752000Dress CodeMirror, Mirror on the Wall . . . Who’s the Most Professional of Them All?It has been said that you can only make one first impression. It’s so true. We, as professionals, should always strive to put our best face forward. Not only in our dress code but also in our daily attitudes.Students will be following the same uniform policy as last year. Students will not be permitted to wear jeans except on Fridays. We need to remember to set a good example by promoting the policy and encouraging students to follow the policy. PLEASE REMEMBER TO DRESS PROFESSIONALLY AS WE ARE PROFESSIONALS AND EXPECT TO BE TREATED AS SUCH.Please see the section on Uniforms.Drug Free WorkplacePursuant to the requirements of the Federal Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, Public Law 100-690, and School Board Policy #2400 (Drug Free Workplace), please take note that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance, including alcohol, is prohibited at all Board work sites and school activities. A list of controlled substances as defined by the federal government and the School Board is available from your principal and will be posted on a common access bulletin board.The Board must take appropriate disciplinary action against any employee who violates this directive, up to and including termination, or require the affected employee to participate satisfactorily in a state licensed drug abuse assistance program. Employees who violate the School Board policy and this directive are subject to referral for prosecution.You are also required to notify your supervisor of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction. The School Board offers drug counseling through the Employee Assistance Program. Any employee needing such assistance should feel free to contact the Employee Assistance Program, at 754 322 9900.Eagle EditionA memo to staff will be electronically sent to all staff members every Friday. It is important for everyone to read and highlight those items that specifically apply to them. ALL staff will be accountable for the information included in the Eagle Edition. Items to be included must be emailed to the office manager by Thursday, 3:00pm.There is a section for compliments in the Eagle Edition. Please feel free to take this opportunity to thank or praise your colleagues. Everybody needs to know they’re appreciated.Keep the bulletins in a folder or your plan book for easy access. Do not post bulletins or other professional materials for all to see. Many “in-house” items are included that should not be available for visitors to view and read.Early Release Day ScheduleStudent dismissal is at 12:00 NOON. Teachers should follow the lunch/specials schedule given under separate cover. Staff members may not leave campus for lunch on Early Release Days. Administration will schedule staff development based on the District Calendar for Staff Development.Early Sign-Out ProcedureMedical, legal, and similar appointments are not permitted during the school day between 7:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. When an emergency necessitates an absence from the program the staff member must utilize personal reasons or sick leave in full or half-day increments.Staff members are to request permission from administration by submitting a “Request to Arrive Late/Leave Early” form to leave campus prior to regular dismissal time. Staff must sign out in the “Early Dismissal Log Book” at the Office Manager’s desk when taking approved early dismissal time or any other approved conditions.Staff members who arrive after 8:00am or who leave before 2:00pm, will have sick or personal time deducted.This procedure DOES NOT APPLY when you have completed a TDA! You must report your TDA to E-solutions (Sub-Search) in addition to completing the TDA form.E-MailThe sending of chain letters, poems, unofficial job advertisements, and other personal notices are unacceptable use of Broward County’s electronic mail system. Below are selected portions of Policy #5306 that deal with acceptable use of the computer network.Section 6. Acceptable use of Computer Network and Online Telecommunications:RulesAll use of telecommunication services and networks shall be consistent with the mission, goals, policies, and priorities of the school district.Successful participation in a network requires that its users regard it as a shared resource, and that members conduct themselves in a responsible, safe, ethical, and legal manner while using the network.Staff and students who are exchanging communication with others outside the school are representing the School Board of Broward County, Florida, and should conduct themselves appropriately.Use of these services shall be properly monitored and, to the extent reasonably possible, users of school sponsored telecommunication services and network shall be protected by harassment or unsafe unwanted, or unsolicited contact.Code of Ethics for Computer Network and Online Telecommunications UsersAll users are expected to read and understand the following privileges, rights, and responsibilities when using property or facilities (WAN, LAN, networks, Internet, Intranet, etc.) of Broward County public schools.Use of computer network and online telecommunications is a privilege and must support teaching, learning and research.Authorized users shall be ultimately responsible for all activity under their account and password. Only the authorized user shall use accounts for the purposes specified.Any use of telecommunication services or networks for illegal, inappropriate, obscene, or pornographic purposes shall be prohibited. Illegal activities shall be defined as a violation of local, state, and/or federal laws. Inappropriate use shall be defined as a violation of the intended use of the district’s mission, goals, policies, or procedures. Obscenity and/or pornography shall be defined as a violation of generally accepted social standards for use of a publicly owned and operated communications vehicle, and as defined by School Board policy.Use of or engaging in offensive or inflammatory speech, profanity, or obscene language is not permitted at any time.Hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks, and other antisocial behaviors are not permitted.Users shall not intentionally spread computer viruses, vandalize the data, infiltrate systems, damage hardware or software, or in any way degrade or disrupt the use of the network.Any attempts to degrade or disrupt system performance may be viewed as criminal activity in accordance with applicable state and federal law.Emergency ProceduresEmergency procedures to ensure the safety and welfare of students and staff are listed in the School Safety Plan.When an emergency occurs, the principal or designee will alert staff and students of emergency situation to be followed by using the appropriate codes. Teachers will remain with their students at all times. Other school personnel will assist as necessary.Emergency planning is an important part of the overall school operation. It also is a required component of the Safe Schools program. Any facility that is open to the public and has a responsibility for the safety of people should have a plan of operation to deal with emergency situations. These emergency situations are classified as follows:MedicalBehavioral (2-4 acting out persons)FireWeather (including emergency dismissal of school)Civil Disturbance (large groups of acting out persons)Each teacher is to maintain a current list of all students’ names, phone numbers, and addresses of their class. In case of emergency this information will be readily at hand to contact the parent. This information is to be in a folder on the teacher’s desk for easy access. Keep this file up to date.In the event of an emergency in the classroom, notify the administrative office via the intercom system. Upon response from the office, state your name, code team requested, and room number where the emergency occurs. The specific teams responsible for the emergencies are listed in the Safety Plan. They will be called over the intercom system and will proceed immediately to the emergency areaEmergency CodesCrisis is defined as any occasion when a student's behavior or medical condition is so severe that it endangers himself/herself or others. The student is out of control and the individual in charge is unable to control the situation. Some observable behaviors could include head banging, kicking, biting, hitting, throwing, etc. 176593574295How Staff Calls A CodeThe following designate the codes and the teams that will be used during specified crisis situations. The Team Leader will be the staff member listed in priority order below.CODES RedFull Lock Down BrownThreat YellowLock Down, SAFE teamPurple Missing ChildOrangeEvacuationBlueMedicalBlackBomb ThreatGreenAll ClearPinkStranger #1 Classroom EmergencyCodes will be posted in each classroom near the intercom buzzer.WHO RESPONDS TO CODESThe following staff members should be available for responding to codes:? Principal? Assistant Principal? All Support StaffEntries and WithdrawalsDuring the school year students may withdraw, enter, or transfer to your class. Withdraw a student from your class only if you have received a withdrawal form or have been notified by the front office.A student entering or withdrawing from our school must do so through the Information Management Technician. To ensure the student has returned all books and paid the school any monies due, the withdrawal form must be signed and a grade assigned by all appropriate personnel. When a new student enters your classroom, please graciously accept the child. If you have a concern about the placement, please address this with an administrator at a later time.Equipment Property PassesAny equipment that leaves the school needs to be checked out and in through the bookkeeper or TLC. A property pass form must be completed by the staff member and approved by the Principal.School Board insurance will not pay for items lost, damaged, or stolen while signed out to you. Be sure that your Homeowner’s policy will cover such loss prior to checking anything out. ESSESS is the online system utilized by Broward County for all inservice matters. In order to register for any workshop, you must register on ESS. Once you have attended any Broward County workshop, you must complete an on-line appraisal. If you need directions for accessing ESS and for doing appraisals please see the TLC or your team leader.Evacuation DrillsEvacuation Drills must be held in all schools in accordance with Florida Statutes, State Board Regulations and policies and rules as are approved by the Superintendent and/or Board Policy 2305.Each school must hold a building evacuation drill for tornadoes twice per year and ten fire drills (one per month).The first evacuation drill shall be held within the first five (5) days after the opening date for students.The signals used to indicate the following drills will be:Tornado- Announcement over the intercomFire- Ringing of one long alarm signalSilence, order, and attention are to be maintained at all times.Children should practice disaster drill procedures before the day of the first school drill.Maps indicating evacuation routes should be posted in each classroom.Children should be familiar with evacuation route.EvaluationsIn accordance with Florida Statute #231.29, School Board Policy 4009, and employee contracts, all School board personnel must be evaluated. The purpose of the evaluations is to improve the quality of instructional, therapeutic, administrative and supervisory services in public schools. It is also required that all personnel be fully informed of the evaluation criteria and procedures to be used prior to the assessment. The evaluations are SPPAS, BASA, and Bridges. Please see the evaluation website for which evaluation pertains to you.Teachers have the right to have input into administrator annual performance assessments.Exceptional Student EducationIt is the responsibility of the school personnel to help screen and to identify exceptional students. Parents and teachers to the principal or ESE Specialist may refer students with suspected exceptionalities.There are classes at Oakland Park Elementary for Specific Learning Disabilities, Speech, and Gifted.Florida State Department of Education guidelines and District Procedures must be met before a student is accepted into any exceptional student program.Documented and dated anecdotal records must accompany referral forms. There must be documented evidence of two interventions tried with the student. Also, two parent conference forms must be completed.Feel free to discuss any concerns you may have about referring a student with the exceptional student education specialist, assistant principal, or the principal.Lines of communication between exceptional class teachers and classroom teachers must be kept open so that a positive relationship will develop that will benefit the shared students.Points to Remember:Classroom teachers are to be involved in staffings. Brief pre-staffings may be beneficial when establishing a program for a student.Staffings are held on the day the psychologist is present.Student referrals and related data sheets must be completed promptly so that testing is not delayed.Teachers of exceptional classes will need to cancel classes occasionally for annual review and staffings.Teachers of exceptional classes must complete an individual student schedule for the FTE count in October and February.Teachers may refer students for CPST. Referrals should be made promptly where the need arises.Extended School Year (ESY) For Students with DisabilitiesESY provides summer assistance for students with Exceptionalities. All ESY decisions must be made prior to April 1. It is vital that all teachers document performance of ESE students after any in breaks in instruction for more than a week. Excusing Students From ClassesOnce a student enters the classroom he may only leave with the permission of the teacher. Teachers will not cause any student to be absent or tardy from a class without prior approval of the teacher whose class the student will miss.Children must not be kept from going to pull-out classes. If you have a problem with the schedule of the pull-out, discuss this with the effected teacher.Any student out of a classroom must have a written pass (in ink) signed by the teacher, noting the time of departure. The pass shall be available and must be presented upon request.Teachers should collect the pass when student returns to the room. Teachers shall not deny a student admission to class because the student is late. The student should be recorded as UNEXCUSED TARDY.Faculty LunchFaculty members are expected to eat lunch on campus. They may purchase lunch from the cafeteria or bring lunch from home. Leaving campus for lunch is not permitted. If your lunch order will be delivered, please do not ask the office staff or other personnel to “hold” your money and accept your delivery. Please specify the time of delivery when placing your order so that you can be in the office to receive your order.Faculty MeetingsRegular faculty meetings will be scheduled on the first Tuesday afternoon of the month in the Media Center. Learning Communities will meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 2:15. In addition, grade level meetings will be held every Wednesday at 2:15. Teachers are asked not to schedule any conferences or appointments off campus on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons. Special meetings may be scheduled on other days when needed. Attendance at these meetings is not optional. If you schedule a conference, you will be asked to cancel it.Family Life/Human Sexuality And Hiv/Aids EducationFamily Life/Human Sexuality and HIV/Aids Education must be taught as part of a Comprehensive Health Education Program in grades through 12. (School Board Policy 6000.1) All teachers must attend a district-approved training prior to teaching this sensitive topic. It is vital that two weeks before the lessons are conducted; parents need to be given the opportunity to request that their children not participate in the program. Fax MachineThe FAX machine should be used only for official school business. No personal materials may be faxed.Confidential materials, such as psychological reports, IEP’s and school records, may only be faxed with the principal/assistant principal’s permission and identified person at the receiving end.FeesTeachers must submit a request to the Principal for prior approval of any fees charged to students. Students are not to be excluded from any classroom activities for failure to pay fees. Field Trips153733525654000Team Leaders will be responsible for planning and overseeing all field trips.The Field Trip Packet is on CAB Conference. All forms in the packet must be completed and turned into the Principal for approval. The bookkeeper will not order transportation, prepare collection envelope(s), etc. until administration has approved all preliminary forms.You need to plan your trip well in advance. Four (4) weeks prior to the trip the teacher will need to sign out the collection envelope. The teacher will turn in the final collection envelope and signed permission slips (no verbal authorizations) to the bookkeeper two (2) weeks prior to the trip. This gives the teacher two (2) weeks to collect monies. If more time is needed to collect, then the teacher will need to check out the collection envelope sooner than four (4) weeks. THE BOOKKEEPER WILL NOT MAKE EXCEPTIONS TO THE DEADLINE, SO REMEMBER THAT ALL COLLECTIONS END TWO (2) WEEKS PRIOR TO THE FIELD TRIP DATE!!Monies collected are to be recorded on the County mandated Monies Collected Envelopes or BC40-P Receipt Books. Please review the "COLLECTIONS OF MONIES" section of this handbook. Samples of how to fill out the forms are included in this section. Remember that the field trip collections are part of an audit trail and all must be filled out properly and turned in daily!!It is extremely imperative that strict procedures are followed when recording information on the Monies Collected RMATION CAN ONLY BE WRITTEN IN BLUE OR BLACK INK.WHITEOUT, PENCIL, AND RED INK ARE NEVER ALLOWED TO APPEAR ON THE MONIES COLLECTED ENVELOPES.ALL ENVELOPES MUST BE RETURNED TO THE BOOKKEEPER ON MONDAY THROUGH THURSDAY BEFORE 11 A.M. THERE WILL BE NO COLLECTION OF MONIES ON FRIDAY. PLEASE INFORM PARENTS OF THIS POLICY AND REFRAIN FROM COLLECTING ANY FUNDS ON FRIDAY. CHILDREN ARE NEVER ALLOWED TO BRING ENVELOPES TO THE OFFICE. Teachers will turn in two (2) weeks prior to the trip date the Permission Slips for their class in alphabetical order. All forms must be completed properly with all information and signed. The child will not be able to go on the trip if the forms are not completed properly. A class roster stating which students are attending the trip and which students are staying at school indicating which teacher they have been placed with for that day will accompany the Permission Slips. The bookkeeper will be given one set of papers and the teacher will take one set with her on the trip. The front desk secretary will be given a copy of the class roster only. A week before the trip, the Team Leader will fill out an Expense Reimbursement/Payment Request and submit it with an invoice from the trip provider (i.e., Parker Playhouse, Butterfly World, etc.) to the bookkeeper so that a check can be cut, signed and mailed or given to the teacher the day of the trip to hand deliver to the field trip provider.School buses will NOT go anyplace other than where specified on the “Request for Field Trip” form. Only those students enrolled in this school are allowed to ride on the bus for field trips. Trips depart no earlier than 9:00 am and return no later than 1:00 p.m.The bus driver will have you sign a copy of the bus form upon returning from your trip. Please verify the times on the form and return this form to the bookkeeper.For all “Out of County” trips the School Board of Broward County must approve transportation.A health form must be completed for all overnight trips.Please follow the checklist included in the Field Trip Packet. Each grade level will be allowed only three field trips per year. Field trips are an integral part of the curriculum. They are planned as a learning experience related to classroom study. All students are encouraged to participate in the field trip experiences. A grade level teacher should plan on staying behind to supervise children not attending trips.Fire Emergency ProcedureDuring a Fire Emergency, the administrator in charge will evacuate the building immediately. All administrators, support staff and custodial staff members will report to their designated locations. During the fire emergency, all communications over the radios will be limited to the emergency situation.The office staff will remain at the radio, if possible, in order to coordinate the emergency communications. This staff member will call 911 and request the Police Department. It is important to give clear directions to the 911 operators.All staff members will make sure all students are clear of the building. Administrators must assist wherever needed in order to protect the students. In accordance with state law and School Board policy, there will be ten (10) fire drills per year.Fire drills are a part of school training and will be held at least once each month. Florida Law states: “To give instruction in and hold, under direction of the principal, such fire and emergency drills as may be prescribed by law, by regulations of the State Board or the County Board, and as otherwise may be deemed necessary.”To prepare for the drill each teacher should use the following plan:The teacher shall inform students of the routes to be taken from each room.Evacuation routes must be posted in each room.At the sounding of the alarm students shall proceed along the indicated route in a single file line and in silence. Oral directives are sometimes necessary in an emergency, so silence is imperative.The teacher shall follow the last student.When outside, take roll from plan book.Be sure all students are accounted for.Remain outside until the all-clear signal.Drill students occasionally on proper procedures for fire drill evacuation.Teachers should take the red emergency bag along with the plan book.If you are first to see a fire, DON’T SHOUT “FIRE”. Sound the fire alarm, evacuate children, close doors, and notify the office as quickly as possible of the location of the fire.Food and Beverage Services Available to ChildrenThese services will only be provided during the school day by the School Food Service Department according to Board Policy. This affects bake sales, etc. by classes or school groups. Please check with the Principal before planning anything.The Florida Administrative Code Sections 2, 5, and 6 of Chapter 10 D-13 states that food prepared in a private home shall not be used or offered for sale to the public within a food service establishment. The definition of food service establishment includes schools.Fund Raising DrivesSponsors of clubs and/or organizations conducting money-raising drives are responsible for proper supervision of funds, sales, and accounting. When planning a fund raising activity, please adhere to the following:Secure principal’s approval.The club sponsor(s), club treasurer, principal and the bookkeeper will have a brief informational meeting to review rules, procedures, forms, and establish time lines.Either a “Project Approval” form or a “Request for Special Activity” form must be fully executed at least two weeks prior to the start of the project. Copies of the completed form go to the principal, internal accounts bookkeeper, and the club sponsor(s). (Note: the form is not complete until all appropriate signatures are secured.Before beginning any project that involves tickets, speak to the internal accounts bookkeeper to be sure all record keeping procedures are understood.Money collected will be deposited daily, and records on the proper form/receipt. The club treasurer will coordinate with the internal accounts bookkeeper to ensure daily deposits.All posters/flyers to advertise a fundraiser must be approved by the principal and her/his dated signature must be visible on the face of the poster.At the conclusion of the fund-raising activity, the sponsor(s), treasurer and internal accounts bookkeeper will meet to finalize all paperwork/record keeping.Failure to comply with the above stated procedures will result in disapproval of all future fund raising events. Club sponsors should check with the internal accounts bookkeepers monthly to determine the financial status of their club.Grade Level MeetingsPlanning of curriculum, activities, data analysis, and special projects can best be achieved only through active team involvement. Grade level meetings should be held weekly and minutes of such meetings turned into administration within 24 hours. These meetings are not optional.Grading PapersWhen grading students’ daily work papers, only papers that are recorded in the teacher’s grade book are to be marked using A, B, C, D, and F. In checking regular daily assignments, mistakes are to be identified. Teachers should use discretion as to whether correct answers are to be written on the papers for students. The majority of papers should be returned and mistakes corrected by students. A brief comment or mark, etc. of approval or disapproval shall appear on daily work papers. Teachers should always keep in mind that if they assign a paper to be completed by students, it is important that the teacher review it and return it to the student. Never send unchecked papers home! All homework papers must be corrected, reviewed or graded. Only teachers should grade papers. It is appropriate at times, for students to check their own papers under teacher supervision; however, the teacher can only affix grades. Students should not grade other students’ work and volunteers should not grade papers.GuidanceOur guidance counselor provides guidance services to our students. Individual counseling, group counseling, classroom guidance lessons, and parent/teacher conferences are a few of the services that are available. The Listener program with the assistance of the Mental Health Association of Broward County is coordinated through Guidance as well as the Conflict Mediation Program with trained fourth and fifth grade students. Testing, ESOL support, and the Character Education Program are also offered through the guidance program.HealthPupils are weighed and measured once a year. Designated grade levels and students screened for exceptional student education receives vision and hearing screening. This data is to be recorded on health sheets for placement in the cum folder.Holiday ProceduresClass PartyThe class party should be held on the Wednesday before vacation. This will give us the last school day to make final preparations for the holiday break. Children who are not allowed to participate in a party due to religious beliefs may be allowed to go to the school media center during the class party. The media specialist will supervise them there. The media specialist must be given the names of these students at least two days prior to the party so that she can make necessary plans.Holiday DecorationsAll religious denominations celebrating holidays must be represented. Student decorations are advisable. Electric lights on the tree and lighted candles in the classroom are not allowed.All holiday decorations must be taken down before leaving for vacation.Homebound StudentsThe homebound program is usually initiated when a student will be unable to attend school for a period of THREE WEEKS or longer. Due to health and emotional factors, each student presents an individual situation; therefore, the success of the program depends upon the cooperation of the student, parents, classroom teachers, homebound teachers, and Team Leaders.ASSIGNMENTS AND BOOKSThe county homebound teacher who requests books and assignments for the homebound students contacts the team leader. The team leader, in turn, will contact the classroom teacher for the student’s assignments, preferably for a two-week period. The homebound teacher welcomes all instructional materials that will be helpful to the students. TESTS AND SEMESTER EXAMSIf a student is on homebound instruction during the time nine-weeks or semester examinations are being administered at school, the homebound teacher will secure copies of the exams from the student’s classroom teachers to administer to the student at home. After the tests have been administered, they will be returned to the classroom teachers to be corrected and recorded; then the results should be reported back to the homebound teacher.9-WEEKS GRADESThe method of determining the nine weeks grade of each student will vary, depending upon the length of time of homebound service. Time permitting; a conference with the homebound teacher and classroom teacher will be completed. On many other occasions, the homebound teacher will file a written progress report and estimated grade. The classroom teacher will make any necessary adjustments and record the grade. A student must be on homebound instruction for fifteen (15) days before the homebound teacher will file a report. Homework (Policy #6306)Homework shall be assigned at every grade level to enhance the learning situation and provide for skill improvement. Please refer to School Board Policy 6306 for further information.The following guidelines will assure that homework activities result in a satisfying session for both parent and student:1.Grade levels must develop a grade level homework policy to establish consistency in expectations. These policies should be submitted to administration.2.Assignments should be on the student's independent level.3.Assignments should be no longer than 30 minutes for students in 1st and 2nd grade; and no longer than 45 minutes in 3rd through 5th grades.4. Directions should be clear and readable.5.Copies should be clear and readable.6.Homework emphasis should be on strengthening basic skills.The teacher should monitor homework completion.Grades given on homework assignments should be averaged for the final report card grade.IllnessAll students who become ill during the day should be sent to the office with a clinic referral. If the student needs to go home, the office will contact the parent and then inform the teacher of the action taken. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD A TEACHER OR ANYONE ADMINISTER MEDICATION TO A STUDENT. Inservice Registration/TDA ProceduresStaff members must register for workshops by going on-line to ESS. Please see the inservice facilitator if you need assistance.If there is a workshop that requires a fee to attend, it must be approved by the entire Inservice Committee. Approval by administration to attend the workshop does not necessarily mean that the Inservice Committee will pay for the fee. Reimbursement occurs after the workshop when you bring back the agenda or program, payment receipt, and completed Inservice Refund Request Form.If you are attending a conference out of the country, the OSPA Director must approve your TDA. Please allow enough time for this approval.A TDA must be filled out every time you are off campus and job numbers obtained. TDA’s are also a requirement for Saturday workshops. No job number is required for Saturdays.An absence must be reported to sub-central even if a substitute is not needed.Teachers should call the office on the morning of the workshop to see if a substitute has arrived. If not, the teacher may be asked to return to school.Insurance (School Staff)If you have any questions about your insurance coverage, please contact the office manager. If she cannot answer your questions, she will give you the name and phone number of someone at the district level or with the insurance carrier who can assist you.Insurance (Students)Parents are given the opportunity to enroll children each fall, and any time throughout the year, in a school insurance plan at a very reasonable cost. This coverage can be for up to 24 hours or merely during the school day. This coverage for students is desirable for parents if they do not already have an insurance policy covering their children, since the school is not legally liable for school day accidents.IntercomAn attempt will be made to limit all announcements to the time before classes start and five minutes after dismissal.PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE OFFICE DURING DISMISSAL: 2:00-2:15 p.m. Teach your class to get quiet immediately when you are called by the office. It is embarrassing when a parent comes for a student, we call, and there is an excessive amount of noise heard over the intercom. Children are not to answer for the teacher.Interim ReportsNot later than midway between marking periods, an interim report shall be sent to parents of students who are experiencing difficulty, including but not limited to the following:FailingA drop of two or more gradesUnacceptable behaviorExcessive absencesAll interim reports must be reviewed by school administration before being sent home.Guidelines for the completion of Interim Reports will be distributed before you are required to complete them.As per School Board Policy, children cannot be given a failing grade if parents have not previously been notified.ITV – Using Videotapes in Schools in Accordance with the Copyright Law Taping Off-AirTaping commercial television for instructional purposes is permissible. (10 days)Taping cable television is not permissible. (Example: Disney, HBO, Cinemax, ShowTime, Movie Channel, USA, WOR, MTV, and Comedy Central)Use of Taped MaterialMay be used up to ten days after tape date.May be used only on individual TV sets, no closed circuit.After 45 days, tape must be erased.Taped material may not be altered or merged.Purchased or Rented Tapes/DVD’sMany companies (Disney included) have granted permission to use material purchased by the Media Center. Rented tapes must be used only on individual TV sets and must be a part of the instructional program. Tapes must be previewed.The tape must be written into the teacher’s lesson plan book and the objective stated.A Feature Film Form must be completed and sent home prior to viewing the movie/video.The tape may not be shown through the closed-circuit system.The tape may be shown only to students (not PTA, etc.)The tape may only be shown for the purpose of education.All movies shown to children must be rated “G”.ViolationsPenalties for infringement$250.00 - $10,000.00 One to two years’ imprisonmentHow can I get caught?Disgruntled employeesVisitations by publishing companies and/or representativesStudents and/or parentsStupidity (making a copy and returning it to company instead of the original)Copyright Law states the material is protected for the life of the author plus 50 years.Showing of any movies in the classroom must be previously approved by administration.Jury DutyTeachers receiving a jury summons should advise the principal and office manager as soon as possible. Requests to be excused will be made when the person has been called on excessively, or the date’s conflict with the opening or closing of school.For any day the teacher is advised to report, the absence must be reported to E-Solutions (sub search). If the teacher is not needed, he/she should report to school.KeysClassroom keys are issued to teachers and are not to be used by anyone other than that teacher, unless approved by the Principal. Teachers should not allow students to use school keys. It is a violation of School Board policy to duplicate school keys.Anyone issued a key must take this responsibility very seriously. If a key is lost, the school will have to place a work order for additional keys and possibly to have a building re-keyed which will incur a tremendous cost to the school.Laminating MachineLaminating equipment and materials are available in Media Center.Laminating film is expensive. Two rolls are needed (top and bottom) in order for the equipment to function. Due to the cost, we must be selective in what we laminate. When it runs out it is GONE!Do not laminate bulletin board letters and materials, or insignificant pieces of materials.Laminate those items that will become permanent mementos for student’s scrapbooks, etc. (ex: Awards – handwriting and composition or special classroom awards.)Leaving School Grounds Staff finding it necessary to leave school grounds during work hours must obtain the approval from an administrator and sign out in the main office. Please remember that signing out protects you as a Broward County School Board employee. LEP – Limited English ProficienciesFor each child who is classified, required forms will be completed and will be maintained in the student’s cumulative/ESOL folder. The Guidance Counselor is the ESOL Coordinator. If you have questions regarding an ESOL student, please contact her. LiabilityThe primary test for determining liability of a teacher for injury to a pupil is FORESEEABILITY. If a reasonably prudent person could have foreseen the harmful consequences of his act, a teacher, in disregarding the foreseeable consequences, is liable for negligent conduct. When a person is doing anything in which a person of ordinary prudence can foresee danger or harm to others, the law imposes upon him a duty to exercise reasonable care. Because of the teacher – pupil relationship, the test of foreseeability for a teacher should be based on what a reasonably prudent person could have foreseen under the circumstances.Long Distance Calling ProceduresSchool Board Policy 3201 states, "all long distance phone calls made for School Board and/or school business shall be properly logged and accounted for at each administrative location. Employees shall not make personal long distance phone calls and charge them to the School Board phones. This procedure explains how long distance calls must be logged and accounted for at all locations.MAKING LONG DISTANCE CALLSWhen calling long distance (for School Board business ONLY), caller should use a phone located in the Principal's office. All calls must be logged! The School Board no longer provides a direct phone line to Dade County and schools are responsible for long distance charges on all out-of-county calls. In the event of an emergency, please charge personal long distance phone calls to your home phone or calling card. Dialing direct should only be done when approved by the appropriate administrator.LOGGING CALLSEvery long distance call must be logged by the person making/originating the call. Every call that appears on the Bell South long distance listing must be accounted for at each location.Long distance calls must be logged at the time the call is made as follows: Date - Enter date call is made.City Called - Enter city called.Number Called - Enter phone number called.Number Calling From - In this column you should enter thenumber from which you are calling.Person/Business Called and Purpose - Enter person called and the purpose of call. Example . . . "John Smith/FEFP Funding for current fiscal year." "Official Business" is not an acceptable purpose.Call Made By - Enter name of person making the call.PRINCIPAL SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FORInvestigating calls that are believed to be personal and collecting funds from individuals involved.Remitting amounts collected for personal long distance calls by employees to Telecommunications Services.Lost And FoundLost and found articles are kept in the office. All lost items should be turned in promptly. Students should be encouraged to check with the office for any lost articles.LoungeThis area is designed and furnished for the paid employees of Oakland Park to enjoy their lunch and planning time in a pleasant atmosphere. Only staff members are permitted in this area to protect confidentiality. Please do your part in picking up trash, keeping the tables, microwaves, and sink area clean and neat. Cups and dishes that are not picked up by the end of the day will be thrown away. If you want to store dishes, mugs, etc. in the cabinets, they are there for your use. Do not leave items in the sink or sink area. When reading the newspaper and magazines, please do not leave them spread out all over the lounge. These areas are not conference rooms. Please use conference time in your classroom. Space is limited and people eating their lunches wish to relax. Do not leave your valuables in the lounge. Label lunches. Please respect the property of others. Please assist in keeping the lounge clean. The refrigerator will be defrosted during holidays. All food items not removed before these vacation days will be discarded.While in the school, parents and volunteers will occasionally use the lounge for purchasing a soft drink. This is the only place available to them. Please be aware of their presence. Teachers and staff are not to discuss students and students’ parents in the faculty lounge. Comments taken out of context have a way of getting back to the community.Eating is to be done in the lounge or cafeteria only. The soda machine is solely for adult use. Coffee and other drinks should not be taken into the classroom or office during the student school day. Students are not allowed to eat or drink in the classroom other than for Early Release days, lunch bunch, or scheduled class parties. Students are not permitted in the faculty lounges.In compliance with Federal Regulations, the lounge has been designated as a non-smoking area.Lunch / BreakfastTeachers…please assist students in memorizing their lunch numbers.Each teacher will be released for a duty free lunch period.Teachers leave for their lunch break when the class is accepted by the paraprofessional in the cafeteria.PICK UP YOUR CLASS ON TIME – This is the key to making our lunch program successful!Move your class from the cafeteria quickly. Do not handle housekeeping chores in the cafeteria.Provide a bathroom break before lunch. Children are not to leave the cafeteria to use the bathroom during their lunch period.Post the cafeteria rules and the consequences for misbehavior in the classroom.Follow through on the consequences for cafeteria misbehavior.Practice the appropriate behaviors we are trying to achieve.The following are some ‘manners’ that need classroom attention and reinforcement:Enter and exit the cafeteria quietly.Face forward at all times while in line.Be polite to cafeteria staff (this includes aides).Speak softly to the people sitting close to you.Use polite language.Do not play with food or lunch items.Clean up your own lunch space. (Table, seat, floor)Keep hands to self.Chew with mouth closed.Do not talk with your mouth full.Use a napkin.Pick up items off the floor.Stay in your seat unless you have permission to get up.No cans or bottles are permitted in the cafeteria.Mail (U.S. And Internal)1691640252730U.S. mail is delivered each day at the school. You may mail letters by placing them in the wooden mailbox in the office. Please do not ask to purchase U.S. postage stamps. It is against School Board Policy to do so.PONY SERVICESMail service is an integral part of the education system of Broward County. Mail services (also called “the Pony” covers each of the schools, centers, and departments. Pick Up and Delivery schedules change during the year. Please see the Office manager for the schedule. The primary use of “the pony” is to provide pickup and delivery of all schools, centers and administrative correspondence each day. Mail services also handles pickup and delivery of testing material, some audiovisual equipment, printed materials and numerous other authorized items, listed below.The following is the responsibility of the school personnel:Location and care of the pony at each school.Due to the U.S. Postal regulations union, organization or personal mail is not to be sent by pony mail.Proper marking of pony envelopes:Name of person to whom sentSchool or department (No abbreviations, please.)Proper marking of packages, boxes, etc. (Taped or tied securely.)No packages over 40 pounds. (Six boxes or more require a warehouse pickup.)Boxes or packages should be clearly addressed with a black marker.Each piece of equipment sent to Maintenance for repair must have a completed repair tag.Cord on equipment should be coiled and tied to item securely.Covers should be put on all electronic equipment, when available.Because of tight schedule, drivers will use discretion when requested to pick up more than one item per school per day.When marking boxes or packages for the Testing Department, please indicate the name of person who is to receive package.For security reasons, there will be no repair items picked up on Friday.Arrangements must be made with Maintenance or appropriate department for pickup or “on-site repair” on the following items not handled by Mail Services.Any item which is covered by a service contract. (List is available from the Maintenance Department.Containers of chemicalsFire extinguishersGlass items which could break during shipmentOverhead projectorsVacuum cleaners (dry or wet)FansLawn mowers, edgers and trimmersBusiness machinesComputer equipment Speaker cabinetsEquipment to be evaluated for salvageAny machine tool, paper cutters or shop equipmentMailboxesPlease check your mailboxes each morning, before the start of class, during your breaks and after school dismissal for communications. Please refrain from interrupting office personnel by sending students for mail. Telephone messages will NOT be placed in mailboxes. Staff should check their voice mail for messages regularly.Materials and SuppliesGeneral materials and supplies are ordered and distributed to classes on an equitable and/or needs basis. The Materials and Supplies Request form is on CAB Conference and must be completed and mailed in to Office Every attempt will be made to distribute orders within 48 hours. Instructional supplies are ordered and provided to accompany basic program activities.Crayons are provided to students only twice each year.IMPORTANT: All teacher requests for purchases to be made from the internal account must be approved in writing by the principal prior to purchase. Also, a conference must be held with the bookkeeper to make sure that the purchase and procedure follows required guidelines.Teachers will not be reimbursed for purchases without prior approval by administration and the original receipt.165163592900500Media ProceduresThe Media Specialist coordinates the use of materials and equipment, as well as assisting teachers in locating materials. Many materials and services are also available from the County Materials Center. Discuss your needs with the Media Specialist.Teachers are to learn how to operate the A.V. equipment. Instruction is available through the Media Specialist.Under no circumstances are students to use equipment or software if they have not been instructed in its use.MedicationRULESAdministering and/or dispensing of medicine by the school principal or his/her designee will take place only under the following conditions:There exists an illness or disability that requires maintenance-type medicine, and where failure to take prescribed medication could jeopardize the student’s health, and when the medication schedule cannot be adjusted to provide for administration at home.There is on file a completed form, approved and provided by the family doctor and parent. The information required on this form should include a written treatment plan. Execution of the parental consent section will grant the principal or his designee the permission to assist in the prescribed medication to be provided during the school day, including when the student is away from school property on official school business. The written treatment plan, signed by a licensed physician, shall include possible side effects and special instructions regarding the medication.The school principal or his/her designee shall administer the medicine.All medication shall be in its original container and shall be properly labeled: name of student; name of the drug; directions concerning dosage; time of day to be taken; name of the prescribing physician; date of prescription; and shall not exceed the dosage required for one week.The principal or his/her designee of all students receiving medication at school must keep a medication log.The school shall store all prescribed medication in the original container in a secure fashion under lock and key, and accessible only to the office staff.In cases of long-term or chronic illnesses that require maintenance-type medicine, all medication authorization shall not exceed 12 months.Exceptional Student Education centers that specialize in the education/training of children with exceptionalities and principals with exceptional students that have been mainstreamed and who require maintenance-type medication may be allowed to store medicine in excess of a weekly dosage (as noted in Rule #4).No elementary student shall transport medication to or from school.School personnel administering medications in accordance with this policy shall not be liable for civil damages.Authority: F.S.230.22 (1) (2)Rules Adopted:10/16/75Rules Approved:1/5/84AMENDED POLICY APPROVED: 7/14/87Monies CollectedPlease see the section entitles “Collection of Monies”.New Student ProceduresThe objective is to gather as much information about the entering student as possible so that proper placement can be obtained within 48 hours.The first day of class for students: The student is to be tested and placed no later than 48 hours after enrollment. School personnel will escort the student to class. Please welcome the child and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s).Classroom Teacher’s Role: It is the responsibility of the classroom teacher to have the child placed appropriately as quickly as possible by:Giving a reading placement test for temporary placement.THE REPSONSIBILITY FOR PROPER PLACEMENT IS A SHARED ONE BETWEEN CLASSROOM TEACHER AND ANCILLARY PERSONNEL. UNDER NO CONDITION IS A CHILD TO NOT BE PLACED PROPERLY.NewsletterThe school newsletter will be distributed quarterly. The deadline for article submission will be announced via email.Noninstructional Overtime and Compensatory Time ProcedureShould a noninstructional clerical employee need to work overtime the following procedures will be followed:Office Manager will be notified of the need of the overtime and will bring it to the attention of the administrator. A determination will be made as to whether the issue of overtime is warranted.Clerical staff will give the Office Manager the appropriate request for overtime or compensatory time. Requests will be given to Administrator for approval. Upon approval employee may commence work. The following day total time worked will be recorded on a comp time payroll sheet.To utilize the accrued hours of any compensatory time an employee must notify the Administrator in advance on a Request to Utilize Accrued Time Sheet. All requests must be done in advance and signed by an Administrator.By written mutual agreement between the appropriate Administrator and the affective employee, compensatory time may be given in lieu of overtime for the first 160 hours of actual overtime.For further clarification review the Fair Standards Act.Office Procedures Staff will not be called out of class or away from their duties for incoming telephone calls except for the following reasons:Caller identifies the call as an emergency. Caller must give his/her name.Staff member informs the office manager of a call pending that they will need to receive.Other than the above, the call will be transferred to the staff members’ voice mailbox. It is the responsibility of all school personnel to check their voicemail during the day. If you wish to have someone call you during your lunchtime or break, please have the individual call directly to the appropriately designated staff phones or personal cell phones.The telephones in the office are for the office personnel use only. All other school personnel are not permitted to use the phones on the secretaries’ desks or the phone at the front counter.Read office job descriptions as per responsibilities. See the Office Manager for information on delegation of tasks to office staff.If you need to place a long distance call, please tell the office manager. If she is not available, one of the other secretaries in the office will be happy to assist you. At no time is a Directory Assistance Call to be made. Students are to be reminded that they will not be allowed to make calls for homework, for lunch money, or for making arrangements for after the school day. Please impress upon your students the importance of coming to school prepared. If a phone call needs to be made by a student and the teacher feels that it is necessary, the student may call from the classroom or may be given a pass to call from the office.If you need typing or other work, go to the office manager and she will delegate the work.Opening ExercisesOpening exercises will be broadcast beginning at 8:05 a.m. sharp. Please turn your television on at 8:00 a.m. Morning announcements are important and all students are expected to listen. Teachers are to set the right tone by also listening. Students must stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and the patriotic songs.Morning board work/activity should be provided until the announcements are made.Ownership of MaterialsAll materials and supplies purchased with school or PTA funds become property of the school.Teachers leaving the school or transferring to different grade levels or programs are to leave all materials and supplies in the room they occupied during the school year.Teachers purchasing materials with their own funds or without authorization must assume the financial responsibility of the purchase.Paraprofessionals/Teacher AssistantsParaprofessionals play a vital role in the instructional process and should be actively involved in the school program. Paraprofessionals will be available to assist teachers with their programs. Budgetary restrictions, SACS requirements and school needs will control the number of paraprofessionals available in any particular grade level.Under the supervision of instructional staff, paraprofessionals assist in the preparation of instructional materials, supervise students in the cafeteria, work with individuals and small groups of children, supervise students arrival and dismissal from school, and other responsibilities. See their job description under the Governance Structure section.Paraprofessionals are not to be solely responsible for classes. A teacher must be in a supervisory position of his/her class at all times.Paraprofessionals may give referrals when solely responsible for supervising children. Referrals should only be given by paraprofessionals when children cannot be controlled. For all other situations such as disrespect or not following general rules, paraprofessionals should write a Paraprofessional Referral to Teachers. Teachers can then respond appropriately by giving classroom interventions, consequences, calling parents, or, if necessary, a referral to administration with the input of the paraprofessional.Meetings with paraprofessionals will be scheduled on a monthly basis. The meetings are a time for administration to give any needed information as well as address any questions or concerns. Assigned Duty AreasPlease see the Paraprofessional Schedule for duty assignments. As always, this schedule is subject to change as circumstances change. The safety and well being of our students is, as always, of utmost concern. Both an AM and PM duties will be scheduled, unless it is specified otherwise. The lunch and planning schedule specifies times for cafeteria duty. BusesParaprofessionals should make certain that the students are lined up while waiting to board the buses. The office should be notified of any bus changes in the afternoon and they will notify the paraprofessionals of the changes. The safety of students loading and unloading buses is always a concern. Student may NOT walk between buses to get to another bus. Students should not board a bus unless the driver of the bus is on the bus. If the bus driver gives a bus referral to a paraprofessional, it should be given to the Assistant Principal. After it is handled, a copy will be returned to the bus driver.CafeteriaDuties include:? Ensuring the safety of all students while in the cafeteria.? Overseeing classes as they enter the cafeteria, make sure they come through the correct door, form a line, and then sit at their assigned table.? Supervising students; students should be seated at all times with two feet on the floor facing forward. ? Controlling the noise level; there are many students in the cafeteria at one time so there will be noise, however, students should speak at a low level and only to their neighbors.? Lining up students when it is time for them to be dismissed. The class should be asked to pick up all trash on the floor and on the table. Table washers and sweepers should be reminded to stay behind to wash the table and sweep the floor. Students will be lined up against the wall until the teacher arrives.Behavior in the cafeteria:Students are expected to follow school rules while in the cafeteria. Should a student become disruptive, they should be reminded of the rule(s) they are breaking. If they still choose not to follow the rules, they should be moved to another location within the cafeteria where they can be supervised but are away from the group. Remember, students, under NO circumstances are to be left unsupervised. If a child needs to be removed from the cafeteria, call the office using the intercom system or ask the cafeteria manager to call the office. An administrator or a member of the support staff will come to the cafeteria to remove the child. Please see the Cafeteria Plan for further clarification.Disciplining StudentsOakland Park Elementary has implemented a school-wide discipline plan. It is expected that this structure will support all teachers and paraprofessionals in implementing consistent and positive behavior.Maintaining discipline in the classroom is the ultimate responsibility of the classroom teacher. Referring students to the office should be a last resort consequence, once all other means have been unsuccessful. Certain behaviors require immediate referral (serious fighting, serious disruptive behavior, drugs, weapons or gross insubordination).Try to develop a means for rewarding students for positive, on task behavior. The goal should be to accentuate the positive and to give students a goal, which they perceive to be both attainable and desirable. Students should be spoken to with respect and with the expectation of compliance to your directives. Remember the following helpful hints for maintaining positive student management:? NEVER leave children unsupervised.? Do not correct simply upon what other children report.? The closer you are to the child, the more impact you will have on the child.? Circulate around the area you are supervising.? Make contact with children, but do not dwell with certain groups or stay in the same area.? Do not argue with a child. Reprimand CALMLY in short, direct sentences. Expect compliance.? Treat all children the same way.? NEVER grab or strike a child. Call the office immediately if you need assistance with a child who is out of control.EvaluationsEvaluations will be completed for all paraprofessionals as well as all staff members. Input from teachers with whom paraprofessionals work with will be requested. Input will be based upon the information on the evaluation form. With teacher input, administration will complete the final evaluation. The evaluation will be reviewed with administration and comments may be added by the paraprofessional if necessary. All evaluations are retained in personnel files. Concerns or comments should be discussed with administration.Field TripsAll school employees who will be chaperoning a field trip must have completed a TDA. Paraprofessionals should receive prior approval from administration when a request has been made for attendance on a field trip. Remember arrangements for coverage of duties as well as student groups that will be missed will need to be made.Professional Treatment of Confidential InformationParaprofessionals may become aware of students information that is confidential. That information (test scores, grades, family situations, etc.) is private and under NO circumstances may be discussed with anyone. It is AGAINST THE LAW to discuss this information with ANYONE but school personnel and the parents.In addition to the above, paraprofessionals must read and understand the contents of the entire Policy Handbook. All members of the staff are responsible for following the policies and procedures as outlined in this handbook. Parent DifficultyWhen a teacher believes that there may be a conflict with a parent, the teacher should inform the appropriate administrator so that a solution can be sought for the problem. Do not allow the parent to be the first person to inform the Assistant Principal or Principal about an incident that occurred under your supervision.Parent Teacher Association58889902475865We hope to establish an active Parent Teacher Association for Oakland Park Elementary. Parents can provide a great deal of assistance, both in materials and supplies and volunteer hours. General PTA meetings are held monthly. A representative from instructional staff will participate in the monthly P.T.A. Meetings for the purpose of providing suggestions and staff input.Teachers are not automatically PTA/PTO members. To belong to the association, one must pay the required dues. It is beneficial for all to join this association and create good rapport with the parents with whom we work.PTA stands for Parent Teacher Association. In order to keep lines of communication open and to adequately serve the public, the faculty must be active in the PTA. Those persons truly interested in the youngsters and improving parent/teacher relationships will join promptly. Begin the year on a positive note, open lines of communication, join the PTA.Parking - StaffStaff parking is assigned in our various parking areas. Please park in your assigned spot.When calling in an absence, remember to report your assigned parking spot.The School Board of Broward County, Florida, shall not be responsible for fire, theft, or other damage to automobiles or other vehicles while parked or operated on school property. Problems in the faculty parking areas should be reported to the administration. PartiesDEFINITION OF A PARTY: Any activity involving food and/or socializing in the classroom. This does not include behavior modification activities that take place on a regular basis.Parties are a learning activity and a very important part of a child’s growing up. However, classroom parties should be limited to 2 per year at holiday time and at the end of the year. Good manners and habits need to be stressed.Parties should be planned for the Wednesday before the last day before vacation begins.Birthday parties should not be planned for in the classroom during instructional time. Let parents know birthday treats will be given out in the cafeteria during the lunch period.No home-prepared food is permitted per School Board policy.Be sure to notify administration of any party plans and receive approval beforehand.Partners in EducationPartners support our educational goals in a variety of programs. Please support them by participating in this worthwhile school/community endeavor.Paycheck InquiriesIf you have any questions or concerns regarding your check, please see the Office Manager. She is our payroll contact person and will resolve questions that may arise.Periodical SubscriptionsIn order to eliminate unwarranted duplication of subscriptions, and to standardize the purchasing of all periodicals, magazines, and newspapers, all requests for purchases of these items will be made through administration.Personnel RecordsAn employee personnel record includes:Complaints and investigative information related to complaints against teachers and administrators until the Commissioner of Education determines there is probable cause to take action or the investigation becomes inactive.Employee evaluations until the end of the school year immediately following the school year in which the evaluation is made. (Example: An evaluation done in March of 1991 will be open to the public until the end of June in 1992).Derogatory materials until 10 days after the employee has been notified the material exists and has had a chance to respond.Payroll deduction information.Employee medical reports.Examination and related materials pertaining to certification of instructional employees.Phone CallsStaff & StudentsNo personal long distance calls may be charged to the school’s telephone account. Official calls may be made from the Principal’s phone, but only with permission to do so. Authorized long distance business calls must be logged on the official School Board form.When necessary, staff members may make personal long distance calls from the school and charge them to their residence phone number. In such a case, dial “O”, area code and number. The operator will come on the line to assist you.At no time is a directory assistance call to be made. The school is assessed charges for each of these calls. A monthly printout indicates the number of such calls placed from each phone in the school. Please do not use this service. Phone books are easily accessible throughout the school.CLASSROOM/CELL PHONE USAGE FROM/INTO THE CLASSROOMOUTGOINGPersonal calls going out from the classroom will be limited to the teacher’s planning time, 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m., and after 2:00 p.m. Calls to parents due to immediate disciplinary concerns should be made in a way where it does not disrupt the learning process and should be limited to times absolutely necessary. Remember, most of the parents are at work. Classroom to classroom calls may be made prior to 8:00 a.m. and after dismissal at 2:00 p.m. Discipline concerns should be handled with referrals or emergency codes. Please do not make phone calls to administrators or office concerning discipline.INCOMINGTelephone calls received for staff will be transferred to the school’s voice mailbox, unless there is an emergent situation. Parent calls will not be put through to the classroom without prior approval from the office manager. This will only be approved in a case where it is difficult to reach a parent and receiving a return call is the only way to speak to them. However, if you are awaiting such a call, please alert the office first before asking the parent to call you.The use of cell phones, for personal communication, should be limited to emergency situations during the school day. Cell phones should be kept on vibrate or silence and they should only be used in the lounge or the classroom when children are not present.Students may only use the phone in the office in an EMERGENCY.Prior arrangements must be made for meetings or activities. Students should not be sent to the office to use the phone for last minute calls for staying after school, forgetting lunch, meetings, assemblies, forgotten library books, etc. Notification of activities are sent home with students prior to the event. It is the students’ responsibility to make sure they notify parents and must accept the consequences if they do not. Teachers must have written permission to keep a child after school, as this is School Board Policy.Only the 754-322-7500 TELEPHONE NUMBER IS TO BE GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC.Physical Classroom ManagementAll teachers are responsible for the physical condition of the classroom. Classrooms should be arranged so that ALL eyes can be focused on the teacher.Teacher work areas should arranged so that all students can be monitored regardless of where the teacher is in the room.Displays and bulletin boards should be pertinent to classroom instruction and should be changed frequently. No more than 50% of walls may be covered with displays if there is a sprinkler in your room. If you have no sprinkler, you may only cover 20% of the wall space by order of the fire inspector. ALWAYS TURN OFF THE LIGHTS AND LOCK DOORS WHEN LEAVING THE ROOM. All chairs must be stacked and papers off the floor before students leave. This is part of teaching respect and responsibility. Counters and teacher’s desks should be neat and organized. Insects love clutter. Please keep the rooms neat and clean. The learning environment is of paramount importance! Children need good adult models. Rooms will be visited by the administration on a regular basis. Keep area near doors clear of displays. Plan Books/Grade Books Recording GradesEach subject area should have grades. Indicate assignments for which the grades are being given. Record date and page number or objective for each grade given. Portfolios may also be used as a supplemental means of further assessment. There should be approximately 12-15 grades per subject per grading period. You must be able to document and defend the assigned grade.Please fill out the information sheet at the front of your plan book . . . Teacher Name, Room Number, Grade, School and School Year.On the back of the information sheet, fill in the dates for marking periods and due dates for report cards. It may also be helpful to indicate dates when Interim Reports are distributed. Lesson Plans are a blueprint for the academic structure of your class. While lesson plans are a "personal" guideline for teachers and reflect individual teaching styles, specific, inherent information needs to be included in all lesson plan books.Plan books and grade books are school documents, which are subject to audit and kept on file for a period of five (5) years. They may be used at any time to justify and explain your individual program. The following will help clarify what kind of information is to be included in your plans and grade books to ensure that they meet with county requirements. Please feel free to continue to use your own "style" in writing your plans, but make sure you have included the necessary required information.If plans are completed electronically, print them at least once a week for the current week. Maintain plans in the provided binder. Administration reserves the right to check plans periodically. They should be ready and available.Fill in the teacher name and "Wk. Beginning" section for each weekFill in the subject areaSubject objective: This is a brief statement of the objective for the lesson. (All text manuals give an objective statement for lessons.)H.W. List any assignments that are given as homework. This will be useful in documenting and validating homework assignments that you assign. (Keep the School Board Homework policy in mind when doing this)Lunch – list time for arrival and pick-up.Specials: List the time and days your children go to P. E., Music, Art, Media/ Computer or resource classes.All videos or movies shown to your class must be listed in your plans with a stated objective.List strategies for ESOL students must be in red in each core curriculum box. A list of ELL students and their current classification must also be written in the plan for the current week. List collaborative plans for ESE students.Reading plans should be "consistent" throughout and reflect plans for various reading groups at different times and levels and centers All lesson plans must document the mandatory 150 minutes of PE per week. Emergency Lesson Plans (Substitute Plans) should be located in the top desk drawer. They should be updated after each absence or once a quarter. When a teacher is absent, the curriculum must continue. Lesson plans should be clear and detailed enough for a sub to follow them. Plan books will be reviewed by administration upon classroom visitations or asrequested. Plan books should always be current and open on desks.*Please refer to the Plan Book/Grade Book Evaluation Form for further clarification.Planning Day ScheduleStaff Development will be scheduled on planning days based on the District Calendar for Staff Development. Staff members may leave campus for lunch. You will need to sign out with the office manager during this time. Planning PeriodAll instructional personnel are assigned a period of time for instructional planning. Teaching is physically strenuous and there is no objection to teachers relaxing for a few minutes in the teacher planning area. The planning time should be used for the improvement of instruction. The following are recommended uses for the planning time:Preparing instructional materialsKeeping planbook up to dateGrading papersPreparing reportsKeeping attendance records currentConsulting with Principal, Assistant Principal, Team Leaders, and County Supervisors, as well as studying cumulative records for additional information regarding your students Exchanging viewpoints and information with other faculty members having the same planning periodVisiting other classesConferring with parentsStudying new materials in the Media CenterReading professional materialsTeachers should not be working on laptops checking e-mail or planning during the time children are in the rooms. These responsibilities should be taken care of during the planning periods.Professional StandardsAll teachers must be knowledgeable of the administrative rules of the Florida State Board of Education. The three main state standards are:The Code of Ethics of the Education Profession in the State of Florida - State Board of Education Administrative Rule 6B - 1.001Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in the State of Florida - State Board of Education Administrative Rule 6B - 1.006The Standards of Competent Professional PerformanceCopies of these state standards are given to each staff member annually in the pre-planning packet.PromotionUpdates will be given each year as they are disseminated by the State and District.Public Visitation of SchoolAny individual or group desiring to tour this school shall receive permission from the school administration.Members of the general public, including parents, wishing to contact teachers or pupils during the school day must receive permission from the principal’s office.Teachers are asked to inform former students when possible that they may not visit the school during the regular school day while classes are in session. Loitering by individuals not associated with the school will not be tolerated.All teachers are asked to notify the office when they see a person on the school grounds that have not received permission from the office. Approved visitors to campus will have an identification badge.Recess1874520466090Recess is an important part of a child's school day and can provide an outlet for physical energy and socialization needs. However, it is also a time when accidents are most likely to happen. The law requires that students be clearly visible to teachers (no more than 50 feet away). It is also recommended that recess be organized into informal activities, such as basketball, kickball, etc. rather than just "free play". This method encourages development of appropriate social skills and reduces reckless and inappropriate play. Please remember to review "Playground Safety" rules. Students should know the rules and they should be enforced at all times while on the playground. Students are not allowed to participate in contact sports at school. Staff members must prohibit students from playing football (including “tag”), baseball (with hardball), red rover, soccer, etc. Each year a schedule of recess times will be created. It is mandatory that you adhere to this schedule in an effort to avoid having too many students participating in recess at the same time. As per State Policy, all children are to have 30 minutes of PE/physical activity. This can be accomplished by taking them to recess for 15 minutes a day, reading about and discussing nutrition, having a wellness or nutrition center, or having children do indoor activities in the classroom. Try to have them participate in the school-wide exercise following the morning show. The 150 minutes must be documented in plan books.Reporting Pupil ProgressEach teacher has been provided a guide for reporting pupil progress. Please make sure you adhere to the procedures outlined by the Broward County School Board. If you have concerns, please see an administrator. A record of each grade given, the date and assignment should be kept in your Grade Book. There should be approximately 12-15 grades per subject per grading period.Report cards will be completed quarterly. Interim Progress Report Forms and Conference Forms should be completed using BLACK or BLUE ink.Record all grades from papers that are sent home.Kindergarten Through Grade TwoStudents performance in Kindergarten through grade two, will be reported with a“1”, “2”, “3”, or “NA”."1" Has mastered skill (independently"2"Is learning skill (with assistance)"3"Area of Concern"NA"Not Assesed this marking periodGrades Three Through FiveIn reporting student performance in grades three through five, the symbols "A", "B", "C", "D", and "F" are used, which represent the equivalentnumerical grades, as shown below:"A" Superior Progress90 - 100"B"Above Average Progress80 - 89"C"Average Progress70 - 79"D"Below Average Progress60 - 69"F"Failure59 or belowIn addition to the above grades, students’ performance, in the areas of Related Arts/Foreign Language, Characteristics of good learner, will be reported with a “1”, “2”, “3”, or “NA”."1" Has mastered skill (independently)"2"Is learning skill (with assistance)"3"Area of Concern"NA"Not ApplicableIf a student is not meeting the Required Level of Performance at any grade level, it must be indicated on the report card.Children may not be given an “A” if they are working below grade level. A student must be in attendance at the elementary level twenty-five (25) days to receive a grade.Plus or minus signs for academic grades shall not be used in marking at any level.Elementary report card cover shall be signed by the parent (legal guardian or individual acting "in loco parentis") and returned to the teacher. An administrator will review each quarter report cards. If errors exist or there is omitted information, the administrator will notify the teacher, in writing, to make corrections prior to the day report cards are sent home. ConferencesBoard Policy 5104 states, “ . . . Conferences with parents or guardians are a required part of the reporting system." At least two (2) written conferences per year are required.When a parent fails to show up for a conference, please retain the completed conference form and indicate "no show."Telephone conferences should be written on conference forms and documented.A parent telephone log can be helpful in keeping track of parent contacts.Use NCR conference forms for each conference. Proofread conference forms to check grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. Please fill out the subject information on each conference form prior to the conference. The comment narrative at the bottom may be done during the conference and should reflect areas noted.Retain WHITE copy for cum folder. Conference forms should be available for reference.Interim ReportsBoard Policy 5104 states, "Not later than midway between marking periods, an Interim Report shall be sent to parents of students who are experiencing difficulty including but not limited to the following:A. FailingB. A drop of two or more gradesC. Unacceptable behaviorD. Excessive absencesIf Interim Reports are not being returned, mail them to parents and/or guardians. Please see the bookkeeper for postage.Interim Reports will be required to be submitted to administration with report cards, for students whose grades reflect the above criteria or when grades of "D" or "F" are recorded.In addition to issuing Interim Reports at the midway point, Interims may be given at any other time as a form of communication. Children may not fail if parents have not been notified and given time to help their children improve.Request to Arrive Late or Leave Early Staff must complete a “Request to Arrive Late/Leave Early” form to be signed by an administrator. These forms should be submitted for approval at least 24 hours in advance. Requests should be limited to emergency situations as it is important for all staff to be present during working hours, 7:30 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Whenever possible Dr. appointments should be made after 3:00. Staff members arriving after 8:00am or leaving before 2:00pm will have personal or sick time deducted and should report this time via Sub Search. Resource ClassesResource classes (i.e. Speech, Gifted, VE, Music, Art, PE, Computer Lab, Core Reading, Math, Technology, etc.) are an integral part of the students’ day. Students must not be kept from these classes. It is imperative that they be sent to these classes on time. If you have a problem with the schedule of these pull-outs, please see the affected teacher.Room MothersTeachers should try to recruit and to choose a room mother and an alternate for their homeroom. Explain the duties and the fact that a working parent can do the job. Some of their functions are to help organize the parties, chaperone field trips, and arrange for other parents to assist. (Non-school age children are not allowed on field trips or in classrooms with their mothers because of liability purposes.)Please contact the Volunteer Coordinator for assistance.Personal contact by the teacher is the most effective method for obtaining room mothers. Give serious consideration to parents who have never been room mothers. Using the same mother year after year does not allow for new parents to the community to get involved.Room mothers are considered volunteers and should fill out a volunteer application and report to the office to sign-in so we may receive volunteer hours.Safety And Health ProceduresAccidents/Faculty InjuriesWhen a faculty member is involved in an accident at school, it must be reported immediately to the office staff. If a faculty member requires medical attention or will lose time from work, a Workman's Compensation Injury Form must be completed. A list of Workman's Compensation doctors will be provided to any employee needing medical attention. Please see the office manager regarding any job-related injury.Accidents/Student Injuries When a student receives a minor injury on school property, the teacher/paraprofessional in charge should send the student, together with two other students, to the office for assistance. In the event of a serious injury, personnel should contact the front office immediately stating teacher name and location for assistance. If an accident occurs in an area that does not have intercom access, the teacher/paraprofessional should send a student to the nearest classroom or office for help.When a child is injured, it should be reported to the office immediately. The office staff will notify the parents as soon as possible. An accident report should be completed by the teacher/paraprofessional and returned to IMT. Forms are available in the front office. (See Appendices for Sample)Clinic UsageChildren sent to the office because of illness or injury should bring a clinic pass with them. Our space and supervision is limited. When necessary, the office will contact the parent(s), and the classroom teacher will be notified if the child will be going home. General first aid is available for any student or employee of the school.Providing Care for Diabetic StudentsHealth Education Services has a video that highlights how staff should handle and care for diabetic students. In addition, there are new forms for diabetic students. They are available in the front office. MedicationMedication is never given to students or kept in the classroom. This includes Tylenol; cough medicine and other over-the-counter remedies. School Board Policy requires parents/guardians to fill out the appropriate forms for dispensing of medication, and only designated personnel will administer it. Forms are available in the front office.245173587630Sexual PredatorsPart A - Florida Sexual Predators Action InformationThe State of Florida Sexual Predators Act requires that, “…each predator register within 48 hours after entering the county of permanent or temporary residence. Temporary residence includes a stay of two or more weeks. The Florida Department of Law enforcement (FDLE) must notify the sheriff of the relevant county within 48 hours after registration of the sexual predator. The sheriff must notify the police chief of the municipality where the sexual predator resides within 48 hours.”The Broward Sheriff’s Office will notify the school district’s Special Investigative Unit (SIU) when a sexual predator is living or relocating to Broward County. Implementation guidelines are as follows:Upon notification from the Broward Sheriff’s Office, SIU will confer with the Student Assignment Office to determine the nearest school(s) and immediately notify the Department Superintendent of School Operations.The Deputy Superintendent of School Operations will disseminate the information to the Superintendent of Schools, the affected Area Superintendent(s) and the Community Relations Department. The Community Relations Department will inform all School Board Members.The Area Superintendent(s) will immediately notify the affected area director(s) and principal(s) as well as participating schools in the innovation zone.The affected principal(s) will:Communicate the information to the faculty, staff and school resource officers.Develop a letter for distribution to parents to be approved by the Area Superintendent Redirect all available staff to enhance the supervision of students during all school activities.Refer all media inquiries to the Community Relations Department to assure clear and correct information.Members of SIU will render assistance to principal, staff, and work collaboratively with local law enforcement agencies where appropriate.Part B – Florida Sexual Predators Action InformationThe following procedures have been developed to enhance communication between local police departments, schools, and parents. These procedures will be incorporated into the safety and security component of School Improvement Plans. The following steps are to be included in the procedure:Upon notification from the police department, the principal will review the information and contact the area office.The Area Superintendent will then direct the principal to complete the following asks:Communicate the information to the faculty, staff and school resourceofficers.Develop a letter for distribution to parents to be approved by the Area Superintendent. Redirect all available staff to enhance the supervision of students during all school activities.Refer all media inquiries to the Community Relations Department to assure clear and correct information.The Area Superintendent will immediately notify the Deputy Superintendent of School Operations. The Deputy Superintendent of School Operations will disseminate the information to the Superintendent and the Community Relations Department.The Community Relations Department will then notify all School Board Members.Members of SIU will render assistance to principal, staff, and work collaboratively with local law enforcement agencies where appropriate.Salary ScheduleThe salary schedule can be found in each contract. A copy of this contract can be reviewed on . Look under Employee Relations. School Board PoliciesAll staff members should be aware of School Board policies that affect their job.Any questions about School Board policies may be directed to the principal/assistant principal.Policies may be accessed on .Please be familiar with these School Board policies:POLICY #1403AccountabilityPOLICY #6000.1Report Cards, Grades, andPromotion/RetentionPOLICY #6000.1Standards of Service-Curricula-Elementary and ESEPOLICY #5301Discipline-Corporal PunishmentPOLICY #5006Suspension and ExpulsionPOLICY #5100School Education RecordsPOLICY #2304WeaponsPOLICY #4008Responsibilities and Duties (Principal and Instructional Duties)POLICY #6303Field TripsPOLICY #6306HomeworkPOLICY#6318Copyright MaterialsSchool HoursOffice: 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (Phones are answered at 7:30am)Teachers: 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.Students: 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.1880235-7992110School SecurityThis school is equipped with a silent alarm system (Sonitrol) that is activated when anyone enters any of the buildings without coding in. It can also be activated by other noises. The school is also equipped with a security surveillance system. Cameras are placed throughout the campus and serve as a means of monitoring activity. You are, therefore, advised that no one is authorized to be in any building unless the custodians are on duty or the Principal has authorized you. Custodial hours are 6:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Monday through Friday except Planning Days (6:30 a.m. To 4:00 p.m.).Students:Students are encouraged to not bring valuable collections or artifacts to school, as we cannot be responsible for theft or damage.Large sums of money should be turned in to the teacher or office upon the student’s arrival at school.Money should not be left on the top of desks and tables.Incidents of theft must be reported to the school office immediately.Staff:Valuables should not be left in the classroom or lounge. Classroom doors should be locked when vacating the room.Keep your purse on your person or locked in a desk or file cabinet.All incidents of theft should be reported to the school office. A security report and a Broward Sheriff’s Office report must be filed.School Social WorkerThe school social worker is to be used when there is attendance, truancy or other home related problems concerning the students.1.Teachers will first try to contact the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of those students who have any of the above problem(s).2.If contact cannot be made, the school social worker then can be used to make contact.3.Teachers will fill out the Referral and Report Form and have it signed by the principal. The form will then be given to the School Social Worker. These forms are available in office as well as BASIS. SmokingSmoking is prohibited in areas within 1500 feet of a school. This is in accordance with School Board policy as well as state law. Please do not smoke or allow parents to smoke in classrooms. Special Class AttendanceSpecial teachers are hired to implement programs that are necessary to provide all students a balanced educational program. If special teachers are held accountable for their programs and are expected to plan activities and materials for anticipated number of students and if the program is ongoing and cumulative, then it is important for students to be in attendance at the designated time. Class time is limited; therefore, the children should arrive as a group in order to be participants in activities.Students cannot be kept from special or ESE classes for any reason. In special circumstances, it may be decided that specific below level children will have suspension of curriculum of special classes in order to give them extra reading assistance.Sometimes it is disconcerting when children are absent from a class. Please notify special teachers in advance when a field trip is planned. Remember that teachers of specials are responsible for grading pupil progress in the special areas.Please notify these teachers of special problems and handicaps (i.e. emotional or physical problems or unusual home situation).Student IncentivesStudent incentives for good behavior should be part of your classroom behavior plan. Student News MagazinesSchool Board policy prohibits the collecting of funds for news magazines such as Scholastics or Weekly Reader. These will be ordered through the school if funds are available.Student RecordsStudent records include:Students’ cumulative recordsPersonally identifiable records and reports of studentsIdentity of exceptional education students who need post-school services to be offered by an appropriate state agencyStudent records and juvenile justice records exchanged by agencies participating in dropout prevention programsStudents’ examination and assessment instruments including developmental materials and work papers related to the assessment instrumentsRecords of hearing challenging the content of student recordsSubstitute PlansA specific procedure for sub plans has been established and will be used uniformly throughout the school.Sub folders will be prepared by each teacher and kept in the top desk drawer.Every procedure used in the classroom is to be included on the information sheet.Sub plans consist of 2 complete days’ work in detail sufficient to cover 2 complete student days.The 2 days may be good review or skill maintenance work.Plans are to be updated each time they are used.If not used, plans are to be updated each marking period.Plan books should always be up-to-date and on the desk. Substitutes should be able to follow regular teacher plans so there is no break in the curriculum.Substitute Teacher/Sub SearchYour absences will be reported into the “Substitute Finder System” an automated means of requesting a substitute teacher. You, as the employee, are responsible for arranging for coverage of your class and to request a substitute if needed.There is a priority list of substitutes available. You can request a specific substitute only if you call at least 24 hours in advance of your absence. When requesting a “particular substitute” PLEASE DO NOT code it into the computer until you have checked with that sub, and you are told that he/she will sub. When coded in as “requesting a particular substitute”, the computer will not call that particular sub or any other sub for you. Your absence will go unfilled.In order to fill your absence, using a touch-tone telephone, you are to call the given number (754-321-0050) and code in your need according to the specific directions. See manual and handouts from inservice training.On those occasions when you are unable to reach Substitute Search, it is your responsibility to contact the office manager as far in advance as possible.When calling, please state the reason for your absence. Stipulate that the substitute must park in your assigned spot and that the coverage time is 7:30- 2:30 PM.Please be sure your substitute is aware of any A.M./P.M. duty. You may also code this into the computer.On each day of absence, please call the school before 3:00 p.m. to let us know if you will not be returning to work on the next day so that we may attempt to re-employ the same substitute, if needed.Substitute folders are to be made and updated each nine weeks. They will be reviewed by administration. Substitute Teachers:Substitute teachers will sign in when arriving at the school office. They are expected to assume all responsibilities of the staff member for whom they are substituting. Detailed lesson plans must be available for the substitute. Your substitute folder and your classroom schedule must be in your plan book.Substitute teachers must check with the school office before leaving at 2:30 PM.Substitutes will only be paid from 7:30-2:30 PM. Please leave this in the directions when calling for a sub. Team leaders will assist substitute teachers as necessary.Suicide PreventionThe Florida Youth Development and Suicide Prevention Act have recommended that we establish a school response model to deal with the potentially serious problem of youth suicide. The response model adapted by the School Board is outlined below. Please review these procedures and see the guidance counselor if you have any concerns. Teachers and other school personnel are often the first adults to hear about or encounter a student who is contemplating suicide. It is crucial that this information is shared with our school guidance counselor. The appropriate intervention, perhaps lifesaving, can then be initiated.As noted on the response model, we have a suicide prevention team, which can be called together in certain situations requiring team actions. If a student is hurt or a high-risk case, please make sure to stay calm and concerned. Do not leave the student alone. Send for an administrator or support staff member (code blue).Possible Precipitating Events of Suicide(Causes of Distress)Family Problems:Changes in a familyLoss of job by parentDeath of a family member or abandonmentLife threatening diseaseConstant arguments within the family or family violenceSeparation/divorce or marital instabilityNew family, blended or step-familyPhysical/sexual abuse or neglect from parentsParent alcohol/drug abuseOverprotecting/overindulging/being isolated from parentsPoor communication between parents and childrenExcessive responsibility for sibling careSchool Problems:Loss of status (e.g., failure to make the team)Unreasonable expectations (pressures to excel from parents, school and self, straight A’s, part-time job, play sports, etc.)Lack of support from parentsUnsafe environments (gangs, bullies)Personal Problems:Loss of a close friend through rejection, moving away, death/suicideLoss of a romantic relationshipLoneliness/isolationEmbarrassment/humiliationPeer pressure (drugs, truancy, sex)Poor coping skillsUnintended pregnancySuccession of multiple problemsAlcohol and drug abuseDistress over sexual identityVictim of sexual assaultAVOIDING COMMON ERRORSWe have already listed some specific steps to be taken by school personnel once the possibility of suicide is apparent. However, there are some common errors that individuals should avoid in dealing with a possible suicidal student.Do not reassure the suicidal person that everything will be all right. The student already feels hopeless and is convinced that the situation will never improve. It is more helpful to point out that these hopeless feelings will pass if something is done about them now.Do not ignore the suicidal signals, threats, etc., hoping that these problems will go away by themselves. Suicidal students want help. Ignoring them lets them know that they are misunderstood, unloved and hopeless.Do not dare the student to do it. This increased the risk of suicide and may create liability for you.Do not attempt to rescue or save the suicidal person by yourself. Professional people are needed in life threatening situations, and you can be tremendously helpful by being a caring and supportive person.Do not ignore the cultural background of students when assessing for suicidal risk.SunshineTo be a recipient means to be a participant. All members of the faculty and staff are invited and urged to join the Sunshine Club. The Sunshine Committee will establish the Club membership dues.Individuals responsible for purchases through the club’s account must submit itemized original receipts for all purchases in order to be reimbursed. Individuals responsible for collecting monies to be deposited in the Club’s account must issue proper receipts (a receipt book can be obtained from the bookkeeper) and deposit monies with the bookkeeper for the internal account within a reasonable time.Profits from the beverage and candy machines will be placed in the Sunshine club account towards the end of the year and allocated according to directions from the club committee.Supervision / LiabilityTeachers are expected to be at their rooms to receive students when the bell rings in the morning.Students in grades K-5 are to be allowed into classrooms by 8:00 a.m. daily. In the event of inclement weather, kindergarten students may have to be picked up from the auditorium.The teacher should make dismissal from class. The bell is only an indication that school is over.Staff members assigned morning supervision are responsible for arranging coverage in their absence.DURING SCHOOLChildren must be supervised at all times. If you need to leave the classroom, please contact the office for assistance or notify another teacher or paraprofessional who is adjacent to your class so that they may watch your students. An intercom call is to be answered by the teacher only. Students should be quiet immediately when the office calls you so that communication can be clear. Remember there are often parents, community members, etc. in the office and excessive classroom noise can be heard. Children are not to answer for the teacher.School staff, at all times during the school day, must supervise all students. Students are not teachers, and should never be given the responsibility for monitoring or watching the class.Students may not be isolated outside the classroom as a means of internal suspension or time out or to complete work.Students must be restricted to the area where a supervisor is located while participating in playground activities. Staff members should avoid doing-planning activities while supervising students on the playground. All students must remain within easy sight.Students are to be instructed by the teacher regarding safe, appropriate use of all playground equipment and rules for outdoor activities. Planned, organized, and structured activities are required for outside playground recess. Students must be visible to the teacher at all times and the teacher must be in close proximity to the students in order to respond to emergencies quickly.BE SURE TO READ CAREFULLY THE ‘”RECESS SECTION”.One staff member should supervise no more than sixty students at a time.Students will be supervised by paraprofessionals during the lunch program.Students are required to use passes when using the restroom, or when out of the room for any reason. At dismissal, all support staff and teachers assigned to duties are to report to their duty post at 2:00 p.m. when dismissal begins. Supplemental PositionsListed below are sample supplemental positions that may be available.393763559055PLACE/Headstart/Specials Team Leader(s)Kindergarten Team Leader1st Grade Team Leader2nd Grade Team Leader3rd Grade Team Leader4th Grade Team Leader5th Grade Team LeaderBreakfast SupplementFree/Reduced MealsInservice FacilitatorSafety Patrol CoordinatorSubstitute CoordinatorTextbook ChairpersonCareer DayESOL CoordinatorScience FairTesting CoordinatorTitle I LiaisonField Experience ContactNESS CoordinatorPlease indicate in writing to the principal if you are interested in any of the above supplemental positions for the next school year.SuppliesORDERING OF SUPPLIESSupplies to be ordered from the Central Warehouse, the Textbook Depository or from a catalog must be submitted to the bookkeeper on an Order Form. This is a standardized form from the School Board of Broward County. The Order Form is in the form cabinet in the front office. Instructions for completing it are as follows:When ordering supplies and/or equipment, check the Warehouse first!!!! The warehouse catalog is on line via the Intranet. Please see the bookkeeper for assistance with checking warehouse available items. If the item(s) needed are not listed, then check with the bookkeeper for the list of approved vendors and/or catalog. You may sign out a catalog from the bookkeeper and sign it back in when you have finished. Once you have located the items that you wish to order place them on an Order Form. Once you have completed the form, submit it to the bookkeeper that will submit it to the Principal for approval. Make sure the form is complete.The Order Form is located on CAB Conference. Please fill out as follows:a.Correct name and address of approved vendor (one vendor per order form please!!!) List the phone number and fax number if applicable. List the year of the catalog!!!!-634365-175260b.List the page # of the item (VERY IMPORTANT), quantity, unit of measure (i.e., each, box, package, etc.), item #, description of the item, unit price and extended price. Total the order and subtract any discounts and add any shipping and handling. YOU MUST INCLUDE DISCOUNT AND SHIPPING AND HANDLING IN ORDER FOR ORDER TO BE PROCESSED!!!!!ARRIVING SHIPMENTSWhen your order has been processed and the shipment has arrived at the school, the bookkeeper will open the package and make a copy of the packing slip (if provided) and place the copy back in the box and reseal the package. A note will be placed in your mailbox informing you that a package has arrived for you and to pick it up from the bookkeeper or that your package will be delivered to your room by a custodian (only large or heavy shipments). Please inspect the contents of your shipment and sign and date the packing slip and return the slip to the bookkeeper. This is very important for audit purposes!! Please be aware that all packages shipped to the school will be opened by the bookkeeper!REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURESOnly items pre-approved by the Principal will be reimbursed.Attach original receipts and/or invoices for reimbursement to an 8 1/2” x 11”white piece of paper. The receipts should be laid out and taped or stapled so that they are clearly visible and do not overlap.The teacher needs to sign the 8 1/2” by 11” paper and indicate who is being charged (example: Sunshine - staff member gift purchase, LEAD program purchase, Field Trip entrance fee) and submit to the bookkeeper for reimbursement. The bookkeeper will fill out the Expense Reimbursement/Payment Request and place in the teacher’s mailbox for the teacher to sign the Reimbursement Request. Once the teacher has signed the form it will be given to the Principal for approval for payment. Once approved, the bookkeeper will cut the check for reimbursement.Staff member gift purchases (flowers, fruit baskets, etc.) must be charged tax!!!!! All other purchases that are charged tax will not be reimbursed. REMEMBER, ONLY PRE-APPROVED ORDERS WILL BE PAID!!DO NOT GIVE ANY VERBAL ORDERS TO THE BOOKKEEPER. ALL ORDERS MUST BE ON AN ORDER FORM!!! IF THE FORM IS NOT COMPLETE, IT WILL BE RETURNED TO THE TEACHER!! In House SuppliesRequest supplies by filling out the form on CAB conference and electronically submitting it to front office. We will try to fill your request within 48 hours.Take Cover Signals / EvacuationTornado An announcement will be made.Building Evacuation SignalsFire, Bomb ScarE 450913526924000Code Orange 256603592075108013592075 Evacuation Procedures:?The emergency fire/bomb evacuation will be signaled by the announcement of Code Orange.?Teachers must bring their planbooks and “Red Emergency Bag” which contains emergency dismissal forms providing contact information on each student in the class. ?Classes will evacuate as indicated on the map by following the route shown by arrows.?Teachers must stress the importance of walking in single file.?Classes will line up as designated on the map.?Classes will remain in position until "all clear" is sounded.?Classes will return, when instructed.Take-Home HandoutsIt is the responsibility of the homeroom teacher to hand out notices when they are received. Notices will be in mailboxes. PLEASE BE SURE NOTICES GO HOME ON TIME.A tear-off parent return sheet will be part of many of the school handouts. Make a concentrated effort to collect these to foster responsibility in your students. Tardy PolicyChildren who are consistently tardy disrupt the start of the day for all. Teachers should send a Notification of Tardiness letter home to any child who has 5 tardies. The number of minutes a student is late are tallied in the office and count towards a pattern of nonattendance.Team LeadersCommunication is the key to a smooth-running school. In order to plan for convenient and effective meeting times, we will try to adhere to the following plan whenever possible. Please be advised that our School Improvement process requires meetings to monitor and facilitate our goals. These meetings are part of every faculty member's job responsibility and therefore attendance is mandatory. Tuesdays will be meeting days; Faculty, Team Leader, or Learning Communities. Grade Level meetings will be every Wednesday. Please do not schedule conferences or other meetings on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons. In addition, full day Team Leader days will be scheduled throughout the year, usually one per month. Refer to the Master Calendar for specific dates.Please keep Wednesday afternoon free to plan and talk together about what and how we are teaching our students. Team Leaders should let administration know where your conversations will be held, invite the entire team, prepare an agenda for the meeting and turn that in with minutes on Thursday. Ideas for meetings:Bring planbooks, long range plans, and texts and write plans together for the week.Meet with Specials teachers to get some ideas for better use of media facilities, research projects, software, books available, etc. and themes you would like the Specials teachers to work on in conjunction with your curriculum. The Reading Specialist will meet with each team every nine weeks to discuss long-range plans and curriculum issues. Plan Curriculum Maps for the quarter.Analyze Data.Team Leaders are responsible for coordinating all field trips.Team Leaders receive supplemental pay for these added responsibilities. Therefore, Team Leaders may need to be available after the contractual day to fulfill these additional responsibilities when necessary.Teaching CertificatesA current copy of each teacher’s Florida Teaching Certificate is maintained in the school’s files. New teachers must bring their certificate to the office so that a copy can be made. Returning teachers who may have changes or additions to their certificate should also submit their new certificate to be copied.TechnologyAll staff are expected to use e-mail, as that is our main form of communication. In addition, teachers may be asked to enter grades for reading, writing and math assessments on databases on the teacher server.If you have any technology needs, please fill out a Request for Technology Help form on CAB Conference and electronically send it to TLC. She will accommodate your needs as quickly as possible.Technology MUST NOT be moved from the assigned area. If you need some equipment moved, a request must be submitted to the TLC who will move it and add the change to the inventory.All teachers should strive to upgrade their technology skills to create a 21st Century Classroom. If you don’t, our children will be left behind. If you have a class of unmotivated children, try using the Promethean Board, Active Votes, Internet research, or get pen pals on E-Pals.Teachers should not be on laptops checking e-mail or planning during the time students are in the classroom. These responsibilities should be taken care of during planning times.Telephone Usage And Messages428053515240Telephones are to be used primarily for school-related business. Please limit personal calls to and from school to a minimum.In order to eliminate unnecessary classroom disruptions, telephone messages will be on your voice mail. If you are expecting an important phone call and you wish to be contacted, please notify the office staff.After 3:00 p.m., incoming phone calls will be answered by the answering system.Television UseTelevisions are provided for student instruction, not entertainment. Limit the television use to programs that meet the needs of the students. Temporary DutyAuthorization Form (TDA)If you are participating in any school related business, including field trips, a TDA must be completed prior to the workshop or trip. TDA’s ensure you are covered for job related injuries. TDA’s must be turned in a minimum of three days in advance to be approved. TDA’s must be filled out for all conferences, inservices, field trips, meetings, any time leaving Oakland Park Elementary or Broward County on school business, anytime a substitute is required to cover your class, anytime money is involved (registration fees, per diem, mileage, etc). Failure to submit a TDA may result in an individual being unable to attend designated activity. YOU MUST ALSO REPORT THE TDA VIA SUB SEARCH, EVEN IF NO SUBSTITUTE IS NEEDED!If a sub is required, please call the office on the morning of the TDA, to verify that your substitute has arrived.Terrific KidsTerrific Kids is a program sponsored by Kiwanis Club of Oakland Park and Oakland Park Elementary recognizing students bimonthly who exhibit several outstanding character traits. Character traits include: responsibility, respectfulness, and thoughtfulness to name a few. Students’ names are to be submitted bimonthly to the office.TestingIt is the teacher’s responsibility to evaluate test results and work with school administration to alter the curriculum so that deficiencies are remediated.Test preparation should begin in August and be included in daily lesson plansTextbooks5031740503555-637540335915Students issue textbooks to each teacher for use. Teachers are responsible for keeping an accurate account of the textbooks in their rooms. An inventory is to be made at the beginning of the school year, and then periodically checked throughout the year, and a final inventory will be made at the end of the year. Record sheets will be provided on which to report your textbook inventory. Students should be instructed on the proper use and care of textbooks. If a student has lost or damaged a textbook, please send the student to the bookkeeper to pay for lost or damaged books.Tornado ProceduresTornado drills should be conducted at least twice a year, at the beginning of the year and again in February.WARNING SYSTEMUtilizing the public address system “Tornado Drill – All students and staff report to their assigned areas.”EVACUATION ROUTE AND SHELTER ASSIGNMENTEach classroom will be assigned to a specific location at the far side of the classroom away from the windows or in hallways. Teachers should be familiar with the area assigned to their room and the route to be used from their classroom.Specific personnel should be assigned to round up the children on playgrounds or other outdoor areas during a tornado warning.INSTRUCTIONAL COMMANDWhen students are assembled during a tornado drill or during a tornado warning and danger is imminent they should be instructed to respond to a specific command to assume protective postures, facing interior walls. Such a command might be: “EVERYBODY DOWN. CROUCH ON ELBOWS AND KNEES. HANDS OVER BACK OF HEAD!” It is essential that this command be instantly understood and obeyed. Most tornado deaths are caused by head injuries.TransportationDismissal for bus students will begin at 2:00 p.m. It is imperative that students go immediately to the bus loading area at dismissal time. Field trips should be planned so that students have returned to the school by 1:30 p.m.When teachers request permission to return to school later than 2:00 p.m. it will be their responsibility to see that their bus students have transportation home.Requests and arrangement for field trip transportation will be the responsibility of the Team Leader, who will work together with the bookkeeper.Broward District school buses should be used for field trips whenever possible. A roster of students riding each bus must be presented to the driver when boarding. Requests and arrangements for field trip transportation are the responsibility of the requesting teacher and arrangements should be made at least one month in advance.TutoringBy maintaining a high quality instructional staff and providing a rich varied curriculum the need for individual tutoring should be minimized. Every effort should be made by the principal and teachers to help the student with educational problems before recommending that parents engage a tutor.Please be reminded that no materials or supplies may be taken from the school to be used for the purpose of privately tutoring children. Workbooks, paper, pencils, etc. must be acquired from outside sources. Parents and tutors may not purchase instructional supplies and texts from the school.A teacher may not receive compensation for tutoring any student who is assigned to one of his/her classes.A music instructor may give private lessons to his/her own students when other qualified tutors are not available in the area.Work completed under private instruction shall not be accepted for credit unless strictly in accordance with accreditation standards for Florida schools, Florida State board of Education administrative rules and/or statutes.Teachers who receive compensation for tutoring shall not use public school facilities for such purposes. Private instruction by music instructors shall be an exception.A fee schedule shall be developed and reviewed annually for all areas of tutoring. Tutors are expected to work with the classroom teacher in the best interest of the child.Uniform PolicyOakland Park Elementary has a mandatory school uniform policy. According to this policy, “a child who is not in uniform, and does not have a waiver (opt out) document on file, is not in compliance with the policy.” In other words, the uniform policy of Oakland Park Elementary is mandatory for every student unless the student “opts out.” Therefore, a child who is not in uniform and does not have a waiver on file is not in compliance with our policy. If you have a student who is out of compliance with the policy, please notify the administration. Adopted School Uniform:Pants, shorts, and skirts: Either blue or khaki (tan)Shirts: White, navy blue, yellowDenim jeans are not a part of the school uniform policy (except on Friday).Staff cooperation in addressing our school dress code is greatly appreciated.VandalismAll members of the instructional staff should consider that it is their responsibility to report any incident of property damage by pupils or others so that restitution can be gained and repairs made. This pertains to the damage of equipment, materials, furniture, or to the building itself.Florida School law Section 231.09, Part 9, states that one duty of instructional personnel is to see that the school building, and all things pertaining thereto, are not unnecessarily defaced or injured.Video/DVD Policy4852035125095Instructional use of AV materials must: be consistent with Florida statutes and Broward School Board Policies, goals and course objectives, adhere to federal and state copyright laws, and be evaluated by a school review committee when questioned. The policy prohibits the use of materials rated R, X, NC-17. PG and PG-13 are also prohibited for elementary school students. Any video/DVD that is going to be shown in a classroom must be pre-approved by administration by filling out the Feature Film form. Videos/DVD’s should be related to what is being taught in the classroom and of educational value. Virtual University--SBBCThe School Board of Broward County offers on-line courses containing practical classroom applications and innovative strategies. The on-line courses will be available at visitors are welcome to our school but MUST sign in at the front office. All visitors will be given a Visitors Pass when they check in at the office. Any unauthorized person seen on the school campus should be immediately reported to the office. Please remind parents when coming to volunteer or to attend a conference they must first check in with the front office.-50292024130489204024130This procedure MUST be followed for the safety of our students.205740060325VolunteersVolunteers must complete an online Volunteer Registration Form. The school will be notified when volunteers are approved. At that time, volunteers will be allowed to begin assisting in any capacity in the school. If you have any questions, please see the volunteer coordinator.Below are the criteria for service as a school volunteer. If these are acceptable to the volunteer, they may be considered a volunteer of our school.Volunteers may work with their child’s teacher or elsewhere in the school. Each classroom teacher makes the decision as to whether parents of their students will work in that program.School personnel based on the needs of the educational program will determine volunteer utilization.All in-house information to which volunteers are subjected must be considered confidential. Volunteers will be trained for specific task assignments. They are not to teach new concepts but rather they are to reinforce what the teacher has already taught.Once volunteers commit themselves to assist our program, we ask that they remain loyal and consistent.Volunteers must sign in/out in the front office.Volunteer information forms must be completed and given to the volunteer coordinator.Volunteers are never to be left alone to supervise children.Volunteers should not grade papers.394335114300All volunteers must be processed through the volunteer coordinator.WithdrawalsWhen a child is withdrawn, the office staff will notify the teacher.The office staff will initiate the Cum Folder Checklist for Transferring Students. Follow the procedures on the form.If at least 25 days have passed make copy of the report card and pencil in grades for that marking period and attach to the permanent report card if transferred to another Broward County School. (If leaving Broward County, complete the actual report card in ink.)Pencil in all available data on the cum folder.Send completed cum folder and report card to office within two (2) days of a student’s withdrawal.Teacher must sign attendance card and return to IMT.Work ScheduleInstructional personnel are required by law to work 196 days, 180 days of which must be devoted to full-time instruction (300 minutes a day).Instructional personnel must be on duty a minimum of seven and one-half hours daily.Teacher Hours 7:30 a.m. -3:00 p.m.Student Hours8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.Every teacher is to be in his/her classroom at 8:00 a.m. Supervision begins at 7:30 a.m. for teachers who are on duty.Gentle ReminderStaff needs to be at school at 7:30 a.m. promptly. The children arrive even though we may be late. Consequences of late staff: inappropriate behavior by students, safety issues because of lack of supervision. Thanks to the many who are here on time or early. Lots of people put in so much extra time, and you all are appreciated very sincerely for the good job that you do.Work StandardsIt shall be the Principal’s responsibility to see that each member of the instructional and non-instructional staff of the school carries his/her fair share of the total professional program of the school.Each teacher shall be required to keep his/her lesson plans and grade book up-to-date, complete and available. They should be on the desk open to the day’s lessons.Each teacher is expected to comply with School Board Policies in addition to the rules designed for our school. Each staff member will have access to the School Policy Handbook on CAB Conference. You will be expected to read the handbook and sign a document that you have read and understood the policies.Negligence on the job includes a long distance phone call from the classroom, not notifying office or next-door teacher of short absence, doing personal work rather than school business, or other non-professional activities.Worker’s Compensation Self Insurance Program(School Board Policy 6GX6-4.2)The Worker’s Compensation Act (1979) requires that all work-related injuries be reported promptly. Failure to do so will result in a penalty. This penalty will be $100 plus interest. All accidents must be reported to the Division of Worker’s compensation, Tallahassee, Florida within seven (7) days.Doctors or hospitals must be selected from a specific prepared list. All medical reports have to be in to the serving agent within 5 days of the injured employee’s visit to the doctor.It is imperative that staff members report all work-connected injuries to the school office immediately, complete a claim form, and secure the proper form (signed by the principal) to secure medical treatment from a doctor or hospital listed on the official list as an authorized doctor or hospital.Remember: Use care in climbing in the classroom to hang bulletin boards and student work. Many work-related injuries occur under these circumstances. We provide a number of easily accessible library stools throughout the entire school to preclude the need to stand on chairs and tables. Ask the facilities personnel to assist with difficult, hard to reach areas.You are only able to help your children when you are healthy and in school! Your students need you to maximize their learning.Xeroxing of MaterialsEach instructional staff member will be given a code to the copy machine. Once you have reached your limit, your code will not be reset unless Administration approves. Please be reminded that worksheets and dittos should be limited. Examine materials to be duplicated. If it can be put on the board or used with a document camera do this instead of duplicating.Good quality masters must be used. Use both sides whenever possible.Observe School Board Copyright Laws regarding written and video materials (See ITV information)Forms and Documents on FileBTIP LetterClinic LogCum Folder ChecklistCustodial Comment SheetCustodial Request Daily Schedule FormField Trip ContractField Trip PacketGrade Level Conversation/MinutesGuidelines for Reviewing and Approving Audiovisual Materials for Classroom UseMoney Collection EnvelopeMorning Announcement FormNotification of Excessive Absences LetterOrder FormParaprofessional Referral to TeachersPolicy 2304 - WeaponsPolicy 2400 – Drug Free WorkplacePolicy 6308 – Instructional and Classroom MaterialsPolicy 6317 – School Media CentersProperty PassReceipt FormRequest to Arrive Late/Leave EarlyRequest for computer help formRequest for Inservice FundsRequest for Reimbursement FormRequest to Use Comp TimeResponsibility NoteSocial Worker Referral FormStudent Accident FormTemporary Duty Authorization (TDA)Forms Downloaded to Staff Handbook on Oakland Park CAB ConferenceAudiovisual PolicyESOL StrategiesFire Safety Violation re: Artwork on wallsGifted CharacteristicsHomework PolicyLaptop and Wireless Cart UseMedication AdministrationOPE Mission/BeliefsStrategic PlanSubstitute Info – SmartFind Express directionsWorker’s Comp ProceduresOffice Staff Duties And Responsibilities4966335104775LAURIE BROWNAdministrative SecretaryOffice Manager/Office ManagementConfidential SecretaryEagle EditionPersonnel RecordsWorker’s CompensationPayroll/HRClinic/MedicationsSubstitute/Benefits Coordinator PAULETTE CAMPBELLMain Reception Duties at front deskGeneral ClerkAssist w/Student RegistrationsSTAR Security SystemDistribution of Classroom RequestsHonor Roll AwardsRUBY CARPINTERO-VARGASBookkeeperAll items pertaining to the collection/expendituresof Internal AccountsBudget (School, Title 1)Facility RentalsFree/Reduced LunchPurchase Orders/Classroom SuppliesBack-Up Payroll/HRVolunteer/Partnerships ContactSTAR Security SystemDistribution of Classroom SuppliesAndera JosephStudent Registration/Reassignment/TransfersIMT/RegistrarCumulative FoldersSchool Verification Forms/BTIPFront Office BackupDaily Student AttendanceLIZ HIRSCHMANTroubleshooting Computer ConcernsTechnology SpecialistMaintaining Computer SoftwareInservice FacilitatorWebsite DesignerProperty and Inventory Control ................

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