PRE-AP ENGLISH 2 – VQ4 word list


Begin (6) sentences with ADVERBS and (6) with ADJECTIVES.

1. calumny (n) – an attempt to spoil someone else’s reputation by spreading lies

2. decorous (adj) – socially proper, appropriate

3. efficacious (adj) – effective

4. fatuous (adj) – silly; foolish

5. gourmand (n) – someone fond of eating and drinking

6. harrowing (adj) – greatly distressing; vexing

7. immutable (adj) – not changeable

8. largess (n) – the generous giving of lavish gifts

9. legerdemain (n) – deception; slight-of-hand

10. manifold (adj) – diverse, varied

11. noisome (adj) – unpleasant, offensive, especially to the sense of smell

12. obsolete (adj) – no longer used; out of date

MONDAY 2/2/15 (E2 – LL#5)


➢ QUIZ – VQ4


➢ IN-CLASS WRITING: complete OUTLINE for compare/contrast essay (“Dreams” & “Dream Deferred”)


Pick up VQ5 list + concept cards when you turn in your quiz.

BLOCK 2 – TUE 2/3 & WED 2/4 (E2 LL#5)


ACTIVITY 2: NOTES : GRAMMAR (adjectives & comma usage)

• Adjective – word that modifies a noun

• Participle – a verb form that can function as an adjective; even when it functions as an adjective, a participle keeps some of the properties of a verb, expressing an action or state of being. EXAMPLE: Fascinated, the children watched the grazing cattle.

• Participial phrase – a participle + its modifiers and complements

EX.: Accepted for a role in the play, Wayne started to learn his character’s lines.

Comma rules

1) Use commas to separate items in a series; use a comma after each item except the last. Do not use commas to separate pairs of nouns that are thought of as a unit (compound).

Example: We discussed our project’s goals, its rules and regulations, and its deadlines.

2) At the beginning of sentences, commas follow prepositional phrases of four or more words, participial phrases, and adverb clauses (more about these later).

PRACTICE: Correct the sentences and refer to the rule it addresses.

1) From within the cardboard box the child heard the aggressive dog growling.

2) Listening closely he heard his favorite song on the radio.

3) While exploring the forest near her cottage Sarah saw manifold wild plants flowers and birds.

4) Exhausted after a day at the beach the toddler slept.

5) Caring for your plant feed it with special plant food and daily provide it with a moderate amount of water and sufficient sunlight.

ACTIVITY 3: Thesis statement – “Dreams” compare/contrast paper

PROMPT: Write an outline for a 5-paragraph essay comparing and contrasting the themes and ideas, as well as interpreting the effect of the figurative language in Langston Hughes’ poems, “Dream Deferred” and “Dreams”.

Revise each thesis so it accomplishes the following:

1) it’s on topic (responds to the prompt),

2) it has a logical opinion, AND

3) it follows the “Rule of 3”.

1) In his poems “Dreams” and “Dream Deferred”, Langston Hughes illustrates that patience is the key to getting what one wants.

2) Langston Hughes’ poems, “Dreams” and “Dream Deferred” resemble each other in some ways, but differ in others.

3) The theme of both “Dreams” and “Dream Deferred” is life is difficult without dreams.

4) “Dreams” and “Dream Deferred”, by Langston Hughes, illustrate that, without dreams, life is unenjoyable.

5) “Dreams” and “Dream Deferred” are very different poems.

6) “Dreams” and “Dream Deferred” use different figurative language approaches to achieve their effects.

ACTIVITY 4: Feedback

Work with a partner (or 2) to revise/refine your thesis statement. Revise your thesis and outline (according to the “Explanation” AZMERIT rubric)

ACTIVITY 5: Writing a compare/contrast essay from an outline

Write / revise your first draft of the compare/contrast essay for the following:

1) Ideas – make sure ideas relate to the thesis

2) Voice – formal - avoid “I” and “you”

3) Organization – outline is complete and logical, in sentence (not paragraph) form

4) Word choice – strong verbs and adjectives

5) Sentence Fluency – begin sentences with a variety of openers

6) Conventions – use commas appropriately

Staple your outline to it – it’s due at the end of class.

HW: Continue researching your poetry thesis statement. Read/annotate “I Wandered…” and create (5) Level 2 Q&As about it.

BLOCK 2: THUR 2/5 & FRI 2/6 (E2 – LL#5)

HW CHECK: annotations, (5) Q/A “I wandered…”


Using active vs. passive voice

Passive voice – object receives action BY subject

The umbrella was shaken out by Allie, to remove the excess water.

Active voice – subject does action (to object)

Allie shook the umbrella to remove the excess water.

Read the “Active Vs. Passive Verbs” packet (gold) and get familiar with the “101 active verbs” resource packet (white).

Complete the activity on the back of the “active verbs” packet (gold)


1. Before the semester ended, the Curriculum Committee approved the new nursing program.

2. With five seconds left in the game, one of the players called an illegal time-out.

3. Later in the day, the boss herself informed the employees of their loss of benefits.

4. The class quickly learned, but also soon forgot, the major points of the lesson.

5. For several years, Chauncey’s grandmother raised him.

6. An unexpected tornado smashed several homes and uprooted trees in a suburb of Knoxville.

7. The teacher’s lack of empathy surprised me.

8. Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote “The Yellow Wallpaper”.

9. The survey asked participants about their changes in political affiliation.

10. Because of his fear of heights, Raoul avoided tall buildings and mountain roads.

ACTIVITY 2: Revising draft for active voice

(4th pd only – turn in Draft #1 + outline)

ACTIVITY 3: Draft #2 – type in Word in Library Comp. Lab

HW: Study VQ5 sentences, LL#5 (active vs. passive verbs, participles)[pic]


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Ms. Douglas

E2 P___


E2: Learning Log #5 (LL #5)



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