Hole in My Life: Essay Project

Hole in My Life: Essay Project

Please choose one of the essay topics below and write an essay in which you

Option A

At the beginning of the novel, Jack Gantos provides an epigraph (a quotation at the beginning of a novel setting up a theme) from Oscar Wilde: I have learned this: it is not what one has done that is wrong, but what one becomes as a consequence of it. Write an essay in which you explore not only what Jack Gantos has done wrong, but what he becomes as a consequence of those actions.

• Your introduction should include the title of the autobiographical novel as well as the name of the author. Additionally, provide the Oscar Wilde quote in your introduction.

• You should generally establish what Gantos did wrong and how those actions led to his success as a writer.

• Your thesis should establish the fact that Gantos’ success as a writer is due to the lessons he learned from his criminal experiences.

• Each body paragraph should contain a major action that led to his successful career. For example, how did his decision to write in the ship’s log ultimately contribute to his future accomplishments as a published author? Each body paragraph should show how the mistakes he made and/or the obstacles he overcame ultimately shaped him as a writer.

• In your conclusion, you should clearly state what the reader is meant to learn from Gantos’ mistakes.

Option B

Write an essay in which you evaluate Jack Gantos’ father as a parent.

• Your introduction should include the title of the autobiographical novel as well as the name of the author. Additionally, your introduction should provide a bit of background information as to Gantos’ relationship with his father.

• Your thesis statement should clearly establish your position as to Jack Gantos’ father’s parenting skills.

• Each body paragraph should focus on one aspect/incident/conversation regarding Gantos’ father’s skills as a parent. Gantos’ Consider conversations Gantos had with his father, advice his father gave Gantos, his father’s actions and justifications for those actions. For example, what does the fact that Gantos’ father let Gantos return to St. Croix lead you to believe about his capabilities as a parent?

• In your conclusion, you should clearly establish how Gantos’ father’s parenting style contributed to Gantos’ trouble with the law.

Option C

At the beginning of the novel, Jack Gantos provides an epigraph (a quotation at the beginning of a novel setting up a theme) from Oscar Wilde: I have learned this: it is not what one has done that is wrong, but what one becomes as a consequence of it. Gantos clearly felt remorse for his criminal actions, but when did this occur? Write an essay in which you compare and contrast Gantos’ rejection of his role in criminal activities and lack of remorse for his culpability with his acceptance of his role in criminal activities and his remorse for what he did wrong. In other words, this is a “Before and After” essay. For most of the novel, he claims he’s really not doing anything all that wrong, he’s only worried about getting caught, etc. However, a time comes when he does admit his guilt and express regret for those actions.

• Your introduction should include the title of the autobiographical novel as well as the name of the author. You should include the Oscar Wilde quote and explain how it relates to the theme of remorse in your essay.

• Your thesis statement should show how Gantos went from remorseless to remorseful.

• Each body paragraph should compare and contrast his lack of remorse with his remorse for one particular action. For example, consider the affect his involvement with crime affects his family.

• Your conclusion should clearly establish the how his involvement in crime led Gantos to be a more thoughtful, caring person.

Essay Requirements

• Your essay must be typed, double-spaced using Times New Roman size 12 font, black ink only; essay must be on plain white, unlined typing paper

• Your essay must be typed according to “How to Format a Paper Correctly”

• Your essay must be 5 paragraphs in length: introduction, 3 body paragraphs and conclusion

• You must include one quote/citation from text in each body paragraph for Options A and B; you must include two quotes/citations for Option C.

• Your thesis statement must be the last sentence of your introduction

• You must include at least one transitional word/phrase in each body paragraph and the conclusion

Due Dates Element Points

Wednesday, February 18 Outline 10

Friday, February 20 Rough Draft (TYPED) 20

Wednesday, February 25 Final Draft 70

Your final project is due at the beginning of your LLI class (either 4th or 8th period). Please make sure you have a hard copy for me. I will not allow you to print using my computer or to go to other classes to print. You will not receive an extension due to the fact that your computer crashed, your printer ran out of ink, etc. If you do not have a printer at home, make arrangements to go to the Media Center prior to Wednesday, February 25 to print your paper (10 cents per page). If you are absent, it is your responsibility to email essay to me on the due date. Plagiarized essays will result in 0 points for the entire project.


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