Life Goals Essay

Name _______________________________________ Date ______________________________ Period ___

Interview About Yourself:

Planning for the College Admissions Essay

AVID Standard 4.9 Write successful personal statements for specific college admission essay prompts

Directions: Interview family members, teachers or friends and find out how you are viewed by others.

Interview #1:

|Name of person being interviewed: |Relationship: |

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|What are your perceptions of me? Describe the attributes that stand out the most to you. |

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|What do you think I stand for? |

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|Where have you seen me taking charge of my education? |

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|What do you think I’m capable of becoming? |

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|When did I do something that really impressed you and set me apart from others? |

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|Think of a time that you witnessed me face and overcome a major struggle. Describe the struggle and how I handled it at first. What character traits did I display?|

|How did I grow? How did I finally triumph? |

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Interview #2:

|Name of person being interviewed: |Relationship: |

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|What are your perceptions of me? Describe the attributes that stand out the most to you. |

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|What do you think I stand for? |

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|Where have you seen me taking charge of my education? |

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|What do you think I’m capable of becoming? |

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|When did I do something that really impressed you and set me apart from others? |

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|Think of a time that you witnessed me face and overcome a major struggle. Describe the struggle and how I handled it at first. What character traits did I display?|

|How did I grow? How did I finally triumph? |

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