Name_______________________________________ Period ...

** Students who are assigned this essay must copy it EXACTLY in their writing (word for word) and have it signed by a parent before turning it in within 24 hours from when it is assigned. DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAPER. Start here:

Name: Period: Date:

This essay has been assigned to me because my behavior in the classroom has been unacceptable.

I have now had ____ (put your grade) years of school experience. By this time I should completely understand the concept of school and classroom rules. I should know what is expected of me and what is not. Common sense tells me that if I behave properly in class, I’ll have no problems; but if I don’t, I’ll create my own problems. If I create problems for myself through childish behavior, I can blame no one but myself. I must realize that class time is for the sole purpose of learning. Clowning around and showing off must be done somewhere else. My teacher’s responsibility is to teach, mine is to learn. I must learn to cooperate fully in order to take full advantage of the education being offered to me. Vista Broncos are expected to show and demonstrate CLASS each and every day inside and outside of the classroom. One of my goals will be to rise up to the expectations of my teachers here at Vista and remember to always show good character, leadership, attitude, scholarship and service.

Some things that that are disruptive and cause much waste of time would be: (1) late arrival to class; (2) not having any necessary materials; (3) not paying attention and distracting others around me; (4) arguing, using foul language, and calling fellow students and peers inappropriate names; (5) loudness, constant talking, being noisy, and shouting across the room; (6) being disrespectful and disobedient; (7) using a cell phone or earphones; (8) wasting or damaging classroom supplies; (9) lastly, having a bad attitude and/or being negative i.e., saying “I can’t do it”, “I don’t want to”, and/or, “I give up.”

By having me write this essay, my teacher is trying to convey to me the idea that part of growing up and being a mature young person is learning self-discipline and self-control. Self-respect is the result of feeling “good” about oneself. Knowing that, I realize that I don’t have to attract the attention of others by acting like a “little kid,” but I show my respect through behaving in a mature manner and showing CLASS in the way that I carry myself in the classroom. This essay offers me the opportunity to stop and think about my conduct and my responsibilities. If I am wise, this is the only essay I will ever have to write. This will be a valuable experience as it will help me to become a responsible student.

I realize that this essay is due twenty-four (24) hours after it was assigned, unless otherwise stated by my teacher, and that I must have one of my parents sign my written copy to acknowledge and help reinforce appropriate behavior in the classroom.

**______________________(Parent Signature at the bottom– ON YOUR WRITTEN COPY).


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