Social Media and Transitioning to Adulthood

Unit 2 Essay Assignment

A Level 4 will mean you can:

o Do effective research (find more than 2 articles from appropriate sources (statistics, professional opinion, quotations, specific examples from cited material)

o Effectively write and sustain an argument in a minimum of 750 words. (Don’t forget your creative introductory and concluding paragraphs!)

o Write a perfect bibliography (APA)

o Use citations (In-text or footnotes). Refer to the handout/website if necessary.

o Link ideas to the transition to Adulthood, to developmental theories and/or to social theories. The more connections and applications you make in order to support your thesis and opinions, the more your paper will impress me!!

Write a (min.) 750 word argumentative paper. It will CLEARLY identify a SPECIFIC (not counter-argued—no fence-sitting!) point of view on the issue.

Use course terms or theories when applicable. Remember this is a social science paper.

Quick hint: “Google Scholar” immediately sends you to reliable sources, as does any search that you end in “:edu”. “Easybib” is a site that can help you create reliable bibliographies.

Choose ONE of the following questions.

1. “The problem of homelessness is as difficult to solve as it is to define” (Holloway, 2003). Keeping in mind the theories of functionalists and the conflict perspective, which postulate on how youth homelessness is created, provide your suggestions for how to improve the situation nationwide. (Don’t forget to look up Stats Canada for some real statistics on youth homelessness in major Canadian cities)

2. How will Gen Y’s approach to internet/social media make them ideal employees and adults in the future? (Or will their habits fail them?)

3. Suicide rates are typically higher in men than in women. Referring to sociologists such as Emile Durkheim, Erikson’s theories on identity (see page 152 of text to start you off), and social causes, suggest why you believe this statistic has remained true since 1897. Research the trends. Are there any shifts in stats?

4. Re: CBC Doc Zone: “Generation Jobless”. The documentary suggested that certain European countries such as Switzerland and Germany, do not have a young adult unemployment crisis such as we are experiencing in Canada. They attribute this success to the educational streaming and apprenticeships that are begun at the end of grade 9. Research this system so that you are familiar with it. How successful do you feel it would be if launched in Canada?

How to Join Turnitin:

1. Go to

2. On the right hand side, click ‘Create an account.’

3. Under the email/password blanks, click ‘student’

4. This will prompt you for the following information as well as personal info. I advise you to use an account YOU WON’T FORGET!

Class: Families in Canada Password: Boehm2013 Class account: 7314193

Submit your assignment on this website. You can submit your assignment multiple times before the due date to check if it has appropriate citations, quotations and is in your own words as much as possible. The due date is Monday, December 2nd, 2013. PLEASE SUBMIT A HARD COPY TO MRS. BOEHM AS WELL.

|Argumentative Paragraph Rubric |


|Criteria: |R |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

| |(Below 50%) |(50% - 59%) |(60% - 69%) |(70% - 79%) |(80% - 100%) |

|Knowledge | | | | | |

|Thinking | | | | | |

| | |Does not draw conclusions |Draws somewhat irrelevant conclusions |Draws relevant conclusions |Draws mature and relevant conclusions |

|Communication | | | | | |

|Communicate information |Does not meet |The use of language conventions, diction |The use of language conventions, diction |The use of language conventions, diction |The use of language conventions, diction |

|effectively (grammar, mature|expectations |and mechanics (spelling, grammar, |and mechanics (spelling, grammar, |and mechanics (spelling, grammar, |and mechanics (spelling, grammar, |

|diction, organization) | |punctuation) is limited. |punctuation) is inconsistent. |punctuation) is almost correct. |punctuation) is perfectly correct. |

|Application | | | | | |

|Comments: |


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