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Name:English teacher:center182245How do I write an essay?What should I include?What is a WHW?How many WHW should I have?What am I assessed on?What does metaphor mean?Hopefully, we have answered all of these commonly asked questions in this guide. It is broken down into each area you are examined on with guidance on ‘HOW TO’ find success. You should use this guide in lessons, for homework and revision purposes all the way through the course. 304800238125Anthology poetry assessing AO1, AO2, AO3How should I structure my essay?Start with a conceptual opening where you briefly answer the question.Try to use a triple to do this.Now write 3-5 WHW which seek to build on what you said in your introduction- proving it. Start each new WHW with the words Both poems….Each WHW should include BOTH poems.In each WHW try to cover a BIG IDEA that the poet wants the reader to consider linked to the focus of the question. Try to layer the HOW and WHY parts- so say more than one thing about your HOW.WEAVE your AO3 into your analysis- make it part of your essay not bolt on contextual paragraphs. Try and show you know the whole poems and how the ideas develop across them.Write a brief conclusion which draws everything together and try and link back to the big ideas you have been exploring in the essay to answer the question. Sentence stems to help structure your WHWBoth poems are inviting the reader to… The poet is encouraging the reader to…As the poem progresses the mood/feelings change to…..The lexical choices of ……. prompt the reader to …. As well as this, the poet’s use of ….. here also highlights….By the end of the poem….Comparative language - use these to highlight to the examiner that you are doing the comparative bitAlthoughButMore soAlternativelyEvenSimilarlyAs well asAndConverselyHoweverWhereasWhilstOn the other handAlsoIn contrastComparativelyLikewiseInstead of Methods used within in the poems that I could write about:caesuraenjambmentrepetitionrhymerhythmFormImageryAlliteration/sibilance/AssonancePathetic fallacyAsyndetic/syndetic listingsimilemetaphorspersonificationVerbs/nouns/adjectivestriplesAn Inspector Calls assessing AO1, AO2 and AO3How should I structure my essay?Start with a conceptual opening where you briefly answer the question.Try to use a triple to do this.Now write 3-5 WHW which seek to build on what you said in your introduction- proving it. Each WHW should have a clear link to the question.Work chronologically through the play, attempting to cover Act 1, Act 2 and Act 3. In each WHW try to cover a BIG IDEA that the writer wants the reader to consider linked to the focus of the question. Try to layer the HOW and WHY parts- so say more than one thing about your HOW.WEAVE your AO3 into your analysis- make it part of your essay not bolt on contextual paragraphs. Try and show you know the whole play and how the ideas develop across it.Write a brief conclusion which draws everything together and try and link back to the big ideas you have been exploring in the essay to answer the question. Sentence stems to help structure your WHWPriestley is inviting the audience to… The playwright is encouraging the audience to…As the play/act progresses the mood/feelings change to…..The lexical choices of ……. prompt the audience to …. As well as this, Priestley’s use of ….. here also highlights….By the end of the play the audience/characters realise…Methods used by Priestley that I could write about:Exits and entrancesCharacterisationProps e.g. glassesLightingSequencing of revelationsStage directionsSettingUse of photographCostumesWell made playDialogue and conversational analysisSounds- door bell and telephoneThe doorDevelopment in adverbs used in stage directionsGreek drama/unitiesMorality playThe Sign of the Four assessing AO1, AO2 and AO3How should I structure my essay?Start with a conceptual opening where you briefly answer the question and reference how it is relevant to the extract provided.Try to use a triple to do this.Now write 3-5 WHW which seek to build on what you said in your introduction- proving it. Each WHW should use the extract as a springboard into the rest of the novel. Start with the extract and then attempt to link out each idea to the wider text.In each WHW try to cover a BIG IDEA that Doyle wants the reader to consider linked to the focus of the question. Try to layer the HOW and WHY parts- so say more than one thing about your HOW.WEAVE your AO3 into your analysis- make it part of your essay not bolt on contextual paragraphs. Try and show you know the whole novel and how the ideas develop across it.Write a brief conclusion which draws everything together and try and link back to the big ideas you have been exploring in the essay to answer the question. Sentence stems to help structure your WHWDoyle is inviting the reader to… The writer is encouraging the reader to…As the novel progresses the mood/feelings change to…..The lexical choices of ……. prompt the reader to …. As well as this, Doyle’s use of ….. here also highlights….By the end of the novel the reader/characters realise…Methods used by Doyle that I could write about:Exits and entrancesCharacterisationClassGenderCharacter descriptionsFoilsSettingsImperialismChapter titlesVictorian fearDialogue GothicDualitySequencing of events and revelationsEnding of chaptersRomeo and Juliet assessing AO1, AO2 and AO3How should I structure my essay?Start with a conceptual opening where you briefly answer the question and reference how it is relevant to the extract provided.Try to use a triple to do this.Now write 3-5 WHW which seek to build on what you said in your introduction- proving it. Each WHW should use the extract as a springboard into the rest of the play. Start with the extract and then attempt to link out each idea to the wider text.In each WHW try to cover a BIG IDEA that Shakespeare wants the audience to consider linked to the focus of the question. Try to layer the HOW and WHY parts- so say more than one thing about your HOW.WEAVE your AO3 into your analysis- make it part of your essay not bolt on contextual paragraphs. Try and show you know the whole novel and how the ideas develop across it.Write a brief conclusion which draws everything together and try and link back to the big ideas you have been exploring in the essay to answer the question. Sentence stems to help structure your WHWShakespeare is inviting the audience to… The writer is encouraging the audience to…As the play progresses the mood/feelings change to…..The lexical choices of ……. prompt the reader to …. As well as this, Shakespeare’s use of ….. here also highlights….By the end of the play the audience/characters realise…Methods used by Shakespeare that I could write about:Exits and entrancesCharacterisationReligion and religious imageryGenderVerse and proseFoilsDeathsPunsRepetitionSonnetsDialogueAntithesis and oxymoronsShifts in focusSequencing of events across acts and scenesImageryUnseen poetry essay assessing AO1 and AO2How should I structure my essay?Start with a conceptual opening where you briefly answer the question.Try to use a triple to do this.Now write 3-5 WHW which seek to build on what you said in your introduction- proving it. Start each new WHW demonstrating you are moving through the poem e.g. Later on, as it develops, in stanza ___ the idea is intensified by…In each WHW try to cover a BIG IDEA that the poet wants the reader to consider linked to the focus of the question. Try to layer the HOW and WHY parts- so say more than one thing about your HOW.Try and show you have covered the whole poem and how the ideas develop across it.Write a brief conclusion which draws everything together and try and link back to the big ideas you have been exploring in the essay to answer the question. Sentence stems to help structure your WHWThe poet is inviting the reader to… The poet is encouraging the reader to…As the poem progresses the mood/feelings change to…..The lexical choices of ……. prompt the reader to …. As well as this, the poet’s use of ….. here also highlights….By the end of the poem….The 8 mark unseen poetry question assessing AO2 onlyAim to write 3-4 short H and W which cover both poemsStart each H and W with the words ‘both poems’ONLY focus on the method/HOW (AO2) do not write about the WHAT (AO1)Explain HOW the methods and have been used and the EFFECTS achieved by them.Methods used by the poet that I could write about:caesuraenjambmentrepetitionRhyme/rhythmTitle/final wordsFormImageryAlliteration/sibilance/AssonancePathetic fallacyAsyndetic/syndetic listingsimilemetaphorspersonificationVerbs/nouns/adjectivestriples-54009027368500To include mark scheme center34829900-394479548191900-127762028003500-416242532384900-132397521717000-416242534480500right1981200090043030353024 mark question0024 mark question-335374943974200-2835275415925005584834222700-2391092258764008 mark question1159510889000-346228029653800center-167640Analytical verbs- use these to strengthen your AO1 and AO2 analysis to demonstrate your deeper understanding of the ideas and that you are directly exploring the writer intentions and methods.00Analytical verbs- use these to strengthen your AO1 and AO2 analysis to demonstrate your deeper understanding of the ideas and that you are directly exploring the writer intentions and methods.The writer/the (insert method used)/the (insert text title)…teachescriticiseschallengesreinforcesamplifieschallengesadvocateswarnsimplieshighlightsexposessubvertscomplicatesdismantlescelebratesillustratesrevealsevokesmirrorscementsinsinuatessealssymbolisesExplanations and development of an idea to build coherence and cohesion across your essay writingleft952500Janus In ancient Roman religion and myth, Janus is the god of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces. A way of developing the layers in your explanation can be by using Janus faced-transition- where you look back to the previous point as well as forward to the next idea.This is further amplified/reinforced/cemented/implied when…Doyle seeks to cement the fear felt by the Victorian reader through the continued references to devils and savages towards the latter stages of the novel. This is further reinforced by the description of Tonga’s appearance where the focus is on…Other sentence stems to add to your repertoirePressing upon…Eden Rock can be regarded as a poem about the life the persona wished he had lived, with the idealised family and memories which contrasts starkly to his reality, as the poet’s father died of his WWI injuries when he was a boy. Pressing upon this idea further the references to the clothes worn by the parents…Similar to the way in which/much in the same way…Similar to the way in which Owens seeks to guide us to understand the raw emotions between the couple in Winter Swans, Byron also highlights the rawness of his emotional struggle through the use of ‘silence’ which seeks to..Whilst it is true that…one could also argue…Whilst it is true that the audience take a sense of schadenfreude in Mrs Birlings’ clear complete disregard for Eva as a person beyond seeing her class one could also argue that it is important for the audience to consider the context and the fact Mrs Birling is a product of a Victorian upbringing- where women were…Just as…so too is…Just as the Prince can be regarded as responsible for the deaths that occur in the play due to his inaction and impotence, so too is it important to consider how much the Friar is also to blame for the same reasons. How can you utilise subordinate clauses to weave in context (AO3)?What is a subordinate clause?Here are some examples:Priestley, a well known supporter of Socialism, seeks to highlight…Shakespeare’s text, written in the Elizabethan era, explores the impact of a traditional patriarchal society on the experience of females by…The Inspector, who is widely recognised as a mouthpiece for Priestley’s views, is central to…Doyle, who was writing at a time of distinct class structures, consistently presents the working class to be…Holmes is a conscious construct, regarded as being based upon Doyle’s university professor, used to cement the ineffectiveness of the police of Victorian society. GlossaryGlossary of terms I should try to useImage to support my understandingDefinitionAlliterationAllusionAmbiguityAntithesisAssonanceAtmosphereBlank VerseCaesuraCatharsisClimaxConnotationDenouementDialogueDualityEmotionEmpathyFlashbackFoilGenreHubrisHumourImageryIronyJuxtapositionLightingMonologueMetaphorMoodNarratorNaturalismPacePersonaProtagonistPersonificationPathetic FallacyPathosPositioningProseQuestionsRepetitionRepresentationRealismSatireSettingSibilanceSuspenseSonnetSoliloquySyntaxStanzaTextureTragedyTransformationVoiceGCSE English Literature Writing ChecklistAO1 (What is the writer communicating?)I have used WHW to organise my ideas.I have used a formal and critical writing style.I have used an appropriate and relevant quotation to illustrate my point.I have fully explained my point.I have tried to explore more than one interpretation.AO2 (How is the writer using language, form and structure to communicate meaning?)I have zoomed in on language, using a technical term, and explored its meaning. I have explored the effect on the audience.I have explore the effect on the novel’s ideas, messages and plot.I have explained the effects of form and structure.I have explored the intentions of the writer.AO3(Why might the writer have made these choices?)I have linked my point to a contextual detail from the writer’s time of writing.I have commented on how the reader/audience may have understood the quote/idea.AO4(Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)I have used capital letters for the start of sentences.I have used capital letters for proper nouns (Shakespeare, Doyle, Priestley).I have checked my spelling.I have checked my use of punctuation and grammar.I have used paragraphs to organise my work.OverviewEvery point I have made links back to the question in some way.I have begun with a short introduction that addresses the question and attempts to see the big picture ideas in the text.I have used a triad/triple to answer the question in the introduction.I have ended with a concise and clear conclusion that readdresses the question. ................

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