SOL Writing Prompt Rubric

English 10 Academic Writing Assignment

SOL Prompt


Your assignment is to write a full essay (at least four paragraphs) answering the prompt above. Please refer to specific handouts and examples regarding introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions when completing your essay. The essay needs to be typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font. You MUST print BEFORE class.


Introduction effectively engages reader and develops idea, leading

into the thesis statement. Introduction flows logically and answers

the question thoroughly. /20


Thesis addresses the prompt and is clear, concise, and easily

recognizable. The thesis/claim creates a position/argument that can be

supported by data/facts /10

Body Paragraphs:

Body paragraphs demonstrate a clear transition from one idea to the next.

Paragraphs contain evidence and analysis/explanation of each point. /30


Conclusion provides an adequate wrap-up of information, starting with a

restatement of the thesis and moving from specific to broad information. /10


Essay is well-written with relatively few errors in grammar, punctuation,

and usage. Pay particular attention to commas and conjunctions,

semicolons, and possessives. /10

Written Expression:

Essay uses first or third person ONLY – NO YOU!! /5


Essay follows proper formatting guidelines and is typed, double-spaced,

12-point Times New Roman font. /15

TOTAL _________/100


PROMPT No. 210

According to an old saying, “Money can’t buy happiness.” Tell whether you agree or disagree and give reasons to support your opinion.


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