
7th Graders- work for the week of March 18 to March 22nd; Washington State History.

(If you lose this handout, you can download a new one from my website)

Your checklist- (all work due at the end of the week- for details on each assignment, see below).

1. Finish Oregon Trail Project (Oregon Promoter, Oregon Trail Map, or Oregon Trail Journal) Monday- In class. 30 points.

2. Questions from page 190-191. Tuesday. 15 points.

3. Chapter review questions from page 192-193. Wednesday. 30 points

4. Optional at home- play Oregon Trail game online- pretty fun! See website for link- probably won’t work at school.

5. Chapter 6 Jeopardy Review- Thursday.

6. Chapter 6 Quiz. 50 Points.

7. Bonus- Everything turned in on time Friday complete- 5 points.

Add it all up= 125 Points! +5 extra credit possible.

Here’s how this week will work (:

In order for you to get everything done for the week, you will either need to use your class time extremely efficiently, or you will probably have one or two nights of homework. I’ll tell you up front—if your class average on Friday’s quiz is over 85%, your class will earn a prize. If your class average on homework is over 85% for the week, your class will earn another prize! I may not be able to be there, but hopefully I can still motivate you to do your best and get your work done!

1. Monday- this is a wrap-up day for your Oregon Trail projects from last week. If you are done already, take another look to see if you can add any information or creativity to the project to really make it ‘pop.’ If you have it completed in class, you can work ahead on other work.

2. Tuesday- Today you will be reading pages 186-191 to wrap up chapter 6. Pages 186- 189 should be review from your project earlier this week. Page 190-191 talks about the end to Joint Occupation of the Oregon Country, summarizes the chapter, and talks about two individuals who really influenced the area- John McLoughlin of the Hudson’s Bay Company, and Charles Wilkes. As you read, or when you are done reading, answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Be sure to label your work at the top of your sheet: Page 186-191 Questions 1-6.

Page 186-191 Questions 1-6.

1. Of the five major sections of the Oregon Trail, list them in order from the most difficult to cross, to the easiest to cross. For each section, explain why you think it was more or less difficult than other sections.

2. Up until the 1840s, the Oregon Country was jointly occupied by both Britain and the United States. Who held the best claims to the area, and why? Why was Britain not willing to go to war over the Oregon Country?

3. Why did the United States give up on their demand to own all of the Oregon Country, instead splitting it with Great Britain at the 49th Parallel?

4. Why did John McLoughlin’s actions as head of the Hudson’s Bay Company shock British leaders? Would you have done what he did if you were put in his situation? Explain.

5. Do you think John McLoughlin was a success or a failure? Explain your reasoning.

6. Why was Charles Wilkes so confident that the United States should claim the Oregon Country all the way to the 54’40’ line, despite the fact that the Hudson’s Bay Company dominated the region?

3. Wednesday- Today you will be working on the chapter 6 review on pages 192-193. If you work well, you can work with a partner, but my sub has control of taking away that privilege if you are wasting your time. Plus, any time wasted is just work you’ll have to do at home, so take advantage of this opportunity to get your work done! You will complete the following on a separate sheet of paper, entitled Chapter 6 Review:

1. Though you do not need to complete the “Defining Key Terms” section on page 192, read through them to make sure you know them—you will be quizzed on them this week. Review any that don’t ring a bell.

2. Complete “Geography and History” section in essay form, including at least one example for each (physical features, landforms, climate, and water bodies).

3. Complete “Chronology” section to review when major events from the chapter took place.

4. Since we discussed the major mission locations, take a look at the “Map Skills” and locate on a map the first four missions listed under #1. List two major tribes found in the area near these four missions. For #2, review the map on pg 186, paying particular attention to the difference in the Oregon, Applegate, and California Trails. Be ready to describe or place these three trails on a map.

5. Complete “Matching” Section as listed. It may be easier to create two columns (one Protestant, one Catholic) and list the missionaries under the correct branch of Christianity.

6. Complete all 11 of the “Short Answer” questions.

7. Pick 2 of the “Critical Thinking” section essays to complete a half-page (each) written response. If you chose the diary project earlier in the week, do the first two and not the third one about imagining you are a pioneer. If those aren’t your cup of tea, you can do the “Using Technology” section instead of the critical thinking, and write a half-page summary of what you find on the Whitman National Historic Site.

Yes, this is a large assignment, BUT, you have all class period today to work on it, and you do not have to turn it in until Friday. However, this is the only class time you will get to work on it, so use it wisely.

4. Thursday- Jeopardy Review of Chapter 6. I will post this on my website after class so that you can review it at home.

5. Friday- Chapter 6 Quiz- 50 points.

This week’s work (completing the 1-6 checklist on the top of the previous page) will be worth 125 points, including the quiz. So let this be the week that locks your 3rd quarter grade right where you want it! Good luck, and I hope to see you guys soon!

Mr. Gehring

p.s. email me if you have trouble, questions, concerns, etc. I will have internet access this week- jgehring@


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