

Table of Contents:

Goodbye cancer 5

Natural recipes overcome the cancer... page 7

What should you eat to fight cancer? ………… page24

What you shouldn’t eat? 37

Conclusion……………….………… 40

You can heal yourself when you know what to do


 “There are no such things as incurable diseases,

Only incurable patients.”  

Bernie Siegel


“Never give up, because when there’s hope, you have already won half the battle. A cancer diagnosis is not the end of the world.”


Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases in the world today, one in four deaths are due to Cancer and the latest figures given by The Cancer Council states that one in two people will suffer from some form of cancer in their lifetime. 

I lost my father my aunt my best friends and now I'm going to lose my My father in law because of this malignant disease, so I decided to research and find a real solution may help in the lives of many Innocents.

It’s so hard to lose the one you love. to finally say goodbye you try to be strong but the pain keeps holding on, all you can do is cray deep in your heart But next time facing the same enemy decides that nothing would beat the power of your will

One thing that is said to you when you are ill with cancer is that you are fighting cancer, people cheer you on saying that you must fight it and you push yourself on saying that you are fighting till your last breathe to try and win the battle.  I even say that this is a war and while I will win many battles by fighting, I

Be sure when you or a loved one is battling cancer, you need access to every single weapon available like me.

9 Natural Strategies to Defeat Your Cancer is the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on natural supplements for fighting this terrible disease.

Cancer can be beaten. Never doubt that. We hear from people who have succeeded all the time. Follow me and you will overcome your pain very Soon inchaalah.

Natural recipes overcome the cancer

1- Garlic, ginger, apple cider vinegar, and lemon:

You know, maybe all of the benefits of garlic, ginger, apple cider vinegar, and lemon.

Here recipe for a single dose.


. Teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar

. A teaspoon of lemon juice, organic acid

. Clove of garlic, grated

. Piece of grated fresh ginger

. Teaspoon of organic honey


How to use:

Mix all the ingredients well. Keep this treatment in the fridge, but not for more than 5 days.

How to use:

You must drink this traditional treatment in the morning on an empty stomach. You can drink it up to 3 times a day.

Note: Put the mixture in a jar and take one spoon. It’s important to use a wooden, ceramic or plastic spoon as metal utensils are strictly forbidden

2- Carrot juice:

Carrot juice is rich in fatty alcohol and natural pesticide anticancer properties, and carotene from carrots acts preventive on creation of tumor cells.


How to use:

You can drink it up to 2 times a day.

3- Black bean with honey:

Quicken Please use this recipe and this treatment any patient with cancer and Allah Shafi



1. Half a kilo of honey net original type (Sidr) or (spindle).

2. black grain type (Gosaima) grinds well and taken them (3 tablespoons) and mix with ...

3. A clove of garlic (Indian medium-sized) beats and mixed with honey and black bean thoroughly mixed.

How to use

Every day in the morning on an empty stomach taken medium tablespoon of honey mixture, as well as taking a piece of (bitter coffee bean size) and taken a piece (lentil-sized) and drink with cold milk a local cup honey and used this method for a period of (3 months) this and God is chafi inchaalah

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And preferably not grind only when use; for it if crushed and left even for a few hours before use, the active ingredient flying them; because it is a volatile oil, but if crushed black bean and then mixed with honey well and stored in a box dim color and sealed they retain their usefulness.


4- Young green walnut,Wormwood and Carnation:

Plants That Can Cure All Cancer Types

Young green walnut, Wormwood and Carnation

These plants should be taken together in order to have the effect we want, and that is – curing us. The walnut and wormwood can kill 100 species of adult parasites in different stages of development. Joint together, these three ingredients can cure from cancer.

It is important that we use the green shells from young nuts. It is because the healing properties are contained only while the shell is young and green. Take a bowl of 5l (ceramic or enamel – not metal) and fill it with green shells from the nuts. Cover the shells with ethyl alcohol, and then add ½ tbsp. of vitamin C powder. Cover the dish with tin foil and let it sit for 3 days.


The amount of wormwood is small but it can’t be done without it. Grind the dried wormwood and put it in empty capsules or sterile glass container.

The third ingredient is a carnation. The flowers should be prepared and kept in the same way as wormwood.

How to use :

The tincture of nuts should be used as following: Dissolve 1 teaspoon in half a cup of water in the morning. If you are over 70 kg take 2 teaspoons, if over 90kg take 3 teaspoons. For severe conditions, double the dosage and consume it until fully recovered.

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Wormwood – take 2 capsules of wormwood powder before dinner. This should be done for 2 weeks. Then take a capsule a day until fully recovered.

Carnation – take 1 capsule of powder for 10 days – 3 times a day before meals. After 10th day, take 1 capsule a day, before dinner, until fully recovered.

5- "purslane" plant :

Watercress "purslane" plant destroys the cancer cells and at the same time protects against cancer.


How to use :

Although purslane is considered a weed in the United States, it may be eaten as a leaf vegetable. It has a slightly sour and salty taste and is eaten throughout much of Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and Mexico. The stems, leaves and flower buds are all edible. Purslane may be used fresh as a salad,stir-fried, or cooked as spinach is, and because of its mucilaginous quality it also is suitable for soups and stews.

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6- lemon mixture with sodium bicarbonate:

Drink lemon mixture with sodium bicarbonate: stronger than chemotherapy 10 thousand


How to use :


▪ 2 teaspoons lemon juice (fresh squeezed) organic

• ½ teaspoon baking soda (no aluminum)

• 8 oz water

How to use:

Patients should drink 4 times a day.

Please make sure to use organic lemons.

7- Turmeric and honey:

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Turmeric is an ancient ayurvedic medicine . It is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.  Therefore, it  can help fight a number of chronic health conditions from heart disease and diabetes to dementia. Turmeric has been found to reduce the cellular inflammation and oxidative stress that causes degenerative disease. It improves blood flow, leading to improved cognitive function and speeds wound healing.

Did you know that less than a teaspoon a day of turmeric appears to significantly lower the DNA mutating ability of cancer-causing substances?


Researchers at UCLA found that curcumin (the primary component in turmeric) proved these cancer-blocking properties during a study which involved 21 participants suffering from head and neck cancers. The participants were given two chewable curcumin tablets containing 1,000 milligrams of the substance each.

After evaluating the results, the lab found that the enzymes in the patients’ mouths responsible for promoting cancer spread and growth were inhibited by the curcumin supplementation. Thus, curcumin intake halted the spread of the malignant cells.

How to use:

Every day in the morning on an empty stomach taken medium tablespoon of honey mixture this method for a period of (3 months)

Note: Put the mixture in a jar and take one spoon. It’s important to use a wooden, ceramic or plastic spoon as metal utensils are strictly forbidden.

8-Vitamin B17:

The Greatest Cover-Up In The History Of Cancer


Ever heard of Vitamin B17? Chances are you probably haven’t. Since Vitamin 17 has been banned by the FDA.

One of the biggest concentrated types of vitamin B17 can be found in the seed of the apricot. A fruit we don’t give enough credit to. The actual seed can be found within the hard pit in the apricot.

The anti-cancer agent based in the actual Laetrile B17 vitamin is known as amygdalin.

9-Essential oils:

Essential oils exhibit strong cytotoxicity against certain variants of prostate, lung and breast cancer


Essential oils have long been used by various cultures as a natural remedy for virtually every disease, including cancer.


How to use :

The current protocol for treating skin cancer is the following (using a 1/2 and 1/2 mixture of the two oils):

FrankincensewithIdaho Balsam Fir(3 days); [pic]

Frankincense withTsuga(3 days) ; [pic]

Frankincense withLedum(3 days); [pic]

Frankincense withLavender (3 days); [pic]

Frankincense withclove, which may make the skin burn, so skip this step for cancer on the face (3 days);

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Frankincense withSandalwood (3 days); 7) Repeat cycle as needed. [pic]

The exact number of times the oils should be put on the skin cancer is up to the patient and their situation, but may range from 3 to 12 times a day.

What should you eat to fight cancer?

There are some miracle stories out there about people who cured themselves of incurable, end-stage cancer with a macrobiotic diet. Not surprisingly, people facing cancer often find these stories very compelling.

One of the many things that makes cancer so difficult is the feeling of helplessness that this disease can engender in patients and loved ones. Diet and nutrition is something we can take control of—but we need to be realistic about the role that nutrition plays in cancer treatment.


Before the development of the disease, can by removing unhealthy food and replace it with a healthy diet

Balanced and good quality free of chemicals and how to prepare the proper conditions and change

Environmental unhealthy to treat cancer, but to prevent his appearance and we are working good natural protection


One of the easiest things for a person touched by cancer to address is their diet.

Remember that ´good nourishment´ is a crucial weapon in the fight against cancer and any illness. Good cancer nutrition can be vital in increasing your personal odds of survival

1: Oily Fish

Fish oil will provide long chain omega-3, a powerful anti-inflammatory in the body that minimizes COX-2 and its abilities to drive localised negative hormones called eicosanoids which inflame and irritate. Omega-3 has been shown to re-lengthen telomeres, which shorten when you have cancer putting the DNA structure at risk, and reducing longevity. Oily fish also contain vitamin A, an important vitamin in the fight against cancer (herring, mackerel and salmon are top of the list). Fish oils have been linked to reduced levels of prostate, breast and colon cancer. Research shows they help prevent cachexia when having chemotherapy. You´ll also get a little vitamin D from them, another proven cancer-fighter. Omega 3 from fish is an important ingredient in your cancer diet. Please note that the omega 3 from flaxseed is short-chain, equally important but has different benefits (for example, it helps oxygenate the tissues and provides essential fibre).

2: Carrots

Along with apricots, peppers and pumpkins, they provide anti-cancer carotenoids like beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A, as and when required by the body. 1 cup of carrot juice, 2 sweet potatoes, 16 dried apricots and 4 cups of red cherries will each provide 25 mgs. Don´t eat them all at once - people have been known to turn a little orange! A great juice to make yourself involves carrots and apples (for quercitin) and beetroot (for anthocyanins) with a little calming raw ginger. A real cancer fighting drink! Carotenoids are also found in natural food sources such as chlorella. Raw carrots are also high in pectins - your healthy gut bacteria will love you for eating pectins and give you more in return.

3: Red and Yellow Peppers

the top source of vitamin C in the UK - even better than oranges. Vitamin C strengthens your immune cells and neutralises toxins. Linus Pauling thought cancer patients should consume 2 to 10 gms per day. A large red pepper is 250 mgs. 200 gms raw broccoli 175 mgs. 150 gms papaya 90 mgs. An orange 65 mgs. Berries and cherries are great sources. Red and yellow peppers are also good sources of carotenoids.

4: Sunflower Seeds

High in zinc and natural vitamin E. Zinc helps vitamin C do its work and accelerates healing time. It is important to a healthy prostate. You need 15 to 25 mgs per day. Five tablespoons of sunflower seeds give you 10 mgs. Best are oysters, 3 are enough. Milk can block zinc absorption. Sunflower seeds will also provide a little selenium.

Pumpkin Seeds

Can be mixed with the sunflower seeds in your morning muesli. 5 tablespoons will each provide 20 mgs of vitamin E, the ultimate cancer buster, which inhibits cancer cell growth and protects immune cells from free radicals. Vitamin E boosts your immune system´s fighting abilities. The target is 300-600 mgs and is difficult to achieve without supplements. Green vegetables, soya and almonds are also good sources.

5: Nuts

Six cracked brazil nuts will give you your daily selenium; 100 to 200 mcgs is the goal. Selenium is a very potent anti-cancer agent. Eight slices of wholemeal bread, an organic egg, or a large chicken breast will also be enough.

Tuna, onions, broccoli and tomatoes contain selenium too.

People who eat nuts every day (try almonds and walnuts) live longer according to research in Cancer Watch. They off fibre and healthy oils.

6: Mushrooms 

There´s an enormous body of research evidence now that shows how ´medicinal´ mushrooms (Shiitake, Maiitake, cordyceps etc) boost the immune system and fight cancer

7: Tomatoes

Seven to ten helpings per week, especially cooked.

According to Harvard research 7-10 helpings a week cuts prostate symptoms by 40% and has an influence on many cancers e.g.: lung; colon; cervix; breast.Lycopene is the prime active ingredient, and 25 - 40 mgs the desired daily dose.

It is also found in strawberries, peppers, carrots and peaches, but one tin of tomato soup has 65 mgs alone. Lycopene helps reduce ´bad´ fat levels in the blood stream and is a strong antioxidant.

8: Green leafy vegetables

Along with avocado, beans, carrots, apricots, pumpkins, and egg yolk green vegetables will give you folic acid.

This will help your DNA to replicate properly and protect it during radiotherapy.

400 micrograms is a recommended amount. Folate, biotin, niacin and vitamin B6 are all B vitamins that help in the cancer fight. Egg yolk, greens and whole grains are the best sources.

It doesn´t just stop there. Green vegetables and sprouting seeds are a source of sulforaphanes which have strong epigenetic (cancer correcting) benefits and have been shown to aid survival from colorectal cancer.

A diet rich in greens will help alkalyse your body. A slightly alkaline body is important as it improves the performance of your immune system and research shows it stops new metastases.

9: Broccoli

Like other green cruciferous vegetables (e.g. cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts), broccoli contains fibrewhich helps eliminate toxins

Moreover, the fibre is rich in galactose, which binds to damaging agents in the intestine, and is one of the favourite foods of good, helpful gut bacteria (as are carrots, apples, chicory and onions).

Broccoli also contains indoles, and especially indole3carbinol which, along with its metabolite DIM, modifies and diminishes aggressive oestrogen action, can modify cellular oestrogen receptor sites, and aids in fighting oestrogen-driven cancers like some breast, prostate, brain and colorectal cancers.

I3C and DIM were also found to have action in non-oestrogen driven cancers as they can also affect thep27 cancer pathway.

10: Garlic 

It is a truly wonderful food. Active ingredients like allicin seem to act to stop the spread of cancer in a number of ways, for example by stopping blood supply forming for tumours.

Garlic also kills microbes and yeasts - after taking drugs and antibiotics the body is often susceptible to these. Garlic is also anti-inflamatory in the body. It has a number of active ingredients. It contains selenium, tryptophan and sulphur-based active agents that attack cancer cells.

Two or three raw cloves of garlic raw per day will ward off more than vampires.

11: Beetroot

And cherries, aubergines, plums, red grapes - indeed any purple coloured fruits and vegeatables. They contain anthocyanins (and sometimes also resveratrol). Anthocyanins have been shown to kill cancer cells; Resveratrrol has research supporting its role in fighting certain cancers like blood and brain cancers too. 

12: Pulses

Lentils, chickpeas, beans and even soya etc. are a great source of fibre and protein without the animal fat.

Pulses also contain isoflavones, phytoestrogens. People get confused about plant oestrogen. The cells of your body have oestrogen receptor sites. When one form of human oestrogen (oestradiol) binds to them, the result is havoc inside your cells. About 40 times less potent is human oestrogen oestrone and about 40 to 50 times less potent still are plant oestrogens. Now which would you rather have sitting on your receptors? Pulses also provide fibre likelignans that can help neutralise free-radicals in the gut and blood stream.

Eat pulses every two days.


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Use good oils like extra virgin olive oil (and anyway increase your good oil intake - fish oils, flaxseed, nut and seed oils and coconut oil).

And For A Drink

Choose green tea. Three cups per day help to neutralise free radicals. The Mayo clinic even claims from research that 3-5 cups a day can stop the growth of certain cancers.

One last thing or two!

Finally, a few extras:

1. Eat whole foods

2. Take a daily Probiotic

3. Do not touch added sugar - glucose or High Fructose Corn Syrup

4. Avoid mass market cows´ dairy (unpasteurised milk from grass fed cattle does, however, have advantages)

A clean diet is powerful medicine.


What you shouldn’t eat?

Granted, everyone is weary and wary of the global assertion that everything causes cancer now. As it is, in a short while, we may be asked to stop drawing in breath, as it may also be cancer-related! Truth be told, however, a lot of food we ingest these days do not help us, actually, as they are cancer inducing. They are:

1. Genetically Modified Foods :

All Genetically Modified Foods have been proven to cause cancer. In light of this, organic and locally grown foods are recommended.

2. Processed Meats :

Lunch meats, hot dogs, sausages, bacon and all other Processed Meats contain chemical preservatives that make them appear fresh. They contain sodium nitrate and sodium nitrite that are linked to the causes of cancer, especially colon cancer.

3. Microwaved Popcorns :

The bags in which corns are popped are lined with chemicals, which have been linked to infertility. These chemicals have also been fingered as the causes of cancer in the lung, testes, liver and pancreas. One word: RUN!

4. Pop Sodas :

The sugar, coloring and food chemicals in Pop sodasrelease acid into the body which causes cancer. Give the sodas a wide berth, people.


These are just not healthy. The artificial sweeteners, aspartame, used in these products do not only cause cancer, but is also responsible for birth defects.


They are used to preserve processed food and increase their shelf life span. When ingested, they restructure the body cell membranes, for the worse.


Fruits like grapes, apples and all other fruits found in big departmental shops are mostly not organic. Be not deceived, because most have been subjected to pesticides that result in cancerous growths.


Refined sugars, for instance, is hyperglycemia-inducing and causes cancer cell growth.Carbohydrates are in surplus supply in refined flours and is linked to breast cancer and the spread of cancerous cells.

9. There is no vitamin D in FARMED SALMON:

It is listed under cancer-causing foods, as the flame retardants, carcinogens, antibiotics, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and pesticides used on them does nothing but contaminate them.


Readily increases the blood insulin level and also is a source of energy for cancer cells. Fructose-rich sweeteners, for example, high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) prove to be a rich source of energy for metabolism and proliferation of cancer cells. Cakes, juices, pies, cookies, sodas, cereals, sauces contain these sugars and increase the risk for cancer. Due to high



When treatment ends, people begin a new chapter in their lives, one that can bring hope, happiness, and maybe fear. The fear of cancer coming back is common among cancer survivors and can sometimes be quite intense

 I want to inspire and encourage more cancer patients and survivors to think positively and to live an active and fulfilling life, a life of no regrets.



References :


‎Drew Canole




Written by : jamai douha


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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