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Essential Oils 101 Class ScriptHey everyone! So, before we get started, I wanted to say I am not a medical professional. This information is for educational purposes only. I kindly ask that you not ask me to diagnose, treat, or refer you to certain oils for any diseases. Thank you![Introduce yourself and tell your compliant story about how you got started with Young Living]Ask: Who here is a Young Living member? (Get a consensus in the room)Don’t y’all love it? Hasn’t it been life changing? (Feel free to ask a member or two why they love it).And welcome, to the non-oily members, soon to be future oily members! We are so excited you are here!(Optional) So, why did you come here today and what are you interested in learning? (Ask a few people. You should try to identify why that person showed up if you don’t already know. Knowing what they are interested in will help you cater the class / closing).You each have your own reasons why you want to learn about and try essential oils, and we’re so glad you are here today because it is for a reason.As I begin, I want to start off by saying that disease does not happen overnight. Body systems do not fail overnight. It happens little by little, day-by-day, choice-by-choice. Everything you do either fights disease or contributes to it.It’s not just about the food you eat and how much exercise you get that contributes to a healthy life. Yes, both are very important, but what you may not realize is what you put on your body, and breath in your home matters just as much, if not more!Did you know that air you breathe inside your home can be anywhere from 5 to 10 times more polluted than outside air? Scary huh? This is due to your home being inadequately ventilated.So every product you use in your home, stays in your home for you to breathe in. Among the worst, household air fresheners, (including candles, plug ins, wax burners and sprays), cleaning products, fabric softeners, dryer sheets, and much more.Now, I know hearing all this information can be a little bit scary and overwhelming. I felt the same way the first time I heard these facts.But that is what they are, facts. And for the sake of our health and our future, we can no longer be blind to this. Now, I am not telling you when you leave here to go home and throw everything out (though I did myself), understand knowledge is power, and we are the gatekeepers of our home. You are the best caretaker for your family, no one else. YOU are! (make eye contact with your audience)Would you agree that living a more chemical free life is important for you and your family’s health? (Ask everyone in the room, looking at non-members especially)So today, we want to help you learn how diverse essential oils are and the numerous ways you can change that, and bring them into your everyday life.We will show you how you can ditch those synthetic toxins and switch over to something that will benefit your body, mind, and overall well-being in the most perfect and plant-based way.What are Essential Oils?Essential oils are potent, volatile, and versatile substance derived from plants. Young Living’s Genuine Therapeutic Grade essential oils are primarily extracted through careful steam distillation, but also through cold pressing.These potent oils are often called the "lifeblood" of the plant because they oxygenate your cells, and detox the body. Oils do the same thing for the plant. Breaking a plant for example. Do you remember in science, learning about plants, and what happens when a plant gets injured?The essential oil of the plant goes to the area it needs support in. They can do the same thing in the human body. In humans, they provide support for every body system. Essential Oils have protective properties which are the plant’s natural defense mechanism that gives them their therapeutic properties for our bodies.They support everything from healthy brain function to healthy weight, and also used extensively for healthy emotional support.Wouldn’t you agree that there are times when you need some emotional support in your life? I know this momma does! (Insert humor, eye contact and encourage responses)An essential oil in a diffuser can soothe a child who has had a tough day at school, calm the kids (and you) before bedtime, or relax you after a long day at work. On the flip side, they can be invigorating, uplifting, and energizing.Essential oils can also be used as an alternative to toxic cleaning chemicals in your home. For instance, one bottle of Thieves Cleaner, can literally replace every bottle under your sink, and clean your home from floor to ceiling, safely and naturally.You will never go back to any other cleaner. This will be one of your favorite products, and also because you can feel safe about your kiddos helping you clean too!And how many of you would like to have peace of mind knowing what you are using to clean every surface in your home is safe for your family? (Eye contact and encourage responses) And hey, finally having a cleaner that your kids can use to help, double bonus!Ask members: Who here loves their Thieves Cleaner? Anyone have an awesome testimony about it?One bottle can make anywhere from 15-20 spray bottles of cleaner. It makes it so easy to get you jump started in ditching those toxins and switching to your Young Living store. You will soon find out that Young Living is so much more than just essential oils!But, going back to essential oils, today we are going to be talking about the Premium Starter Kit, which is how everyone gets started when they begin their Young Living journey. At only $160, it gives you all the essential oils you’ll need to jump right in. And a bonus… it comes with a diffuser! (show diffuser) Which is everyone’s favorite way to use essential oils.Didn’t you just love the way my home smelled when you walked in? Your home can smell like that too!There are 3 ways to use Essential Oils.AromaticallySo let’s talk about inhalation and diffusing essential oils. Understand that fragrance is the substance of memories. Research shows that when inhaling the pure essential oils, it can activate regions in the brain associated with memory, emotion, and state of mind.So, in less than a second, a scent has the power to activate a number of physical and emotional responses. Have you ever smelled something, and it took you back to a memory years ago? That is how powerful a scent is connected to our brain.To help you rediscover peace, balance, and joy, using essential oils for diffusion, soothing baths, massage, and topical application is a must.Wouldn’t you agree that we could all use some peace, balance, and joy in our lives? Especially in today’s hectic crazy lifestyle and schedule.Another reason why diffusing essential oils is so important is because they purify and cleanse the air from environmental impurities. Harsh chemical formulas aren’t your only home cleansing option.You can have peace of mind without compromise just by diffusing Young Living Essential Oils. So not only are you making your home smell absolutely amazing, you aren’t damaging your health like those other nasty fragrant sprays, candles and plug-ins icallyAnother one of my favorite way to use essential oils is topically. Proper usage is indicated on each essential oil label. The idea of “if a little is good, a lot is better” is not always correct.Essential oils are very potent and powerful, so start low and go slow. In most cases 1-2 drops are adequate and using more may waste product. Depending on the essential oil, you can gradually build up to 3-4 uses per day if desired.Because of the essential oils molecular size, they are smaller than cells, which allows oils to penetrate your skin very quickly. Understand that your skin is your largest organ you have.Everything that touches you skin, your shampoo, your deodorant, your make-up, your lotion, is directly absorbed into the bloodstream, which then carries those toxins to your delicate organs.Most people when they think of getting healthy, they just solely focus on their diet and adding in exercise. Which yes, that is very important, but in all actuality, what you should also be more concerned about is what is coming in contact with your skin.Because when you ingest something orally, it at least goes through a filter and gets broken down by enzymes and flushed out of the body to a certain extent. Your skin has no filter. People think that the skin is a barrier, when it is really a carrier.26 Seconds after Exposure, chemicals are found in measurable amounts in the human body.The average woman applies over 300 chemicals to her body daily, 80 ?before breakfast!Does this worry you a bit?Are you starting to think of all the products you have been using for years?I felt the same way. I remember being shocked, but so very thankful to be learning this information. It is never too late to change that. Wouldn’t you agree?I do not use any synthetic lotions or perfumes anymore. I only use essential oils now… and I get compliments all the time on how good I smell.InternallyAnother way to use Young Living essential oils, is internally. Young Living’s Vitality line is GRAS approved (Generally Regarded as Safe) for internal usage by the FDA.The purpose behind the Vitality oils? A white label means that they are safe for proper internal usage. Now, with that being said, the oils aren’t really new. The labels are, yes, but these are the same essential oils Young Living was already selling.What sets them apart is that they are labeled specifically for internal use, whereas the regular essential oils are labeled for aromatic and topical use. The Lemon Vitality with the white label, is the exact same oil as the Lemon oil with the solid yellow label (Show bottles). A great way to use Vitality oils, is by putting them in an empty vegetable capsule, a glass of water, juice or tea.Instead of asking for a lemon wedge as a restaurant in my water, I just put a drop or two of Lemon Vitality Oil. Be sure with citrus oils to only drink them in glass, stainless steel, or ceramic containers. Not plastic. You can even cook with the oils to enhance your food, just like the Peppermint brownies you are eating today. Aren’t they delicious?Another reason why is it important to apply Young Living’s essential oils topically and take them internally, is because they are very high in antioxidants, and create an unfriendly environment for free radicals.Free radicals come from sources outside your body, such as tobacco smoke, toxins that we apply and use every day, the food and water we drink, and pollutants.You want to know what else free radicals do to our bodies… make you look and feel older! I don’t know about you, but do you want to look and feel older than you are? I want to slow down that process down as long as I can.Free radicals damage and attack your body daily, but there is a defensive action you can take. Essential oils, and especially our NingXia Red drink (show bottle and packets), which you will be getting two of these packets in your starter kit, are rich in antioxidants that combat those free radicals. NingXia Red is a specially formulated powerful antioxidant drink that tastes great, fortifies the body, and replenishes key nutrients in your body.This yummy drink contains pure essential oils such as orange, yuzu, lemon, and tangerine, as well as the renowned Wolfberry, and a wide variety of vitamin enriched whole fruits such as blueberries, apricots, raspberries, and pomegranates.Who drinks Ningxia Red daily? Don’t you love it? (Ask members in the class)That is why drinking Ningxia Red and using your essential oils daily is a must to give you those antioxidants you need, and to help support your immune system.That is why I love Young Living’s Monthly Ordering Program Essential Rewards, because since I need to drink Ningxia Red daily, that is a must to order every month through Essential Rewards.You see, consistency is key when using essential oils, and drinking Ningxia Red. If you truly want to see a change in your mind, body, and health, you have to diffuse these oils, apply these oils, and especially drink Ningxia Red pare it to losing weight and getting in shape. You can’t say, “I am going to eat healthy one meal a week, and go to the gym once a week.” That isn’t how it works. To lose weight, to get in shape, you must work on it daily and be consistent with it. Wouldn’t you agree?The same goes for using these oils, these products, supplements, and drinking NingXia Red. You must take daily action. Because what happens daily? Our body gets attacked by what? (See if anyone can answer). Cell wrecking free radicals!Every day we use our oils as often as possible, we diffuse as often as possible, and we drink Ningxia Red. So when you get your kit, the first thing you will want to put in your Essential Rewards order to receive every month, hands down Ningxia Red. Oh and remember the Thieves Cleaner too! Time and money saver!Why Young Living?So, you may now be wondering, what makes Young Living stand above all the rest? Young Living was founded in 1993, and is the largest, most trusted essential oil company in the world. Young Living has over 25+ years of research and experience, and is the only company that has the Seed to Seal? guarantee.So what is Seed to Seal?It is a promise that from the moment a seed is sourced, to the time that bottle is sealed, Young Living uses the highest standards possible to make their products, your life, and the earth better. They ensure that you are receiving essential oils exactly the way nature intended. Only one company can make the Seed to Seal? promise, and that is Young Living.Young Living is the world leader in producing and guaranteeing 100% pure, genuine therapeutic grade essential oils. Gary Young, the founder, has built 9 farms around the world, not including their partnered farms that also uphold the Young Living Seed to Seal standard. No other company has that. The farms are worldwide so the plants can grow in the climate they thrive in. Young Living also loves for their members to be a part of the farming process from seed plantings, all the way to the harvest and distillation process. Anyone is welcome to go at any time, interview any employee, ask any question, walk out in to their fields and watch the entire process, or more than likely, they will put you to work right alongside them. No secrets. (if you have an experience with this, share it)Would you ever want to go see and be a part of the Seed to Seal experience at one of the farms? Young Living is the only company that does that.Another important thing that I do want to touch on, is what sets Young Living apart from all the other essential oil companies out there, and even the ones sold in stores.Here are a couple tips and red flags.Red flag number one… if an oil is truly 100% therapeutic grade, there should not be an expiration date on the bottle. Genuine, therapeutic grade essential oils should not expire. Think of them as a bottle of wine. If kept close, in a cool, dark place, their shelf life is indefinite.Red flag number two… pay attention to the fragrance of an oil. Does an oil smell delicate, rich, and organic? Do the aromas vary from batch to batch? When they do, it’s an indication that they are distilled in small batches rather than industrially processed on a large scale with chemical solvents and additives. Lavender oil should not have a hint of vanilla to it and Peppermint oil should not smell like a candy cane. Genuine, Therapeutic Grade essential oils should have a different aroma with each small batch. So, a Lavender bottle that you received a year ago, probably will not smell the same as a new bottle of Lavender. You want that! Everything in the plants surroundings changes its aroma, but not the therapeutic constituents. For instance, when the plants gets too much or too little water, sun, soil conditions, temperature, and even wind, it changes the aroma. Thus revealing its pure state.All oils fall into one of these four categories…Grade A: are genuine therapeutic-grade, made from organically grown plants, distilled at proper temps.Grade B: food grade, these may contain synthetics, pesticides, fertilizers, chemical extenders.Grade C: are perfume oils, typically what you find on the shelves of a health food store. They usually contain solvents that companies use to get higher yields on the oils.Grade D: is called floral water. After all the oil is pulled out, the leftover water or “trash water” is sold to companies who then fill 5% of the bottle with this water and the rest with carriers and label it pure or all natural or organic.They are able to do this because in the United States there are no rating systems or labeling laws regarding essential oils. The closest we get is an FDA requirement that in order to label a bottle of essential oil “pure” or “therapeutic grade”, the contents must contain at least 5-10 percent essential oil. That means, the other 90-95% can be solvents, chemical extenders, carrier oils or who knows what else.In the essential oil community you get what you pay for. Compare this to a hamburger on the dollar menu, to an organic, grass-fed Angus hamburger. Why do you think one is more expensive than the other? Quality, right? The same goes with all those other essential oils out there on the market.Young Living completes 8 different tests on every batch of oil that is made. Nothing is compromised. The Young Living Seed to Seal goes beyond organic and purity. Wouldn’t you agree that that is very important? To go above and beyond. This is why it is so important to know where your oils come from.The fact is, essential oils are God-given oils and work perfectly with our bodies to help support them with every need. Ezekiel 47:12 states, “Trees of all kinds, their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.” So all of the plants and trees out there are for us. They are not just to look pretty, or cover ground. They are for our use. Oils are mentioned over 1,000 times directly or indirectly in the Bible. Anytime you read about incense, perfumes, spices, and ointment, they are referring to essential oils.So before we get started into the oils the come in the Premium Starter Kit, I want to touch on a few safety guidelines.Essential oils are potent gifts from nature that are powerful. In order to prevent misuse of these precious oils and ensure their maximum benefit, please be sure to follow precautions.-Do not put essential oils directly in eyes or ear canal, it will burn.-If an essential oil gets in your eye, put milk or a carrier oil around the eye for relief. Do not use water!-If an essential oil feels hot to the skin, immediately apply a carrier oil on the area for relief.-If a rash occurs at any time after application of an oil, refrain from applying topically for a few days, and start back slowly with dilution of a carrier oil.-Pregnant women, epileptics, and those with high blood pressure should consult their doctors as there are a few oils that should be avoided.-When using on children, it is safest practice to dilute with a carrier oil like Coconut, jojoba, or grape seed oil. Carrier oils ensure comfort by slowing the rate the body absorbs the oil. It doesn’t dilute the effect of the oil.-We do not recommend peppermint, rosemary, sage or eucalyptus under the age of 5, and wintergreen under the age of 12. If previously applied or exposed to child with no reaction, you may choose to continue the use of the oil.-Citrus oils are photosensitive, so if applied topically, avoid being in the sun for a long period of time.-If taking medication on a regular basis, or have a medical condition, always consult your doctor. But understand, most doctors are not educating in therapeutic-grade essential oils, so do your own research. You are your own advocate.-Be smart, use your better judgment, read the labels.Young Living Essential Oils are safe when used properly. Investing in reference materials and asking questions is so important on this journey. Know that you will never be alone, and we are here to help you every step of the way.So, are you all excited? Because now I get to share with you about some of my favorite essential oils and what comes in the Premium Starter Kit. This is the kit everyone starts with when they begin their journey into Young Living.[Pass around each oil as you share and let them smell]1. Lavender:One of the most versatile oils, often called the Swiss Army Knife, has over 1,000 uses. This scent is a wonderful aid for relaxation, calming, great to apply or diffuse for winding down at bedtime, or even add to a soothing bath. It’s a great beginner oil and a must for every home.This is one of my favorite essential oils, and is in my Essential Rewards Order pretty often. Once you get your kit and start using them daily, you will soon find out which oils are your favorite, and must haves in your Essential Rewards order.Because I diffuse Lavender oil daily, apply it daily, and bathe in it daily, I have to reorder it a lot It’s one of my faves!Fun Fact: It takes 27 square feet of lavender plants to make one 15ml bottle of lavender oil.2. Peppermint Vitality:Peppermint Vitality has an invigorating, energizing, and fresh mint aroma. This amazing essential oil has been widely studied for its potential health benefits. As a dietary supplement, Peppermint Vitality oil can support healthy gut function and digestive efficiency.* These benefits make it a great way to start your day or end a meal.When applied or diffused, Peppermint Oil may support focus and healthy cognitive function. It is very cooling and soothing when applied topically to the skin, or making a DIY “cooling spray” helps keep you nice and cool in the summer heat.Fun Fact: It takes one pound of raw peppermint material to make one 15ml bottle of peppermint oil.3. Lemon Vitality:Lemon is cold pressed from the rind of lemon. This citrus flavor tastes great and can enhance food or water. Key ingredient in Thieves and Ningxia Red. It is very high in antioxidants, and you all remember what that means, right? It helps combat free radicals, which means it helps support a healthy immune system. You better believe I add Lemon Vitality to my water every day for that antioxidant support. Along with drinking Ningxia Red daily, I love infusing my water with citrus oils throughout the day. Instead of asking for a lemon wedge at a restaurant, put a couple drops of Lemon Vitality in your water.So, as you might have guessed, Lemon oil is another oil I add to my Essential Rewards order to get every month. Remember, this is about being consistent and using these oils and products daily to truly experience a change in your life.Another reason I love Lemon oil is because it also promotes clarity of thought when diffused, and is a great digresser and sticky gunk remover.Fun Fact: It takes 75 lemons to make one 15ml bottle of lemon oil.**Caution** Avoid applying to skin that will be exposed to prolonged sunlight or UV light within 24 hours. Must drink all citrus oils from a glass, stainless steel bottle/cup, or ceramic mug.4. Copaiba Vitality:Unlike other essential oils, Copaiba Vitality is tapped directly from the tree rather than distilled and has a rich, uplifting, woody smell. When taken internally, it can promote wellness, and supports the body’s natural response to injury or irritationI love mixing Copaiba Oil and Lavender Oil in unscented Epsom salt in my bath for a soothing, relaxing bath experience.5. Frankincense:Frankincense is one of the oldest essential oils. Considered the “holy anointing oil” in the Middle East, frankincense has been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years. It was well known during the time of Christ and was one of the gifts given to Christ at his birth.Diffusing Frankincense is great for calming and grounding purposes.Applying this oil topically may help smooth the appearance of healthy-looking skin, and who wants smoother, healthier skin?6. Thieves Vitality:Young Living’s Thieves Vitality essential oil may help support overall wellness and a healthy immune system*. You will fall in love with this blend of 5 oils (Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Rosemary, Lemon, and Eucalyptus).I diffuse Thieves oil in my home daily, and apply to the bottoms of my kids feet before bed every night. Thieves oil is yet another oil that is in my monthly Essential Rewards order because it is just that good of an oil!Fact: Thieves essential oil blend was inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who formulated a special aromatic combination composed of clove, rosemary, and other botanicals they used while robbing the dead and dying.Thieves can be found in many of Young Living’s most popular products, and is a safe, natural alternative to use in your home.I mentioned Thieves Cleaner a little earlier, and how amazing it is. When you see the word Thieves on any Young Living product, you will know it is a POWERFUL product. Thieves Cleaner doesn’t trigger breathing conditions like chemical cleaners will because it is non-toxic. It safely cleans toilets, countertops, floors, glass, fruit and veggies, children’s toys, high-chairs, all in one cleaner. But there are so many Thieves products that you will be able to switch out all over your house, including oral care. You will see all over my house various Thieves products. Be sure you visit the bathroom, and wash your hands with the Thieves Foaming Hand Soap.7. Purification:This is my “stinky oil”, not because it stinks, but because it takes away everything stinky in your life! Ditch overpowering and harsh chemical-based sprays and keep your home smelling fresh and clean with Purification. This blend is made up of six essential oils for the ultimate weapon against odors.With Purification oil, you’ll never need to feel embarrassed by bad odors from cooking, laundry, pets, or anything else life throws your way. Diffuse it throughout your house or use a more targeted approach so you always feel confident in your home, in the car, or on the go!You can even make a DIY bathroom spray with Purification, or carpet freshener with baking soda. There are so many uses with these oils!8. RC:R.C. Essential Oil is a powerful blend of Spruce, Cyprus, and three types of Eucalyptus oils (E. globulus, E. radiata, and E. citriodora). Diffuse or apply it directly for a comforting and invigorating aroma.I like applying to both bottom and top of feet or chest at night, or placing a few drops in my shower for a spa like experience. There are so many uses with this oil! It will soon become one of your faves!9. DiGize Vitality: Dietary (Supplement)Di-Gize Vitality is my all things tummy oil! Use DiGize Vitality essential oil to support a healthy digestive system, and immune system. Di-Gize is also a great mealtime companion. It may not smell the greatest, but I never leave home without this powerhouse essential oil. It is my number one go to when my tummy is calling.10. PanAway:Blend of 4 Oils (Wintergreen, Clove, Helichrysum, and Peppermint)PanAway has a stimulating aroma that is soothing to the skin. This blend is ideal to apply topically before and after any type of exercise and daily activity.I also like adding PanAway for a soothing experience in an Epsom salt bath.11. BONUS OIL Stress Away:Everyone who breathes needs Stress Away, especially us momma’s if we want our children to live. (insert humor) Stress Away does what it says, it takes the stress away. Stress Away can help induce relaxation and reduce occasional nervous tension.* And don’t we all need that every once in a while?It also promotes confidence and a happy, stress free mood for everyone, including anxious pets. It smells amazing, so it makes a wonderful perfume.As I wrap this up, may I get real with you for a second? II want to share something that really hit home with me when I heard this. The reason you were invited here today, is because someone cares for you and your family. Whoever invited you today, whether that be me, or one of the other women here, you are loved. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t.I want to help you realize what is allowed in the products that are sold to us every day. The number two cause of death in the United States is cancer. 1,620 people a day die of cancer. 1 in 3 cases in the US are directly linked to poor diet, physical inactivity or chemical exposer. The American Cancer Society says only 5 to 10 percent of all cancer cases are from gene defects. That means 90 to 95 percent of cancer cases are under our control. It’s what we allow into our homes.I know those are intense facts to swallow, but knowledge is power, and we need to change that outcome. Wouldn’t you agree?It is time to kick those chemicals out and start creating a better future for our families. You can control what you allow within the walls of your home, and it’s not hard. You are the gatekeeper of your home. You have the choice to make your health and the health of your family a valued priority.You know, we pay $190 a month for a phone bill and don’t blink an eye. We pay over $100 for cable and think nothing of it. But where is our health and the health of our children in our monthly budget?Show me where you put your finances, and I will show you your priorities. You know, after I heard this information, it was a hard pill to swallow, but I swallowed it. I express to you how life changing it has been since we started our Young Living journey. Wouldn’t you agree member? (ask members in the group).It’s about taking small steps and using what you now know, and doing something about it. Getting your kit, joining Essential Rewards, using your oils and drinking Ningxia Red daily… and then month by month, removing and replacing other toxins in your home.Making your health and your family’s health a priority is worth it. Because nothing else matters in life if we don’t have our health. You see, organs don’t fail overnight. They fail after years and years of damage and abuse. We must support our bodies every single day.I want to live a life full of health, purpose and abundance, and to do that, it must become a priority. Do you value your life, your health? What about your family’s? I know you do. You wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t.You are here for a reason, believe that. I am so excited for each of you to start on this journey, and change your lives. Get ready, because it’s going to be an amazing ride, and we are here to support you every step of the way!#1 If you’re ready to start kicking the chemicals out of your home, than I recommend starting with the Premium Starter Kit. You can literally take your kit home today and start using your oils tonight. [Only mention this if you have flip kits]Your kit comes with everything you see here including your choice of diffuser + some bonuses including a diffuser necklace, inhalers and roll-on bottles.The aria is like the Bentley of diffusers, it plays music and you can plug your ipod or phone into it.The Rainstone is next, and will run for up to 8 hours straight and includes a remote.The dewdrop or home diffuser both run for around 4 hours…#2 Host a Class: If you know people who would benefit from oils, you can either:Host a gathering in your home, we will come and teachInvite your friends to one of our scheduled classesIn exchange get an awesome basket of oily goodies! [Or whatever incentive you choose]#3 Business: If you would like more information about the business side of Young Living, check this box.Everyone has their own reasons for starting their Young Living Business. Once you get your premium starter kit, you have everything you need to launch your own business. There are no extra buy-ins or fees.Once people start using their oils and loving them, it’s hard NOT to share.So a few of the perks are:· ????????You can get your oils free· ????????Maybe you want to earn an extra $500 per month of replace your current income…· ????????Spend more time with your family?· ????????Travel more· ????????Give more· ????????Create a willable income.This is my “Why” my reasons for doing this business. They may be different than yours but that’s ok.I do this business not just because I LOVE these oils, but because I want my husband to NOT have to work 90 hrs a week. To be able to travel, to give freely when I see a need, to just have financial & time freedom. [Share your Why]It is hard to help others when you can’t help yourself because you are living paycheck to paycheck.So if this strikes a chord with you, grab a Gameplan Mini book, read it and let me know what you think. How what you’re currently doing stacks up to Young Living.#4 Itovi Scan [If you don’t own a scanner, leave this out]Our bodies are made up of electrical frequencies and all essential oils have frequencies as well. If you’re curious which oils your body is craving right now, we can scan you and send you the results.Pass around the sign-up form and take any questions. ................

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