Commack Schools

Name: _________________________________________________Date: _________________Period: _______IB HOTA 1Commack High SchoolConstitutionUnited States CONSTITUTION PORTFOLIO Project5703570762000Essential Questions:Has the US Constitution satisfied the needs of the people?Has the government’s authority expanded beyond the intentions of its framers?The purpose of this assignment is to display the foundations, structure and functions of the US Constitution in differing ways. Please incorporate vocabulary words into each assignment. These vocabulary words should be bolded in the final project. DO NOT just simply define the words in the portfolio, you should use them in the proper context and the definitions will be provided in the glossary of terms your group will compile.GROUP TASKYou will be placed into a group that will be predetermined by your teacher. When you get into your group you will be responsible for compiling your assignments to create a completed portfolio that should follow the requirements below:Your group will need to illustrate the short story and the play that are included in the portfolioAll of your components need to be bound together (binder, portfolio, etc.) and protected with page protectors.50368203302000Please number your pages and include a table of contentsCreate a colorful, creative, relevant title for your portfolioAs always, be as creative as you would likePlease consult the grading rubric provided for specific requirements.Create a glossary of the key vocabulary used for the back of your portfolio.INTRODUCTION Articles of Confederation Your group will need to write and illustrate a short introduction about why there was a need to write a new constitution. Your Introduction must meet the requirements below:Minimum one pageMust be illustrated PLEASE USE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING VOCABULARY: Articles of Confederation, Shay’s Rebellion, Central Government, State Governments and Constitutional IC STRIP/STORY BOARD Constitutional Compromises Your group will be responsible for creating a five slide comic strip or storyboard that visually depicts the compromises of the Constitutional Convention. Your comic strip/story board should meet the requirements below:5 slidesColorful and creativeCaptions/explanations should be included with each slideShould explain the Constitutional Compromises in visual formPLEASE USE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING VOCABULARY: New Jersey Plan, Virginia Plan, The Great Compromises, Bicameral Legislature, representation, and Three-Fifth Compromise.SOURCE ANALYSISFederalists v. Anti-FederalistsYour groups will need to find TWO PRIMARY sources (one from the point of view of the Federalists and one from the Anti-Federalists). Once you find your sources:Insert them and cite them in the portfolioExplain what the position of each group isExplain the nature of the disagreement between the groupsSHORT STORY Three Branches of GovernmentAfter learning about the principles of the US Constitution you will be responsible for creating a short story that explains BOTH Checks and Balances AND Separation of Powers. Your story should meet the requirements below:A developed plot that includes characters and eventsThe vocabulary for the principles are includedMinimum of two pages (double spaced)Highlight/underline/color the vocabulary word when it is used in your storyCreatively written while making sure that the two selected principles are clearly explainedPLEASE USE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING VOCABULARY: Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, Judicial Branch, Separation of Powers, Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, President, The Cabinet, Checks and Balances, Veto, Override, Impeach, Pardon, Unconstitutional, and Judicial Review.CONCLUSION Ratification ProcessYou will be responsible for creating a conclusion that incorporates the vocabulary provided to you for the Ratification Process. Your conclusion should meet the requirements below:It addresses one of the two essential questions listed at the top of the page.Must be illustrated according to the themeMinimum one pageMust discuss the importance of at least THREE Amendments from the Bill of Rights.PLEASE USE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING VOCABULARY: Amendment Process, Bill of Rights, Ratify.GLOSSARYYou will be responsible for compiling a glossary that defines all of the bolded terms on this task sheet. ................

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