L. Barnicoat

US I Honors

Final Review 2015

Essential Questions

Chapter 3

Essential Questions

1. What were the differences between the North and South colonies and how did this lead to an increased slave trade?

2. What was the effect that mercantilism had on England’s North American colonies?

3. How did the French and Indian War affect the mercantilist relationship?

Topical Essential Questions (specific to this unit)

1. What was the impact of geographical determination on the British?

2. What impact did economic philosophy of mercantilism have on the American colonies?

3. How did the ideas of the Enlightenment period in Europe impact views of the American Colonist?

4. What was the economic dependence of the triangular trade American Colonies?

5. What impact did the French and Indian War have on the American Revolution?

Chapter 4

Essential Questions

1. How did mercantilism lead to the American Revolution?

2. How did the grievances and petitions of the colonists lead to the Declaration of Independence and American Revolution?

3. How was the Declaration of Independence an Enlightenment document?

Topical Essential Questions (specific to this unit)

1. What were the causes of the American Revolution from both perspectives?

2. Was it a war of self interest or principal?

3. How were the colonists able to defeat the mother country in the American Revolution?

4. Why was the American Revolution considered the upset of the 18th century?

5. Did the Tories have a chance of persuading the colonists to their point of view?

6. What is the model for the future of America?

Chapters 5 and 6

Essential Questions:

1. What were the major obstacles in forming the early Republic?

2. How did the ideas of the Enlightenment impact the design of the Constitution?

3. Explain how early presidential administrations dealt with obstacles not addressed in the constitution such as foreign policy, judicial system, and the development of political parties?

Topical Essential Questions (specific to this unit)

1. What were the Federalist and Anti-federalist arguments in regards to the inclusion of a Bill of Rights?

2. How was the Constitution a remedy of these problems through federalism, separation of powers?

3. What caused the Second Continental Congress to create a weak federal government in the Articles of Confederation and what were the effects?

4. What were the effects of the French Revolution on the presidencies of Washington and Adams?

5. What was the basis of the political beliefs of Hamilton and Jefferson and how did it affect the political party system and Washington’s presidency?

6. How and why did the United States expand geographically in the Federalist Era?

Chapters 6 and 7

Essential Questions

1. Explain the political, social and economic impact of westward expansion?

2. How did unresolved issues after the American Revolution lead to the War of 1812?

3. After the War of 1812, how did the United States policy of isolationism impact the country?

4. How did Andrew Jackson’s presidency challenge Constitutional powers?

Topical Essential Questions (specific to this unit)

1. How and why did the United States expand geographically in the Federalist Era?

2. Why was the War of 1812 called the Second American Revolution?

3. What was the “Era of Good Feelings” and was this an apt name?

4. What was Jacksonian Democracy and were these actions “Constitutional”?

5. What was the effect of Jackson’s Indian policy on Native Americans?

Chapters 8 and 9

Essential Questions:

1. How did religion spark reform?

2. What were the main economic and industrial accomplishments of the mid-1800’s?

3. How did the combination of social reforms and industrial development lead to sectionalism in the United States?

4. How did the idea of expansion impact the social, political and economic direction of new nation?

Topical Essential Questions (specific to this unit)

1. How did the northern and southern economies differ after the war of 1812?

2. How did industrial development result in immigration and unionization?

3. How did reform movements change the northern perspective on key issues during the 1800’s?

4. How did Manifest Destiny lead to the Texas Revolution and the Mexican-American War?

5. What were the results of the Mexican-American War on the growth of the United States?

Chapters 10 and 11

Essential Questions

1. Which comes first, state or nation?

2. What are the main principles, rights, and responsibilities of government outlined in the US Constitution?

3. How did the issue of slavery affect the social, political, and economic aspects of America?

4. Who has the power in a republic?

5. Is it human nature, not history, that repeats itself?

Topical Essential Questions (specific to this unit)

1. How did the politics of popular sovereignty cause the Civil War?

2. How did the Fugitive Slave Act and abolitionism affect the antebellum period?

3. How was the Missouri Compromise affected by the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

4. Why did the North win the Civil War?

5. How was the power of the federal government increased during the Civil War?

Chapter 12

Essential Questions:

1. How was Reconstruction affected by the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments?

2. How did the power struggle between the President and Congress affect Reconstruction?

3. What were the accomplishments and failures of Reconstruction?

Topical Essential Questions (specific to this unit)

1. What visions of freedom did the former slaves pursue in the post war south?

2. What were the sources and significance of radical Reconstruction in the south?

3. What were the social and political effects of radical Reconstruction in the south?

4. What were the differences between Presidential reconstruction policies and congressional reconstruction policies?

5. What were main reasons for defeat of Reconstruction in the South?


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