100 most common spanish phrases - Weebly


100 most common spanish phrases

Do you want to indicate the because of things 〞 why something is the way it is, or why it happened the way it did? If so, there are plenty of ways to do it in Spanish in addition to the much-used porque, usually translated as "because". Indicating causality can be somewhat confusing to people learning Spanish, partly because there isn't a one-to-one correspondence between the

terms of English and Spanish. Most notably, "because" and "because of" are translated differently into Spanish, and the English word "since" often means the same as "because" but doesn't always. Here are the most common ways of expressing causation: By far the most common translation for "because," porque is used in all sorts of situations: Como porque tengo hambre. (I

am eating because I am hungry.) Se fue porque ten赤a miedo. (He ran away because he was afraid.) Busco ayuda en este grupo porque no puedo bajar videos. (I'm looking for help in this group because I can't download videos.) Porque typically is followed by a word combination that could stand alone as a sentence, so it normally wouldn't be used to translate "because of." As a

general rule, unlike most of the other words and phrases listed here, porque can't be used to begin a sentence. El porqu谷 de is a common way of saying "the reason for" and is typically followed by a noun or noun phrase: No explic車 el porqu谷 de su beso (He didn't explain the reason for his kiss.) Necesito saber el porqu谷 de esto. (I need to know the reason for this.) Standing alone

as a preposition, por frequently indicates cause and can be translated in a wide variety of ways, including "because of." Lo hice por miedo. (I did it because of fear. I did it out of fear.) Voy al Per迆 por las ruinas. (I am going to Peru because of the ruins.) Hago cosas buenas por malas razones. (I do good things for bad reasons.) Gan車 por trabajar mucho. (He won because he

worked hard. He won by means of much work. Except when used as por qu谷 in a question, por normally isn't used to begin sentences. Note also that por is a versatile preposition, having numerous other usages that aren't related to causation. A causa de, which normally is followed by a noun or noun phrase, is a common way of saying "because of." Sali車 a causa de su padre.

(He left because of his father.) Durmi車 a causa de su enfermidad. (She slept because of her illness.) Me escap谷 de casa a causa de mis padres. (I ran away from home because of my parents.) A phrase used in a similar way when something is lacking is a falta de, meaning "due to lack of." Sali車 a falta de dinero. (He left due to lack of money. He left because of lack of money.)

Habr芍 24 millones de hombres solteros en China debido a falta de mujeres. (There will be 24 million single men in China because of the lack of women.) Como is used in a variety of ways, many of which can be translated by the English "as"; when used to indicate cause it comes at the beginning of the sentence. Como estaba enferma, no sali車. (Because she was ill, she didn't

leave.) Como soy estudiante, tengo los fines de semana libres. (Because I'm a student, I have my weekends free.) Debido a can be translated as "due to"; the que is added when what follows could stand as a sentence. Necesitan cadenas debido a la nieve. (Chains are needed because of the snow.) La poblaci車n est芍 abrumada debido a que la tierra sigue temblando. (The people

are weary because the ground keeps shaking.) Wall Street cae debido a que los precios del crudo afectan al sector energ谷tico. (Wall Street is dropping because the prices of crude affect the energy sector.) The phrases dado que, ya que, en vista de que, and puesto que all roughly mean "in light of the fact that" and can often be translated as "because." Ya que es inteligente, no

tiene que estudiar. (Because he's smart he doesn't have to study.) Dado que hay pocos recursos, no puedo estudiar. (Because there aren't many resources, I can't study.) Les digo un mensaje breve en vista de que estoy ocupado. (I am leaving you a brief message because I'm busy.) Puesto que tengo hambre, voy a salir. (Because I am hungry I will leave.) Gracias a is literally

translated as "thanks to" but can also mean "because." Se salvaron las tortugas gracias a Greenpeace. (The turtles were saved thanks to Greenpeace.) Soy quien soy gracias a mi familia. (I am who I am because of my family.) Image: Shutterstock Spanish is one of the romance languages. And while it may have many parallelisms with Italian and some similarities with French, it

still stands out as an interesting and intriguing language to learn.Spanish is also one of the major languages recognized by the United Nations system. That means all the major documents that the international body produces should also have a Spanish translation, aside from the English original (or aside from the original language of the document). So you know that this is a

widely used language if the UN itself recognizes it as such. And widely-used it really is, for it has so many speakers in many parts of the globe. Imagine having one whole continent being able to understand the language! That's not just one country, since that's majority of Central America and South America we're talking about. And then there are the former colonies or areas that

had direct contact with the motherland, Spain, during the ancient times. Count Mexico and part of Texas, of course, in Northern America. There's also the Philippines in Asia and other smaller areas as well. All of these countries and areas have remnants of the Spanish culture infused in their current cultures, so it's also understandable that the Spanish language is also widely used

in these cultures, if not infused in their own current languages.Such an interesting background, right? So, do you think you can fill in the blanks of these common Spanish phrases here? Come on, give it a try, and let's see how much you know! Arriba arriba! TRIVIA Do You Know the Meaning of These Simple Spanish Words? 6 Minute Quiz 6 Min PERSONALITY Can We Guess

What Language You Studied in School? 6 Minute Quiz 6 Min TRIVIA Can You Translate These Basic Spanish Phrases? 5 Minute Quiz 5 Min TRIVIA Think You Can Fill In the Correct Word to Complete These Common Phrases? 6 Minute Quiz 6 Min TRIVIA Pop Quiz: Common Phrases 7 Minute Quiz 7 Min TRIVIA Do You Actually Know What These British Idioms and Common

Phrases Mean? 6 Minute Quiz 6 Min TRIVIA Can You Guess These Spanish-Speaking Countries from Their Outlines? 5 Minute Quiz 5 Min TRIVIA Simple French: Can You Tell If We Translated These Phrases Correctly? 7 Minute Quiz 7 Min TRIVIA Spanish Vocabulary Quiz 6 Minute Quiz 6 Min TRIVIA Can You Pass This Difficult Common Phrases Test? 6 Minute Quiz 6 Min

How much do you know about dinosaurs? What is an octane rating? And how do you use a proper noun? Lucky for you, HowStuffWorks Play is here to help. Our award-winning website offers reliable, easy-to-understand explanations about how the world works. From fun quizzes that bring joy to your day, to compelling photography and fascinating lists, HowStuffWorks Play offers

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over. Copyright ? 2021 InfoSpace Holdings, LLC, a System1 Company The general rule is that the personal a of Spanish is used before a direct object when that object is a person or an animal or thing that has been personified. However, there are exceptions. The personal a is either optional or not used when the direct object is a nonspecific person, when following the verb

tener, or to avoid awkwardness when two a's would be close to each other in a sentence. Perhaps the best way to state the biggest exception to the rule is to clarify the rule. Rather than saying that the personal a is used before people, it would best to say that the personal a is used only with specific, known, or identified human beings (or animals or things that have been

personified). In other words, if the person is treated as a member of a category rather than as a known person, the personal a isn't needed. Here are some examples of the difference: Busco a mi novio. (I am looking for my boyfriend. Here, the boyfriend is a specific, known person, even though his name isn't given.) Busco un novio. (I am looking for a boyfriend. Here the boyfriend

is merely someone who is a member of a category. We do not know who the person is, or even if he exists.) No conozco a tu bisabuela. (I don't know your grandmother. We have the person's identify even if her name isn't given.) No conozco una sola bisabuela. (I don't know a single great-grandmother. As in the case of the boyfriend above, the person is talking about a

hypothetical person rather than an identified one.) Necesito una secretario. (I need a secretary. The speaker needs assistance, but not necessarily from a specific person.) Necesito a la secretario. (I need the secretary. The speaker needs a specific person.) As a result, some sentences can have a slightly different meaning, depending on whether the a is used. For example, we

might say "El FBI busca a un hombre de 40 a?os," meaning that the FBI is looking for a specific 40-year old man, perhaps the one who committed a crime. If we say "El FBI busca un hombre de 40 a?os," it suggests the FBI is looking for a 40-year-old man in general, perhaps for a criminal lineup or for some other purpose where it doesn't particularly matter which 40-year-old man it

finds. The main exception to this clarified rule is that certain pronouns, such as alguien (someone) and nadie (no one), always require the personal a when used as direct objects, even when they refer to no specific person. Example: No conozco a nadie. (I don't know anybody.) When tener is used to indicate "have" in the sense of having a close relationship, the personal a is not

used even if the direct object is known. Tenemos tres hijos. (We have three sons.) La compa?ia tiene muchos empleados. (The company has many employees.) Ya tengo m谷dico de atenci車n primaria. (I already have a primary-care doctor.) When tener is used to mean have someone in a role, however, the personal a is retained: Tengo a mi hermana como amiga de Facebook. (I

have my sister as a Facebook friend.) Sometimes a sentence following the general rule would have two a's, especially when a verb is followed by direct object and then an indirect object. In such cases, the personal a before the direct object is omitted. The listener will then understand that the object without a preceding a is the direct object. In this way, such sentences often mimic

the word order in English. Mand谷 mi hijo a su profesor. (I sent my son to his teacher. Note the lack of a before hijo.) El bombero llev車 Pablo a mi madre. (The firefighter carried Pablo to my mother.) Although Spanish uses a personal a when a person is a direct object, the personal a is not used unless the person is a known person rather than someone who merely fits a category.

An exception is that the personal a is required with nadie and alguien. The personal a is often not used following the verb tener, even if the object is a known person.

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