MFL resources – GCSE + A level ideas and resources

3514436817418All the words and phrases on this sheet represent those that are essential for success in the GCSE examination in Spanish. You MUST know these to write and speak successfully in the Spanish GCSE exam. 00All the words and phrases on this sheet represent those that are essential for success in the GCSE examination in Spanish. You MUST know these to write and speak successfully in the Spanish GCSE exam. PRESENTEPASADOFUTUROnormalmente= normallyen el pasado= in the pasten el futuro= in the futureahora= nowantes= beforedespués= afterhoy= todayayer= yesterdayma?ana= tomorrowesta semana= this weekla semana pasada= last weekla semana próxima= next weekESSENTIAL VERBS – PAST/PRESENT/FUTUREvoy= I go / I am goingfui= I wentiré= I will gosoy= I am (permanent)es= (he/she/it) isson= (they) areera= I wasera= (he/she/it) waseran= (they) wereseré= I will beserá= (he/she/it) will beserán= (they) will betengo= I havetiene= (he/she/it) hastienen= (they) havetenía= I had tenía= (he/she/it) hadTenían= (they) hadtendré= I will havetendrá= (he/she/it) will havetendrán= (they) will haveMe gusta(n)= I likeMe gustaba(n)= I used to like Me gustaría(n)= I would likePRESENTEPASADOFUTUROHay= there is / there areHabía= there was / there wereHabrá= there will beHago= I doHice= I didHaré= I will doVeo= I seeVi= I sawVeré= I will seeDoy= I giveDi= I gaveDaré= I will giveKEY VERBSdebo= I mustquiero= I wantpuedo= I can tengo que= I have tovengo= I come doy= I give 3443837333779In the Spanish GCSE exam, several questions in each of the exams will be in Spanish. To answer successfully, you will need to fully understand the questions. Knowledge of the question words in essential. 00In the Spanish GCSE exam, several questions in each of the exams will be in Spanish. To answer successfully, you will need to fully understand the questions. Knowledge of the question words in essential. QUESTION WORDS?Qué?= What??Quién?= Who??Cuándo?= When??Cuánto?= How many? How much??Cómo?= How??Dónde?= Where??Por qué?= Why??Qué?= What?NEGATIVESnada= nothingnadie= nobodynunca= neverninguno= nonetampoco= neither, norQUANTIFIERS + FREQUENCYmuy= verybastante= quitedemasiado= toomás= moremenos= lessa veces= sometimes siempre= alwaysnunca= neverde vez en cuando= from time to timeOPINIONScreo que= I think thatestoy de acuerdo= I agreeme da igual= I don’t mindodio / detesto= I hateESSENTIAL VERBSayudar= to helphacer= to dovivir= to livecomer= to eatbeber= to drinkjugar= to play (sport)escribir= to writeescuchar= to listenleer= to readdeber= to have to (must)hablar= to talk, speakcomprender= to understandempezar= to startdecir= to sayver= to see, watchsalir= to go outir= to goviajar= to travelterminar= to finish, endllegar= to arrivetrabajar= to workganar= to earn / to winencontrar= to findvenir= to comequerer= to wantpensar= to thinkpreguntar= to askaprender= to learngastar= to spendHIGH FREQUENCY WORDSporque= becausecon= withsin= withoutellaloslas= the (masculine) = the (feminine)= the (masculine plural)= the (feminine plural)para= for / toque= that, thanbien= well, goodtodo= alltodo el mundo= everyonecosa= thingmimis= my (singular) = my (plural) tutus= your (singular) = your (plural) susus= his / her (singular) = his / her (plural) un poco= a biten= in, onununa= a / an (masculine) = a / an (feminine) pero= butotro= otheraquí= here allí= therepeor= worse, worstmejor= better, best ................

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