EARTH SCIENCE NAME ________________


You may use one 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper with handwritten notes on your final exam


Oceans- chapters 21 and 22

1. What rock makes up the ocean floor?

2. Describe factors that change the salinity of ocean water.

|Increase salinity |Decrease salinity |

| | |

| | |

3. Explain how the Coriolis Effect influences ocean currents.

4. How does El Nino form?

What affects does El Nino have?

Minerals- chapter 9

1. Identify common minerals from a description

galena, quartz , olivine, calcite, biotite, halite, talc

2. Identify (with proper terms) and recognize mineral properties

luster cleavage

streak hardness

3. Recognize a mineral’s hardness using data and Moh’s scale





4. Define a mineral using the scientific definition


1. List the fossils fuels

2. Recognize renewable and non-renewable forms of energy

3. What is reclamation?

4. Describe the floatation method in iron processing.

5. What does petroleum originate from?

Rocks- Chapter 10

1. Determine the differences between a rock and a mineral

2. Explain how one rock type and turn into another (rock cycle)

Igneous sedimentary igneous → metamorphic

Sedimentary → metamorphic sedimentary→ igneous

Metamorphic → igneous metamorphic→ sedimentary

3. Compare intrusive and extrusive rock

4. Classify sedimentary rocks as clastic, chemical or bioclastic

5. Recognize foliation

6. Relate original rock type (parent) to metamorphic rocks

marble quartzite slate gneiss

FIERY EARTH- chapter 7

1. What are some examples of a composite volcano?

2. How are hot spot volcanoes different from other volcanoes?

pare the amount of silica in lava with the eruption type of a volcano.

4. Calculate the speed of a tectonic plate from hot spot islands.

Weathering, Soil and Mass Movements- chapter 12

1. Recognize examples of mechanical (physical) weathering

frost wedging- exfoliation-


2. Recognize example of chemical weathering

oxidation- hydrolysis

carbonation/dissolution (rock type?) -

3. Describe how to neutralize acid rain.

4. Explain the formation of soil

5. Recognize various types of mass movements

rockfall lahar

slump avalanche creep

6. Explain what triggers mass movements

8. Explain how a cave forms

9. Be able to use the soil triangle to determine a soil type

Describe the usefulness of different types of soil

Loam- sandy-

Clay- silt-

Recognize minerals that are most resistant to weathering? Least resistant?

WATER- chapters 13 and 14

1. Define watershed

2. Diagram the path of the Great Lakes

3. Determine the age of a river from evidence (early vs. late stage)

4. Define the following river terms: meander oxbow lake

point bar undercut slope

5. Recognize an artesian well on a cross section

6. Define the water table

7. Relate permeability to particle size

8. Locate good aquifers on a cross section. What is a confined aquifer?

9. Locate a good place to bury toxic waste on a cross section

10. Describe how wetlands benefit the environment

11. Where is the largest amount of fresh water located?

GLACIERS- Chapter 15

1. Describe how these glacier features formed and what they look like:

moraine- kettle lake- striations-

drumlin- esker- erratic-

3. Compare till with stratified drift

4. Explain how erratics help support that the glaciers were over Michigan.

5. How long ago did the glaciers cover Michigan?

6. What is the pattern of Michigan moraines?


1. Explain how wind weathers rocks differently than water

2. Determine the direction of a long shore current from groin photos.

TECTONICS- Chapters 4 and 6

1. Recognize what forms at the following plate boundaries

continental – continental convergence-

subducion (ocean- continental) zones-

divergent boundaries-

2. Locate common earthquake zones and volcano zones

3. Describe the layers of the Earth and how we know about each layer

|layer |description |How we know? |

|crust | | |

|Mantle | | |

|Outer core | | |

|Inner core | | |

4. How is ocean crust different from continental crust? Which rock makes up the each type of crust?

5. Describe the theory which explains the movement of plates. What layer of the Earth are these located?

6. What is Pangaea?

7.What evidence did Wegner have for his Continental Drift theory?

8. Explain why Wegner’s continental drift theory was rejected.

9. What causes tsunamis?

10. Which type of plate boundary would deep earthquakes occur?

11. Explain what you should do if you are in an earthquake.

12. Describe earthquake waves:

P wave

S wave

Surface waves-

13. What does the Mercalli scale measure?

14. Recognize the 3 types of faults and the stress involved with each




GEOLOGIC TIME- chapters 17 and 18

1. Identify common fossils from descriptions or pictures

brachiopods- colonial coral

trilobites- crinoids-

2. Order the events in a cross section; see below for practice


3. What conditions are needed for the following to form?




metamorphic rock-

4. Determine the age of a sample from D/P ratios

example) 100 grams of daughter and 20 grams of parent. One half life= 6,000 years. How old?

5. Define relative dating techniques

Law of superposition,

Law of cross cutting,

Law of original horizontality-

Law of inclusions-

6. Where are the youngest rocks in the Michigan basin?

7. How are the division between geologic ERA’s determined?


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