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|序号 |名称 |出版单位 |出版时间 |复本数 |

|1 |World Economy Trade and Finance |Holt Rinehart & Winston |2005 |1 |

|2 |Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation |Wiley |1 edition |1 |

| | | |(September 22, | |

| | | |2006) | |

|3 |Unconventional Success A Fundamental Approach to Personal Investment |Free Press |2005 |1 |

|4 |Trand watching: Don't be Fooled by the Next Investment Fad, Mania, or Bubble |HarperBusiness |2002 |1 |

|5 |The winning investment habits of Warren Buffett and George Soros |St. Martin's Griffin |2006 |1 |

|6 |The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably (4th |Prentice Hall; 4 edition |3-Dec-05 |1 |

| |Edition) | | | |

|7 |The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 |W.W. Norton & Co. |1-Dec-08 |1 |

|8 |The Next Big Investment Boom: Learn the Secrets of Investing from a Master |Kogan Page |Jul-08 |1 |

|9 |The Monetary Policy of the Federal Reserve: A History |Cambridge University Press; 1 |2008-03-17 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|10 |The Macro Economy Today |McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 11 edition |2007-10-05 |1 |

|11 |The Macmillan Spectrum Investor's Choice Guide to Building and Managing an |Hungry Minds Inc,U.S. |1997-01-01 |1 |

| |Investment Portfolio | | | |

|12 |The Holy Grail of Macroeconomics: Lessons from Japan's Great Recession |Wiley |2008-07-15 |1 |

|13 |The Great Depression of Debt: Survival Techniques for Every Investor |Wiley |2008-12-15 |1 |

|14 |The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio |McGraw-Hill |1 edition (April |1 |

| | | |26, 2002) | |

|15 |The Forgotten Man: A New History of the Great Depression |Harper Perennial |2008-05-27 |1 |

|16 |The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets |Addison Wesley Publishing |1-Aug-97 |1 |

| | |Company; 5th edition | | |

|17 |The Economics of Microfinance |The MIT Press |30-Sep-07 |1 |

|18 |The Economics of Financial Markets |Cambridge University Press |2005-6-20 |1 |

|19 |The Art of Pricing: How to Find the Hidden Profits to Grow Your Business |Crown Business |2005-10-11 |1 |

|20 |The Alchemy of Finance |Wiley |July 19,2003 |1 |

|21 |The Accidental Investment Banker : Inside the Decade That Transformed Wall Street |John Wiley and Sons Ltd |2007 |1 |

|22 |Technical Analysis: The Complete | FT Press |August 28,2006 |1 |

| |Resource for Financial Market | | | |

| |Technicians | | | |

|23 |swiss annuities & life insurance |  |2008—4—1 |1 |

|24 |Study Guide to accompany Money, Banking, and Financial Markets |McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 2 edition |2007-09-06 |1 |

|25 |Study Guide for use with Macroeconomics |McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 17 edition |5-Dec-06 |1 |

|26 |Study Guide for Microeconomics for Microeconomics with MyEconLab plus eBook |Addison Wesley; 8 edition |2007-06-01 |1 |

| |1-semester Student Access Kit | | | |

|27 |Study Guide for Financial Management: Principles and Applications |Prentice Hall |10th edition (July|1 |

| | | |29, 2004) | |

|28 |Study Guide for Economics Today: The Micro View |Addison Wesley; 14th edition |2007-05-04 |1 |

|29 |Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists: Unleashing the Power of Financial Markets to|Princeton University Press |August 23,2004 |1 |

| |Create Wealth and Spread Opportunity | | | |

|30 |Rethinking Bank Regulation: Till Angels Govern |Cambridge University Press; 1 |2008-05-12 |1 |

| | |Pap/Cdr edition | | |

|31 |Reminiscences of a Stock Operator (Wiley Investment Classics) |John Wiley & Sons |Jan-06 |1 |

|32 |Recursive Macroeconomic Theory |The MIT Press; 1st edition |2000-08-21 |1 |

|33 |Quantitative Investment Analysis (CFA Institute Investment Series) |John Wiley & Sons |2007-01-01 |1 |

|34 |Principles of Microeconomics |Prentice Hall; 4 edition |2006-10-15 |1 |

|35 |Principles of Macroeconomics |Prentice Hall; 8th edition |2006-06-30 |1 |

|36 |Principles of Financial Economics |Cambridge University Press |2000-11-20 |1 |

|37 |Principles of Corporate Finance |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2007-10-9 |1 |

|38 |Practical Financial Management |South-Western College Pub |4 edition (January|1 |

| | | |5, 2005) | |

|39 |Portfolio Construction, Management, and Protection | South-Western College Pub |4 edition |1 |

| | | |(November 4, 2005)| |

|40 |Personal Financial Planning |South-Western College Pub |10 edition (March |1 |

| | | |31, 2004) | |

|41 |Panic: The Story of Modern Financial Insanity |W.W. Norton & Co. |2008-11-17 |1 |

|42 |Multinational Business Finance |Addison Wesley |11 edition (March |1 |

| | | |20, 2006) | |

|43 |Money, Banking and Financial Markets |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2 edition (August |1 |

| | | |17, 2007) | |

|44 |Monetary Policy, Inflation, and the Business Cycle: An Introduction to the New |Princeton University Press; |2008-02-11 |1 |

| |Keynesian Framework |illustrated edition edition | | |

|45 |Modeling Derivatives in C++ |wiley |2004-09-17 |1 |

|46 |Microeconomics: Theory and Applications with Calculus |Addison Wesley; United States |2007-09-16 |1 |

| | |ed edition | | |

|47 |Microeconomics: Principles, Applications, and Tools |Prentice Hall; 5 edition |2006-12-09 |1 |

|48 |Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction |South-Western College Pub; 8 |2008-01-15 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|49 |Microeconomics and Behavior |McGraw-Hill Inc.,US |1990-12-01 |1 |

|50 |Microeconomics (7th Edition) |Prentice Hall; 7 edition |2008-06-21 |1 |

|51 |Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions |South-Western College Pub; 10 |2007-09-14 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|52 |Microeconomic Theory |Oxford University Press, USA |1995-06-15 |1 |

|53 |Microeconometrics: Methods and Applications |Cambridge University |2005-05-09 |1 |

|54 |Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises |Wiley; 5 edition |2005-10-04 |1 |

|55 |Macroeconomics: Principles, Applications, and Tools |Prentice Hall; 5 edition |2006-12-10 |1 |

|56 |Macroeconomics: Principles and Policy |South-Western College Pub; 10 |2005-06-20 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|57 |Macroeconomics: A Modern Approach |South-Western College Pub; 1 |2007-01-03 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|58 |Macroeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction |South-Western College Pub; 7 |2005-01-05 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|59 |Macroeconomics, Updated Edition |Prentice Hall; 2 edition |2008-12-18 |1 |

|60 |Macroeconomics Study Guide and Workbook |Worth Publishers; Sixth Edition|2006-08-02 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|61 |Macroeconomics (11th Edition) |Addison Wesley; 11 edition |2008-04-06 |1 |

|62 |Investments |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2008-6-18 |1 |

|63 |Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of Any Asset |Wiley |2nd edition |1 |

| | | |(January 18, 2002)| |

|64 |Investment Banking Explained: An Insider's Guide to the Industry |McGraw-Hill; 1 edition |26-Jun-08 |1 |

|65 |Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management |South-Western College |8 edition |1 |

| | |Pub |(November 18, | |

| | | |2005) | |

|66 |Introductory Stochastic Analysis for Finance and Insurance (Wiley Series in |ISBN-10: 0471716421 |  |1 |

| |Probability and Statistics) (Hardcover) | | | |

|67 |Introduction to Modern Economic Growth |Princeton University Press |15-Dec-08 |1 |

|68 |Introduction to Finance: Markets, Investments, and Financial Management |Wiley |13 edition (April |1 |

| | | |18, 2008) | |

|69 |Introduction to Econometrics (2nd Edition) |Addison Wesley |2007 |1 |

|70 |International Macroeconomics |Worth Publishers; 1st edition |2007-12-20 |1 |

|71 |International Financial Management |South-Western College Pub; 9 |2007-09-24 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|72 |Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice |Addison Wesley Longman; 1st |1-Oct-97 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|73 |Handbook of Corporate Finance:emprical corperate finance |North holland |2007 |1 |

|74 |Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System | Princeton University Press |2 edition |1 |

| | | |(September 15, | |

| | | |2008) | |

|75 |Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets and Derivagem Package (6th |ISBN-10: 0136012337 |Prentice Hall |1 |

| |Edition)作者John C. Hull | | | |

|76 |Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets |Prentice Hall |6 edition (August |1 |

| | | |31, 2007) | |

|77 |Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition |South-Western College Pub |5 edition |1 |

| | | |(February 6, 2006)| |

|78 |Frontiers in quantitative finance |亚马逊 |2008年 |1 |

|79 |Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions (4th Edition) |Prentice Hall; 4 edition |1-Feb-09 |1 |

|80 |Focus on Personal Finance (The Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Finance, Insurance and |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2 edition |1 |

| |Real Estate) | |(September | |

| | | |25,2007) | |

|81 |Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |3 edition (January|1 |

| | | |30, 2006) | |

|82 |Financial Shock:A 360º Look at Subprime Mortgage Implosion, and How to Avoid the | FT Press |1 edition |1 |

| |Next Financial Crisis | |(July 19, 2008) | |

|83 |Financial Reckoning Day: Surviving the Soft Depression of the 21st Century |Wiley |2003-09-29 |1 |

|84 |Financial Modeling |The MIT Press |3 edition |1 |

| | | |(February 29, | |

| | | |2008) | |

|85 |Financial Markets and Institutions (6th Edition) |Addison Wesley; 6 edition |17-Jan-08 |1 |

|86 |Financial Management: Theory & Practice |South-Western College Pub; 12 |20-Mar-07 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|87 |Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money |Wiley; 9 edition |11-Mar-05 |1 |

|88 |Elements of Financial Risk Management (Hardcover) |Christoffersen Academic Press |2003 |1 |

|89 |Dynamic Asset Pricing Theory |Princeton University Press |2001-11-1 |1 |

|90 |Derivatives Markets(2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Series in Finance) |Addison Wesley |2 edition |1 |

| | | |(December 25, | |

| | | |2005) | |

|91 |Corporate Finance |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2006-11-14 |1 |

|92 |Contract Theory |The MIT Press |2005-01-01 |1 |

|93 |Comparing Financial Systems |The MIT Press |2001-3-1 |1 |

|94 |Commercial Bank Management |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2001-8-7 |1 |

|95 |Chain of Blame: How Wall Street Caused the Mortgage and Credit Crisis |Wiley |July 8,2008 |1 |

|96 |Basic Finance: An Introduction to Financial Institutions, Investments and Management|South-Western College Pub |9 edition |1 |

| | | |(February 9, 2006)| |

|97 |Analysis of Financial Time Series (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) |Wiley-Interscience |ISBN-10: |1 |

| | | |0471690740 | |

|98 |An Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management | South-Western College Pub |7 edition |1 |

| | | |(September 21, | |

| | | |2006) | |

|99 |Advanced Microeconomic Theory |Addison Wesley; 2nd edition |2000-07-29 |1 |

|100 |A Demon of Our Own Design:Markets, Hedge Funds, and the Perils of Financial | Wiley |December 10, 2008 |1 |

| |Innovation | | | |

|101 |Baring brothers and the birth of global finance |Pickering & chatto |2007-10-01 |1 |

|102 |The Basel Handbook (2nd edition): A Guide for Financial Practitioners |Riskbooks |2006 |1 |

|103 |Butterworths Securities & Financial Services Law Handbook Tenth edition |Butterworths Imprint |2009 |1 |

|104 |Trade disputes and the dispute settlement understanding of the wto |Emerald group publishing |2009-01-01 |1 |

| | |limited | | |

|105 |Financial Markets and Institutions in the Arab Economy |Nova |2008-05-01 |1 |

|106 |Accounting/finance lessons of enron |World Scientific |2008-04-27 |1 |

|107 |Personal finance |IRWIN |2008-09-01 |1 |

|108 |Focus on personal finance, Second Edition |McGraw-Hill |2007 |1 |

|109 |Personal tax service |Tottel publishing ltd |2008-01-01 |1 |

|110 |Personal tax: self-assessment |Tottel publishing ltd |2008-01-01 |1 |

|111 |Multistate Guide To Insurance Premium Financing |CCH |2008-1-1 |1 |

|112 |Follow the Fed to Investment Success: The Effortless Strategy to Beating Wall Street|Wiley |2008-04-16 |1 |

|113 |Workshop Statistics: Discovery with Data, 2nd Edition |Wiley |2008-06-30 |1 |

|114 |Corporate Financial Strategy, 3e |Butterworth-Heinemann |2008-08-18 |1 |

|115 |Corporate Controller's Handbook of Financial Management (2008-2009) |CCH |2008-06-01 |1 |

|116 |Corporate Controller's Handbook of Financial Management (2007-2008) |CCH |2007-06-01 |1 |

|117 |The fundamentals of corporate finance |McGraw-Hill |2008 |1 |

|118 |corporate finance : core applications principles and applications |IRWIN |2008-10-01 |1 |

|119 |The fundamentals of corporate finance +standard &poor's educational version of |IRWIN |2008-09-01 |1 |

| |market insight | | | |

|120 |essentials of corporate finance, Sixth Edition |McGraw-Hill |2007 |1 |

|121 |principles of corprote finance concise with bind- in card --mandatory package |McGraw-Hill |2008 |1 |

|122 |Dividends And Dividend Policy |John Wiley & Sons |2009-04-15 |1 |

|123 |Fixed Income Analysis 2E (CFA) and Student Workbook Set |Wiley |2008-06-26 |1 |

|124 |Strategic Asset Allocation In Fixed Income Markets - A Matlab Based User'S Guide |Wiley |2008-09-26 |1 |

|125 |Panel Data Analysis |John Wiley and Sons Ltd |2008-06-06 |1 |

|126 |Invest!: Optimizing Return on Fixed Asset Investments |John Wiley & Sons |2008-09-01 |1 |

|127 |The Lies About Money |Free Press |2008 |1 |

|128 |International Financial Statement Analysis |Wiley |2008-10-22 |1 |

|129 |IMF, World Bank and Policy Reform |Routledge |2007-09-01 |1 |

|130 |IMF Exchange Rate Policy Advice |International Monetary Fund |2007-10-01 |1 |

|131 |The IMF and its critics |Cambridge University Press |2009-01-01 |1 |

|132 |International monetary economics |Routledge |2008-10-10 |1 |

|133 |International Monetary Policies |Kessinger Publishing |2007-03-01 |1 |

|134 |International Finance Fifth Edition |Routledge |2009-05-01 |1 |

|135 |International Finance |Princeton University Press |2009-03-02 |1 |

|136 |The Law of International Finance |Oxford University Press |2008 |1 |

|137 |Risk in International Finance |Routledge |2008-03-10 |1 |

|138 |Managing International Financial Risk: 2004 |WorldTrade Executive |2005-06-26 |1 |

|139 |Financial Regulation and Implementing Rules Applicable to the General Budget |European Communities |2008 |1 |

| |Synoptic Presentation and a Selection of Legal to Establishing and Implemer | | | |

|140 |Financial Crises |Cambridge University Press |2008 |1 |

|141 |The Finance Crisis and Rescue |University of Toronto Press |2009 |1 |

|142 |Introductory Econometrics for Finance 2nd Edition |Cambridge University Press |2008-May |1 |

|143 |Financial Econometrics 2nd edition |Routledge |2008-07-22 |1 |

|144 |Financial Surveillance |WILEY & SONS |2007-12-1 |1 |

|145 |Financial Regulators |Nova |2008-10-01 |1 |

|146 |Financial Modelling in Practice: A Concise Guide for Intermediate and Advanced Level|Wiley |2008-10-24 |1 |

|147 |Financial Economics |Pearson Education (US) |2008-03-28 |1 |

|148 |Financial and Estate Planning Guide (2008) |CCH Incorporated |2007-10-01 |1 |

|149 |Finance and Development |Cambridge University Press |2008-May |1 |

|150 |Financial and Managerial Accounting |McGraw-Hill Education - Europe |2006-10-01 |1 |

|151 |Finance and Sustainable Development |Brookings Institution |2008-08-01 |1 |

|152 |Financial Founding Fathers |The University of Chicago Press|2006-06-30 |1 |

|153 |Financial Factors in Economic Stabilization and Growth |Cambridge University Press |2008 |1 |

|154 |Cross-cultural Marketing |Taylor & Francis Ltd |2007-11-01 |1 |

|155 |Fast Track Structured Finance Modeling |Wiley |2009 |1 |

|156 |Fast Track Financial Analysis And Forecasting |CCH |2001-1-1 |1 |

|157 |Forgive Us Our Debts : The Intergenerational Dangers of Fiscal Irresponsibility |Yale University Press |2008-05-15 |1 |

|158 |Structured Finance in Latin America |World Bank Publications |2007-07-01 |1 |

|159 |Rugman reviews international business |Macmillan |2008-12-12 |1 |

|160 |European–American Trade and Financial Alliances |Edward Elgar |2005 |1 |

|161 |Fiscal Policy in the European Union |Macmillan |2008-11-21 |1 |

|162 |The Monetary Integration in the European Union |Palgrave Macmillan |2009 |1 |

|163 |Problems of governance in the European Union : migration, monetary integration, |Edwin Mellen Pr |2008-09-19 |1 |

| |socio-economic change, and trade | | | |

|164 |European Union and Trade Barriers in Europe |Nova |2008-08-01 |1 |

|165 |The Birth of the Euro |Cambridge University Press |2008-Sep |1 |

|166 |European Single Financial Market 2006/07 |Euromoney Yearbooks |2006 |1 |

|167 |Environmental Policy Convergence in Europe |Cambridge University Press |2008-Jun |1 |

|168 |Adjustment and growth in the european monetary union |Cambridge University Press |2009-01-01 |1 |

|169 |The future of the emu |Macmillan |2009-01-23 |1 |

|170 |Sustaining European Monetary Union |Lynne Rienner Publishers Inc,US|2006-09-15 |1 |

|171 |Financial Services Regulation in Europe |Oxford University Press |2009 |1 |

|172 |Financial Services in Europe: An Introductory Overview |Kluwer Law |2007 |1 |

|173 |Building the Financial Foundations of the Euro |Routledge |2008-03-31 |1 |

|174 |European Financial Markets and Institutions |Cambridge University Press |2009 |1 |

|175 |Currency and competitiveness in europe |Edward elgar publishing Ltd. |2008-01-01 |1 |

|176 |Futures Game |McGraw-Hill Education - Europe |2007-07-04 |1 |

|177 |Trading Futures For Dummies |Wiley |2008-06-17 |1 |

|178 |Future of Business |Thomson Learning |2007-06-29 |1 |

|179 |Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets |Pearson Education (US) |2007-08-28 |1 |

|180 |Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives |Prentice Hall |2008-05-01 |1 |

|181 |Options: Basic Theory, Applications And Extensions |WSPC |2009-05-03 |1 |

|182 |Option Volatility and Pricing |McGraw-Hill Education - Europe |2007-07-04 |1 |

|183 |Option Strategies: Profit-Making Techniques for Stock, Stock Index, and Commodity |John Wiley &Sons |2008-07-16 |1 |

| |Options, 3rd Edition | | | |

|184 |The Complete Guide to Option Strategies: Advanced and Basic Strategies on Stocks, |Wiley |2008-12-17 |1 |

| |ETFs, Indexes and Stock Index Futures | | | |

|185 |Options Monster |John Wiley and Sons Ltd |2007-07-18 |1 |

|186 |Volatility Edge in Options Trading |Pearson Education Limited |2008-02-28 |1 |

|187 |Option Theory And Trading: A Step-By-Step Guide To Control Risk And Generate Profits|John Wiley & Sons |2009-04-15 |1 |

|188 |Gendering the World Bank |Palgrave Macmillan |2009 |1 |

|189 |The Political Economy of the World Bank: The Early Years |Stanford University Press |2009 |1 |

|190 |Global Banking & Financial Policy Review 2006/07 |Euromoney Yearbooks |2006 |1 |

|191 |The World Bank and the Gods of Lending |Kumarian Press |2008 |1 |

|192 |The Political Economy of the World Bank |The World Bank |2008 |1 |

|193 |Global Securitisation Review 2006/07 |Euromoney Yearbooks |2006 |1 |

|194 |The WTO, Trade and the Environment |Edward Elgar |2005 |1 |

|195 |The WTO and International Trade Law / Dispute Settlement |Edward Elgar |2005 |1 |

|196 |World Trade Organisation and Protest Movements |Taylor&Francis Ltd |2009-02-01 |1 |

|197 |Social Protection & Labor at the World Bank, 2000-2007 |A Foreign Exchange Primer, 2nd |2008-10-27 |1 |

| | |Edition | | |

|198 |Mathematical Finance |Wiley - Iste |2008 |1 |

|199 |Aspects of Mathematical Finance |Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelbe|2008-02-27 |1 |

|200 |Mathematical Control Theory and Finance |Springer-Verlag Berlin |2008-07-18 |1 |

| | |Heidelberg | | |

|201 |The Speculation Economy |MCGRAW-HILL PROFESSIONAL |2007-11-22 |1 |

|202 |Investments |Addison-Wesley |2008-02-01 |1 |

|203 |Investments with package |McGraw-Hill |2008 |1 |

|204 |Investments, 2nd Edition |Wiley |2008-04-11 |1 |

|205 |Investments |John Wiley and Sons Ltd |2007-07-19 |1 |

|206 |Excel Modeling and Estimation in the Fundamentals of Investments |Pearson Education (US) |2008-04-28 |1 |

|207 |Capital allowances: transactions and planning 2008/09 |Tottel publishing |2008-08-01 |1 |

|208 |Getting Started in Investment Analysis |Wiley |2008-10-22 |1 |

|209 |Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management |Thomson Learning |2009-01-18 |1 |

|210 |Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management (with Thomson ONE - Business School |South Western Cengage Learn |2008-10-14 |1 |

| |Edition) | | | |

|211 |Investment Management: Performance Evaluation Of Different Schemes Of Mutual Funds |ABD PUBLISHERS |2008 |1 |

|212 |Investment Management |Springer-Verlag Berlin |2009-02-01 |1 |

| | |Heidelber | | |

|213 |Business Knowledge for IT in Investment Management |Essvale Corporation Limited |2008-02-01 |1 |

|214 |Fundamentals of investment management with S&P bind-in card, Ninth Edition |McGraw-Hill |2007 |1 |

|215 |Accounting For Investments: Equity, Futures And Options |John Wiley & Sons |2009-04-30 |1 |

|216 |Deal Terms: The Finer Points of Venture Capital Deal Structures, Valuations, Term |Aspatore Books |2006 |1 |

| |Sheets, Stock Options and Getting Deals Done | | | |

|217 |Solutions Manual for Use with Essentials of Investments |Irwin/McGraw-Hill |2007-10-01 |1 |

|218 |Student Problem Manual for Use with Essentials of Investments |Irwin/McGraw-Hill |2007-11-01 |1 |

|219 |Term Sheets & Valuations: A Line by Line Look at the Intricacies of Term Sheets & |Aspatore Books |2006 |1 |

| |Valutions | | | |

|220 |Investment Behaviour And Risk Management |Global Research Publications |2009 |1 |

|221 |Fundamentals of investments with S&P card + stok-tark card |IRWIN |2008-09-01 |1 |

|222 |Essentials of investments with S&P bind-in card |McGraw-Hill |2007 |1 |

|223 |Investment Performance Measurement |Wiley |2009 |1 |

|224 |Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and M&A Sale Process |Jhon Wiley & Sons |2009 |1 |

|225 |Investment Banking Applications |Essvale Corporation Limited |2008-03-01 |1 |

|226 |Excel Modeling and Estimation in Investments |Pearson Education (US) |2008-04-28 |1 |

|227 |Investing in Renewable Energy: Making Money on Green Chip Stocks |John Wiley & Sons |2008-09-17 |1 |

|228 |Financing Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises |World Bank Pubns |2008 |1 |

|229 |Investors and Markets |University Presses of |2008-07-21 |1 |

| | |California, Columbia and | | |

| | |Princeton | | |

|230 |Investor Relations |Macmillan |2008-12-05 |1 |

|231 |Investment Trackers |Harriman House Publishing |2008-03-31 |1 |

|232 |Managing Investment Portfolios: Workbook: A Dynamic Process Set, 3rd Edition |John Wiley & Sons |2007-07-02 |1 |

|233 |Managing Investment Portfolios 3E: A Dynamic Process (CFA) and Student Workbook Set |Wiley |2008-06-27 |1 |

|234 |Portfolio Construction and Risk Budgeting (3rd ed) |Risk Books |2007-04-01 |1 |

|235 |Business Knowledge for IT in Foreign Exchange |Essvale Corporation Limited |2007-11-01 |1 |

|236 |Foreign Exchange Reserves Management |Wiley |2008-09-12 |1 |

|237 |Theory And Empirics Of Exchange Rates, The |World Scientific |2009-06-20 |1 |

|238 |Essentials of Foreign Exchange Trading |Wiley |2009 |1 |

|239 |Modeling Foreign Exchange Options: A Quantitative approach |Wiley |2008-05-15 |1 |

|240 |The Forex Options Course: A Self-Study Guide to Trading Currency Options |Wiley |2008-11-19 |1 |

|241 |A Foreign Exchange Primer, 2nd Edition |Wiley |2008-11-21 |1 |

|242 |International Finance in Emerging Markets |Physica-Verlag Heidelberg |2008-06-11 |1 |

|243 |Financial Markets Volatility and Performance in Emerging Markets |University of Chicago Press |2008 |1 |

|244 |Mastering Credit Derivatives: A step-by-step guide to credit derivatives and |FT Press |2008-11-21 |1 |

| |structured credit derivatives | | | |

|245 |Credit Derivatives |Globe Business Publishing |2007-08-01 |1 |

|246 |Bubbles in Credit and Currency |Palgrave Macmillan |2008-08-22 |1 |

|247 |Behavioural Finance |John Wiley & Sons |2009-05-29 |1 |

|248 |Introduction to Derivatives : Options, Futures, and Swaps |Oxford University Press |2008-04-15 |1 |

|249 |exotic derivatives and risk |World Scientific |2008-09-08 |1 |

|250 |Financial Derivatives |Cambridge University Press |2008-11 |1 |

|251 |introducation to oerivative financial instuments |McGraw-Hill |2008 |1 |

|252 |Fundamentals of Derivatives Markets |Addison Wesley Higher Education|2008-04-04 |1 |

|253 |Business Knowledge for IT in Derivatives |Essvale Corporation Limited |2007-12-01 |1 |

|254 |Numerical and Computational Methods for Derivative Pricing |John Wiley and Sons Ltd |2008-07-04 |1 |

|255 |Fundamentals of Derivatives Markets |Pearson Education (US) |2008-05-28 |1 |

|256 |Essays in Derivatives: Risk-Transfer Tools and Topics Made Easy, 2nd Edition |Wiley |2008-05-21 |1 |

|257 |derivatives and risk management |McGraw-Hill |2008 |1 |

|258 |Islamic Finance - Progress And Challenges |Wiley |2008-07-31 |1 |

|259 |Business Knowledge for IT in Islamic Finance |Essvale Corporation Limited |2008-04-01 |1 |

|260 |Islamic Finance Review 2006/07 |Euromoney Yearbooks |2006 |1 |

|261 |Islamic Financial and Banking System Handbook |International Business |2006-05-01 |1 |

| | |Publications, USA | | |

|262 |Islamic Economics and Finance |Routledge |2007-09-01 |1 |

|263 |Developments in Islamic Banking |Palgrave Macmillan |2008-07-04 |1 |

|264 |Who What Where Guide to Islamic Banking and Systems |IBS Publishing Ltd |2008-03-01 |1 |

|265 |Islamic Capital Markets: Products, Regulation and Development |Islamic Research and Training |2008 |1 |

| | |Institute (IRTI) | | |

|266 |Dynamics of bank deposits |Berghahn |2006-12-05 |1 |

|267 |Bank Marketing |Discovery Publishing House Pvt.|2008 |1 |

| | |Ltd. | | |

|268 |Securities Activities of Banks, Third Edition |Aspen |2007 |1 |

|269 |Analyzing and managing banking risk (3rd edition) |The world bank |2009-02-12 |1 |

|270 |Risk Management in Banking, 3rd Edition |Wiley |2008-10-17 |1 |

|271 |Foundations of Banking Risk and Regulation : An Overview of Banking, Banking Risks, |Jhon Wiley & Sons |2009 |1 |

| |and Risk-Based Banking Regulation | | | |

|272 |Banking Management |Mohit publications |2008 |1 |

|273 |Bank Management: Text and Cases, 6th Edition |John Wiley and Sons Ltd |2008-10-06 |1 |

|274 |Practical Guide To Bank Compliance |CCH |2007-12-01 |1 |

|275 |Banking With Technology |NEW CENTURY PUBLICATIONS |2008 |1 |

|276 |The Banker's Handbook on Credit Risk: Implementing Basel II |Academic Press |2008-5-1 |1 |

|277 |Understanding Baking |John Wiley and Sons Ltd |2006-04-06 |1 |

|278 |Business Knowledge for IT in Bank Treasury Management |Essvale Corporation Limited |2008-01-01 |1 |

|279 |Regulation of Bank Financial Service Activities, 3rd, 2008 Selected Statutes and |Thomson West |2008-01-01 |1 |

| |Regulations | | | |

|280 |Emerging topics in banking and finance |Nova Science Pubs |2008-09-16 |1 |

|281 |Business Knowledge for IT in Retail Banking |Essvale Corporation Limited |2007-08-01 |1 |

|282 |Managing Liquidity In Banks: A Top Down Approach |John Wiley & Sons |2009-04-03 |1 |

|283 |Career Opportunities in Banking, Finance, and Insurance |Facts On File Inc |2007-07-15 |1 |

|284 |Emerging Trends In The Banking Sector |MACMILLAN INDIA LIMITED |2008 |1 |

|285 |Morality and Moral Reasoning in the Banking Industry |VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller e.K. |2008 |1 |

|286 |Microeconometrics of Banking Methods, Applications, and Results |Oxford University Press |2009 |1 |

|287 |Banking Sector Reforms: A Fresh Outlook |Mahamaya Publishing House |2009 |1 |

|288 |Banking Regulation and Globalization |Oxford University Press |2008 |1 |

|289 |Banking And Its Credit Creation |Pearl Books |2008 |1 |

|290 |The Economics of Banking 2e |Wiley |2008-04-11 |1 |

|291 |Banking History, Law And Practice |CYBER TECH PUBLICATIONS |2009 |1 |

|292 |Microeconomics of bangking ,2nd edition |MIT Press |2008-03-14 |1 |

|293 |Communication-based Assessment for Bank Operations |The World Bank Publications |2007 |1 |

|294 |Bank Fees: Creeping Up and Up |Nova |2008-10-01 |1 |

|295 |Survivor's Guide to Banking Systems Selection |IBS Publishing Ltd |2008-02-25 |1 |

|296 |Elements of Banking and Insurance |Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd |2007-09-01 |1 |

|297 |Banking And The Law : A User's Manual (Banking Series) |ICFAI UNIVERSITY PRESS |2008 |1 |

|298 |Banking And Industrial Finance: Theory And Analysis |Cyber Tech Publications |2009 |1 |

|299 |Encyclpaedia Of Banking And Finance |CYBER TECH PUBLICATIONS |2009 |1 |

|300 |Banking and Finance in Principle |Thomson Legal & Regulatory |2007-07-31 |1 |

|301 |Banking Services And Information Technology: The Indian Experience |NEW CENTURY PUBLICATIONS |2008 |1 |

|302 |Principles Of Banking (With Case Studies) |Surendra Publications |2009 |1 |

|303 |Principles Of Banking : Utility And Economy |CYBER TECH PUBLICATIONS |2009 |1 |

|304 |Professional Management In Banks: A Study Of Co-Operative Sector |SHREE PUBLISHER & DISTRIBUTORS |2007 |1 |

|305 |Asset Liability Management In Banks: Emerging Challenges (Banking Series) |ICFAI UNIVERSITY PRESS |2007 |1 |

|306 |global competitiveness report 2007-2008 |palgrave macmillan |2007.09 |1 |

|307 |Green development:environment and sustainability in a developing world |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.11 |1 |

|308 |green economics: an introduction to theory, policy and practice |earthscan |2008 |1 |

|309 |High-tech industries,employment and global competitiveness |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.08 |1 |

|310 |how China grows: investment, finance, and reform |princeton university press |2007 |1 |

|311 |india, China and globalization |palgrave macmillan |2007 |1 |

|312 |inequality, consumer credit and the saving puzzle |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2008 |1 |

|313 |institutional foundations of public finance |harvard university press |2009 |1 |

|314 |international handbook of development economics,volumes 1 & 2 |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2008 |1 |

|315 |internationalising China's financial markets |palgrave macmillan |2008 |1 |

|316 |interpreting keynes for the 21st century |macmillan |2007.07 |1 |

|317 |Japan's economic revival |palgrave macmillan |2008 |1 |

|318 |capital, time and transitional dynamics |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.10 |1 |

|319 |eliminating Poverty Through Development in China |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.10 |1 |

|320 |classical economics and modern theory |Routledge |2007 |1 |

|321 |climate change and economic development |palgrave macmillan |2007 |1 |

|322 |current thinking on fiscal policy |palgrave macmillan |2008 |1 |

|323 |debt, innovations, and deflation |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2008 |1 |

|324 |error in economics: towards a more evidence-based methodology |Routledge |2007 |1 |

|325 |evolution of regionalism in Asia |routledge |2007.12 |1 |

|326 |evolving economy:essays on the evolutionary approach to economics |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2006 |1 |

|327 |corruption, development and institutional design |palgrave macmillan |2008.01 |1 |

|328 |economic reform in developing countries |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2008 |1 |

|329 |inflation and unemployment in a monetary union |spinger-verlag berlin |2008 |1 |

| | |heidelberg | | |

|330 |innovations in macroconomics |spinger-verlag berlin |2008 |1 |

| | |heidelberg | | |

|331 |achievement evalution of IFI assistance loans to China |springer |2007 |1 |

|332 |economics: principles and policy, 2007 update |thomson learning |2007 |1 |

|333 |financial factors in economic stabilization and growth |cambridge university press |2008.09 |1 |

|334 |forecasting expected retruns in the financial markets |academic press |2007.08 |1 |

|335 |handbook of law and economics |north holland |2007 |1 |

|336 |inequality and growth: theory and policy implications |MIT press |2007 |1 |

|337 |cause of growth and stagnation in the world economy |cambridge university press |2007 |1 |

|338 |asset pricing for dynamic economies |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|339 |encyclopaedia of economics |M D publications PVT LTD |2008.07 |1 |

|340 |encyclopaedia of quantitative risk analysis and assessment |john wiley & sons |2008 |1 |

|341 |agriculture in China's modern economic development |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|342 |China's monetary challenges:past experiences and future prospects |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|343 |Chinese economic development |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.10 |1 |

|344 |Chinese economic renaissance: apocalypse or cornucopia |palgrave macmillan |2008 |1 |

|345 |Chinese economic statistics in the Maoist era |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.12 |1 |

|346 |law and economics |Routledge |2007 |1 |

|347 |leading contemporary economists |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.09 |1 |

|348 |linkages between China's regions |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2008 |1 |

|349 |macroeconomic policy: demystifying monetary and fiscal policy |springer-verlag US |2009 |1 |

|350 |macroeconomic volatility, institutions and financial architectures |palgrave macmillan |2007 |1 |

|351 |Running a Public Company: From IPO to SEC Reporting |Wiley |2009.8 |1 |

|352 | Group Insurance, 5th Edition |ACTEX Publications |2007-1-2 |1 |

|353 | Property-Casualty Insurance Accounting with CD ROM, 8th Edition, 2003 |ACTEX Publications |2003-4-15 |1 |

|354 | Valuation of Life Insurance Liabilities, 4th Edition, 2006 |ACTEX Publications |2006-4-1 |1 |

|355 |A Practical Guide to ETF Trading Systems |Harriman House |2009.11 |1 |

|356 |A Practical Guide to Sovereign Wealth Funds |Euromoney Institutional |2008.11 |1 |

| | |Investor | | |

|357 |Actuarial Aspects of Individual Life Insurance and Annuity Contracts, 2nd Edition |Actuarial Aspects of Individual|2007-1-1 |1 |

| | |Life Insurance and Annuity | | |

| | |Contracts, 2nd Edition | | |

|358 |Advanced Financial Risk Management |Wiley |2004 |1 |

|359 |Advanced Private Equity Term Sheets and Series A Documents (Corporate Securities |Law Journal Seminars Press |2003.1 |1 |

| |Series.) | | | |

|360 |Allocation of Marketing Resources to Optimize Customer Equity: Managing Customers as|Suedwestdeutscher Verlag fuer |2009.1 |1 |

| |Financial Assets |Hochschulschriften | | |

|361 |Alternative Risk Transfer: Integrated Risk Management through Insurance, |Wiley |2004 |1 |

| |Reinsurance, and the Capital Markets | | | |

|362 |An Introduction to Credit Risk Modeling |Chapman and Hall/CRC |2002 |1 |

|363 |An Introduction to High-Frequency Finance |Academic Press |2001.3 |1 |

|364 |An Introduction to Investment Banks, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity: The New |Academic Press |2010.3 |1 |

| |Paradigm | | | |

|365 |Analysing and Interpreting the Yield Curve |Wiley |2004.2 |1 |

|366 |Applied Value Investing: The Practical Application of Benjamin Graham and Warren |McGraw-Hill |2009.7 |1 |

| |Buffett's Valuation Principles to Acquisitions, Catastrophe Pricing and Business | | | |

| |Execution | | | |

|367 |Are You a Stock or a Bond?: Create Your Own Pension Plan for a Secure Financial |FT Press |2008.9 |1 |

| |Future | | | |

|368 |Asset Allocation and International Investments |Palgrave Macmillan |2006.12 |1 |

|369 |Asset Liability Management for Individual Investors: Models for an optimal strategic|VDM Verlag Dr. Müller |2009.12 |1 |

| |asset allocation | | | |

|370 |Basel II Implementation: A Guide to Developing and Validating a Compliant, Internal |McGraw-Hill |2008 |1 |

| |Risk Rating System | | | |

|371 |Beyond the Random Walk: A Guide to Stock Market Anomalies and Low-Risk Investing |Oxford University Press, USA |2006 |1 |

| |(Financial Management Association Survey and Synthesis Series) | | | |

|372 |Bond and Money Markets: Strategy, Trading, Analysis (Securities Institution |Butterworth-Heinemann |2001.5 |1 |

| |Professional Reference Series) | | | |

|373 |Bond Markets, Analysis, and Strategies |Prentice Hall |2009.2 |1 |

|374 |Break Down Your Money: How to Get Beyond the Noise to Profit in the Markets |Wiley |2008.6 |1 |

|375 |Canadian Handbook of Flexible Benefits, 3rd Edition, 2007 |Willey |2007-1-1 |1 |

|376 |Cash CDO Modelling in Excel: A Step by Step Approach |Wiley |2010.6 |1 |

|377 |Central Bank Management |John Mendzela and Nick Carver |2008 |1 |

|378 |Commercial Real Estate Analysis and Investments (with CD-ROM) |South-Western Educational Pub |2006.12 |1 |

|379 |Conflicts of Interest in Initial Public Offerings (IPOs): A Systematic Review of |VDM Verlag Dr. Müller |2009.12 |1 |

| |Literature | | | |

|380 |Corporate Divestitures: A Mergers and Acquisitions Best Practices Guide |Wiley |2008.4 |1 |

|381 |Corporate Financial Distress and Bankruptcy: Predict and Avoid Bankruptcy, Analyze |Wiley |2005 |1 |

| |and Invest in Distressed Debt , 3rd Edition | | | |

|382 |Corporate Restructuring (The International Library of Critical Writings in Financial|Edward Elgar Publishing |2005.4 |1 |

| |Economics) | | | |

|383 |Counterparty Credit Risk: The new challenge for global financial markets |Wiley |2010 |1 |

|384 |Credit Derivatives: Techniques to Manage Credit Risk for Financial Professionals |McGraw-Hill |2006 |1 |

|385 |Credit Risk Assessment: The New Lending System for Borrowers, Lenders, and Investors|Wiley |2008 |1 |

|386 |Credit Risk Management: Basic Concepts |Oxford University Press, USA |2009 |1 |

|387 |Credit Risk Management: How to Avoid Lending Disasters and Maximize Earnings |McGraw-Hill |2007 |1 |

|388 |Credit Risk Measurement: New Approaches to Value at Risk and Other Paradigms, 2nd |Wiley |2002 |1 |

| |Edition | | | |

|389 |Dealing with Financial Risk: A Guide to Financial Risk Management |David Shirreff Economist Books |2004 |1 |

|390 |Dear Mr. Buffett: What An Investor Learns 1,269 Miles From Wall Street |Wiley |2009.1 |1 |

|391 |Derivatives: Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management |Wiley |2006 |1 |

|392 |Dynamic Asset Allocation with Forwards and Futures |Springer |2005.3 |1 |

|393 |Economic Capital and Financial Risk Management for Financial Services Firms and |Palgrave Macmillan |2005 |1 |

| |Conglomerates | | | |

|394 |Encyclopedia of Alternative Investments |Chapman and Hall |2008.8 |1 |

|395 |Energy Markets: Price Risk Management and Trading |Wiley & Sons Ltd |2007 |1 |

|396 |Enhanced Indexing Strategies: Utilizing Futures and Options to Achieve Higher |Wiley |2008.11 |1 |

| |Performance | | | |

|397 |Equity and Index Options Explained |Wiley |2009.6 |1 |

|398 |Exchange Traded Funds as an Investment Option |Palgrave Macmillan |2005.11 |1 |

|399 |Extreme Financial Risks: From Dependence to Risk Management |Springer |2005 |1 |

|400 |Fat-Tailed and Skewed Asset Return Distributions : Implications for Risk Management,|Wiley |2005 |1 |

| |Portfolio Selection, and Option Pricing | | | |

|401 |Financial Accounting |Prentice Hall |2008 |1 |

|402 |Financial Accounting Fundamentals 2009 Edition |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2008 |1 |

|403 |Financial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses |South-Western College Pub |2009 |1 |

|404 |Financial Accounting: The Impact on Decision Makers |South-Western College Pub |2010 |1 |

|405 |Financial Derivatives and the Globalization of Risk |Duke University Press |2004 |1 |

|406 |Financial Derivatives: Pricing and Risk Management |Wiley |2009 |1 |

|407 |Financial Econometrics: From Basics to Advanced Modeling Techniques |Wiley |2006.12 |1 |

|408 |Financial Engineering: Derivatives and Risk Management |Wiley |2001 |1 |

|409 |Financial Regulation after the Global Recession |Palgrave Macmillan |2009-12-22 |1 |

|410 |Financial Reporting and Analysis |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2008.6 |1 |

|411 |Financial Risk Management with Bayesian Estimation of GARCH Models |Springer |2008 |1 |

|412 |Financial Risk Management: A Practitioner's Guide to Managing Market and Credit Risk|Wiley |2003 |1 |

|413 |Financial Supervision in a Comparative Perspective |Intersentia Uitgevers N V |2010-5-1 |1 |

|414 |Fixed Income Securities: Tools for Today's Markets, Second Edition |Wiley |2002.8 |1 |

|415 |Fixed-Income Securities: Valuation, Risk Management and Portfolio Strategies |Wiley |2003 |1 |

|416 |Foundations of Financial Management |Richard D Irwin |2000 |1 |

|417 |Foundations of Multinational Financial Management |Wiley |2008.2 |1 |

|418 |Fundamentals of Corporate Finance + Standard & Poor's Educational Version of Market |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2008.9 |1 |

| |Insight | | | |

|419 |Fundamentals of Futures and Options Markets (Solutions Manual and Study Guide) |Prentice Hall |2007.8 |1 |

|420 |Global Tactical Asset Allocation: Exploiting the opportunity of relative movements |Risk Books |2007.12 |1 |

| |across asset classes and financial markets | | | |

|421 |Going-Public Reverse Mergers: Examples And Benchmark Data |Robert/Comment |2008.8 |1 |

|422 |Going-Public Reverse Mergers: Examples And Benchmark Data |Robert/Comment |2008.8 |1 |

|423 |Goldman Sachs: Samuel Sachs, Entrepreneur, New York Stock Exchange, Initial Public |Alphascript Publishing |2009.1 |1 |

| |Offering, Privatization, Hedge Fund, Alliance Atlantis, CSI: Crime Scene | | | |

| |Investigation | | | |

|424 |High Probability ETF Trading: 7 Professional Strategies To Improve Your ETF Trading |TradingMarkets |2009.5 |1 |

|425 |High Probability trading |McGraw-Hill |2003.1 |1 |

|426 |High Probability Trading Strategies: Entry to Exit Tactics for the Forex, Futures, |Wiley |200810 |1 |

| |and Stock Markets | | | |

|427 |How to Buy and/or Sell a Small Business for Maximum Profit -- A Step-by-Step Guide: |Atlantic Publishing |2006.1 |1 |

| |With Companion CD-ROM | | | |

|428 |Individual Health Insurance, 2007 |ACTEX Publications |2007-5-1 |1 |

|429 |Information Risk and Long-Run Performance of Initial Public Offerings |gabler |2008.11 |1 |

|430 |Infrastructure Finance: Trends and Techniques |Euromoney Institutional |2008.6 |1 |

| | |Investor | | |

|431 |Initial Public Offerings (IPO): An International Perspective of IPOs |Butterworth-Heinemann |2005.12 |1 |

|432 |Initial Public Offerings, Liquidity, and Corporate Governance: The hidden economics |LAP Lambert Academic Publishing|2009.1 |1 |

| |behind IPO performance and productivity growth | | | |

|433 |Initial Public Offerings: A Practical Guide to Going Public |Practising Law Institute |2009.11 |1 |

|434 |Innovations in Investments and Corporate Finance, Volume |Elsevier Science |2002.8 |1 |

|435 |Instant Impact: What Venture Capital & Private Equity Professionals Need to Know |Reed Seminars |2009.7 |1 |

| |About the Overhaul of the Financial Regulatory System (CD-ROM) | | | |

|436 |Interest Rate Models, Asset Allocation and Quantitative Techniques for Central Banks|Palgrave Macmillan |2010.1 |1 |

| |and Sovereign Wealth Funds | | | |

|437 |Interest Rate Risk Modeling : The Fixed Income Valuation Course |Wiley |2005 |1 |

|438 |Interest Rate Swaps and Their Derivatives: A Practitioner's Guide |Wiley |2009.9 |1 |

|439 |International and US IPO Planning: A Business Strategy Guide |Wiley |2008.12 |1 |

|440 |Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses |South-Western College Pub |2006 |1 |

|441 |Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management: With Stock-Trak Coupon |Div of Thomson Learning |2006 |1 |

|442 |Investing in Corporate Bonds and Credit Risk |Palgrave Macmillan |2005 |1 |

|443 |Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management |South-Western College Pub |2008.1 |1 |

|444 |Investments + Standard and Poor's Educational Version of Market Insight |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2008.6 |1 |

|445 |Investments, Student Solutions Manual, 8th Edition |McGraw-Hill |2005-4-15 |1 |

|446 |Ipo Decision: Why and How Companies Go Public |Edward Elgar Publishing; |2004 |1 |

| | |illustrated edition edition | | |

|447 |IPOs and Equity Offerings (Securities Institute Global Capital Markets) |Butterworth-Heinemann |2003.7 |1 |

|448 |Life Health & Annuity Reinsurance, 3rd Edition, 2005 |ACTEX Publications |2005-1-1 |1 |

|449 |Liquidity Risk Measurement and Management: A Practitioner's Guide to Global Best |Wiley |2006 |1 |

| |Practices | | | |

|450 |Making the Grade, The Aspiring Actuary's Guidebook to Consistent Exam Success and |ACTEX Publications |2007-1-1 |1 |

| |Advancement in the Workplace, 2nd Edition | | | |

|451 |Managing Operational Risk in Financial Markets |Butterworth-Heinemann |2005 |1 |

|452 |Market Models: A Guide to Financial Data Analysis |Wiley |2001.11 |1 |

|453 |Market Risk Analysis: Practical Financial Econometrics |Wiley |2008.6 |1 |

|454 |Market Risk Analysis: Pricing, Hedging and Trading Financial Instruments |Wiley |2008.6 |1 |

|455 |Market Risk Analysis: Quantitative Methods in Finance |Wiley |2008 |1 |

|456 |Mergers & Acquisitions (SAGE Library in Business and Management) |Sage Publications Ltd |2008.9 |1 |

|457 |Mergers & Acquisitions: An Insider's Guide to the Purchase and Sale of Middle Market|Wiley |2009.2 |1 |

| |Business Interests | | | |

|458 |Mergers and Acquisitions: Current Issues |Palgrave Macmillan |2008.1 |1 |

|459 |Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings |Wiley |2007.2 |1 |

|460 |Modeling, Measuring and Hedging Operational Risk |Wiley |2002 |1 |

|461 |Modern Financial Markets: Prices, Yields and Risk Analysis |Wiley |2006 |1 |

|462 |Money and Capital Markets with S&P Bind-in Card |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2007.12 |1 |

|463 |Morningstar ETF 150: 2008 |Wiley |2008.2 |1 |

|464 |Mutual Funds: Fifty Years of Research Findings |Springer |2005.4 |1 |

|465 |Numerical Methods in Finance and Economics: A MATLAB-Based Introduction |Wiley |200610 |1 |

|466 |Operational Risk : Modeling Analytics |Wiley-Interscience |2006 |1 |

|467 |Operational Risk : Modeling Analytics |Wiley |2006 |1 |

|468 |Operational Risk Management: A Case Study Approach to Effective Planning and |Wiley & Sons |2008 |1 |

| |Response | | | |

|469 |Operational Risk Management: A Case Study Approach to Effective Planning and |Wiley |2008 |1 |

| |Response | | | |

|470 |Operational Risk Toward Basel III: Best Practices and Issues in Modeling, |Wiley Finance |2009 |1 |

| |Management, and Regulation | | | |

|471 |Operational Risk: A Guide to Basel II Capital Requirements, Models, and Analysis |Wiley |2007 |1 |

|472 |Option Strategies: Profit-Making Techniques for Stock, Stock Index, and Commodity |Wiley |2008.8 |1 |

| |Options | | | |

|473 |Options on Extremes and Averages |World Scientific Publishing |2010 |1 |

| | |Company | | |

|474 |Pairs Trading: Quantitative Methods and Analysis |Wiley |2004.8 |1 |

|475 |Plunkett's Banking, Mortgages & Credit Industry Almanac 2010: Banking, Mortgages & |Plunkett Research |2009.11 |1 |

| |Credit Industry Market Research | | | |

|476 |Portfolio Construction, Management, and Protection |South-Western College Pub |2008.1 |1 |

|477 |Portfolio Risk Analysis |Princeton University Press |2010 |1 |

|478 |PRE-IPO AG: International Competitive Benchmarks and Financial Gap Analysis |Icon Group International |2000 |1 |

|479 |Pricing and Performance of Initial Public Offerings in the United States |Transaction Publishers |2008.9 |1 |

|480 |Principles of Finance with Excel: Includes CD |Oxford University Press, USA |2006.1 |1 |

|481 |Principles of Risk Management and Insurance (10th Edition) |Addison Wesley |2007 |1 |

|482 |Private Equity Funds: Formation and Operation |Practising Law Institute |2009.5 |1 |

|483 |Private Equity: A Transactional Analysis, Second Edition |Globe Law and Business |2010.5 |1 |

|484 |Private Equity: History, Governance, and Operations |Wiley |2008.5 |1 |

|485 |Quantifying and Controlling Catastrophic Risks |Garrick Academic Press |2008 |1 |

|486 |Quantitative Finance and Risk Management: A Physicist's Approach |World Scientific Publishing |2004 |1 |

| | |Company | | |

|487 |Quantitative Portfolio Optimisation, Asset Allocation and Risk Management |Palgrave Macmillan |2003.3 |1 |

|488 |Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, and Tools |Princeton University Press |2004 |1 |

|489 |Raising Capital |Springer |2005.4 |1 |

|490 |Real Estate Finance & Investments |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2010.1 |1 |

|491 |Restoring Financial Stability: How to Repair a Failed System (Wiley Finance) |Wiley; 1 edition |2009-3-23 |1 |

|492 |Restructuring for Growth : Alternative Financial Strategies to Increase Shareholder |McGraw-Hill |2002.12 |1 |

| |Value | | | |

|493 |Reverse Mergers: And Other Alternatives to Traditional IPOs (Bloomberg Professional)|Bloomberg Press; 2 edition |2009.12 |1 |

|494 |Reverse Mergers: Taking a Company Public Without an IPO |Bloomberg Press |2006.9 |1 |

|495 |Risk Analysis: A Quantitative Guide |Wiley |2008 |1 |

|496 |Risk and Asset Allocation (Springer Finance) |Springer |2009 |1 |

|497 |Risk Balance and Security |Sage Publications, Inc |2007 |1 |

|498 |Risk Management and Financial Institutions (2nd Edition) |Prentice Hall |2009 |1 |

|499 |Risk Management and Shareholders' Value in Banking: From Risk Measurement Models to |Wiley |2007 |1 |

| |Capital Allocation Policies | | | |

|500 |Risk Management: Approaches for Fixed Income Markets |Wiley |2000 |1 |

|501 |Risk Management: Concepts and Guidance 4th edition |ESI International |2010 |1 |

|502 |Risk Management: Principles and Practices |AIMR (CFA Institute) |1999 |1 |

|503 |Risk Management: Value at Risk and Beyond |Cambridge University Press |2001 |1 |

|504 |Risk-Neutral Valuation: Pricing and Hedging of Financial Derivatives, 2nd Ed |Springer |2005 |1 |

|505 |Risks, Controls, and Security : Concepts and Applications |Wiley |2007 |1 |

|506 |Security Analysis: Sixth Edition, Foreword by Warren Buffett |McGraw-Hill |2008.9 |1 |

|507 |Short Term Trading Strategies That Work |TradingMarkets |2008.11 |1 |

|508 |SII Diploma - Bond and Fixed Interest Markets: Study Book |BPP Learning Media |2009.2 |1 |

|509 |Simple Tools and Techniques for Enterprise Risk Management |Wiley |2006 |1 |

|510 |Simulation and Optimization in Finance |Wiley |2010 |1 |

|511 |Standard & Poor's Fundamentals of Corporate Credit Analysis |McGraw-Hill |2009 |1 |

|512 |Stock Index Futures (Innovative Economics Textbooks) |Ashgate Publishing |2006.4 |1 |

|513 |Strategic Risk Management Practice: How to Deal Effectively with Major Corporate |Cambridge University Press |2010.5 |1 |

| |Exposures | | | |

|514 |Strategic Risk Taking: A Framework for Risk Management |Wharton School Publishing |2009 |1 |

|515 |Structured Credit Products: Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation |Wiley |2010.6 |1 |

|516 |Structuring Venture Capital, Private Equity And Entrepreneurial Transactions, 2006 |Aspen Publishers |2006-07-01 |1 |

|517 |Structuring Venture Capital, Private Equity, and Entrepreneurial Transactions |Aspen Publishers |2009.5 |1 |

|518 |The Basel II Risk Parameters: Estimation, Validation, and Stress Testing |Springer |2009 |1 |

|519 |The Complete Guide to Option Strategies: Advanced and Basic Strategies on Stocks, |Wiley |2009.5 |1 |

| |ETFs, Indexes and Stock Index Futures | | | |

|520 |The CRB Encyclopedia of Commodity and Financial Prices + CD-ROM |Wiley |2009.4 |1 |

|521 |The Credit Scoring Toolkit: Theory and Practice for Retail Credit Risk Management |Oxford University Press, USA |2007 |1 |

| |and Decision Automation | | | |

|522 |The Essentials of Risk Management: The Definitive Guide for the Non-risk |McGraw-Hill Professional |2005 |1 |

| |Professional | | | |

|523 |The Four Filters Invention of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger |Acalmix |2008.7 |1 |

|524 |The Fundamentals of Risk Measurement |McGraw-Hill |2002 |1 |

|525 |The Future of Financial Regulation |Hart Pub |2010-4-1 |1 |

|526 |The Future of Insurance Regulation in the United States |Brookings Institution Press |2009-5-10 |1 |

|527 |The Handbook of Financing Growth: Strategies, Capital Structure, and M&A |Wiley |2009.9 |1 |

| |Transactions | | | |

|528 |The Handbook of Fixed Income Securities, 7th Edition |Irwin Professional Pub |1996-12-1 |1 |

|529 |The Handbook of Risk Management: Implementing a Post Crisis Corporate Culture | Wiley |2010 |1 |

|530 |The M&A Transition Guide: A 10-Step Roadmap for Workforce Integration |Wiley |2001.3 |1 |

|531 |The Measurement of Market Risk: Modelling of Risk Factors, Asset Pricing, and |Springer |2001 |1 |

| |Approximation of Portfolio Distributions | | | |

|532 |The Regulation of International Financial Markets: Perspectives for Reform |Cambridge University Press; 1 |2008-12-11 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|533 |The Risk Modeling Evaluation Handbook: Rethinking Financial Risk Management |McGraw-Hill |2010 |1 |

| |Methodologies in the Global Capital Markets | | | |

|534 |The Standard & Poor's Guide to Measuring and Managing Credit Risk |McGraw-Hill |2004 |1 |

|535 |The Structure of Financial Regulation |Routledge; 1 edition |2007-3-6 |1 |

|536 |The Treasury Bond Basis: An in-Depth Analysis for Hedgers, Speculators, and |McGraw-Hill |2005.7 |1 |

| |Arbitrageurs | | | |

|537 |Theory of Financial Risk and Derivative Pricing: From Statistical Physics to Risk |Cambridge University Press |2009 |1 |

| |Management | | | |

|538 |U.S. GAAP for Life Insurers, 2nd Edition, 2006 |Society of Actuaries |2006-1-1 |1 |

|539 |Ultimate Guide to Personal Finance for Entrepreneurs |Entrepreneur Press |2007.1 |1 |

|540 |Understanding Market, Credit, and Operational Risk: The Value at Risk Approach |Wiley-Blackwell |2004 |1 |

|541 |Understanding Risk: The Theory and Practice of Financial Risk Management |Open University Press |2008 |1 |

|542 |US Initial Public Offerings (IPO) Regulations Handbook |International Business |2010.1 |1 |

| | |Publications | | |

|543 |Value at Risk and Bank Capital Management |Academic Press |2007 |1 |

|544 |Value at Risk and Bank Capital Management: Risk Adjusted Performances, Capital |Francesco Saita Academic Press |2007 |1 |

| |Management and Capital Allocation Decision Making | | | |

|545 |Value at Risk, 3rd Ed.: The New Benchmark for Managing Financial Risk |Wiley & Sons |2005 |1 |

|546 |Value at Risk: Financial Mathematics, Financial Risk Management, Risk Measure, |Betascript Publishing |2010 |1 |

| |Market Risk, Mark to Market Accounting | | | |

|547 |Volatility Trading, + CD-ROM |Wiley |2008.6 |1 |

|548 |Warren Buffett and the Interpretation of Financial Statements: The Search for the |Scribner |2008.1 |1 |

| |Company with a Durable Competitive Advantage | | | |

|549 |Your Money Milestones: A Guide to Making the 9 Most Important Financial Decisions of|FT Press |2010.1 |1 |

| |Your Life | | | |

|550 |Monetary theory and bretton woods |Cambridge University Press |2009-01-01 |1 |

|551 |Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies |Wiley |2007.6.27 |1 |

|552 |Valuation: Mergers, Buyouts and Restructuring (Wiley Finance) |Wiley |2007.11.9 |1 |

|553 |Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Statics |McGraw-Hill Education - Europe |2008-01-01 |1 |

|554 |Venture Capital and Private Equity Contracting: An International Perspective |Academic Press |2009-02-02 |1 |

|555 |Venture Capital and Private Equity: A Casebook |Wiley |2008.5.2 |1 |

|556 |Principles of Corporate Finance with S&P bind-in card |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2007.10.9 |1 |

|557 |Principles of Managerial Finance plus MyfinanceLab Student Access Kit |Addison Wesley Higher Education|2008-01-04 |1 |

|558 |The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance |Pearson Education UK |2008-05-01 |1 |

|559 |Monetary Theory and Policy |McGraw-Hill Education - Europe |2008-11-01 |1 |

|560 |Money and Banking |PALGRAVE MACMILLAN |2008-12-31 |1 |

|561 |Zero-to-IPO |Cambridge Manhattan Group |2003.2 |1 |

|562 |rural employment |sarup & sons |2008 |1 |

|563 |short history of economic thought |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.07 |1 |

|564 |social justice and gender equality |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.07 |1 |

|565 |south east Asian development |Routledge |2007 |1 |

|566 |state of the world: toward a sustainable golbal economy |W W Norton & co ltd |2008.01 |1 |

|567 |state subsidies in the global economy |palgrave macmillan |2008.04 |1 |

|568 |structural macroeconometrics |princeton university press |2007 |1 |

|569 |sustainable development in western China |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2008 |1 |

|570 |sustainable growth and economic development |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2007.1 |1 |

|571 |taper relief: tax and financial planning |tottle publishing |2007.12 |1 |

|572 |tax policy and the economy, volume 21 |the MIT press |2007 |1 |

|573 |taxing reforms: the politics of the consumption tax in Japan, the United states, |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2007.06 |1 |

| |Canada and Autralia | | | |

|574 |the economic analysis of public policy |Routledge |2007 |1 |

|575 |the economics of globalization |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|576 |the economics of social problems |palgrave macmillan |2008 |1 |

|577 |the eruopean Union: economics and policies |cambridge university press |2007 |1 |

|578 |the future of globalization: explorations in light of recent turbulence |Routledge |2007 |1 |

|579 |the macrodynamics of capitalism: elements for a synthesis of marx,keynes and |springer-verlag berlin |2009 |1 |

| |schumpeter |heidelberg | | |

|580 |the making of China's exchange rate policy |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2007 |1 |

|581 |the polictical economy of international capital mobility |macmillan |2007.07 |1 |

|582 |the prediction of communist economic performance |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|583 |the pure theory of capital |Routledge |2007 |1 |

|584 |the reason of rules: constitutional political economy |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|585 |the rise of China and the demise of the capitalist world-economy |pluto press |2008 |1 |

|586 |the theory of ecnonmic policy |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|587 |theories of local economic development: linking theory to practice |ashgate |2008 |1 |

|588 |topics in analytical political economy |elsevier science |2007 |1 |

|589 |trade finance |palgrave macmillan |2007.10 |1 |

|590 |understanding growth and poverty |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.12 |1 |

|591 |welfare and capitalism in postwar Japan |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|592 |Advanced stochastic models,risk assessment,and portfolio optimization:the ideal |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

| |risk,uncertainty,and performance measrures | | | |

|593 |Applied derivatives-options,futures and swaps |Johy Wiley&sons |2002 |1 |

|594 |Bayesian methods in finance |Johy Wiley&sons |2007 |1 |

|595 |Behavioural Finance and private banking |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|596 |Buildingfinancial models with microsoft excel :a guide for business professionals |Johy Wiley&sons |2004 |1 |

|597 |CAIA level 1:an introduction to core topics in alternative investments |Johy Wiley&sons |2009 |1 |

|598 |CAIA level 2:core topics in alternative investments |Johy Wiley&sons |2009 |1 |

|599 |Corporate risk management,2nd edition |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|600 |Create your own etf hedge fund:a do-it-yourself etf strategy for private wealth |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

| |management | | | |

|601 |Credit crisis:from tainted loans to a global economic meltdown |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|602 |Credit Derivatives and Structured Credit Trading |Wiley Finance |2008 |1 |

|603 |Equity valuation-models from leading investment banks |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|604 |Evaluating hedge fund performance |Johy Wiley&sons |2006 |1 |

|605 |Finance:capital markets,financial management,and investment management |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|606 |Financial modeling in practice |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|607 |Financial modeling in python |Johy Wiley&sons |2009 |1 |

|608 |Financial modeling with crystal ball and excel with url |Johy Wiley&sons |2007 |1 |

|609 |Financial risk manager handbook 5th edition with CD |Johy Wiley&sons |2009 |1 |

|610 |Financial valuation:applications and models,second edition |Johy Wiley&sons |2006 |1 |

|611 |Foreign exchange and maney markets:the mark mobius masterclass series |Johy Wiley&sons |2006 |1 |

|612 |Futures ,options and swaps se |Johy Wiley&sons |2007 |1 |

|613 |Handbook of finance volume 1-3 |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|614 |Institutional investment management:equity and bond portfolio strategies and |Johy Wiley&sons |2009 |1 |

| |applications | | | |

|615 |Life settlements and longevity structures:pricing and risk management |Johy Wiley&sons |2009 |1 |

|616 |Macrofinancial risk analysis |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|617 |Making competition work in electricity |Johy Wiley&sons |2002 |1 |

|618 |Managing credit risk:the great challenge for global financial markets,2nd editiong |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|619 |Managing global financial and foreign exchange rate risk |Johy Wiley&sons |2003 |1 |

|620 |Managing hedge fund hanagers:quantitative and qualitative performance measures |Johy Wiley&sons |2009 |1 |

|621 |Market risk analysis:value at risk models,volume IV |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|622 |Market risk analysis-practical financial econometrics |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|623 |Modern financial macroeconomics |Johy Wiley&sons |2007 |1 |

|624 |Operational risk assessment:the commercial imperative of a more forensic approach |Johy Wiley&sons |2009 |1 |

|625 |Pension economics |Johy Wiley&sons |2006 |1 |

|626 |Practical financial optimization |Johy Wiley&sons |2007 |1 |

|627 |Private equity as an asset class |Johy Wiley&sons |2007 |1 |

|628 |Property drivatives-pricing,hedging and aplications |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|629 |Risk transfer:derivatives in theory and practice |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|630 |Stochastic simulation and applications in finance with matlab programs |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|631 |Strutured finance and collateralized debt obligations:new developments in cash and |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

| |synthetic securitization,2nd edition | | | |

|632 |The future of retail banking in europe-a view from the top |Johy Wiley&sons |2002 |1 |

|633 |Bonds and bond derivatives 2E |Johy Wiley&sons |2004 |1 |

|634 |Subprime mortgage credit derivatives |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|635 |Active alpha: a portfolio approach to selecting and managing alternative investments|Johy Wiley&sons |2007 |1 |

|636 |The handbook of insurance-linked securities |Johy Wiley&sons |2009 |1 |

|637 |The rating agencies and their credit ratings:what they are,how they work,and why |Johy Wiley&sons |2006 |1 |

| |they are relevant | | | |

|638 |The theory and practice of investment management |Johy Wiley&sons |2002 |1 |

|639 |Venture Capital and the private equity:a casebook,4th edition |Johy Wiley&sons |2008 |1 |

|640 |Hedge Fund Regulation in the European Union: Current Trends and Future Prospects |Wolters Kluwer Law & Business |2009 |1 |

| |(International Banking and Finance Law) (Hardcover) | | | |

|641 |Hedge Funds: Regulation and Nonregulation |Nova Science Pub Inc |2009 |1 |

|642 |International Guide to Hedge Fund Regulation |Tottel Publishing |2010 |1 |

|643 |The Regulation of International Financial Markets: Perspectives for Reform |Cambridge University Press; 1 |2008 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|644 |The Future of Financial Regulation |Hart Pub |2010 |1 |

|645 |Banking and Financial Institutions Law in a Nutshell, 7th (West Nutshell) |West Law School; 7 edition |2009 |1 |

| |(Paperback) | | | |

|646 |Regulation of Bank Financial Service Activities: Cases and Materials (American |Thomson West; 3 edition |2008 |1 |

| |Casebook Series) (Hardcover) | | | |

|647 | How to Protect Investors: Lessons from the EC and the UK |Cambridge University Press; 1 |2010 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|648 |The International Financial System: Policy and Regulation |Kluwer Law International |2009 |1 |

|649 |Pension Fund Governance: A Global Perspective on Financial Regulation |Edward Elgar Publishing |2008 |1 |

|650 |Financial Supervision in a Comparative Perspective | Intersentia Uitgevers N V |2010 |1 |

|651 |The Future of Insurance Regulation in the United States |Brookings Institution Press |2009 |1 |

|652 |Future of Banking Regulation: The Basel II Accord |Blackwell Publishers |2010 |1 |

|653 |European Prudential Banking Regulation and Supervision: The Legal Dimension |Routledge |2010 |1 |

|654 |Banking regulations for examiners |University of Michigan Library |2010 |1 |

|655 |Carbon Finance: The Financial Implications of Climate Change (Wiley Finance) |Wiley; illustrated edition |2007 |1 |

| |(Hardcover) |edition | | |

|656 |Managing Liquidity in Banks: A Top Down Approach |Wiley |2009 |1 |

|657 |Stress Testing and Scenario Analysis: The Key Challenges of Operational Risk |VDM Verlag Dr. Müller |2010 |1 |

| |Management | | | |

|658 |Exchange Rate Regimes in the Modern Era |The MIT Press |2010 |1 |

|659 |The Microstructure Approach to Exchange Rates |The MIT Press |2006 |1 |

|660 |Exchange Rate Economics |The MIT Press |2005 |1 |

|661 |Offshoring in the Global Economy |The MIT Press |2010 |1 |

|662 |Computational Macroeconomics for the Open Economy |The MIT Press |2008 |1 |

|663 |Money, Crises, and Transition |The MIT Press |2008 |1 |

|664 |Exchange Rate Determination |mcgraw-hill companies |2003 |1 |

|665 |MAVERICK REAL ESTATE FINANCING |Oversea Publishing House |2006-3-1 |1 |

|666 |Financial economics |中国人民大学出版社 |2009 |1 |

|667 |Risk and financial catastrophe | Palgrave Macmillan |2009 |1 |

|668 |Strategy, value and risk : the real options approach |Houndmills, Basingstroke, |2009 |1 |

| | |Hampshire | | |

|669 |Global custody and clearing services |Basingstoke |2008 |1 |

|670 |Finance : capital markets, financial management, and investment management |Hoboken |2009 |1 |

|671 |A dictionary of finance and banking |Oxford University Press |2008 |1 |

|672 |Finance, Money and Banking |Routledge |2006 |  |

|673 |Actuarial Aspects of Individual Life Insurance and Annuity Contracts, 2nd Edition |ACTEX Publications |2007-1-1 |1 |

|674 |Exchange Rates and Macroeconomics Dynamics (Applied Econometrics Association Series)| |2008 |1 |

|675 |Exchange Rate Dynamics: A New Open Economy Macroeconomics Perspectives (Routledge | |2004 |1 |

| |International Studies in Money and Banking) | | | |

|676 |News And Exchange Rate Dynamics | |2004 |1 |

|677 |Structural Change and Exchange Rate Dynamics: The Economics of EU Eastern | |2005 |1 |

| |Enlargement | | | |


| |FORECASTING | | | |

|679 |Theory and Practice of Equilibrium Exchange Rates: Looking into the Euro Empirical | |2009 |1 |

| |Evidence | | | |

|680 |The Theory and Empirics of Exchange Rates | |2009 |1 |

|681 |Interest and Prices: Foundations of a Theory of Monetary Policy (Hardcover) | |2003 |1 |

|682 |Challenges in Central Banking: The Current Institutional Environment and Forces | |2010 |1 |

| |Affecting Monetary Policy (Hardcover) | | | |

|683 |Asset Prices and Monetary Policy (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference | |2008 |1 |

| |Report) | | | |

|684 |The Currency of Power: The IMF and Monetary Reform in Central Asia (International | |2010 |1 |

| |Political Economy Series) | | | |

|685 |The Means to Prosperity: Fiscal Policy Reconsidered (Routledge International Studies| |2006 |1 |

| |in Money and Banking) by Matias Vernengo and Per Gunnar Berglund (Hardcover - Jan. | | | |

| |24, 2006) | | | |

|686 |Monetary Economics by Jagdish Handa | |2008 |1 |

|687 |Monetary Policy Over Fifty Years: Experiences and Lessons (Routledge International | |2009 |1 |

| |Studies in Money and Banking) by Heinz Herrmann (Hardcover - July 10, 2009) | | | |

|688 |Monetary Regimes and Inflation: History, Economic and Political Relationships by | |2003 |1 |

| |Peter Bernholz (Hardcover - Mar. 2003) - Illustrated | | | |

|689 |Monetary Growth Theory: Money, Interest, Prices, Capital, Knowledge and Economic | |2008 |1 |

| |Structure over Time and Space (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking)| | | |

| |by Wei-Bin Zhang (Hardcover - Sept. 9, 2008) | | | |

|690 |Interest Rates, Exchange Rates and World Monetary Policy by John E. Floyd (Hardcover| |2009 |1 |

| |- Dec. 17, 2009) | | | |

|691 |The Evolution of Monetary Policy and Banking in the US by Donald D. Hester | |2009 |1 |

| |(Paperback - Dec. 28, 2009) | | | |

|692 |China's Monetary Challenges: Past Experiences and Future Prospects by Richard C. K. | |2008 |1 |

| |Burdekin (Hardcover - July 7, 2008) | | | |

|693 |The Science and Practice of Monetary Policy Today: The Deutsche Bank Prize in | |2010 |1 |

| |Financial Economics 2007 by Volker Wieland (Hardcover - Jan. 22, 2010) | | | |

|694 |Monetary Policy and Unemployment: The US, Euro-area and Japan (Routledge | |2005 |1 |

| |International Studies in Money and Banking) by Willi Semmler (Hardcover - Apr. 7, | | | |

| |2005) | | | |

|695 |International Dimensions of Monetary Policy (National Bureau of Economic Research | |2010 |1 |

| |Conference Report) by Jordi Gali and Mark Gertler (Hardcover - Mar. 15, 2010) | | | |

|696 |Monetary Macrodynamics (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) by Toichiro Asada,| |2010 |1 |

| |Carl Chiarella, Peter Flaschel, and Reiner Franke (Hardcover - May 4, 2010) | | | |

|697 |Policy Makers on Policy: The Mais Lectures (Routledge International Studies in Money| |2010 |1 |

| |and Banking) by Forrest Capie and Geoffrey E. Wood (Hardcover - Aug. 31, 2010) | | | |

|698 |The New International Monetary System: Essays in Honor of Alexander Swoboda | |2010 |1 |

| |(Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking) by Charles Wyplosz (Hardcover| | | |

| |- Apr. 15, 2010) | | | |

|699 |Monetary Policy Frameworks for Emerging Markets by Gill Hammond, Ravi Kanbur, and | |2009 |1 |

| |Eswar Prasad (Hardcover - Aug. 9, 2009) | | | |

|700 |Globalization of Capital Markets and Monetary Policy (Anglo-German Foundation for | |2005 |1 |

| |the Study of Industrial Society) by Jens Holscher and Horst Tomann (Hardcover - Nov.| | | |

| |10, 2005) | | | |

|701 |How Monetary Policy Works (CENTRAL BANK GOVERNOR'S SYMPOSIUM) by Lavan Mahadeva and | |2004 |1 |

| |Peter J N Sinclair (Hardcover - Dec. 3, 2004) | | | |

|702 |Monetary Policy and Financial Stability: A Post-Keynesian Agenda (New Directions in | |2009 |1 |

| |Modern Economics) by Claude Gnos and Louis-Philippe Rochon (Hardcover - Apr. 30, | | | |

| |2009) | | | |

|703 |Exchange Rates: The Difference Between True and Apparent Demand by John F. Gantz, | |2009 |1 |

| |Anna Toncheva, and Stephen Minton (Digital - Oct. 8, 2009) | | | |

|704 |Emergence of Keynesian Open-Economy Macroeconomics...: The Origins of International | |2004 |1 |

| |Economics by Robert Dimand (Hardcover - Mar. 29, 2004) | | | |

|705 |International Capital Markets (The International Library of Critical Writings in | |2003 |1 |

| |Financial Economics, 12) by G. Andrew Karolyi and Rene Stulz (Hardcover - May 2003) | | | |

|706 |Monetary Theory: 1601-1758 (Early Sources in Economics) by Antoin Murphy (Hardcover | |1997 |1 |

| |- Jan. 17, 1997) | | | |

|707 |The Development of Monetary Theory in the 1920s and 1930s (History of Money and | |2000 |1 |

| |Banking) by Professor Forrest Capie and Geoffrey Wood (Hardcover - May 25, 2000) | | | |

|708 |Origins of Macroeconomics (Routledge Library of 20th Century Economics) by Robert W | |2002 |1 |

| |Dimand (Hardcover - Feb. 20, 2002) | | | |

|709 |Financial Markets (SAGE Library in Business and Management) by Jeff Madura | |2004 |1 |

| |(Hardcover - Aug. 20, 2004) | | | |

|710 |Advanced Portfolio Strategies 2009: The New Paradigm of Evolutionary Investing for | |2009 |1 |

| |Individual Investors by Sean Gautam (Paperback - Aug. 27, 2009) | | | |

|711 |Risk Management for Central Bank Foreign Reserves by Carlos, Pierre Cardon, Joachim | |2004 |1 |

| |Coche, Francis X. Diebold and Simone Mangan Elli Bernadell (Hardcover - Jan. 1, | | | |

| |2004) | | | |

|712 |Central Bank Reserve Management: New Trends from Liquidity to Return by Age F. P. | |2007 |1 |

| |Bakker and Ingmar R. Y. Van Herpt (Hardcover - Aug. 2007) | | | |

|713 |Untangling the US Deficit: Evaluating Causes, Cures and Global Imbalances by Richard| |2007 |1 |

| |A. Iley (Hardcover - Oct. 2007) - Illustrated | | | |

|714 |Money on the Move by Robert Solomon (Hardcover - Jan. 11, 1999) | |1999 |1 |

|715 |a dictionary of globalization |routledge |2007.4 |1 |

|716 |A Holistic Operational Risk Management Framework for Financial System: General |VDM Verlag Dr. Müller |2009 |1 |

| |Systems Theory as the Guiding Method | | | |

|717 |Accounting, Finance, and Taxation in the Gulf Countries |macmillan |2008-11-14 |1 |

|718 |achieving economic development in the era of globalization |Routledge |2007 |1 |

|719 |Advanced Financial Accounting |McGraw-Hill |2008 |1 |

|720 |advances in ecnonmics and econometrics 3 volume set |cambridge university press |2007 |1 |


|722 |agreeing and implementing the doha round of the WTO |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|723 |agricultural trade liberalization and the least developed countries |springer |2007 |1 |

|724 |Analysing and Interpreting the Yield Curve (Wiley Finance) (Hardcover) |Wiley |2004.2.9 |1 |

|725 |Analysis of Derivatives for the CFA Program |Assn for Investment Management |2002.12 |1 |

|726 |Bank Asset and Liability Management: Strategy, Trading, Analysis (Wiley Finance) |Wiley |2007.4.13 |1 |

| |(Hardcover) | | | |

|727 |Bank Management & Financial Services w/S&P bind-in card | McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2009.2.19 |1 |

|728 |Bank Management (Hardcover) |South-Western College Pub |2009.7 |1 |

|729 |Bank Valuation and Value-Based Management: Deposit and Loan Pricing, Performance |McGraw-Hill |2009.8.11 |1 |

| |Evaluation, and Risk Management (Hardcover) | | | |

|730 |Basel I and Basel II: Understanding Policy and Process |VDM Verlag |2008 |1 |

|731 |Beyond the J Curve: Managing a Portfolio of Venture Capital and Private Equity Funds|Wiley |2005.9.2 |1 |

|732 |Business Knowledge for IT in Fixed Income |Essvale Corporation Limited |2007-12-01 |1 |

|733 |Business Statistics in Practice w/Student CD |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2008.2.21 |1 |

|734 |business, government and society |mcgraw-hill |2008 |1 |

|735 |CAIA Level II: Advanced Core Topics in Alternative Investments |Wiley |2009.9.28 |1 |

|736 |Called to account |Routledge |2008-12-15 |1 |

|737 |Capital Markets, Derivatives and the Law |Oxford University Press, USA |2009 |1 |

|738 |Capitalism and Freedom |University Of Chicago Press; 2 |1982-09-15 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|739 |Cash return on capital invested : ten years of investment analysis with the CROCI |Butterworth-Heinemann |2006 |1 |

| |economic profit model | | | |

|740 |Chinese energy markets |palgrave macmillan |2007 |1 |

|741 |Commercial banking : the management of risk | Wiley |2004.8.13 |1 |

|742 |Common Sense on Mutual Funds: New Imperatives for the Intelligent Investor |Wiley |October 19,2000 |1 |

|743 |Comparative Analysis of International Financial Systems |Palgrave Macmillan |2009-03-01 |1 |

|744 |Computational Finance Set |Academic Press |2008-05-01 |1 |

|745 |Computing Financial Derivatives |Chapman |2009-12-01 |1 |

|746 |Concise Guide to Macroeconomics: What Managers, Executives, and Students Need to |Harvard Business School Press |2007-07-05 |1 |

| |Know | | | |

|747 |Consumed: How Markets Corrupt Children, Infantilize Adults, and Swallow Citizens |W.W. Norton & Co. |2008-03-17 |1 |

| |Whole | | | |

|748 |consumption poverty and inequality |discovery pbulishing house |2008 |1 |

| | |PVT.LTD | | |

|749 |Convertible Arbitrage: Insights and Techniques for Successful Hedging |Wiley |2003.6.13 |1 |


|751 |Corporate Finance: Linking Theory to What Companies Do |South-Western College Pub |2009.9.28 |1 |

|752 |Cracking the AP Economics Macro & Micro Exams, 2009 Edition |Princeton Review |6-Jan-09 |1 |

|753 |Credit, Currency or Derivatives: Instruments of Global Financial Stability or |Emerald Group Publishing |2009 |1 |

| |Crisis? |Limited | | |

|754 |critical policy studies |university of britishi columbia|2007.07 |1 |

| | |press | | |

|755 |Customs Regulations of the United States |U.S. Government Printing Office|Dec-88 |1 |

|756 |Deal Terms - The Finer Points of Venture Capital Deal Structures, Valuations, Term |Aspatore Books |2006.1.1 |1 |

| |Sheets, Stock Options and Getting VC Deals Done | | | |

|757 |Derivatives : law and practice(Loose Leaf) |Sweet & Maxwell |2003 |1 |

|758 |Derivatives : the key principles |Oxford University Press |2009 |1 |

|759 |Derivatives and internal models |Palgrave Macmillan |2009 |1 |

|760 |Development Finance |Routledge |2008-08-31 |1 |

|761 |Dictionary of Banking Terms (Barron's Business Guides) |Barron's Educational Series, |2006.1.1 |1 |

| | |Inc | | |

|762 |Domestic Resource Mobilization and Financial Development |Palgrave Macmillan |2008-04-25 |1 |

|763 |Economic Development |Longman Group United Kingdom; |30-Jun-08 |1 |

| | |10th edition | | |

|764 |economic development, education and transnational corporations |Routledge |2007 |1 |

|765 |economic growth: a unified approach |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|766 |economic issues and policy |thomson learning |2007 |1 |

|767 |economic liberalism and its rivals |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|768 |economic philosophy: economic foundations and political categories |peter lang |2008 |1 |

|769 |economic policy and administration |RBSA publishers |2007 |1 |

|770 |economic policy: a european forum, number 57 |john wiley & sons |2009 |1 |

|771 |economic progress and policy in developing counties |Routledge |2008.10 |1 |

|772 |Economics |McGraw-Hill Companies; 3rd |1-May-98 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|773 |Economics of Strategy |Wiley; 4 edition |7-Aug-06 |1 |

|774 |Edsess: bin investment lie |Michael Edesess Berrett-Koehler|Jan-07 |1 |

| | |Publishers | | |

|775 |elgar dictionary of economic quotations |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2006 |1 |

|776 |encyclopedia of the age of the industrial revolution,1700-1920 |greenwood press |2007 |1 |

|777 |Engagement & Change: Exploring Managment, Economic and Finance Implications of a |Australian Academic Press |2007 |1 |

| |Globalising Enviornment | | | |

|778 |ENGINEERING A FINANCIAL BLOODBATH |Imperial College Press |2009-01-31 |1 |

|779 |Enough: True Measures of Money, Business, and Life |Wiley |10-Nov-08 |1 |

|780 |Equity Asset Valuation (CFA Institute Investment Series) |Wiley |2010.2.8 |1 |

|781 |Equity Gilt Study |Barclays Capital |2008-02-13 |1 |

|782 |Equity Options Explained |John Wiley & Sons |2009-04-03 |1 |

|783 |Essentials of Banking (Essentials Series) |Wiley |2008.4.25 |1 |

|784 |Essentials of Investments with S&P bind-in card (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series in |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2007.10.4 |1 |

| |Finance, Insurance and Real Estate) | | | |

|785 |ethics, hunger and globalization: in search of appropriate policies |springer |2007 |1 |

|786 |evolution of economic institutions: a critical reader |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2007.08 |1 |

|787 |Exchange Rates and International Finance |Pearson Education UK |2008-05-12 |1 |

|788 |Financial boom and gloom |Macmillan |2009-03-06 |1 |

|789 |Financial Darwinism: Create Value or Self-Destruct in a World of Risk |Wiley |10-Nov-08 |1 |

|790 |Financial institutions and markets |Macmillan |2009-01-09 |1 |

|791 |Financial Institutions Management |McGraw-Hill Education - Europe |2008-01-01 |1 |

|792 |Financial Market Innovations - Emerging Trends |ICFAI University Press |2008 |1 |

|793 |Financial Market Risk |World Scientific |2009-07-31 |1 |


|795 |Financial Modeling, 3rd Edition |The MIT Press |2008.2.29 |1 |

|796 |Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Valuation: A Strategic |South-Western College Pub |2006.4.4 |1 |

| |Perspective (with Thomson One Access Code) | | | |

|797 |Financial Sector Development in the Pacific Rim |Chicago University Press |2009-04-01 |1 |

|798 |Financial Stability and Central Banks |Taylor & Francis |2007 |1 |

|799 |Financial Statecraft The Role of Financial Markets in American Foreign Policy |Yale University Press |2008-2-1 |1 |

|800 |Fixed Income Analysis (CFA Institute Investment Series) |Wiley |2007.1.22 |1 |

|801 |Follow the Fed to Investment Success |Douglas S. Roberts Wiley |2008-05-01 |1 |

|802 |Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets |Random House Trade Paperbacks; |2005-08-23 |1 |

| | |2 Updated edition | | |

|803 |foreign trade and investment in China: legal perspectives |CCH group publisher |2007 |1 |

|804 |Foundations of Macroeconomics plus MyEconLab plus eBook 1-semester Student Access |Addison Wesley; 4 edition |2008-05-16 |1 |

| |Kit | | | |

|805 |Foundations of Microeconomics |Addison Wesley; 1st edition |2001-07-12 |1 |

|806 |Freedomnomics: Why the Free Market Works and Other Half-Baked Theories Don't |Regnery Publishing, Inc. |2007-06-04 |1 |

|807 |fundamentals of economics for business(2nd edition) |world scientific |2008 |1 |

|808 |Fundamentals of Investments w/S&P card + Stock-Trak card (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series |McGraw-Hill/Irwin |2008.9.23 |1 |

| |in Finance, Insurane and Real Estate) | | | |

|809 |Fundamentals of Multinational Finance (3rd Edition) |Addison Wesley |2008.2.18 |1 |

|810 |gender and macroeconomic policy |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.07 |1 |

|811 |global economic institutions |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.09 |1 |

|812 |global encyclopaedic dictionary of palictical economics |global vision publishing house |2008.09 |1 |

|813 |globalisation, privatisation and market economy |aavishkar publisher & |2008 |1 |

| | |distributors | | |

|814 |globalisation, regionalism and economic interdependence |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|815 |globalization and its enemies |the MIT press |2007 |1 |

|816 |globalization and the race to the bottom in developing countries:who really gets |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

| |hurt? | | | |

|817 |globalization: prospects and problems |Routledge |2007 |1 |

|818 |Handbook of Alternative Assets |Wiley |2006.9.1 |1 |

|819 |Handbook of Asset and Liability Management: From Models to Optimal Return Strategies| Wiley |2008.1.2 |1 |

| |(The Wiley Finance Series) (Hardcover) | | | |

|820 |handbook of development economics,volume 4 |north holland |2008 |1 |

|821 |Hedge Funds: Quantitative Insights |Wiley |2004.7.23 |1 |

|822 |how markets work: supply, demand and the 'real world' |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2008 |1 |

|823 |Improving Operational Risk Management |IOS Press |2009 |1 |

|824 |index numbers in economic theory and practice |transaction publishers |2008 |1 |

|825 |India: Monetary Policy, Financial Stability and Other Essays |Academic Foundation |2010 |1 |

|826 |Indian economy: economic ideas, development and financial reforms |deep & deep publications |2008 |1 |

| | |Pvt.Ltd | | |

|827 |Individual retirement accounts: a primer |Nova science publishers |2009-01-01 |1 |

|828 |Innovative Financing for Development |Pluto Press |2008-09-20 |1 |

|829 |Inside Private Equity: The Professional Investor's Handbook |Wiley |2009.4.20 |1 |

|830 |institional change and economic behaviour |palgrave macmillan |2007 |1 |

|831 |institutions of norms in economic development |the MIT press |2007 |1 |

|832 |institutions of the asia pacific: asean, apec and beyond |Routledge |2008 |1 |

|833 |Insurance : from underwriting to derivatives : asset liability management in |John Wiley |2001 |1 |

| |insurance companies | | | |

|834 |Insurance against poverty |Oxford University Press |2005 |1 |

|835 |Insurance law : doctrines and principles |Hart Pub |2005 |1 |

|836 |Insurance risk and ruin |Cambridge University Press |2005 |1 |

|837 |Intermediate Financial Management (with Thomson ONE - Business School Edition |South-Western College Pub |2009.2.10 |1 |

| |6-Month Printed Access Card) | | | |

|838 |Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application, 10th Edition |South-Western College Pub; 10 |6-Mar-06 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|839 |International Agency, Distribution and Licensing Agreements |Sweet & Maxwell Ltd |2008-09-30 |1 |

|840 |International Business and Finance Issues |Nova Science Publishers Inc |2007-09-01 |1 |

|841 |International Debt Capital Markets Handbook 2007 |Euromoney Yearbooks |2006 |1 |

|842 |International Finance and Financial Services |Nova |2008-05-01 |1 |

|843 |International Financial Co-Operation |Routledge |2008-02-08 |1 |

|844 |International Financial Statement Analysis (CFA Institute Investment Series) |Wiley |2008.11.10 |1 |

|845 |International Franchising In Emerging Markets: Central And Eastern Europe And Latin |CCH |2001-07-01 |1 |

| |America | | | |

|846 |International Franchising In Industrialized Markets: North America, The Pacific Rim |CCH |2003-01-01 |1 |

| |And Other Countries | | | |

|847 |International Franchising In Industrialized Markets: Western And Northern Europe |CCH |2003-05-01 |1 |

|848 |international handbook of public procurement |auerbach publications |2008 |1 |

|849 |International Trade and Finance |Cambridge University Press |2008 |1 |

|850 |interpreting classical economics |Routledge |2007 |1 |

|851 |Introduction to Banking (Paperback) |Prentice Hall |2006.12.31 |1 |

|852 |Investment appraisal : methods and models |Springer |2008 |1 |

|853 |Investment banking : addressing the management issues |Palgrave Macmillan |2003 |1 |

|854 |Investment banking : valuation, leveraged buyouts, and mergers & acquisitions |John Wiley & Sons |2009 |1 |

|855 |Investment guarantees : modeling and risk management for equity-linked life |John Wiley & Sons |2003 |1 |

| |insurance | | | |

|856 |Investment intelligence from insider trading |MIT Press |2000 |1 |

|857 |Investment management : meeting the noble challenges of funding pensions, deficits, |Wiley |2009 |1 |

| |and growth | | | |

|858 |Investment management : portfolio diversification, risk, and timing--fact and |John Wiley |2004 |1 |

| |fiction | | | |

|859 |Investment management and mismanagement : history, findings, and analysis |Springer |2006 |1 |

|860 |Investment philosophies : successful strategies and the investors who made them work|John Wiley |2003 |1 |

|861 |Investment strategies in emerging markets |Edward Elgar |2004 |1 |

|862 |Investment strategies of hedge funds |Wiley |2006 |1 |

|863 |Investment taxation : practical tax strategies for financial instruments |McGraw-Hill |2004 |1 |

|864 |Investment under uncertainty, coalition spillovers and market evolution in a game |Kluwer Academic Publishers |2004 |1 |

| |theoretic perspective | | | |

|865 |Investment valuation : tools and techniques for determining the value of any asset |John Wiley |2002 |1 |

|866 |Investment withholding tax : best practice and strategies for intermediaries and |Palgrave Macmillan |2009 |1 |

| |investors | | | |

|867 |Investment, capital market imperfections, and uncertainty : theory and empirical |Edward Elgar Pub |2002 |1 |

| |results | | | |

|868 |Investment, merger and acquisition in China : an analysis of the practice of |Foreign Languages Press |2005 |1 |

| |investment and M&A in China | | | |

|869 |invitation to economics: understanding argument and policy |john wiley & sons |2008 |1 |

|870 |J-Curve Exposure: Managing a Portfolio of Venture Capital and Private Equity Funds |Wiley |2008.1.18 |1 |

|871 |Kaplan AP Macroeconomics/Microeconomics 2009 |Kaplan Publishing |2009-01-06 |1 |

|872 |keynes and the cambridge keynesians |cambridge university press |2007 |1 |

|873 |Law and Corporate Finance |Edward Elgar |2007 |1 |

|874 |Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box |Berrett-Koehler Publishers; 1 |2000-01-15 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|875 |Liquidity Risk Management by Leonard M. Matz (Paperback - Nov. 1, 2005) | |2005 |1 |

|876 |Liquidity Risk: Managing Asset and Funding Risks (Finance and Capital Markets) |Palgrave Macmillan |2004.12.9 |1 |

| |(Hardcover) | | | |

|877 |Macroeconomics + DiscoverEcon Online with Paul Solman Videos |McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 16 edition |2004-04-05 |1 |

|878 |Macroeconomics 2008-2009 Update Edition plus MyEconLab One-semester Student Access |Addison Wesley; 6 edition |2008-07-31 |1 |

| |Kit | | | |

|879 |Macroeconomics and The Global Business Environment |Wiley; 2 edition |2004-09-20 |1 |

|880 |Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice |South-Western College Pub; 12 |2008-01-04 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|881 |Management of Practical Investment With Stock-Trak Coupon |South-Western, Div of Thomson |2006-03-01 |1 |

| | |Learning | | |

|882 |Management Science: The Art of Modeling with Spreadsheets, Excel 2007 Update |Wiley |2008.8.25 |1 |

|883 |Managerial Economics And Business Strategy |McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 6 edition |9-Oct-07 |1 |

|884 |Managerial Economics, Sixth Edition |W. W. Norton; 6 edition |1-Dec-04 |1 |

|885 |Managing Investment Portfolios: A Dynamic Process (CFA Institute Investment Series) |Wiley |2007.3.9 |1 |

|886 |marginal cost of public funds: theory and applications |MIT press |2008 |1 |

|887 |markets, information and uncertainty |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|888 |means and ends: the idea of capital in the west, 1500-1970 |palgrave macmillan |2008 |1 |

|889 |mergers and acquisitions in China: impacts of wto accession |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2008 |1 |

|890 |Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Restructuring Activities, Fifth Edition: An |Academic Press |2009.9.9 |1 |

| |Integrated Approach to Process, Tools, Cases, and Solutions (Academic Press Advanced| | | |

| |Finance Series) | | | |

|891 |Microeconomics for Today |South-Western College Pub; 5 |8-Jan-07 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|892 |Microeconomics with MyEconLab plus eBook 1-semester Student Access Kit (8th Edition)|Addison Wesley; 8 edition |2007-06-25 |1 |

|893 |Microeconomics: Principles and Policy |South-Western College Pub; 10 |2005-06-21 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|894 |Microeconomics: Private and Public Choice |South-Western College Pub; 12 |2008-01-16 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|895 |Microeconomics: Theory and Applications, Eleventh Edition |W. W. Norton & Company; 11 |2003-08-01 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|896 |modeling income distributions and lorenz curves |spinger-verlag berlin |2008 |1 |

| | |heidelberg | | |

|897 |Modelling Single-Name and Multi-Name Credit Derivatives |John Wiley and Sons Ltd |2008-04-04 |1 |

|898 |Modern Banking (Paperback) |Wiley |2005.1.18 |1 |

|899 |Monetary Economics Ii |Taylor & Francis Group |2008-07-15 |1 |

|900 |Monetary Economics in Developing Countries |Palgrave Macmillan |2007-04-01 |1 |

|901 |Monetary Growth: Trends, Impacts and Policies |Nova |2009-04-01 |1 |

|902 |Monetary Policy and Financial Stability: A Post-Keynesian Agenda (New Directions in |Edward Elgar Pub |2009 |1 |

| |Modern Economics) (Hardcover) | | | |

|903 |Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Stabilization |Transaction Publishers |2008-04-15 |1 |

|904 |monetary policy strategy |the MIT press |2007 |1 |

|905 |money, distribution conflict and capital accumulation |palgrave macmillan |2007 |1 |

|906 |Motley Fool Investment Gde |Fireside |2001 |1 |

|907 |Multinational Finance |Wiley-Blackwell |2008-02-01 |1 |

|908 |Multistate Corporate Tax Guide -- Mid-Year Edition (2007) |CCH |2007-07-01 |1 |

|909 |Multistate Corporate Tax Guide (2008) |CCH |2007-12-01 |1 |

|910 |Natural Computing in Computational Finance |Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelbe|2008-02-27 |1 |

|911 |NBER macroeconomics annual 2006 |the MIT press |2007 |1 |

|912 |new institutional economics |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|913 |one economics,many recipes |princeton university press |2007.1 |1 |

|914 |One Nation, Underprivileged: Why American Poverty Affects Us All |Oxford University Press, USA; 1|2005-07-28 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|915 |Operational Risk Management Systems: A framework for systematic management of |VDM Verlag Dr. Müller |2010 |1 |

| |operational risks | | | |

|916 |Out of the Red: Investment and Capitalism in Russia |Wiley |Apr-08 |1 |

|917 |Parry's Valuation and Investment Tables, 12e |Alick Davidson Estates Gazette |Feb-02 |1 |

|918 |Personal Finance and Investments |Routledge |2008-07-28 |1 |

|919 |philosophy of economics |north holland |2007 |1 |

|920 |places of power: political economies of landscape change |springer |2007 |1 |

|921 |Policing the Banks |McGill-Queen's University Press|2008-12-31 |1 |

|922 |policy reform and Chinese markets:progress and challenges |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2008 |1 |

|923 |political Economy of rural livelihoods in transition economies |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.09 |1 |

|924 |Political economy of socialist realism |yale university press |2007.01 |1 |

|925 |political Economy of trade, finance, and development |oxford university press |2007.11 |1 |

|926 |poverty and income distribution |john wiley & sons |2008 |1 |

|927 |Powerful Finance and Innovation Trends in a High-Risk Economy |Macmillan |2008-02-22 |1 |

|928 |Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions |HarperCollins |19-Feb-08 |1 |

|929 |Price Theory |Aldine Transaction |31-Mar-07 |1 |

|930 |Price Theory and Applications |South-Western College Pub; 7 |2-Aug-07 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|931 |Principles of Microeconomics and ActiveEcon CD Package |Pearson Education; 6 edition |15-Jan-02 |1 |

|932 |private sector and China's market development |chandos publishing LTD |2008 |1 |

|933 |productivity, efficiency and economic growth in the Asia-pacific region |physica-verlag heidelberg |2009 |1 |

|934 |protectionism and economic revival |cambridge university press |2008 |1 |

|935 |Public Budgeting |M E Sharpe |2008-03-17 |1 |

|936 |Public Debt Management |Cambridge University Press |2008-Apr |1 |

|937 |public expenditures, growth, and poverty |johns hoplins university press |2008 |1 |

|938 |Public Finance |Thomson Learning |2007-08-07 |1 |

|939 |public finance and public policy |palgrave macmillan |2007.02 |1 |

|940 |Quantitative Analysis and Finance |John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd|2007-01-19 |1 |

|941 |quantitative exchange rate economics in developing countries |palgrave macmillan |2007.12 |1 |

|942 |readings in public choice and constitutional political economy |springer-verlag new york |2008.03 |1 |

|943 |regional knowledge economies:markets, clusters and innovation |edward elgar publishing Ltd |2007.08 |1 |

|944 |Relationship Marketing |McGraw-Hill Education - Europe |2007 |1 |

|945 |Relationship Marketing: Exploring Relational Strategies in Marketing |Pearson Education UK |2008-04-02 |1 |

|946 |rent seeking in China |routledge |2008 |1 |

|947 |representation and structure in economics |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.12 |1 |

|948 |reputation and international cooperation:sovereign debt across three centuries |princeton university press |2007.09 |1 |

|949 |research in labor economics |JAI press |2007 |1 |

|950 |rethinking the income gap |Taylor & Francis Group |2008.10 |1 |

|951 |Risk Assessment |Physica-Verlag Heidelberg |2008-07-01 |1 |

|952 |rural development of underdevelopment: an interdisciplinary study |sarup & sons |2008 |1 |

|953 |Schaum's outline of theory and problems of investments |McGraw Hill |2000 |1 |

|954 |smartest investment |Daniel R. Solin,,Perigee |2006-11-01 |1 |

| | |Trade | | |

|955 |spin-free economics |McGraw-Hill; 1 edition |2008-10-21 |1 |

|956 |Stabilizing an Unstable Economy |McGraw-Hill; 1 edition |2008-04-14 |1 |

|957 |Statistical Models and Methods for Financial Markets |Springer-Verlag New York |2008-06-01 |1 |

|958 |Stock Market Efficiency and Market Abuse |Ashgate |2008 |1 |

|959 |Stress-testing the Banking System: Methodologies and Applications |Cambridge University Press; 1 |2009 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|960 |Student Solutions Manual for Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives for Options, |Prentice Hall | |1 |

| |Futures, and Other Derivatives with Derivagem CD (Paperback) | | | |

|961 |Taxation of company reorganisations |Tottel publishing |2008-12-01 |1 |

|962 |Taxation of Employments 2007/08 |Tottle Publishing |2008 |1 |

|963 |Taxation of Individual Retirement Accounts (2007) |CCH |2007-03-01 |1 |

|964 |Taxation of Individual Retirement Accounts (2008) |CCH |2008-03-01 |1 |

|965 |The Bank Analyst's Handbook: Money, Risk and Conjuring Tricks (Hardcover) |Wiley |2004.6.25 |1 |

|966 |The Basel Capital Accords in Developing Countries: Challenges for Development |Palgrave Macmillan |2010 |1 |

| |Finance | | | |

|967 |The basics of public budgeting and financial management : a handbook for academics |University Press of America |2008-12-02 |1 |

| |and practitioners | | | |

|968 |The Greed Merchants: How the Investment |Portfolio Hardcover |2005 |1 |

|969 |The insurance of commercial risks : law and practice |Sweet & Maxwell |2001 |1 |

|970 |The Law of Banking and Financial Institutions (Hardcover) |Aspen Publishers, Inc.; 4 |2008 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|971 |The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents--The Definitive Edition |University Of Chicago Press |2007-03-15 |1 |

|972 |Thinking Strategically: The Competitive Edge in Business, Politics, and Everyday |W. W. Norton & Company |1993-04-01 |1 |

| |Life | | | |

|973 |Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing: A Simpler and More Powerful Path to Higher |Harvard Business School Press; |2007-04-04 |1 |

| |Profits |illustrated edition edition | | |

|974 |Unjust Deserts: How The Rich Are Taking Our Common Inheritance and Why We Should |New Press |2008-10-17 |1 |

| |Take It Back | | | |

|975 |Unstoppable: Finding Hidden Assets to Renew the Core and Fuel Profitable Growth |Harvard Business School Press; |2007-05-03 |1 |

| | |1 edition | | |

|976 |The Europa Regional Surveys of the World set 2010 by Europa Publications (Hardcover | |2010 |1 |

| |- Jan. 5, 2010) | | | |

|977 |Workouts in Intermediate Microeconomics |W W Norton & Co Inc (Np); 7 |2006-04-30 |1 |

| | |edition | | |

|978 |World Bank & Project Analysis (P) (Op) |World Bank Publications |2007-08-01 |1 |

|979 |CASE STUDIES IN FINANCE |BRUNER |2009-01-10 |1 |

|980 |Essentials of Investments with S&P card © 2010 |BODIE ZVI |2009-09-01 |1 |




|984 |FUNDAMENTALS OF CORPORATE FINANCE (Standard Edition) |ROSS STEPHEN |2009-02-07 |1 |






|990 |M: FINANCE |CORNETT MARCIA |2011-01-01 |1 |

|991 |PERSONAL FINANCE |KAPOOR JACK |2011-01-01 |1 |






|997 |ECONOMICS |MCCONNELL CAMPBELL |2011-01-01 |1 |



|1000 |MACROECONOMICS |JACKSON JOHN |2011-04-01 |1 |


|1002 |Microeconomics © 2011 |SLAVIN STEPHEN |2010-10-01 |1 |

|1003 |Money, Banking and Financial Markets © 2011 |CECCHETTI STEPHEN |2010-10-01 |1 |

|1004 |Essentials of Economics © 2011 |SCHILLER B RADLEY |2010-10-01 |1 |

|1005 |Principles of Economics, Brief Edition © 2011 |FRANK ROBERT |2010-10-01 |1 |

|1006 |International Economics © 2010 |APPLEYARD DENNIS |2009-10-01 |1 |

|1007 |ESSENTIALS OF ECONOMETRICS Fourth Edition |GUJARATI |2009-05-01 |1 |

|1008 |TAKING SIDES: Clashing Views on Economic Issues |BONELLO |2009-03-01 |1 |


|1010 |ESSENTIALS OF ECONOMICS (Study Guide) |BRUE |2009-01-10 |1 |

|1011 |ESSENTIALS OF ECONOMICS |BRUE |2009-01-10 |1 |

|1012 |ANNUAL EDITIONS: Economics |COLE |2009-02-07 |1 |

|1013 |The Economy Today © 2010 |SCHILLER BRADLEY |2009-09-01 |1 |

|1014 |Corporate Governance and Financial Performance: A Study of German and Uk Initial |Edward Elgar Publishing |1999.1 |1 |

| |Public Offerings | | | |

|1015 |Comparative Corporate Governance: The State of the Art and Emerging Research |Oxford University Press, USA |1999.2 |1 |

|1016 |Derviative Credit Risk 2nd Edition: Advances in Measurement and Management |Risk Books |1999 |1 |

|1017 |Financial Risk Manager |World Pubn Service |1999 |1 |

|1018 |Risk Management: Principles and Practices |AIMR (CFA Institute) |1999 |1 |

|1019 |Financial Techniques for Business Acquisitions and Disposals |Thorogood |1998 |1 |


|序号 |刊名 |出版者 |刊期 |复本数 |备注 |

|1 |Banking Strategies《银行管理》 |Bank Administration Institute |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|2 |Financial Analysts Journal.《金融分析家杂志》 |Association for Investment Management &|双月刊 |1 |全年 |

| | |Research | | | |

|3 |FM:Financial Management《财务管理》 |Blackwell Publishers, Inc |季刊 |1 |全年 |

|4 |Insurance: Mathematics and Economics保险:数学与经济学 |  |  |1 |全年 |

|5 |International Economic Journal |  |  |1 |全年 |

|6 |International Journal of Finance & Economics |ISSN:1076-9307 |季刊 |1 |全年 |

|7 |International Review of Financial Analysis |ISSN:1057-5219 |5期 |1 |全年 |

|8 |Journal of Finance.《金融杂志》 |Blackwell Publishers, Inc. |半月刊 |1 |全年 |

|9 |Journal of Financial Planning《财务计划杂志》 |Financial Planning Association |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|10 |Journal of Financial Statement Analysis《财务报表分析杂志》 |Institutional Investor Inc |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|11 |Journal of Money,Credit and Banking |Blackwell Publisher,Inc |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|12 |Journal of Risk & Insurance |  |  |1 |全年 |

|13 |North American Actuarial Journal北美保险精算师杂志 |  |  |1 |全年 |

|14 |Risk & Insurance《风险与保险》 |LRP Publications |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|15 |Risk & Reward.《风险与回报》 |Managed Account Reports Inc. |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|16 |Social Sciences in China (《中国社会科学》 英文版 ) |中国社会科学杂志社 |季刊 |1 |全年 |

|17 |中国宏观经济变量跟踪分析 |中国经济改革研究基金会国民经济研究所 |季刊 |1 |全年 |

|18 |中国宏观经济分析 |中国经济改革研究基金会国民经济研究所 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|19 |China and World Economy中国与世界经济(英文版) |北京 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|20 |保险研究 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|21 |北京大学学报(哲社版) |北京 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|22 |财经科学 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|23 |财经理论与实践 |长沙 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|24 |财经问题研究 |大连 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|25 |财贸经济 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|26 |当代财经 |  |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|27 |当代经济科学 |西安 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|28 |调研世界 |  |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|29 |东北财经大学学报 |大连 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|30 |管理世界 |国务院发展研究中心 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|31 |国际金融研究 |中国银行国际金融研究所,中国国际金融学 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

| | |会 | | | |

|32 |国际经济合作 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|33 |国际经济评论 |北京 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|34 |国际问题研究 |北京 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|35 |国际资料信息 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|36 |国外理论动态 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|37 |国外社会科学 |北京 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|38 |国外社会科学文摘 |上海 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|39 |宏观经济管理 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|40 |宏观经济研究 |计委 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|41 |华北金融 |天津 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|42 |会计研究 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|43 |金融教学与研究 |保定 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|44 |金融论坛 |  |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|45 |金融研究 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|46 |金融与保险 |中国人民大学书报资料中心 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|47 |经济科学 |北京大学 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|48 |经济理论与经济管理 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|49 |经济评论 |武汉 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|50 |经济社会体制比较 |北京 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|51 |经济体制改革 |成都 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|52 |经济学动态 |中国社会科学院经济学动态编辑部 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|53 |经济学家 |成都 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|54 |经济学文摘 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|55 |经济研究 |中国社会科学院经济研究杂志社 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|56 |南方金融 |广州 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|57 |南开管理评论 |天津 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|58 |南开经济研究 |天津 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|59 |南开学报 |天津 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|60 |欧洲研究 |北京 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|61 |山西财经大学学报 |  |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|62 |上海保险 |上海 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|63 |上海金融 |上海 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|64 |上海金融学院学报 |上海 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|65 |社会保障研究 |武汉 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|66 |世界经济 |中国世界经济学会世界经济编辑部 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|67 |世界经济文汇 |上海 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|68 |世界经济研究 |上海 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|69 |世界经济与政治 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|70 |数量经济技术经济研究 |中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|71 |天津经济 |天津 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|72 |天津社会科学 |天津 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|73 |投资研究 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|74 |投资与理财 |北京 |半月刊 |1 |全年 |

|75 |投资与证券 |中国人民大学书报资料中心 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|76 |现代财经:天津财经学院学报 |  |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|77 |新华文摘 |北京 |半月刊 |1 |全年 |

|78 |学术月刊 |上海 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|79 |亚太经济 |福州 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|80 |浙江金融 |杭州 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|81 |证券市场导报 |深圳 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|82 |中国保险 |中国人民财产保险有限公司 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|83 |中国保险 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|84 |中国房地产 |天津 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|85 |中国房地产金融 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|86 |中国工业经济 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|87 |中国金融 |北京 |半月刊 |1 |全年 |

|88 |中国经济年鉴(2009) |北京 |年刊 |1 |全年 |

|89 |中国经济问题 |厦门 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|90 |中国农村经济 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|91 |中国人民大学学报 |北京 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|92 |中国社会科学 |北京 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|93 |中国社会科学文摘 |中国社会科学文摘编辑部 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|94 |中国投资 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|95 |中国外汇 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|96 |中南财经大学学报 |中南财经大学 |双月刊 |1 |全年 |

|97 |中央财经大学学报 |中央财经大学 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|98 |住宅与房地产(综合版,下半月) |深圳 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|99 |资本市场 |北京 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

|100 |银行家 |银行家杂志社 |月刊 |1 |全年 |

第三包 :集成书架

|编号 |设备名称 |数量 |技术参数 |

|1 |集成书架 |1套 |进口钢板材质书架八个,规格204cm*47cm*250cm,可双面放书,共六层,其中最底下一层书架的高度设计为34cm,另外五层书架的高度可设计|

| | | |为30cm。 |

| | | |配套书车,带滑轮的,两个 |

| | | |期刊架两个 |

| | | |用于贴书号的打印标签纸 |

| | | |两个电脑桌,放置机箱的位置要设计出带锁的装置。 |



投 标 书


根据贵方为 公开招标邀请(项目编号: ),签字代表 (姓名、职务)经正式授权并代表投标人 (投标人名称、地址)提交下述文件正本 份和副本 份及电子版投标文件一份。

1. 开标一览表

2. 开标分项一览表

3. 投标应答表

4. 偏离说明一览表

5. 货物简要说明一览表

6. 资格证明文件

7. 售后服务承诺及培训内容




1. 所附采购货物一览表中应提供和交付的货物投标总价为:

第一包: 元(注明币种),大写 (文字表述)。

第二包: 元(注明币种),大写 (文字表述)。

第三包: 元(注明币种),大写 (文字表述)。


2. 投标人将按公开招标文件的规定履行合同责任和义务。

3. 投标人已详细审查全部公开招标文件,包括修改文件以及全部参考数据和所有附件。我们完全理解并同意放弃对这方面有不明及误解的权利。

4. 本项目自投标日起有效期为60个工作日。

5. 如果在规定的开标时间后,投标人在投标有效期内撤回投标文件,其投标保证金将被采购代理机构没收。

6. 投标人同意提供按照采购代理机构可能要求的与其投标有关的一切数据或数据,完全理解采购代理机构不一定要接受最低价的投标或收到的任何投标。







投标人名称: (公章)

日期: 年 月 日






|包号 |货物 |品牌 |生产厂商 |产地 |数量 |

| |名称 | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |









|序号 |名称 |招标要求 |名称/型号 |投标人应答 |简要说明 |

|商务部分(指资格要求等) |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|技术部分 |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|售后服务及其它 |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |










|序号 |名称 |招标要求 |投标应答 |偏离及说明 |

|商务部分 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|技术部分 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|售后服务及其它 |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |








|序号 |货物名称 |规格型号 |生产厂商 |产地 |单价 |数量 |技术指标 |性能特点 |

| | | | | | | | | |





售 后 服 务 承 诺 及 培 训 内 容

| |

供货方代表签字: 公章:

职 务: 日期: 年 月 日

授  权  书(格式)

兹授权     代表        进行天津市   项目的投标(项目编号:   ),此授权至  年  月  日有效。



单 位:



                                  年   月   日   







天津市教育委员会教学仪器设备供应中心于2009年 月 日以公开招标方式,对 项目(编号:JG2009- )实施了政府采购,根据采购结果签定本合同:

1. 设备名称(明细附后):






2. 设备质量要求及供方对质量负责条件和期限:

1. 供方提供的设备必须是全新(包括零部件)的设备,设备必须符合国家检测标准以及该产品的出厂标准。供方承诺所供设备与所列设备明细完全一致,不存在偏差,如出现不一致,供方将承担违约责任。

2. 供方对所提供的设备提供 年的上门维修保质期,保质期内非因需方的人为因素而出现的质量问题,由供方负责。供方负责保修、包换或者包退,并承担修理、调换或退货以及由此给需方造成损失的实际费用。供方不能修理或不能调换的,按不能交货处理。

3. 供方提供的设备必须具有合法手续及相关档。

4. 交货时间、地点、方式:

合同签定后,于 年 月 日之前交货,于 年 月 日之前完成验货。供方将所供设备在需方或需方指定处交付并负责安装、调试,设备运送产生的费用由供方负责。

5. 供方应随设备向需方交付设备的使用说明书及随设备相关的数据。如果所提供的文件是外文的,供方有义务为需方提供中文或译成中文的文件。

6. 货款交付方式:




7. 合同签订时,供方应向教委供应中心交纳设备总值的10%作为履约保证金(质量保证金),设备验收合格正常使用并将验收报告送达天津市教育委员会教学仪器设备供应中心第二日起12个月后15个工作日内无息退还。

8. 需方无正当理由拒收设备的,由需方向供方偿付设备款总值30%的违约金。




9. 出现其它未列事宜,由双方协商解决。

10. 本合同未作明示约定的,而又有相关法律、法规的,从其规定。

11. 本合同一式五份,供方、需方、需方代理、采购代理机构、国库支付中心各执一份,均具有法律效力,签字盖章后生效。

12. 合同特殊条款。由供需双方根据设备项目的具体情况协商拟订(见附件)。合同特殊条款是合同一般条款的补充和修改,如果两者之间有抵触,应以特殊条款为准。

供方(公章): 需方(公章):

地址: 地址:

法定代表人: 法定代表人:

委托代表人: 委托代表人:

电话: 电话:

开户行: 开户行:

账号: 账号:









签约时间: 年 月 日



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