Problem Set 1 .edu

Argument Topics List

Provide a persuasive argument in answer to 1A, 1B, or 2. Note that "should" in an ethics class is always an ethics question requiring an ethics answer.

1. A company president found that a competitor had made an important scientific discovery that would sharply reduce the profits of his own company. He then hired a key employee of the competitor in an attempt to learn the details of the discovery. Choose either (A) Should the company president have done that? Or (B) Should the key employee tell what she knows about the discovery?

2) A publicly-held company has greatly increased its profits by closing its corporate headquarters in Pittsburgh, with a loss there of 1,000 jobs. It has moved its locus of incorporation to a strategically-chosen host country. The company still must pay U.S. business taxes on all sales in the U.S. Unlike the U.S, however, the host country charges no taxes on sales made outside its borders. The company's increase in profits thus derives both (a) from employing much cheaper labor in the new host country and (b) from slashing its tax bills by 75%. Is the manufacturer’s move offshore ethical?




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