Syllabus BA 310 - WOU

Syllabus BA 494


|Office: WH Room 207 A |Office Hours: By appointment only |

|E-mail: |Phone: 838-8336 |

| |541-737-8631 |

Text Book

Assigned articles, cases and reading

QUIZZES: 80 Points

There will be daily quizzes.  The lowest two scores will be dropped.  There are no make-up quizzes.  Quizzes have two purposes.

1. Quizzes are to encourage class attendance. Current quiz questions come from information already discussed in class.

2. Quizzes give students experience with the type of questions that you will see on a mid-term.

Exams:  200 points

I have scheduled two mid-term examinations.  Each will cover only the material since the last exam.  Each is worth 100 points.

|Exam #1: February 9th |Exam #2: Finals Week |


I will post a spreadsheet on your score to that point in the term after each exam. I don’t take class time to go over exams, nor do I hand exams back. If you want to see your exam, you need to come by my office.

Current Events: 20 Points

With a partner, you will be required to present a current event. This involves finding an article on a current ethical issue, preparing a power-point presentation that covers the key points and taking 5 to 10 minutes to lead a class discussion.

Journal: 50 Points

You will be required to keep a journal throughout the course of the term. I prefer to have it typed up. It makes it easier on me to read; but, I will accept journals written in long hand. You should make Three or Four entries a week. You can discuss what you thought of class, the current events, other articles that we read, ethical dilemmas that you run across, or thought provoking cartoons (you should collect at least one cartoon a week). Here is an example of a cartoon. You need to discuss the cartoon, not just include it in your journal.


I will call for your journal 2 or 3 times during the term, to make sure you are keeping up with your writing.

Book Report: 25 points

You will be required to select a book that discusses in detail some ethical dilemma. You will then write a book report on that book. The book report is not to exceed 4 pages.

Here are some possible books. You can choose one of these or select a book on your own. You must okay the book with me before you begin your project.

A people’s history of the United States

Manufacturing Consent

The United States of Wal-Mart



The Tipping Point






|A |A- |B+ |

|Jan 10th |Introduction | |

|Jan 12th |Wal-Mart | |

|Jan 17th |Wal-Mart | |

|Jan 19th |Wal-Mart | |

|Jan 24th |Wal-Mart | |

|Jan 26th |Marketing Ethics |Sine, Robertson |

|Jan 31st |Marketing Ethics |Downes, McGilvra |

|Feb 2nd |Ethical Dilemmas in Advertising |Hampton, Trapanese |

| |Case: Perrier | |

|Feb 7th |Ethical Dilemmas in Promotion |Parker, Adams |

| |Case: vulnerable Target Markets | |

|Feb 9th |Ethical Dilemmas in Product |Reichelt, Aikens |

| |Case: Ford/Firestone |Histed, Lemus |

|Feb 14th |El Dia de San Valentin | |

| |[pic] | |

|Feb 16th |Test #1 | |

|Feb 21st |Ethical Dilemmas in Product |Bedran, Forest |

| |Case: Vioxx | |

|Feb 23rd |Ethical Dilemmas in Product |Venti, Stephenson |

| |Case: Dietary Supplements | |

|Feb 28th |Ethical Dilemmas in Pricing |Bracken, Jeffries |

| |Case: Drug Pricing | |

|March 2nd |Whole Foods |Millsap, Walker |

| | |Fidler, Peck |

|March 7th |Sustainability |Kimball, Sanchez |

| |Case: Nike | |

|March 9th |Sustainability |Harville, Grauer |

| |Case: Green Marketing |Domaschofsky, Ayala |

|March 14th |Enron |Nelson, Gitts |

|March 16th |Enron |Perez, Fadling |

| |Book Reports Due | |

|Finals Week |Journals due at the final Test #3   | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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