Evaluation Descriptor for Ethical Issues 1104

2013-14 Evaluation Descriptor Ethics and Philosophy 2101

In this course you will be introduced to the foundational precepts of philosophy and the interdependence of ethical behavior and philosophical and religious thought. The focus of the course is to reflect on how to think (metcognition) rather than what to know (i.e., memorization).

This course is to foster critical thinking as you examine and investigate problems and conflicts individually, locally and globally. In other words, thinking about how ethics and philosophy connect to everyday life.

| | | |

| |Evaluation |Value |

| | | |

|1. |Philosophy 12: |30% |

| |Unit 1: Chapters 1 &2 | |

| |Unit 2: Chapters 7 & 8 | |

| |Unit 3: Chapter 11 | |

| |Unit 4: Chapters 12, 13 &14 | |

| |The Dream Weaver: Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 13 | |

| |Note: Chapters will not necessarily be done in order of units listed above. | |

| |Assessment: | |

| |Test on Chapter 1 & 12 …10% | |

| |Power point on Philosopher ( Groups of 3)…10% | |

| |Critical Reading Reflection from assigned article…10% | |

| | | |

|2. |Formal Observations: |50% |

| |Workbook: reflective journals and thought experiments …30% | |

| |Ethics and Philosophy Café: class participation: discussions, debates, cooperative learning, group and pair | |

| |assignments, discussed in The Matrix ……………...………………... 20% | |

| | | |

|3. |Major Project: Students are to choose ONE of the following options: |20% |

| |Individual or Pairs: Creation of a philosophy/ethics magazine. This project is a collection of the student’s BEST | |

| |work completed during the term and show-cased at the end of the course as a magazine. Electronic version and/or | |

| |paper version. | |

| |2. Group Power Point Presentation on one ethical issue and its philosophical connection| |

| |from Chapter 14 or from any other chapter in Philosophy: Questions and Answers that has not been | |

| |discussed in class. | |

| |3. Individual or Pair: Power Point Presentation on how philosophy /ethics relates to everyday life. Note:| |

| |To be discussed with teacher in further detail. | |

| |4. Individual/ Pair- Power Point Presentation or paper (1000 words) on one philosophical/ethical concept from| |

| |The Dream Weaver. Concept must be discussed in terms of a philosopher and his/her respective viewpoints. | |

| | | |

| | |100% |

Ethics and Philosophy Assignment: Due to the days lost (approximately 10 classes) students will be required to do all work for the assignments outside class time. Students will be given the option of working individually and in pairs only. All assignments are due Friday, May 6/11. In the case of power points they are to be e-mailed to me by 3:00 pm on this date to avoid a late penalty. Papers and magazines are to be submitted to me by paper or e-mailed to me by 3:00 pm on this date to avoid a late penalty.

By March 24 you are to sign the class list that will be circulated in class with your assignment option. If you are working in pairs you are to indicate this on this sheet. As your teacher, I reserve the right not to allow you to work in pairs due to the difficulties that occurred during Term 1 with group work assignments. All assignment choices/proposals (#2 to #4 ) must be signed off by me no later than Thursday, March 24. I will be able to show some of your work in class (hopefully) and we will be able to discuss the concepts you have researched in this manner.

Option 1: Individual or Pairs: Creation of a philosophy/ethics magazine. This project is a collection of the student’s BEST work completed during the term and show-cased at the end of the course as a magazine. Electronic version and/or paper version.

|Project: 25% | |

| |Philosophy- Ethics Magazine MARKING RUBRIC |

| | |

|Value: = 10 |Cover Page |

| |Title, Design, & Date of Issue |

| | |

|= 10 |Table of Contents |

| |Contributors, page numbers, authors, etc. |

| |Use of other student’s work with their permission |

| |Correct referencing |

|l | |

|= 10 |Creativity, Visual & Audience Appeal |

| |Marks not to be deducted for black & white copies |

| | |

|Item #1= 10 | |

| |Philosopher of the Month & best quote by that philosopher |

|Item #2= 10 | |

| |Roving Reporter: Interview: interviewing an ancient philosopher |

| |(Thales, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle)… imagine a scientist has brought one of the ancient philosophers |

| |back to life and you have been granted permission to conduct the first interview with this philosopher. |

| |Prepare five philosophical questions that you would like to ask him and record the answers he would be |

| |likely to give/supporting your answer with your research [38, p.45]. |

| | |

|Item #3= 20 | |

| |A cartoon, or an advertisement, or a song or a poem, that illustrates an ethical dilemma in today’s |

| |world. |

|Item #4= 10 |A cartoon, or an advertisement, or a song or a poem, that illustrates an philosophical statement |

| |relevant to today’s world. |

| | |

| |A Thought Experiment: create a thought experiment or respond to one of the many given in your textbook |

|Item #5= 10 |[See example on page14] |

| | |

| | |

| |Editor’s Page: |

| |A written response to one of the following: |

| |Star Trek: The Next Generation [#3, p.42] |

| |Are scientists better qualified than metaphysicians to answer questions about reality? [#2, p.117] |

| |A response to the excerpt, A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawkins [#3, p.172] |

|Item #6 =10 | |

| |Your choice |

| | |

| | |

Option #2:

Individual/ Pair- Power Point Presentation or paper (1000 words) on one philosophical/ethical concept from The Dream Weaver. Be sure to discuss in terms of philosopher(s) and respective viewpoints.

Topic Choices:

Chapter 2: What is Self? How are self and identity connected?

What is consciousness? How is it linked or not linked to self?

What is Memory? How important is memory?

Your identity can’t just be in the piece of grey matter you call a brain-true or false? The Dream Weaver p. 41.See also Philosophy: Questions and Answers pp.136-139.

Near Death Experiences

Do ghosts exist?

Explaining the existence or non existence of phantom pain.

Chapter 13: Why be moral? The Dream Weaver p.326

Discussion of Divine Command Theory The Dream Weaver p.317.

Discussion of Heinz Dilemma The Dream Weaver p.321.

Discussion of Aristotle’s view of virtue The Dream Weaver p.332.

Option #3 & 4:

#3. Individual or pair: Power Point Presentation on one ethical issue and its philosophical connection from Chapter 14 or from any other chapter in Philosophy: Questions and Answers . Note: To be discussed with teacher in further detail.

#4. Individual or Pair: Power Point Presentation on how philosophy /ethics relates to everyday life. Note: To be discussed with teacher in further detail.


Artificial Intelligence: The Chinese Room Philosophy: Questions and Answers pp. 148-149.

Lying, cheating and stealing: common ethical dilemmas discussed philosophically.

Does censorship conflict with freedom of expression?

Sissela Bok’s response to September 2001 terrorist attacks. The Dream Weaver p.289 – web connection.

The Human Genome Project: where does ethics and philosophy begin or merge in this project The Dream Weaver p.294 – web connection.

Human genetic engineering: the philosophy and ethics behind the engineering

Treatment of non- human animals in genetic engineering or testing

Ethics and Computers: the case of intellectual property

Ethics and Business: the rights and wrongs of advertising in Canada.p.347 & The Dream Weaver p.303 web connection

Thought Experiment: choose one thought experiment from one the following pages in your text, Philosophy: Questions and Answers:

The veil of ignorance ( p.424) Do you agree or disagree with Rawls’ theory of justice?

First class travel ( p.140) Is stepping into a teletransporter a way of traveling – or a way of dying? Would you step in?

Something about Mary (p.116)

Power Point Directions and Rubric

Create a power point presentation on your option of choice. Number of slides: 15 to 20. Words per slide: 40 + some kind of video link

Ethics and Philosophy Power point Rubric:

| | |

|Research and knowledge of topic |/30 |

|Connection to philosophy |/30 |

|Power point presentation: | |

|Number of slides, words per slide, | |

|font choice and background choice. |/30 |

|Inclusion of a video 3 to 4 minutes maximum | |

| | |

|References |/10 |

|Paper Rubric: 100 words | |

| | /40 |

|Research and knowledge of topic | |

|Connection to philosophy |/40 |

|In text citations |/10 |

|References |/10 |

| | |

Philosophy 12:

Unit 1: Chapters 1 &2

Unit 2: Chapters 7 & 8

Unit 3: Chapter 11

Unit 4: Chapters 12, 13 &14

The Dream Weaver: Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 13

| | | |

| |Evaluation |Value |

| | | |

|1. |Tests: |15% |

| |One test on Chapter 1 & 12 | |

| | | |

|2. |Formal Observations: Portfolio/Folder | |

| |Class Activities: portfolio/folder cover design, discussions, debates, design a T-shirt contest, cooperative | |

| |learning activities, posters, web searches, concept maps, etc. | |

| | |20% |

| | | |

|3. |Reflective journals on Thought W |10% |

| | | |

|4. |Philosophy Cafe – Group Assignment | |

| |Culminating Activity Unit 1, pp.46-47 |10% |

| | | |

|5. |Group Assignment: | |

| | | |

|6. |Project: Creation of a philosophy-ethics magazine/newsletter | |

| |Individual or Group option |20% |

| |Comprising of student’s BEST work completed during the term and show- cased at the end of the course as a | |

| |magazine. | |

|Project: 15% | |

| |Philosophy- Ethics Magazine- Old Version |

| | |

| |Cover Page |

| |Title |

| |Design |

| |Date of Issue |

| | |

| |Table of Contents |

| |Contributors, page numbers, authors, etc. |

| |Use of other student’s work with their permission |

| |Correct referencing |

| | |

|Item #1 | |

| |Report on Philosophy Café |

|Item #2 | |

| |Philosopher of the Month & best quote by that philosopher |

|Item #3 | |

| | |

| |Roving Reporter: Interview: interviewing an ancient philosopher |

| |(Thales, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle)… imagine a scientist has brought one of the ancient philosophers back to |

| |life and you have been granted permission to conduct the first interview with this philosopher. Prepare five |

| |questions that you would like to ask him and record the answers he would be likely to give [38, p.45]. |

|Item #4 | |

| |A cartoon, or an advertisement, or a song or a poem, that illustrates an ethical dilemma in today’s world. |

|Item #5 | |

| |A Thought Experiment: create a thought experiment or respond to one of the many given in your textbook [ See |

| |example on page14] |

| | |

| |Editor’s Page: |

|Item #6 |A written response to one of the following: |

| |What philosophy is and is not [#2, p.22] |

| |Star Trek: The Next Generation [#3, p.42] |

| |Where do ideas come from? [ CBC radio- program Ideas] |

| |Are scientists better qualified than metaphysicians to answer questions about reality? [#2, p.117] |

| |A response to the excerpt, A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawkins [#3, p.172] |

| | |

| |All work must be completed and save on student’s computer. |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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