Course - Holmesglen

CourseBachelor of NursingCourse CodeBNURS13LocationMoorabbin CampusContactBob Ribbons, Undergraduate Coordinator, Nursing Email: Holmesglen: bh 9-Dec-2016 Q:\Projects\Higher Ed Reporting\B_H\WEBSITES\HIT WEBSITE\Degree Curriculum Maps\Bach of Nursing BNURS13 - Curriculum Map_v1.docxSubject titleNursing 1 - The Individual and CommunityBioscience Foundations 1Integrated Clinical Practice 1Professional Studies 1 - The Health Context and Nursing ProfessionCodeNSG11013NSG11023NSG11033NSG11043Credit Points6846Co-requisitesNSG11013 NSG11043Learning Outcomesoutline the basic psychological and sociological concepts in regard to the relationship between the individual and societyidentify patterns of human growth and development throughout the life cyclediscuss the concepts of life-span development and define the psychological importance of significant life stages and eventscompare and contrast theories of personality development and discuss the influence of personality on adaptation to life stresses and illnessevaluate models of communication and identify communication strategies appropriate to a client’s age, culture, cognitive ability and emotional stateexplore lifestyle factors which impact on the health of the individual, family and communityanalyse the evidence influencing health behaviours according to age, population group and disease categoryassess the influence of cultural and community attitudes on an individual’s developmental and health needsdescribe the basic concepts and theories underpinning primary health careoutline the main concepts of a ‘wellness’ approach from a community health perspectiveexplain how community development processes improve health for individuals, groups and communitiesdistinguish available community resources to promote health and prevent health breakdownapply common assessment frameworks and tools in the community health environment with a health promotion focusexplain the importance of using an inter-professional approach to achieve positive health outcomes for the individual and communitydevelop an individual health education plan that is appropriate to the client’s beliefs, cultural values and health practices.describe the basic chemical, biological and homeostatic concepts governing the structure and function of the living organism.relate the structure of cells and tissues to their functions at their respective levels of body organizationdemonstrate a basic understanding of microorganisms, their associations with humans and infectionexplain how the structure of the integumentary system is related to its various functions across the lifespanexplain how the structure of the major bones, joints and muscles is related to the functions of body support and movementdiscuss the processes associated with the ageing of body systemsexplain how the structure of the nervous system is related to the sensory, integrative, and responsive functions of nervous tissuesdiscuss the integrative functions of nervous system and of the endocrine system highlighting their similarities and differencesdemonstrate skills in the observation, presentation and critical evaluation of biological an clinical dataapply theoretical concepts to clinical situations to develop a framework for scientific understand of nursing practiceeffectively and appropriately apply a range of communication modelsapply appropriate communication strategies aimed at developing rapport and trust with toddlers, children, adolescents, adults and older adultsdemonstrate consideration for the culture, cognitive ability and emotional state of individuals through the appropriate application of communication strategiesdemonstrate effective communication skills in conducting a client health interviewdemonstrate the application of accepted assessment frameworks in obtaining a health history from a clientapply accepted assessment frameworks and tools to assess a clients cognitive, motivational and emotional stateanalyse assessment findings to identify risks and the health and developmental needs of an individual taking into consideration their stage in the life cycleformulate an individual health promotion plan that is appropriate to a client’s beliefs, cultural values and health practicesuse effective communication skills to educate clients in relation to health promotion activitiesdiscuss inter-professional practice in the community setting in relation to collaborative client-centred careexplain the role of allied health professionals in the community health environmentdemonstrate the ability to effectively give and receive feedback to inform the ongoing professional development of self and peersdiscuss the nature and extent of illness and health needs in Australia and outline the Australian health care system within the global contextdescribe the social and political factors which influence health care policy and delivery in Australiaanalyse the historical development of contemporary nursing in Australia and identify factors influencing nursing practice todayrelate the concept of ‘professionalism’ to nursing practiceoutline the scope of practice of the registered nurse and differentiate this from that of the enrolled nurse, nurse practitioner and other members of the multidisciplinary teamidentify core competencies and standards associated with professional nursing practiceexplain the role of ‘regulation’ in relation to nursing and other healthcare professionsdiscuss the development of nursing knowledge and theories and their influence upon current practiceexplain the importance of evidence-based practice and nursing research in promoting quality outcomes for clients, families, health care providers and the health care systemoutline the elements that comprise a professional portfolio and identify the importance of professional portfolios in contemporary nursing practiceWeekly contact5 hours7 hours2.9 hours average5 hoursAssessmentWritten Assignment – 50% Health Promotion Plan – 50%Test – 10%Test – 10%Laboratory Work – 20% Examination – 60%Pre-clinical OSCE – 30 %Mini Health Assessment – 10% Multi-Source Assessment – 60%Poster Presentation/online assignment – 40% Written Assignment – 60%Subject titleNursing 2 – Foundations of CareBioscience Foundations 2Integrated Clinical Practice 2Professional Studies 2 - Law and EthicsCodeNSG12013NSG12023NSG12033NSG12043Credit Points6864Pre-requisitesNSG11013 NSG11023NSG11023NSG11033Co-requisitesNSG12013, NSG12023 and NSG12043Learning Outcomesintegrate major psycho-socio-cultural factors affecting the organization and delivery of health care with the role of the nurse and other health-care workers in this processdiscuss the psycho-social effects and culture shock of hospitalization and/or treatment for the individual taking into consideration factors such as age, social circumstances and cultureexplain the principles and practice of pro-active clinical risk managementoutline the processes for admitting and discharging a client from a health facility and explain the importance of appropriate referral in maintaining the continuum of care.identify health history and physical assessment frameworks that are appropriate to a variety of clinical environments, eg acute, day procedure, rehabilitationanalyse client assessment data, identify problems and construct an appropriate plan of nursing care that is person-centered, age-appropriate and culturally sensitivediscuss strategies that can be employed to maximize client empowerment and independence with regard to activities of daily livingexplain the importance of adequate sleep, rest and relation in relation to client health and wellbeingidentify evidence-based methods of simple wound managementoutline the principles and practice of safe medication administrationdiscuss the concept of death and grief considering factors such as age and culturediscuss the functions of blood as a connective tissue, innate and adaptive defences of the human body and the role blood cells and tissues play in immunologyexplain how the structure of the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems are related to the functions of transport, regulation and protectionexplain how the structure of the respiratory, digestive and renal systems are related to the functions of uptake, maintenance and removal of the body’s essential requirementsexplain the structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems and their developmentdevelop an understanding of the continuity of life by describing pregnancy, early development, heredity and geneticsdiscuss the processes associated with the ageing of body systemsdevelop a further understanding of the role for the nervous and endocrine systems in the coordination of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, renal and reproductive systemsdemonstrate a understanding of the basic principles of pharmacology including nomenclature, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics (and adverse drug reactions)discuss the structure and function of the autonomic and central nervous systems with particular reference to the role of receptors in neuro-chemical transmissiondemonstrate skills in the observation, presentation and critical evaluation of clinical dataapply theoretical concepts to clinical situations to develop a framework for scientific understanding of nursing practicedemonstrate the appropriate application of Standard Precautions within the nursing laboratory simulated and clinical placement environmentsdemonstrate the use of correct body mechanics and ‘No-Lift’ principles and practices at all times within the simulated and real clinical environmentdemonstrate the application of appropriate communication skills in the simulated and real clinical environmentdemonstrate an ability to work as part of a multi- disciplinary team skills in the simulated and real clinical environmentcarry out the full admission of a client into the clinical environmentconducted focused and comprehensive physical assessments on young adult, middle aged and elderly clients, including vital signs, and differentiate between normal and abnormal findingsformulate a plan of care for a client in response to the assessments made and issues identified in the admission process, and appropriate to the client’s age, culture, physical ability and mental statedemonstrate clear and accurate documentation in relation to assessment, admission, care planning, progress notes and discharge planningassist a client with activities of daily living in an age- appropriate, culturally sensitive manner, ensuring that client independence is maximized and privacy and dignity is maintainedassist a client in meeting nutritional and elimination needs and assessing and monitoring fluid balanceutilize correct procedures to collect urine and faecal specimensexplain the sources of law in Australia including the structural and procedural branches of the justice systemdifferentiate between legal responsibilities and ethical obligations in nursing practiceanalyse critically and predict possible legal outcomes in nursing practice based on a critical understanding of key legal requirementsdistinguish between key ethical concepts and theories relevant to nursing practiceapply ethical reasoning theories and principles to a variety of ethical issues in given clinical scenariosidentify, investigate and resolve selected ethical dilemmas frequently encountered in clinical nursing practicereflect on their personal and professional values and beliefs influencing their nursing practiceWeekly contact5 hours7 hours4 hours4 hoursAssessmentCase based written assignment – 50% Examination – 50%Test – 10%Test – 10%Laboratory work – 20% Exam – 60%Pre-clinical OSCE – 30 %Mini Health Assessment – 10% Multi-Source Assessment – 60%Exam – 50%Case Study Analysis – 50%Subject titleNursing 3 - Clinical Care AClinical Specialty 1 - Care of the Older PersonIntegrated Clinical Practice 3Professional Studies 3 – Research in NursingCodeNSG21013NSG21023NSG21033NSG21043Credit Points6684Pre-requisitesNSG12013 and NSG12023NSG12013 and NSG12023NSG12033Co-requisitesNSG21013 and NSG21023Learning Outcomesreview the structure and function of the respiratory, cardiovascular, renal/urological and haematological systemsdemonstrate an understanding of the pathophysiology of common alterations in oxygenation, perfusion, renal/urological and haematological functionidentify diagnostic tests and investigations appropriate to diagnose health problemsdescribe methods and techniques used to conduct a comprehensive nursing history and focused physical examination in relation to oxygenation, perfusion, urinary function and paindiscuss risk factors leading to problems with oxygenation, perfusion and urinary function and examine health promotion and client education strategies to address thesedemonstrate an ability to identify and integrate presenting problems across the lifespan to develop appropriate therapeutic treatments and nursing management plansexplain the actions of and possible side-effects of medications used in client managementdiscuss the nursing implications and clinical risks associated with a clients pharmacological regimeanalyse Theories of Aginginvestigate relevant demographic changesalter nursing care based on understanding physiological, psychological and sociological changesapply altered care needs in relation to pharmacological issuesfoster longevity and quality of lifeprevent and manage falls and mobility issuesdemonstrate indepth applied insight and knowledge into cognitive changes and behavioural issues including wandering, aggression and restlessnessprovide care for common altered health issuesdescribe the common mental health disorders that occur in elderly individuals and the appropriate nursing management of behavioral implications common to these presentationsapply relevant philosophies of care including Person Centred Care, Eden Principles and wisdom developmentapply knowledge in relation to relevant funding issuesapply knowledge in relation to relevant legal and ethical issues including, restraint, abuse and mandatory reportingdemonstrate ability to care in relation to end of life issues and palliationcompare and contrast care in different care settings such as acute, residential and home caredemonstrate appropriate communication skills with clients, nursing colleagues, multidisciplinary team members and clinical supervisorsdemonstrate compliance in relation to professional codes of conduct in the simulated and clinical environmentidentify the legal responsibilities of the nurse in simulated and real client-care situationscritically analyse client care situations to determine risks to client safety and implement appropriate risk management strategiesdemonstrate cultural sensitivity in the management of clients and their families / significant othersanalyse simulated and real clinical environments from the perspective of safety and implement appropriate strategies to manage riskanalyse the adequacy of clinical documentation from a legal evidentiary perspectiveexplore and evaluate the clinical application of research in relation to client assessment and basic nursing careidentify ethical issues and dilemmas within the simulated and real clinical environment and apply ethical theories and principles using ethical reasoning processescompetently evaluate clinical problems and perform health assessments on clients in the medical / surgical environmentpredict appropriate nursing interventions, and plan the nursing management of clients experiencing acute and chronic health problems related to alterations in: oxygenation; perfusion; urinary function; fluid and electrolyte balancesafely implement appropriate nursing interventions for the above clients in a timely mannerdiscuss the significance of research for decision- making in framing health care policy and decision- making in clinical practiceoutline the steps in conducting researchconduct a search of the literaturecompare and contrast the basic design and analytical concepts underpinning quantitative and qualitative research methodologieslist the criteria used to review qualitative and quantitative studiesapply research findings or best practice principles in the planning of nursing care for individuals and/or familiesoutline the principal considerations when evaluating the ethics, rigour and clinical application of researchdevelop a beginning understanding of the research process through the application of concepts to the research proposal processidentify future trends in nursing researchWeekly contact5 hours5 hours5.5 hours4 hoursAssessmentExam – 50%Case based Assignment – 50%Exam – 50%Case Study – 50%Pre-clinical OSCE – 20 %Mini Health Assessments – 20% Multi-Source Assessment – 60%Exam – 40%Research Proposal – 60%Subject titleNursing 4 - Clinical Care BClinical Specialty 2 - Mental HealthIntegrated Clinical Practice 4Professional Studies 4 – Evidence-Based PracticeCodeNSG22013NSG22023NSG22033NSG22043Credit Points6684Pre-requisitesNSG12013NSG12013 and NSG12023NSG21033NSG21043Co-requisitesNSG22013 and NSG22023Learning Outcomesreview the structure and function of the neurological, musculoskeletal, endocrine, gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary systemsdemonstrate an understanding of the pathophysiology of common alterations in movement and coordination; regulation, and ingestion, digestion, absorption and metabolismidentify diagnostic tests and investigations appropriate to diagnose health problemsdescribe methods and techniques used to conduct a comprehensive nursing history and physical examinationdiscuss risk factors leading to problems with movement and coordination; regulation; ingestion; digestion; absorption and metabolism and examine health promotion and client education strategies to address theseidentify and integrate presenting problems across the lifespan to develop appropriate therapeutic treatments and nursing management plansexplain the actions and possible side-effects of medications used in client managementdiscuss the nursing implications and clinical risks associated with a clients pharmacological regimediscuss the factors that influence an individual’s response to paindiscuss the factors that influence an individual’s response to paincritically analyse a range of tools utilised to assess paindistinguish between different types of pain caused by injuries and pain pathways in the nervous systemexplain the principles of acute and chronic pain assessment and the associated nursing managementdiscuss the use of evidence-based pain management methods, medical and non-medicalexplore issues associated with the implementation of best-practice pain managementidentify cancer specific health priorities within Australasian and international contextsdiscuss cancer specific risk factors, screening and prevention strategies that are currently availableidentify acute complications specifically associated with the oncology clientcompare and contrast treatment options for common cancers, including their associated physiological complications and psychosocial impactexplore the oncology nursing role in the treatment of specialist population groups including adolescents,explain the rationale for mental health assessment, diagnosis, multiaxial classification and investigate the assessment as it relates to the Australian National Standards for Mental Health Services 2000distinguish the common mental illnesses and major disorders, by outlining their aetiology and epidemiology and defining their clinical manifestations using a life span approachseparate the main requirements of mental health legislation and the ethical implications for practice in relation to safety and human rightscontrast the most effective treatments for the common and major mental illnesses including cognitive behavioural therapy, motivational interviewing and dialectical behaviour therapydescribe the indications, actions, contraindications, precautions, side effects and nursing implications for the main drugs used to treat mental illnesses including antipsychotics, antidepressants, mood stabilizing agents, antiparkinsonian agents and sedative hypnoticsdescribe common childhood mental health problems and disorders and outline the main interventions used in their nursing care. describe the predictors, presentation, clinical responses and responsibilities of nursing the client who is suicidal, or participates in deliberate self harm behaviourapply effective communication skills in relation to clients and their families / significant others, nursing colleagues and members of the multidisciplinary teamdemonstrate the ability to effectively prioritise client care and deliver care in a timely mannercritically analyse client care situations to determine risks to client safety and implement appropriate risk management strategiesidentify ethical issues and dilemmas within the simulated and real clinical environment and apply ethical theories and principles using ethical reasoning processesdemonstrate compliance in relation to professional codes of conduct in the simulated and clinical environmentidentify the legal responsibilities of the nurse in simulated and real client-care situationsanalyse the adequacy of clinical documentation from a legal evidentiary perspectiveexplore and evaluate the clinical application of research in relation to client assessment and basic nursing caredischarge a client from the clinical setting, ensuring that continuity of care is maintained through appropriate referral and client information / educationdemonstrate the application of approved frameworks to conduct comprehensive and focused client assessmentsapply evidence-based principles of management through the formulation of appropriate nursing care plans which are individualised to the client’s age, sex, culture, physical capabilities, mental and emotional statesafely and competently perform a range of related clinical skills including: conducting and interpreting neurological observations; nasogastric tube insertion; management of enteral feeding tubes; ostomy management; administration of intravenous medications and advanced wound dressingsexamine, apply and evaluate a range of pain management techniques in assisting clients who are experiencing physical discomfort and paindemonstrate skills in engaging, developing and disengaging from therapeutic relationships through the use of appropriate communication and interpersonal skillsdemonstrate skills in biopsychosocial assessment incorporating risk assessment, the mental state examination and activities of daily livingwithin the confines of clinical supervision identify anddiscuss the significance of research for decision- making in framing health care policy and decision- making in clinical practiceoutline the steps in conducting researchconduct a search of the literaturecompare and contrast the basic design and analytical concepts underpinning quantitative and qualitative research methodologieslist the criteria used to review qualitative and quantitative studiesapply research findings or best practice principles in the planning of nursing care for individuals and/or familiesoutline the principal considerations when evaluating the ethics, rigour and clinical application of researchdevelop a beginning understanding of the research process through the application of concepts to the research proposal processidentify future trends in nursing researchyoung adults, indigenous, older adults and clients from a culturally and linguistically diverse backgroundexplore key themes within current oncology nursing practice including: care coordination, multidisciplinary care and supportive carediscuss palliative care management options including specific treatments and palliative care settingsdiscuss the acute, chronic, ambulatory and psycho- social contexts of illness and how these influence the clinical presentation and nursing careexplore and critically evaluate the clinical application of research and theoretical literature related to nursing clients with common health problemspropose appropriate professional, ethical, gender and culturally competent behaviours to use with clients, families and members of the health care teamidentify the medico-legal responsibilities of the nursearticulate their own emotional and psychological responses to situations with colleagues and/or with clients in a professional mannerunder supervision conduct a mental health nursing interview and take a comprehensive history with a client suffering from psychosisdemonstrate the ability to work in a therapeutic manner with a client to promote privacy and dignity and enable them to express their feelingsunder supervision, formulate and document a plan of nursing care, in partnership with clients, their carers, family and friends within a framework of informed consentdemonstrate an understanding of the physical health needs of clients/clients who are being treated on antipsychotic medicationassess and identify the physical health needs of individuals with differing lifestyles, including those who use alcohol and/or drugsunder supervision formulate and document outcomes of all the above assessments including a plan of care with clients, their carers, family and friends within a framework of informed consentdemonstrate the application of assessment frameworks to identify problems specifically associated with the client with cancerdemonstrate the ability to critically analyse assessment information and utilise it within the nursing process to formulate a plan of careexamine complications specifically related to cancer treatment such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapyutilise problem solving skills in the management of a range of treatment related complicationssafely and competently use critical thinking skills to manage the care of vascular access devices frequently encountered in clients with cancerutilise an evidence based framework in the care of the client with palliative care needsexamine pharmacological methods used for symptom control in palliative clientsdemonstrate the utilisation of therapeutic, sensitive communication skills with the client, friends and familydemonstrate the ability to identify the physical, psychosocial and spiritual needs of the palliative careapply the principles of bereavement counselling to a palliative client and their familyWeekly contact5 hours5 hours6 hours4 hoursAssessmentExam – 50%Case based Assignment – 50%Written Assignment – 50% Exam – 50%Mini Health Assessment s- 20% Multi-source Assessments – 60% Pre-clinical OSCE – 20%Written Report – 60% Written Assignment – 40%Subject titleClinical Specialty 3 - Rehabilitation and Community CareClinical Specialty 4 - Family-Centred CareIntegrated Clinical Practice 5Professional Studies 3 - Indigenous Culture and HealthCodeNSG31013NSG31023NSG31033NSG31043Credit Points6684Pre-requisitesNSG11013 and NSG11033NSG21013 and NSG22013NSG22033NSG11013Co-requisiteNSG31013, NSG31023 and NSG31043Learning Outcomesexplain the interactions between environment, social structures and individual factors in health and illness outcomesdiscuss and demonstrate the relationship between health restoration strategies and rehabilitation and community nursing conceptsinvestigate the processes required for delivering nursing services in rehabilitation and community contexts and indicate requirements for specific health conditionsdifferentiate assessment practices and principles in the acute, rehabilitation and community settingscritically analyse assessment tools across a range of post-acute and community environmentsdiscuss best-practice principles in relation to rehabilitation nursinganalyse critically a range of community nursing concepts and principlesdiscuss the concept of ‘care coordination’ in rehabilitation and community care and explain its importance in achieving optimal client outcomesdemonstrate knowledge regarding the management of mental health consumers in the community context, including case management, crisis intervention and legislation whilst adopting a strengths recovery focusexamine issues related to the delivery of nursing care in rural and remote communitiesdiscuss models of care in the rural and remote contextcritically examine interprofessional practice within rehabilitation and community care and discuss the role of the registered nurse in the team contextdistinguish between the various integrated Community Health/Community Care healthcare models operating in the Australian healthcare systemoutline the factors that influence growth and development from conception to adolescenceexplain intrauterine growth and development of the fetusdiscuss the transition from intrauterine to extrauterine lifediscuss the care of the pregnant woman and her baby in antenatal, labour and postnatal perioddescribe the care of the newbornoutline the fundamental differences between children and adultsapply a systematic approach to paediatric assessment that reflects the changes in growth and development across the neonate-infant-adolescent continuumutilise paediatric assessment data to plan, implement and evaluate safe and effective care for children and familiesoutline the role of the Maternal and Child Health Nurse in Victoriaanalyse the impact of hospitalization on the child and family and identify and formulate strategies to support families through the hospital experiencedetermine appropriate management, prevention and health promotion strategies for common childhood illness/injurydiscuss the approaches to management and care of children with mental health concerns in the hospital environmentapply the principles underpinning paediatric pharmacology, including the safe administration of medication across the developmental trajectorydiscuss the role of the nurse in supporting families as a result of family breakdown for the following reasons: physical abuse, sexual abuse, unplanned pregnancy, financial hardship, stress as a result of non-traditional gender orientationdeliver underpinned by evidence, knowledge and current health practices in related to: cancer, trauma, care of the dying child, NAI, the child undergoing invasive procedures, critical care and chronic illness or disabilityexplain the role of the nurse in the ambulatory care& community settingapply developmentally appropriate methods to assess and manage the child experiencing acute and/or chronic paindemonstrate appropriate communication skills with clients, nursing colleagues, multidisciplinary team members and clinical supervisorsdemonstrate compliance in relation to professional codes of conduct in the simulated and clinical environmentidentify the legal responsibilities of the nurse in simulated and real client-care situationsdemonstrate cultural sensitivity in the management of clients and their families/significant othersappropriately prioritise and manage client care in a timely manneranalyse simulated and real clinical environments from the perspective of safety and implement appropriate strategies to manage riskanalyse the adequacy of clinical documentation from a legal evidentiary perspectiveexplore and evaluate the clinical application of research in relation to client assessment and basic nursing careidentify ethical issues and dilemmas within the simulated and real clinical environment and apply ethical theories and principles using ethical reasoning processesdemonstrate advancing health and social assessment skills and accurate recording methods applicable to the rehabilitation and community nursing environmentestablish goals and plan care in partnership with clientsdemonstrate a range of clinical skills and professional competencies required in the rehabilitation and community settinganalyse and apply strategies to enhance inter- professional practice in the rehabilitation and community health contextdistinguish available community resources to support individuals in their own homecritically analyse care coordination in a rehabilitation or community care environmentassist the midwife in the care of the pregnant woman and her baby in antenatal, labour and postnatal periodapply the components of the Primary and Secondary Survey tools to the assessment of children/infants in their careconduct a neonatal assessmentplan, implement and evaluate care for different age groups based on the principles of growth and developmentanalyse the perspectives on health and well-being and the social organisations of Indigenous Australiansdiscuss the impact of colonisation and past and present government policy on Indigenous Australian’s health at the organisational, community and individual levelscompare and contrast the diversity of Indigenous Australian cultures, histories, social and health organisations and the impact that these have on the health and well-being of Indigenous Australian’s todayexplore ones’ own cultural attitudes, beliefs and behaviours and reflect on how these may affect nursing practicecritically analyse information sources and be able to develop and sustain arguments in oral and written communication formsprovide care which recognises the importance of family centred, culturally sensitive care for the child and family experiencing an episode of hospitalizationparticipate in multidisciplinary collaborative care planning and delivery to children and their familiesidentify health promotion/illness prevention strategies relevant to the child in their care and effectively provide the family with education to support their implementationdemonstrate professional growth and clinical advancement through the application of knowledge, skills and attitude in the clinical situationparticipate in assessing and collecting data for nursing admissions and preparing the child/family for dischargedemonstrate the use of age appropriate effective communication strategiesexplain the safety and nursing implications of medication administration in relation to paediatric clientsapply culturally appropriate communication and nursing management strategies in the care of indigenous individuals and their families in community / rehabilitation / remote or paediatric health environmentsWeekly contact5 hours5 hours5.5 hours average4 hoursAssessmentWritten Assignment – 60% Paper and Presentation – 40%Exam – 50%Case based Assignment – 50%Mini Health Assessments – 20% Multi-source Assessments – 60% Pre-clinical OSCE – 20%Written assignment – 60^Group presentation and paper – 40%Subject titleClinical Specialty 5 - High Dependency and EmergencyNursing 5 - Models of Care, Chronicity & DisabilityIntegrated Clinical Practice 6Professional Studies 6 - Readiness for PracticeCodeNSG32013NSG32023NSG32033NSG32043Credit Points64104PrerequisitesNSG21013 and NSG22013NSG22013 and NSG31013NSG31033NSG22043 and NSG11043CorequisitesNSG32013, NSG32023 and NSG32043Learning Outcomesdiscuss the psychological impact that serious illness and highly technical environments have on clients and their families / significant othersoutline communication and management strategies to assist clients and families in coping with an admission to a high-acuity settingdemonstrate an in-depth knowledge of health problems typically presenting to each settingidentify appropriate nursing interventions and plan the nursing management of clients relevant to each settingrecognise and respond to deviations in mental state which can precipitate an episode of violence and aggression from a mental health patient in the emergency department through the development of de-escalation techniques, assessment of risk and appropriate response to violent situationsappreciate the multidisciplinary approach to client care in each settingexplore and critically evaluate the clinical application of research and theoretical literaturepropose appropriate professional, ethical, gender and culturally competent behaviours to use with clients, families and members of the health care teamidentify the medico-legal responsibilities of the nurse in high acuity environmentsdescribe methods and techniques used to conduct a comprehensive nursing history and physical examination in the high dependency settingidentify the categories used for initial client assessment according to the Australian Triage Scalediscuss the possible range of client/family behavioural responses in times of crisis and outline appropriate communication and management strategies to assist clients and families in coping with an admission to the Emergency Departmentdescribe the assessment of the emergency client using the primary and secondary survey approachdescribe the principles used to manage medical emergencies and traumadiscuss chronic illness and disability within the global contextdifferentiate illness from disease and acute illness from chronic illnessdescribe, discuss and analyse factors that contribute to chronic illness and disability within Australiaexplain the impact of chronic illness, life-limiting illness and disability on clients, their family, their care giver and the wider communityutilise holistic health assessment skills to assess the complex needs of clients with chronic illness, life- limiting illness and disability in different health care environmentsdiscuss the models of care and principles of holistic nursing when applied to caring for an individual with a chronic illness and/or disabilityoutline the role and scope of practice of interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary teams in the management of chronic illness, life-limiting illness and/or disability, particularly the nurses rolerelate the importance of effective interprofessional practice in achieving optimum outcomes for individuals with chronic illness, disability and/or life- limiting illnessidentify opportunities and effective strategies for developing nurse-client partnerships in clinical practiceidentify resources for individuals with issues related to chronic illness, life-limiting and disability within the community and utilise health promotion, supportive and palliative approaches to care in a range of health care settingsexplain the principles that underpin core palliative nursing care practices for life-limiting illnessesdemonstrate appropriate communication skills with clients, nursing colleagues, multidisciplinary team members and clinical supervisorsdemonstrate compliance in relation to professional codes of conduct in the simulated and clinical environmentidentify the legal responsibilities of the nurse in simulated and real client-care situationsdemonstrate cultural sensitivity in the management of clients and their families / significant othersappropriately prioritise and manage client care in a timely manneranalyse simulated and real clinical environments from the perspective of safety and implement appropriate strategies to manage riskanalyse the adequacy of clinical documentation from a legal and evidentiary perspectiveexplore and evaluate the clinical application of research in relation to client assessment and basic nursing careidentify ethical issues and dilemmas within the simulated and real clinical environment and apply ethical theories and principles using ethical reasoning processesdemonstrate appropriate communication strategies in alleviating the anxiety of clients and their families/ significant others in an emergency situationdistinguish the role and responsibilities of the nurse in the emergency care contextapply the Australian Triage Scale to the assessment of clientsdemonstrate the application of primary and secondary survey to client assessmentuse assessment data to determine an appropriate plan of care for an emergency clientsafely and competently implement, or assist in implementing, a range of skills associated with the care of the emergency client including: care of chest tubes and underwater-sealed drainage; application of plaster; spinal immobilisation; application of slings and bandages; application of skin traction; fitting of crutches; and intravenous cannulationassist the emergency team in a real and/or simulated advanced life support situationrecognise the following life-threatening arrhythmias on an ECG tracing or monitor: ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation and asystoleappropriately manage clients with problems related to oxygenation, circulation, movement and coordinationanalyse the issue of ‘reality shock’ in relation to entry into professional nursing practiceapply a diagnostic framework to determine the cultural characteristics of a health care organisationcritically analyse the culture within a range of health care environmentsdetermine appropriate strategies to manage bullying and harassment situationsdiscuss strategies that can be employed to enable effective socialisation into the workplacecritically examine the expectations of new graduate nurses from the perspective of health care organisationsidentify appropriate self-management strategies to reduce stressexamine the role of the professional nurse from the perspective of; self and client advocacy; teaching and on-going professional developmentdiscuss leadership and management as they relate to professional nursing practiceidentify effective leadership and management behaviours and role modelsoutline the key principles and practices related to quality and safety management within the Australian health systemanalyse how current technological trends in e-Health might improve health outcomes by influencing decision-making and health policycritically analyse knowledge and skill gaps and identify strategies to address these prior to entry to professional practice or during the graduate yeardistinguish the role and responsibilities of the nurse in the high-acuity care contextdemonstrate appropriate methods and techniques in conducting a comprehensive nursing history and physical examination in the high dependency settinguse assessment data to determine an appropriate plan of care for a high dependency clientsafely and competently implement, or assist in implementing, a range of skills associated with the care of the emergency client including: care of tracheostomy tubes; tracheal suctioning; advanced oxygen therapy; management of central lines and total parenteral nutritionapply holistic health assessment skills to assess the complex needs of clients with chronic illness, life- limiting illness and disability in different health care environmentsapply the principles of holistic nursing in the care of individuals with chronic illness and/or disabilitypractice effectively within an interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary team to facilitate optimum outcomes in the management of chronic illness, life- limiting illness and/or disabilitydevelop effective nurse-client partnerships in clinical practiceidentify resources for individuals with issues related to chronic illness, life-limiting and disability within the community and utilise health promotion, supportive and palliative approaches to care in a range of health care settingsWeekly contact5 hours4 hours5.5 hours average4 hoursAssessmentExam – 50% Case Study – 50%Paper and Presentation – 40% Case Study – 60%Mini Health Assessments – 20% Multi-Source Assessments – 60% Pre-clinical OSCE – 20%Written assignment – 60% Project – 40% ................

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