LEARNER ETHICS AND SAFETY CHECKLIST 2021Identifying Potential Ethics Violations: Submit this Checklist with your Research PlanLearner Name(s): ______ & ____________School At the start of your research, think about all the potential ethics violations that may apply to your project. If any of the items below apply to your research then place a X next to the item and submit this Checklist & your Research Plan to ethics@exposcience.co.za. The Ethics Panel will recommend how to proceed e.g. get ethics clearance from a recognised research institute or laboratory where your research must be supervised by a qualified scientist/researcher. This document contains descriptors with some examples to help you decide if you will have any ethical issues or violations in your project(x)The research involves breaking of any of the country’s lawsThe research involves breaking of any of the country’s laws e.g. research on humans and animals without approval, road laws, trademarks, copyright, environmental laws, theft, laws that govern under age minors, causing harm to humans or animals.The research involves any protected species (plants, invertebrates, vertebrates)Testing involving indigenous plant and animal species that are either endangered or protected by South African law e.g. Rhinos, African penguin, Cycads, BaobabsAny human or animal testingAny experiments done on humans or animals (vertebrates and invertebrates). Any medical procedures on humans or animalsConducting any medical treatments on humans or animals with the intention of measuring, treating or diagnosing humans/animals with any medically related condition.Use of any human or animal parts, including tissues or fluidsCollecting and testing of any human or animal parts, including tissues or fluids e.g. urine, blood, smears, hooves, skins, feathers, flesh.Physical exercises or tests or stress Physical exercises or stress tests on humans or animals are tests/experiments in which participants are subjected to exercise regiments or exposed to an environment that puts stress on their bodies.Stopping medicationConducting tests/ experiments in which participants’ prescribed medication e.g. chronic medication, is changed or stopped. Changing or adjusting the medication prescription (dosage) is strictly prohibited.Ingesting of medication, even if known Conduct tests/experiments in which medication (manufactured or developed by the learner) is ingested by humans or animals. This includes ingestion of known medication and those containing known ingredients.Ingesting any food or substance or chemicals, even if knownConducting tests or experiments in which humans or animals ingest food or chemical substances (store bought, grown or formulated)Feeding animals with treated foodConducting tests or experiments where animals (vertebrates or invertebrates) ingest food (store bought, grown or formulated)Starving humans or animalsConducting tests/experiments in which the diets of animals or humans are altered by food deprivation. Learners may also not conduct tests/experiments in which participants are prevented from eating or taking any liquids for any period of time.Applying any substance, including natural, homeopathic, or organic substances to the skin or body of an animal or human. This includes known medicinal substances or treatmentsThe application of substances such as (creams, lotions, oils, liquids, herbs etc.) to the skin or body of an animal or human, these include substances that are made or bought by the learner(s).Risk to physical, emotional or mental wellbeing of humans or animals Conducting a test or experiment, which involves a risk to the physical, emotional or mental wellbeing of humans (including the researcher) or animals (vertebrates and invertebrates)Taking wild animals out of their natural habitatThese tests/experiments include removing wild animals (vertebrates or invertebrates) from their natural habitats, and testing in which the natural habitat of animals is altered or disturbedSubjecting animals to any condition that is not normal or natural Altering surrounding conditions within an enclosure or habitat within which the animal is found e.g. altering temperatures, humidity, moisture, altitude, altered air/soil quality and content. Manipulating or changing or interfering with an animal’s normal physiology, anatomy, or behaviour Physiological, anatomical and behavioural studies are those in which the functions and mechanisms, body structure (internal and external) and behaviour of living things are investigated Psychological tests on humans Tests that affect the participant’s psychological wellbeing or perceptions e.g. Intelligence tests, EQ tests, personality & attitude tests Participants from vulnerable groups e.g. elderly, minors, sick, disabledTest and surveys involving the elderly, minors (under 18 years old), sick, vulnerable (e.g. abused victims) and disabled persons Potentially risky participants e.g. prisoners, drug addicts, violent peopleThese tests and experiments involve direct contact with risky participants e.g. prisoners, drug addicts, violent or sick people Emotionally or mentally challenged peopleThese tests and experiments involve direct contact with emotionally or mentally challenged people Research involving sensitive issues e.g. Race, religion, culture, medical conditionsResearch on sensitive issues e.g. stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination and hate regarding race, religion, culture, gender, terminally illTesting a device, invention, prototype on a humans or animalResearch on a device, prototype, invention that is tested on humans or animal, including the researcher that could cause physical or mental harm. Using or testing of any illegal or contraband substance or drugConducting tests or manufacturing any illegal or contraband substances or ingredients (including alcoholic beverages, prescribed medication, recreational drugs). Usage of these substances by minors is against the law.Using or testing of any chemical or hazardous or flammable substance or material Using or testing of any chemicals or hazardous or flammable substance or material that could cause harm to the researcher, others or the environment. Using or testing dangerous items e.g. knives, weapons, machinery that could cause harm.Testing must be done under supervision of a responsible adult.Using devices / probes / electricity on humans or animals Conducting or testing of devices, probes or electrical instruments on humans or animals should not be doneTaking offensive or sensitive photographs of humansTaking and publishing offensive or sensitive photographs of humans (especially children under the age of 18) even with consent. When the research is in violation of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act)Collecting of personal, or sensitive, or confidential information Conducting tests that involve collecting and divulging personal, sensitive, or confidential information e.g. Medical records, test scores, addresses, ID numbers, contact information and names of participants or sample groupsUse of agar plates or any growth medium Testing or experiments that involve the use of agar plates or any growth medium, in or outside a laboratory Working with pathogens, viruses, bacteria, pests Working with pathogens, viruses, bacteria, pests in an unsafe and unregulated environment Plagiarism ReminderPlagiarism is copying someone else’s work (e.g. data, text, photos and diagrams) without permission, acknowledgement or referencing. This involves not acknowledging sources, direct copy & paste of information including images without urlsBrand names used instead of objective labellingBrand names (including organisations, food substances, non-specialized equipment, trademarks) used instead of objective labelling (e.g. Brand A, Brand B, Brand C of cool drinks) or not permittedReferencingText is not referenced correctly (both in text and referencing at end of document. At Expo we use Harvard referencing. See Expo Guide Book pages 66 – 72.EXPO ETHICS PANELCOMMENTS & RECOMMENDATIONS: ................

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