Robert L - Pace University

Curriculum Vitae*

Robert L. Chapman

580 West 215th Street, Apt. 6G

New York City 10034

(212) 346-1364

(347) 843-1319


Ph.D. in Philosophy (specializations: History of Philosophy, Environmental Philosophy, and Applied Ethics)

Dissertation Title: "Values Beyond Cultural: A Study in Environmental Axiology", 1992

Fordham University, Rose Hill Campus, Bronx, New York

MA in Philosophy (specialization: Logic—formal & informal), 1982

Fordham University, Rose Hill Campus, Bronx, New York

Graduate Studies in Philosophy (concentration: Logic & Greek Philosophy), 1976-1978

University of California Berkeley & Davis, California

BA in Philosophy and History (minor in Classics)

College of New Rochelle 1976


2014—Present: Director of Environmental Studies, Department of Environmental Studies & Sciences

2001—Present: Director of the Pace Institute for Environmental & Regional Studies (PIERS)

1996—2011: University Director of the Environmental Studies Program of the Dyson College of Arts & Sciences, Pace University

1992—97: New York City campus director of VIA PACE (Volunteers in Action) a program in social responsibility whose mission is to create an atmosphere of volunteerism within the University and design and implement a service-learning pedagogy.


2007—Present: Professor of Philosophy and Environmental Studies and the Edward J. Mortola Scholar at Pace University Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

2006 – Present: Adjunct Associate Professor in Environmental Thought, Steinhardt School of Education, New York University

2002—2007: Associate Professor and the Edward J. Mortola Scholar at Pace University

Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

1997—2002: Assistant Professor and the Edward J. Mortola Scholar at Pace University

Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

1987—1992 Adjunct Assistant Professor at Iona College, Department of Philosophy

1984—96 Adjunct Assistant Professor at Pace University, Pleasantville

Department of Philosophy, Religious Studies and Environmental Studies

1978—1985 Adjunct Assistant Professor at Molloy College, Department of Philosophy

Courses taught and developed while at Pace University

• Philosophy:

Problems in Philosophy (PHI 110)

Ancient & Medieval Philosophy (PHI 111)

Modern & Contemporary Philosophy (PHI 112)

Normative Ethics: Contemporary Moral Problems (PHI 115)

Informal Logic (PHI 152)

Introduction to Aesthetics (PHI 171)

Symbolic Logic (PHI 205)

Environmental Ethics (PHI 223)*

Contemporary Philosophy (PHI 225)

Philosophy of Religion (PHI 257)

Business Ethics (PHI 260)

Topics in Philosophy: Philosophy of Love (PHI 296)

Topics in Philosophy: Philosophical Perspectives on Technology (PHI 260)*

Ethical Theories (PHI 355)

Independent Study in Philosophy (PHI 395)

• Environmental Studies:

Social Responsibility and the Environment (ENV 105)*

Nature and Culture: A Study of Connections (ENV 110)*

Environmental Studies I: economic, ethical, and political perspectives (ENV 111) ** (Ghassam Karam)

Environmental Studies II: basic issues (ENV 112) ** (Ghassam Karam)

The Naturalists (ENV 130) ** (Angelo Spillo)

Environmental Assessment (ENV 211)

Introduction to Environmental Aesthetics (ENV 230)*

Junior Year Research Internship (ENV 380)

Senior Year Mentoring (ENV 498)

Senior Year Capstone (ENV 499)

• Interdisciplinary & Service–learning:

Destination Nicaragua (INT 201N) Travel service-learning course (Priscilla Denby)**

Albania: a country in transition (INT 201G) Travel service-learning course ** (Priscilla Denby)

Introduction to Environmental Studies (INT 198A/B)*

Philosophy, Literature and the American Environment (INT 296C) ** (Robert Dyanni)

Philosophical & Literary Perspectives on Nature (INT 296I) ** (Robert Dyanni)

Hudson River and the American Tide (INT 195B) ** (Geoff Brackett)

Beats, Bongos and Buddhism: literary and philosophical perspectives on the 1950s (INT 296G) ** (Walter Raubicheck)

Writing Nature: Aesthetic, Ethical and Literary Approaches (INT 197F) ** (Jeannie Chu)

The Rhetoric of Environmental Discourse (INT 197)** (Jeannie Chu)

That’s Absurd: Existentialism in Literature & Philosophy (INT 295Z) ** (Walter Raubicheck)

Environment, Technology & Society (INT 297)** (Judith Pajo)

[* = developer; ** = co-developer]

Program/curriculum development

Combined Degree Program—five year degree: Environmental Studies BA/Public Administration MPA (with Farrukh Hormozi)

Combined Degree Program—five-year degree: Environmental Studies BA/Environmental Science MS (with Richard Schlesinger, Biology)


Edward J. Mortola Scholar in Philosophy, Pace University, 1997 – Present

Kenan Award for Teaching Excellence, 2007

Visiting Scholar in Environmental Thought, Pratt Institute, School of Architecture, fall 2006

Recipient of the Dyson College Endowed Fund for International Initiatives, summer 2001 (Cuba)

Visiting Scholar in Environmental Ethics at the Hastings Center, Briarcliff, New York, spring 1991

High Pass, Ph.D. comprehensive examinations, Fordham University, 1981

Loyola Fellowship, Fordham University, 1981-1982

Teaching Fellowship, Fordham University, 1978-1981

Magna cum Laude BA, College of New Rochelle, 1976



Creating sustainability within our midst: challenges for the 21st century, editor, Robert L. Chapman (Pace University Press, 2008)

Articles (peer reviewed)

“How to Think About Environment Studies,” Journal of the Philosophy of Education, vol. 41, no. 1 (2007) 59 – 74

“Confessions of a Malthusian Restrictionist,” Special Issue: Globalization, Immigration and Environment: Ecological Economics, vol. 59, issue 2 (September 2006) 214 – 219

“The Eco-pre-Fix,” Special Issue: Dialogue between Ecosocialists and Ecofeminists: Capitalism Nature Socialism, vol. 17 (4) (December 2006) 48 – 57

“Ecological Restoration Restored,” Environmental Values, vol. 15 (4) (November 2006) 463 – 478

"Crowded Solitude: Thoreau on Wildness," Environmental Philosophy, vol.1 (1) spring 2004, 58 – 72

“The Goat-stag and the Sphinx: the place of the virtues in Environmental Ethics,” Environmental Values, volume 11, no. 2 (May 2002) 129 – 144

“Thoreau Redivivus,” a review essay on No Man’s Garden: Thoreau and a new vision of civilization and nature, Daniel Botkin (Island Press—A Shearwater Book, 2001) Capitalism Nature Socialism—A Journal of Socialist Ecology, vol. 12 (3) (September 2001) 160-166

“Sustainable Waters and a New Grammar of Earthly Compassion: an impressionistic report on ‘The Columbia River Watershed—A Reflection in Preparation for a Pastoral Letter’ ” International Journal of Water, volume 2, no. 1, (2001)

“Environment and Immigration: Settling the Moral Boundaries,” Environmental Values, vol. 9, no. 2 (May 2000) 189-209.

“Settling Westchester: the value of place,” Capitalism Nature Society—A Journal of Socialist Ecology, vol. 10 (3), (September 1999) 81-88

“No Room at the Inn, or Why Population Problems are not All Economic,” Population and Environment, vol. 21, number 1 (September 1999) 81-97.

Book Reviews

Plato’s Revenge: Politics in the Age of Ecology, William Ophuls (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2011) ix – 256. Lex Naturalis (forthcoming spring 2015)

The Great Reversal: How We Let Technology Take Control of the Planet, David Edward Tabachnick (Toronto, CANADA: University of Toronto Press, 2013) ix – 183 pages. Nature and Human Life E-magazine (February 2014)

Restoring Paradise: rethinking and rebuilding nature in hawai’i, Robert J. Cabin (Honolulu, Hawai’i: University of Hawai’i Press, 2013) xi – 236 pages. Biological Conservation (spring 2014)

Ethical Adaptation to Climate Change: Human Virtues of the Future, edited by Allen Thompson and Jeremy Bendik-Keymer (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012) Biological Conservation, vol. 167, November 2013, 172

The Bronx River: an Environmental & Social History, Maarten DeKadt (The History Press, 2011) Capital Nature Socialism, vol. 24 (3) (September 2013) 257 – 260

Making Nature Whole: A History of Ecological Restoration, William R. Jordan III and George M. Lubick (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2011) Environmental Ethics, vol. 35 (fall 2013) 367 – 370

Review Essay of Reconnecting Lives to the Land: Agenda for a Critical Dialogue, Allison Hayes-Conroy (Fairleigh Dickinson Press, 2006), in Ethics, Policy, and the Environment (June 2011), vol. 14:2, 239 –242

Character & Environment: A Virtue-Oriented Approach to Environmental Ethics, Ronald L. Sandler (Columbia University Press, 2007), Environmental Philosophy, vol. V, issue 2 (fall 2008) pp. 180 – 184

Natural Law: an Introduction and Re-Examination, Howard P. Kainz (Open Court Press, 2004) in Vera Lex, vol. 7, (2007) 131 – 134

Environmental Ethics, Ecological Theology, and Natural Selection, Lisa H. Sideris (Columbia University Press, 2003). viii + 311pp., bibliography, Environmental Philosophy, vol. 3, winter 2005

Public Goods, Private Goods, Raymond Geuss (Princeton University Press, 2003) Vera Lex, vol. V (new series), numbers 1 & 2, December 2004, pp. 121 – 124.

Publishers review for Broadview Press of Environmental Ethics: Linking Global Theory and Local Practice, edited by Wellington and Greenbaum (March 2003)

No Man’s Garden: Thoreau and a new vision of civilization and nature, Daniel Botkin (Island Press—A Shearwater Book, 2001) Environmental Values, vol. 10, number 4, November 2001, pp.546-548.

The New Natural Law Theory, Russell Hittinger (University of Notre Dame Press, 1990) Vera Lex, vol. XV, numbers 1 & 2, winter 1999 (1995 issue), 87-89.

Publishers review for Catholic University Press of Bases of Ethics, ed. William Sweet (1996)

Reports, Editorials, Miscellaneous Writings

“Perspectives on Curriculum,” Proceeding of the Pace Academy for the Environment, , April 2005

“Narratives of Place,” Proceedings of the Pace Institute for Environmental & Regional Studies, vol. 3 (February 2005) 7 – 9

Nature & Culture: A Study in Connections, 4th edition Robert L. Chapman, editor (Island City, NY, Whittier Publications 2008) Environmental Studies reader for course ENV 110—Nature & Culture. [First edition published 2003]

"An Inquiry into Teaching Values," (Proceeding of the Environmental Consortium of Hudson Valley Colleges & Universities, June 2004)

"Sustainability and Place: introductory essay," Proceedings of the Pace Institute for Environmental & Regional Studies conference, “Urban Ecology: cities in transition," vol. 2. (December 2004) 5 – 11

"Editors Introduction," Proceedings of the Pace Institute for environmental & Regional Studies conference on “Land Use: Planning for a Sustainable and Just Future," vol. 1. February 2003 6 – 8

“Westchester is No Place,” Proceedings of the Pace Institute for Environmental & Regional Studies conference on “Land Use: Planning for a Sustainable and Just Future," vol. 1. February 2002

“Westchester,” Westchester Environment published by Federated Conservationists of Westchester (summer vol. 4, July – August, 2002) 6

The Gadfly and the Casuist: Ongoing Conversations in Normative Ethics 2nd edition, an anthology edited by Harold Brown & Robert Chapman (North Chelmsford, MA, Anthology Pro) 2001.

Report on 19th World Congress on Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Vera Lex, vol. XV, numbers 1 & 2, winter 1999 (1995 issue), 60

“IVR—99 Conference Report,” Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie, March 2000

“The Place of Natural Law in the Greening of Philosophy,” Guest Editorial, Vera Lex, winter 1999 (1995 issue) vol. VX, numbers 1 & 2, 30-31

Annotated bibliography, Vera Lex, vol. XV, numbers 1 & 2, winter 1999 (1995 issue), 103 – 105

Annotated bibliography, Vera Lex, New Series vol. 1, numbers 1 & 2, winter 2000, 145 – 155

Annotated bibliography, Vera Lex, New Series vol. 2, numbers 1 & 2, winter 2001, 201 – 225

Annotated bibliography, Vera Lex, New Series vol. 3, numbers 1 & 2, winter 2002, 188 – 193

Annotated Bibliography, Vera Lex, New Series vol. 6, number 1 & 2, winter 2005, 183 – 226

Annotated Bibliography, Vera Lex, New Series vol. 7, number 1 & 2, winter 2008, 87 – 109

“Environment,” Children’s Databook, vol. 1, 101 – 126 (Pace University, Dyson College of Arts & Sciences) 1993 (This publication was made possible by a grant from the U. S. Department of Education (FIPSE))

Referee: “Environmental Restoration: A Critical Appraisal,” Journal of Environmental Philosophy (March 2014)

“Human Agency and the Separation of Nature and the Artificial,” Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences (Spring 2014)


• Left Forum (June 8th, 2013) “The Distinction Between Weak and Strong Sustainability”

• Left Forum (March 18th, 2012) “What would need to change if we are to find solutions to the climate crisis?”

• American Philosophical Association – Eastern Annual Meeting (December 27 – 30, 2011) “Ecological Economics as a Post-normal Science” a response to Mark Sagoff’s paper “The Rise & Fall of Ecological Economics”

• Left Forum (April 2011), “Environmental Studies as Critical Pedagogy”

• New York State Water Resources: Assessing a Comprehensive Policy, Pace Law School, September 23, 2009 – Roundtable on “Water Rights”

• “The Second Contradiction of Capitalism,” Pace Active Retirement Community (PARC), September 15th, 2009

• “Integrating Environmental Initiatives at Pace,” Pace Faculty Institute, panel presentation, May 16th 2005

• “Globalization and Ethics,” Pace Active Retirement College (PARC), April 19th 2005

• “Cost-Benefit-Analysis & Health Risk: Ethical Concerns,” New York Medical College, April 6th 2005 (Invited speaker)

• “Multi, Inter, Trans, Meta? Overcoming Disciplinary Boundaries in Environmental Curricula,” Pace Academy for the Environment, March 11th 2005. Panel participant “The Role of Philosophy in Environmental Study Curriculum;” panel moderator for Keynote conference summary

• “Integrating the Humanities and the Hudson: Research Opportunities and Initiatives for Faculty,” panel member at Enhancing Undergraduate Environmental Education in the Hudson Valley, Marist College, October 29 – 30 2004

• "Environmental Restoration Restored," June 24, 2004 University of Toronto, CANADA

• "Globalization and Sustainability: A Study of Incongruous Counterparts," Conference on "Civil Society, Environmental Responsibility & Sustainable Development in the United States and Brazil,” June 11, 2004 Pace University

• "Teaching Values: Should We, Can We?" Conference on Higher Education and the Hudson River Valley: Meeting the Environmental Challenge, February 23, 2004.

• "Crowded Solitude: from wilderness to wildness," Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Boston MA. November 8th 2003

• "Civic Responsibility and Privilege," Keynote Address for the Center for Community Outreach, annual awards ceremony November 5th, 2003

• “Biotechnology: The Colonization of Life,” sponsored by the Pace Adult Resource Center, April 1, 2003

• "Free Trade," Provost's Colloquia (panelist), February 12th 2003

• “The Role of the University in Environmental Education,” a roundtable discussion dedicated to the works of Thomas Berry, sponsored by the Pace Academy for the Environment, December 5th 2002

• “Ethical Foundations for the New Genetics,” Bioethics Forum VII sponsored by the Northeastern Society for in Vitro Biology, November 12, 2002

• “Ethical Themes in Environmental Restoration,” American Museum of Natural History, August 9th 2002, sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation

• Chaired a session on Natural Law Ethics at the seventy-fifth annual meeting of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Albany, NY November 9th—11th 2001. Conference theme “Person, Soul, and Immortality.”

• “Education, Ethics and the Environment,” American Museum of Natural History, August 3rd 2001, sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation.

• “Research Ethics,” presented at the Lienhard School of Nursing Colloquia, sponsored by Center for Nursing Research, Clinical Practice and International Affairs, December 2, 2000.

• “A Brief History of Environmental Ethics and its Relation to Biodiversity,” American Museum of Natural History, August 3rd, 2000, sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation

• “Ethical Issues in Biodiversity,” American Museum of Natural History, August 6th 1999, sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson Foundation.

• “Understanding Community Concerns about Environmental Justice and Economic Development,” Environmental Justice: Strengthening the Bridge Between Economic Development and Sustainable Communities, sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, June 9 – 12, 1999.

• “The Future of Service-learning,” Iona College Conference on Service Learning, sponsored by the Corporation for National Service, April 1997

• “A Model for Travel Service Learning Courses,” Pace University Conference on Service Learning, sponsored by the Corporation for National Service, March 1996

• “Ethics and Economics,” University of Tirana, National Museum, Tirana, Albania, sponsored by the Soros Foundation, June 1995

• “The Ecologist's Dilemma,” Conference on Environmental Education, sponsored by The Center for Applied Ethics, Dyson College, April 1993

• “The Divine, The Human, and the Environment: the Biblical Influence on Western Attitudes Toward Nature,” The Center for Religious Studies, Dyson College, April 1991

• “Intrinsic Value and Moral Considerability,” The Hastings Center, March 1991

Editorial Activities

Associate editor Journal of Environmental Studies & Sciences (JESS) 2012 – present

Editor-in-Chief: Vera Lex—Journal of the International Natural Law Society (Annual—winter, numbers 1 & 2) 2000 -- 2010

Editor-in-Chief: Proceedings—Journal of the Pace Institute of Environmental & Regional Studies (Annual—winter)

Editor: Transactions—Journal of the Society of Fellows, Dyson College of Arts & Sciences (Student/faculty undergraduate journal, Annual—fall) 2001 – 2009

Referee for the Journal of Environment History

Referee for the Journal of Ecological Economics

Referee for Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy

Referee for Environmental Values

Citations of my work (as of October 2013)

“How to Think About Environmental Studies,” Journal of the Philosophy of Education, vol. 14, 1 (2007), 59 – 74 cited in:

• “Awareness, Openness and Eco-friendly (AOE) Model Teaches Pre-Service Teachers on How to be Eco-friendly,” Ananta Jena, International Electronic Journal of Environmental Education, vol. 2 (2) August 2013

• “Environmental Studies in Turkey: Critical Perspectives in a Time of Neo-liberal Developmentalism,” Murat Assel, The Arab World Geographer, April 2012, 72 – 81

• “The Value of Conceptual models in Coping with Complexity and Interdisciplnarity in Environmental Sciences Education,” Karen P.J. Fortuin, et al. Bio Science, vol.61 (19) October 2011, 802 – 814

• “Beyond contradiction: Exploring in the work of secondary science teachers as they embed environmental education in curricula,” Astrid Steele, International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, vol. 6 (1), January 2011, 1 – 22

• “A Search for Identity: Exploring Core Competencies for Interdisciplinary Environmental Programs,” Shirley Vincent, PhD Dissertation, Oklahoma State University (2010)

• “A Confluence of Tradition: Examining Teacher Practice in the Merging of Secondary Science and Environmental Education,” PhD Dissertation, University of Toronto, (September 2010)

• “Communication and competition in environmental studies,” Matthew R. Auer, Policy Sciences, 2010, vol.43, 365 – 390

• “What Lies Beneath? The Underlying Principles Structuring the Field of Academic Nursing in Ireland,” Martin McNamara, Journal of Professional Nursing, vol. 26 (6), November 2010, 377 –


• “Lost in Transition? A Discursive Analysis of Academic Nursing in Ireland,” Martin McNamara, Nursing Science Quarterly, vol.23 (3) July 2010, 249 – 256

• “Perspectives on Environmental Programs Curricula and Core Competencies: A Report to the Curriculum Committee of the Council of Environmental Deans and Directors,” Shirley Vincent and Dr. Will Focht (July 2009)

• “All Education is Environmental Education,” Jessica Young, Masters of Education thesis, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada (January 2009)

• “Nursing academic’s language of legitimation: A discursive analysis,” Martin McNamara, International Journal of Nursing Studies, vol. 46 (12) December 2009

• Chronicle of Higher Education, June 2007

“Confessions of a Malthusian Restrictionist,” Journal of Ecological Economics, vol. 59, 2 (2006), 214 – 219 cited in:

• “Rethinking ‘Greening of Hate’: Climate Emissions, Immigration, and the Last Frontier,” Monica Aufrecht, Ethics & the Environment, vol. 17 (2), fall 2012, 51 – 74

• “This land is your land, this land is my land: The environmental behavior of native-born and immigrants,” Luis Serra-Banagan, University of (August 2012)

• Elements of Ecological Economics, J. O. Andersson and R. Eriksson (Routledge, 2010)

• “An empirical assessment of U. S. state-level immigration and environmental emissions,” Jay Squalli, Journal of Ecological Economics, vol. 69 (5), March 2010, 1170 – 1175

• “Immigration and Environmental Emission: A U S County-level Analysis,” Population & Environment, vol. 30, 6 (2009), 247 – 260

• “Negotiating Exceptions to Neoliberalism: Environmental Restriction, Nature and Nation,” John Hultgren, Western Political Science Association 2010—annual meeting papers

“The Goat-stage and the Sphinx: The Place of the Virtues in Environmental Ethics,” Environmental Values, Vol. 11 (2002) cited in:

• Character and environment: A virtue-oriented approach to environmental ethics, R. L. Sandler (New York: Columbia University Press, 2007)

• “Human Virtues and Natural Values,” Simon P. James, in Environmental Ethics (2006), vol.28 (4) 339 – 354

• Environmental Virtue Ethics, editors Ronald Sandler & Philip Cafaro (Rowman & Littlefield, 2005) 75

• Henry David Thoreau, R A Furtak (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, June 2005) in Select Bibliography

“No Room at the Inn, or Why Population Problems Are Not All Economic,” Population and Environment, Vol. 21, (1) (1999) cited in:

• “Finite Elements in Analysis and Design,” J. Mackerle, Population and Environment, Vol. 38 (8) 2002, 765 – 782

“Immigration and Environment: Settling the Moral Boundaries,” Environmental Values, Vol. 9 (2000) cited in:

• “Population and Immigration—The Hot Potato,” Val Stevens, The Campaign for Political Ecology, the bulletin of the European Population Organisations Confederation (2000)

• “Boat People: Why the Queue Jumping Argument Fails,” John Ozolins, Australian E-Journal of Theology, August 2004, footnote 27

• “Environmentally Induced Population Movements: Their Complex Sources and Consequences,” Nurit Kliot in Environmental Change and its Implications for Population Migration (Kluwer Academic Publication, 2004) 69 – 99

• “Immigration and the Environment: Underlying Values and Scope of Analysis,” Roldan Muradian in Journal of Ecological Economics, vol. 59, 2006

• “Immigration Justice: A Principle for Selecting Just Admissions Policies,” Peter W. Higgins, Social Philosophy Today, vol. 25, 2009, 149 – 162

• “Immigration Restriction in a Liberal Democracy,” Brian M. Stern, Social Philosophy Today, vol. 21, 2005, 125 – 135

• “Ethics and Sustainability,” P. Marden and D. Mercer, Geographical Education, vol. 18, 2005, 11 – 22

“Ecological Restoration Restored,” Environmental Values 2006, vol. 15 (4) 463 – 478 cited in:

• Ecosystem Functioning, Kurt Jax (New York: Columbia University Press, 2010)

• “Unearthing Cognitive Frames and Sowing Interactional Framing within Indigenous – Mining Conflict,” Darrell Smith, PhD Dissertation, George Mason University, 2010

• “De-Domestication: Ethics at the Intersection of Landscape Restoration and Animal Welfare,” Christian Gamborg, et al. Environmental Values, vol. 19 (1) February 2010, 57 – 78

• “Does the Idea of Wilderness Need a Defense?” P M Keeling, Environmental Values 2008, vol. 17 (4) 519

• “Endangered, apparently: the role of apparent competition in endangered species conservation,” N J DeCesare, et al. Animal Conservation, June 17, 2009

• “Zur ethischen dimension von Renaturieriungsokologie und Okosystemrenaturierung,” K Otto in Renaturierung von Okosystemen in Mitteleuropa (Verlag, 2009) 423 – 439

• “Stream restoration monitoring in theory and practice: A case study of restored streams in the region of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,” Colin Nathan Yates (PhD thesis, University of Waterloo, 2008)

• “Unweltethische Begrundungen und pracktisches Akleursvertandis in der Okosystemrenaturierung,” Dorthe Wilken (Phd thesis, Ernst Moritz Arndt Universitat Greifwald, 2008)

Grants ($400,055 awarded)

Co-authored a grant to U. S. Department of Education, Funds to Improve Post Secondary Education (FIPSE) entitled "Community Action Research Projects" (1993) Award $144,194.

Authored a grant to the Corporation for National Service entitled "VIA PACE Education for Empowerment Program." (1995) Award $99,970; authored two subsequent renewals for $80,973 (1996) and $50,574 (1997) respectively.

Author of a grant to the Corporation for National Service entitled “Community Education.” Award $21,200 (1997)

Author of a grant to Campus Compact entitled "Intergenerational Environmental Education." Award $3,144 (1995)


AESS—Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences

International Society for Environmental Ethics

International Association for Environmental Philosophy

International Society for Ecological Economics


1996—2011, Chair—Environmental Studies Committee

1997—2001, Faculty Affairs

1997—1998, Dyson College Steering Committee

1997—2002, Kenan Committee

1998—2000, University Taskforce on Sustainability

1998—2010: Dyson College Curriculum Committee

1998—2002, Dyson Strategic Agenda

2000—Present, Advisory Council for International Studies

2002—2005, Chair—University Environmental Audit Committee

2005—2005, Secretary—CDFPT

2006—2006, Chair—CDFPT

2006—2008, Chair—Grievance Committee, New York Faculty Counsel

2008, Chair—Dyson College TAP Committee

2008 – 2009, Chair—Departmental Search Committee

2011 – 2013, Grievance Committee, New York Faculty Counsel

2011 – 2014, Dyson College TAP Committee

2014 – 2015, CDFPT Appeals Committee


• 2014 – present, Editorial Committee for the journal Lex Naturalis

• External reviewer for New York University—Steinhardt School of Education, MA program in Environmental Thought, November 2005

• External reviewer for Fordham University's Environmental Studies Program, May 2004

• Executive Board of Rene Dubos Center for Human Environments, 2008 – 2011


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