Ethiopian Education Development Roadmap (2018-30)

Ethiopian Education Development Roadmap (2018-30)

An integrated Executive Summary

Ministry of Education Education Strategy Center (ESC)

Draft for Discussion

By Tirussew Teferra, Amare Asgedom, Jeilu Oumer, Tassew W/hanna, AkliluDalelo and Berhannu Assefa

Addis Ababa July 2018


Table of Content 1. Introduction 2. Methodology 3. Objectives 4. Pre-primary and Primary Education 5. Secondary and Preparatory Education 6. Teacher Preparation and Development 7. Higher Education 8. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) 9. Policy, Governance and Leadership 10. References

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1. Introduction

In January 2016, the Ministry of Education (Education Strategy Centre) developed a concept note to reform the education sector in accordance with the national vision and national development goals. Following this, work immediately started with a series of activities that included development of inception report, desk review, field study, international benchmarking visit, and a variety of consultations with stakeholders. This report is therefore the result of a variety of research activities and consultations (conferences and workshops) that led to development of fundamental shifts to transform the educational system to accord with the requirements of 21st century educational systems that play key roles in transforming the socio-economic systems, particularly the industrialization process that Ethiopia finds itself at the present time.

Ethiopia is a country that is on a journey to its renaissance targeting at achieving peace, unity- with-diversity, broad and rapid socio-economic growth, establishment of democratic systems and good governance. The Government has been engaged in a major effort to transform Ethiopian society and place the country on a trajectory to become a lower middleincome economy by the year, 2030. Over the last several years, the economy grew by nearly 10 per cent per annum, one of the fastest growth rates registered in the world. During this time, significant attention has been given to upgrading economic and social infrastructure and promoting pro-poor spending on education, health, and other services to benefit the poor and the marginalized.

Understanding this crucial role, the education sector has passed through a series of successive, rolling Education Sector Development Programs (ESDP I-V). Since the formulation of the 1st Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP I), education was given a special attention in the transformation of the economy from agriculture-led to industry-led activity and thereby supporting the manufacturing sector by supplying the required professionals and problem solving technological innovations. To achieve its vision of becoming a lower middle income by 2030, Ethiopia has also developed the 2nd Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II) built on sector policies, strategies and programs and the UN sustainable development goals. GTP II aims to achieve an annual average real GDP growth rate of 11 per cent, pursing aggressive measures towards rapid industrialization and structural


transformation such as increasing the productive capacity and efficiency of the economy by rapidly improving quality, productivity, and competitiveness of agriculture and manufacturing industries, and accelerate Human capital development and technological capacity building and ensure sustainability. Education is instrumental to attaining these development goals through application of science, technology and innovations. The latter are major instruments to create wealth and bring about national development.

According to GTP II, greater shares of economic production will come from industry and manufacturing with the consequent demands for middle- and higher-level skilled manpower to be supplied by the educational system. Achieving these visions require further expansion of access to high-quality basic, general and tertiary education; and special efforts to improve the overall literacy and numeracy level of the population and producing capable university graduates that serve the industry.

This report integrates three research findings; (1) the desk review report; (2) the field report (3) the benchmarking visit report; and (4) various consultation inputs. The international benchmark visit took place between October 7 and October 22, 2017 to two Asian countries, Vietnam and Malaysia. The two countries are known for having a high performing educational system as gauged by PISA results (e.g. Vietnam ranked 12th compared to USA which stood 28th in the 2016 PISA results of children who are 15 years old).

This integrated summary document contains several findings and proposed reforms (shifts). At the present stage of the roadmap development process, the areas (pillars) of fundamental change (paradigm shifts) in each area (thematic area) are identified and presented to a concurrent validation workshop with experts of each thematic area and achieved useful inputs.

The findings and proposed reforms are briefly discussed theme-by theme in the ensuing sections of the report which has six thematic areas: (1) pre-primary and primary education, (2) secondary and preparatory education (3) teacher education and development, (4) higher education, (5) TVET, and (6) policy, governance and leadership.


2. Objectives

The purpose of the desk review (policies, plans, strategies, practices); local and international experiences, benchmarking visits, and the field visits for empirical data collection was to assess the performance (access, equity, quality, relevance, efficiency) of the education system, assess the gaps and expectations of various stakeholders on education and training policy, evaluate the sufficiency of the policy and its implementation strategy considering the current vision and the development perspectives to become middle income country. The purposes of the benchmarking were to serve as a tool or reference points for setting ambitious improvement goals, increases the potential for improvement in numerous ways, as it provides a systematic approach to quality improvement through identification of new ideas and innovative approaches, emphasis on understanding the processes underlying successful best practice makes it a useful tool in the formulation of plans, initiatives and strategies for achieving these goals and helps to understand the process performance gaps in our system compared with other leading system and how these leaders have changed their governance structures, processes, and system. In general, both attempts serve as an input for the development of Education Roadmap for 2018-2030. Therefore, this report focuses on the desk review, benchmarking visits and field data on the educational practices and implementation strategies of the six thematic areas.



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