The City Council of the City of Rainbow City, Alabama, met in regular session at City Hall at 5:00 p.m., and upon roll call by Beth Lee, acting City Clerk, the following members answered present: Mayor Terry John Calhoun, Council members: Anita Bedwell, Bobby McCartney, Tim Ramsey, Larry Keenum, and Rick Hill. The same constituting a quorum of the City Council, the following business was transacted.

Mayor Calhoun announced the Political Rally would be held on May 17, 2018 with 32 candidates confirmed and invited everyone to attend.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Terry John Calhoun. Invocation was given by Tim Ramsey. Mayor Calhoun led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

1. Mayor Calhoun presented the minutes of February 12, 2018 for review and asked if there were any corrections, additions, or deletions. There being none, Anita Bedwell moved and Rick Hill seconded the motion to approve the minutes as presented. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

2. Mayor Calhoun announced that bids had closed on for the 42” Snapper riding mower for $165.00 and the highest bidder was Michael Overby and the 72” ExMark Lazer mower for $1,520.00 to the highest bidder was Martins Motors RV’s. Tim Ramsey moved and Larry Keenum seconded the motion to award the bids. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

4. Mayor Calhoun read a thank you note from a citizen for the new guardrail on Lakeshore Drive.

5. Rick Hill made a motion to surplus a 1990 Caterpillar Motor Grader in the Street Dept. Serial #07725672 and place on with a $35,000 reserve. Anita Bedwell seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

6. Mayor Calhoun presented a resignation from Rodney Bartlett in the Recreation Dept. effective March 8, 2018. Anita Bedwell moved and Larry Keenum seconded the motion to accept the resignation. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

7. Rick Hill moved to post the job in the Recreation Dept. for 10 days to end on March 12, 2018 . Larry Keenum seconded the motion to post the job. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

8. Mayor Calhoun presented a proposal from SE Map Solutions, Inc. to produce maps for the City. Died for lack of a motion.

9. Mayor Calhoun presented a request for an ad for the Paw for St. Paddy Auction for the Humane Society Pet Rescue and Adoption Center. Tim Ramsey moved to purchase a full page ad for $300.00. Rick Hill seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor declared the motion carried.

10. Mayor Calhoun presented a request from the Gadsden-Etowah Patriots Association Annual Golf Tournament to be held on April 23, 2018 at Twin Bridges Golf Course. Anita Bedwell moved to purchase a Tee Box Sign only for $100.00. Tim Ramsey seconded the motion. Mayor Calhoun stated all in favor say aye. All ayes. Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

11. Mayor Calhoun recognized Ralph Burke who is a candidate for House Dist. 28 and Lana Bellew who was attending on behalf of the Etowah County Mega Sports Complex Authority. Tim Ramsey asked Ralph Burke if he would like to discuss the proposed Resolution to form a Capital Improvement Cooperative District with Rainbow City. Mr. Burke gave copies of the Resolution to each Council Member. Attorney Jim Turnbach explained that the City would need for Exhibit A to clearly state that the property involved would include only the property which the Authority owns and Exhibit B include the Authority’s Articles of Incorporation. Tim Ramsey moved and Rick Hill seconded the motion to enter into a Cooperative District. Mayor Calhoun asked the Clerk to call the roll.

Anita Bedwell Yes

Bobby McCartney Yes

Tim Ramsey Yes

Larry Keenum Yes

Rick Hill Yes

Mayor Calhoun declared the motion carried.

12. Mayor Calhoun recognized Houston Jenkins with JBW&T. Houston presented a cost for striping two (2) miles along Riddles Bend Road as the City had complaints about not being able to see at night. The cost was $17,500 and this would be in addition to our paving project. This cost was based on current resurfacing project costs. No action taken at this time.

13. Rick Hill thanked Michael Stevens for the fast work on getting the guardrail added so quickly on Lakeshore Drive.

14. Kenneth Payne announced the Rainbow City Clean-Up Day will be May 5, 2018.

There being no further business to come before the council at this time, Rick Hill made a motion to adjourn.

Time Adjourned: 5:23 p.m.


Beth Lee, Acting City Clerk


Terry John Calhoun, Mayor


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