It was a well organized PR for Ethiopia ; The Ethiopian ...

Outstanding Success!!! As America's 4th Largest City, Houston, Texas Salutes/celebrates "Ethiopian New Millennium, Tourism & Culture and Trade & Investment Image Building festival"

|News Release |

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The 37th annual Houston International Festival (iFest) which took take place on April 19th, 2008 ETHIOPIA, often called the credil of mankind and birthplace of Coffee, was on the spotlight for two exited , fun-filled weekends in Houston, Texas, America's 4th largest city. . It was well organized PR for Ethiopia have shown what Ethiopia can offer in a very grand way.

A solid foundation for the program was established by EATIC, The Ethio-American Trade and Investment Council, based in Houston. Gezahgen Kebede, EATIC founder and Ethiopian High Commissioner for North America, was instrumental is bringing the event to Houston and had a major role during the two week long celebration in mid April. He enlisted the support of the above organization and the Embassy of Ethiopia in Washington, D.C.

, Ethio-American Trade & Investment Council with the support of Ethiopian Minister of Culture and Tourism, of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Ethiopian Ministry of Information, of the Federal Democratic Republic ,the Embassy of Ethiopia in Washington and Ethiopian Airlines

Keynote speaker for the opening luncheon was Andrew Young, former U.N. Ambassoder for USA and mayor of Atlanta, Georgia, and the United States' first African-American Ambassador to the United Nations.

The mayor's gala dinner was an opportunity for the Ethiopian delegation to meet and greet Houston's leaders in the business community.

The show was a real eye opener for Texans and thousands from neighboring states, who enjoyed an authentic taste of Ethiopia in the heart of America. Attractions included a lifelike replica of a rock church from Lalibela in Northern Ethopia and a landmark from Harrar in the Ethiopia's Eastern zone. Performances by the Ethiopian National Dance Group were staged during the show and at venues throughout the city. Ethiopian Coffee ceremony, Ethiopian fashion shows, arts and crafts displays, traditional textile and garments, coffee and Ethiopian fresh cut flowers were available from the many exhibits. The result was an opportunity for Ethiopians to introduce their products and learn that they must be competitive to succeed in the US market.

It was an extraordinary experience for the thousands of visitors who attended; it was like “Out of Africa”. The Grand Band Stand was dominated by visiting the National Dance Theater of Ethiopia, playing with two hours intervals the whole day

. A Fashion show with traditional Ethiopian clothes from every Ethiopian ethnic group you can think of was displayed. You can hear every fernge asking where they can buy the cloth. Well, not at Macys, and you may have to go to Ethiopia , I proudly declared to a ferengi who was so impressed with a very colorful traditional Harari women cloth.



[pic] [pic]


Taste of Ethiopia dazzles senses

Traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony which was a popular stop at the festival, a free Jebena brewed cup of Ethiopian coffee was provided the whole day. .Another crafty



The the opening ceremony, was attended by who is who in Huston including Rep. Sheila Jackson lee, former UN Ambassador Andrew Young, Mayor of Huston and dignitaries from Ethiopia his Excellency Ato Berhan Hailu Minister of Information, Excellency W/z Tadeleh and Minister Council and Tourism, The Honorable Gezahgen Kebede, Honorary Councul General of Ethiopia in Houston (Who organized this event) Ato Mule Tarekng, Ethiopian Embassy . ETV reporters and a camera man from Ethiopia have been documenting every aspect of the festival. As for me I think this was one of the best cultural, tourist and possibly a trade promotion activity I have seen for Ethiopia .


Another highlight of the festivities was an exclusive Ethiopian affair. A meeting of the Ethiopian community with his Excellency Ato Berhan Hailu, Minister of Information, her Excellency W/ Tadelech and representative from the Embassy of Ethiopia Minister Council Mule Tarekeng. This was not your usual middle of the road presentation on how good Ethiopia is doing. It was data intensive showing actual numerical growth. Even those who claim to be close followers of Ethiopian affairs held their breath. Few of these impressive numbers on development include:


There is a lot of data that could be listed here but we know the progress is real. Despite the nay sayers we now have millions of beneficiaries in the country and becoming the recipient of its labor’s worth. Today one can call a farmer and enjoy a conversation because cell phones have become accessible to all


Other briefing included Tourism opportunities. Ethiopia is now designated as one of the two unique destinations in Africa with 8 registered world treasures, making her second to Egypt . The growing impact of Lucy and 197 artifacts touring the US will definitely create excitement. As her Excellency W/ Tadelech stressed this is a great business opportunity for Diaspora Ethiopians to work with Tour operators in Ethiopia who were also in Huston represented by their association. Embassy official Mr. Mule discussed activities of the Embassy and plans to engage the Diaspora despite difference s’ in political views. He said he understands that there is much work to be done in correcting what he calls “yetezaba ye Ethiopia Seile”.





A variety of scents and flavors combined to create a recipe for fun as the Houston International Festival kicked off its 37th year Sixteen acres of downtown Houston, Texas are transformed each year with the arrival of iFest. This year’s celebration spotlights Africa and offers visitors the chance to enjoy the diverse cultures of the continent.

Houston resident Mary Smallings refers to it as the "smell of iFest." Mingling scents emanate across downtown Houston — smoke, exotic spices, incense and fresh funnel cakes. She was one of thousands of festival goers excited to experience opening day of the 37th annual Houston International Festival, which is spotlighting "Out of Africa: The Three Journeys" this year.

"I've wanted to travel there forever, especially to Ethiopia, ever since I saw Meryl Strep in Out of Africa," she said.

Over the weekend, Smallings said she plans to visit Lucy exhibits, enjoy the entertainment and, most importantly "taste as much of the food as possible."

Ethiopian Nacional Dancers and musicians from all nationalities entertained the crowds as they meandered through 16 acres of downtown parks, enjoying a beautiful Saturday. [pic]

George and Amanda Hannie spent their afternoon sitting on a blanket in the shade, enjoying the Ethiopian music, food and atmosphere.

"We've been coming for years and it never disappoints," said Amanda Hannie.

As she waited to hear the Carolina Chocolate Drops band, Hannie declared Ethiopia her favorite African country "probably because Lucy (the ancient skeleton from Ethiopia) is on my mind."

“Ethiopian cuisine was on the tongue of 4-year-old Dayala Cummings. A chicken stew with Berbere seasoning and Doro wat prepared during an African cooking exhibition was given high marks by Dayala”.

Berbere seasoning — which includes chili peppers, cardamom, ginger, cloves, coriander and allspice — is a key component in Ethiopian food, said chef Otis Wagner.

"It's really good, with a unique flavor. Like jerk chicken, but much better," Susy MacDougal said.

The couple, who are visiting friends is Houston, said the Ethiopian food was their favorite part of the iFest experience.

A middle schooler named Malarie, who attended with her sister, said the festival was educational and spoke animatedly about the "three journeys" — original human migration out of Africa, the forced migration from Africa to the Americas for slave trade and the cultural journey back to Africa.

"Reading it in a book is one thing, but to hear people talk like the Gullahs, dress like them, was totally different — way better," Malarie said.

The sisters bought colorful African bags, which they plan to use for school books on Monday.

After hours of examining different artifacts, Rick Pelham selected an antique Ethiopian Proccesinal Cross.

"I probably will never be able to afford to travel all of Africa, if any of it. So to be able to come out here and experience the music, the food, the history and culture is incredible. And I've got my souvenir to remember it by," he said, smiling and clutching the mask.












|Houston & Texas News | |

|[pic][pic]Giday Gebre Wahid pours coffee with Aregawit Kenfe during an Ethiopian coffee ceremony Sunday at the Houston |

|International Festival. Vendors reported brisk sales as the event came to a close. |




iFest visual a[pic]rts director Kati

Ozanic-Lemberger (right) shows

her artwork, which will be  on display as

part of the replica of an Ethiopian

 rock-hewn church






we didn’t get to see the church itself - they’d already taken it to the festival grounds - so we’ll have to wait and see it next weekend. (P.S. If you haven’t been to see Lucy yet, stop by on your way to or from iFest - 4/27 is the last day to experience both.)

In the meantime, inquiring minds want to know: what’s it like to build giant Ethiopian church in your backyard? How do you represent the culture of an entire continent in four short days? Check back next week for the answers, from iFest visual arts director Kati Ozanic-Lemberger.


Kati Ozanic, our site artist, is putting the finishing touches on this year’s living museum for iFest.  You may recall the replica of the Great Wall of China at last year’s iFest.  Kati and her wild-and-crazy Austrian husband, Yolle, built that much-photographed edifice.  It was extremely popular.  Right now it is in South Texas and is the featured highlight of Borderfest.

This year’s living museum will depict the three diasporas of the African people (see iFest for the explanation).  The key element of the living museum will be a replica of one of the stone churches of Lalibela, Ethiopia.  It was built in the 12th century by the Christian - yes, Christianity was in Africa long before colinization - Emperor Lalibela.

The fascinating thing about it is this: it was once a mountain.  Emperor Lalibela had his minions carve out the inside and outside of 11 mountains.  The most famous, which is still being used as an active Christian church, is the Beta Gyorgis (the church of St. George). Ethiopians cite this as the eighth wonder of the world (see this link).

Our replica will be 22 feet high and surrounded by a faux mountain. You’ll be able to walk into it and experience it as some Lalibelans do with the origional in Ethiopia today.

I don’t believe anything quite like it has been done at any event in the US before. Am I right?


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