Alec Holzer's Blog

EU-Parliament and ParlamentariumMy expectation of the EU Parliament building was for it too be rather massive and a sight to see. Also for it to have rather high technological devices within it such as motion sensor doors, a security check point and high technological bathrooms. When we arrived in Brussels it was very nicely laid out and had beautiful buildings and a nice city center square. The EU Parliament was rather big but not as high technological and fascinating as I thought. In the center of the EU building was a massive art sculpture that I that was interesting and modern. The Tour Guide seemed very enthusiastic about the EU and talked about it for hours. She was very well informed and knowledgeable on the subject. The EU Parliament chamber building was beautiful and just as I imagined. It was my favorite sit too see that tour day. Rows upon rows of chairs with microphones connected to each desk and translators housed in glass rooms on the outside of the parliament. I noticed how everything was rather level to indicate equality among all members. After the Parliament building we went to the Parlamentarium which was interesting to learn more about European history. The location of the EU Parliament building in Brussels makes it a great location for all the EU member states. The disadvantage is that the locals located in Brussels which anything that effects Belgium majorly would cause heavy upheaval in the region. The Parlamentarium makes good use of its depicts of conflict throughout Europe and reminds its citizens of the devastation that was causes from World War I and World War II. During the trip individuals are submerged into an informative environment that forces mainly on the EU Member States and allows visits to “take a virtual trip through Europe, finding out along the way what contribution the European Union has made to each of the Member States” ("Parlamentarium." . European Union, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. . <;. ................

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