Inventory of Tariffs and Trade on OECD imports of fish ...


1. Eleven OECD countries have reported information on tariff rates for fish products as well as trade data. The information covers 98% of total OECD imports of fish products. The remaining 2% concerns imports into the five OECD countries (Switzerland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and Turkey) which have not reported their tariff rates. OECD exports of fish and fish products to non-OECD countries represents 22% of total OECD fish exports. As a result, the information on tariff rates for OECD fish exports covers only 78% of total OECD exports. Thus trade data covers 98% of total OECD imports of fish products, but only 78% of total exports.

Tariff rates are from 2000 or 2001 and trade data from 1998. Fish products are defined according to the Harmonised System (HS, revision 2) and include:

|HS-code |Text: |

|03 |Fish, crustaceans and molluscs |

|051191 |Fish wastes |

|121220 |Seaweeds |

|150410 |Fish-liver oils |

|150420 |Fish oil |

|1604 |Prepared fish |

|1605 |Prepared crustaceans and molluscs |

|230120 |Fish meals |

2. The information on tariff rates includes the Most-Favoured-Nation (MFN) tariff rates applied in the eleven countries, temporary and suspended tariff rates and preferenital tariff rates. Information on tariff quotas and in-quota tariff rates are also reported. The preferential tariff rates relate to either temporary reduction for all suppliers or to preferential access for specified groups of countries. Definions are:

|Tariff rate: |Text: |

|ACP |African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (only the EU) |

|AND |Andean countries |

|ANZ |Australian-New Zealand Free Trade Area |

|BALT |Estonia and Latvia |

|CAR |Caribbean Countries |

|DEV |Other DEVeloping countries |

|EEA |European Economic Area |

|EEUR |Eastern European countries |

|EUR |European countries |

|LDC |Least Developed Countries |

|NAF |North American Free Trade Area |

|SPA |Pacific Ocean Islands |

|SPEC |Countries with an unspecified preferential access (only the EU) |

|SUSP |Tariff rates suspended to zero for all suppliers |

|TEMP |Tariff rates temporary reduced for all suppliers |

3. Groups of countries are defined in table 3.1 separately for each of the OECD importing countries. Preferential tariff rates relating to single supplier countries are also reported. The information on tariff rates are based on country submissions and the APEC web page ()[1]. The information is available on the tariff line level, according to the HS[2].

4. Trade values includes information at the 6-digit HS-level for 10 of the 11 OECD countries. For the EU, however, trade data are on the 8-digit level and includes only extra EU trade. Imports are separated into groups of supplier countries, grouped according to which tariff regime they face. That is, whether they face preferential access or not and if so, what type of preferential access. A "rest group", which includes countries without any preferential access thereby facing the MFN-applied tariff rates, is added. Exports from OECD countries to other OECD countries are reported for the single countries, as they might face different tariff rates.

5. The trade information are based on the OECD International Trade Statistics Database for all countries, except for the EU, where the EUROSTAT Comext Database has been used.



| | |

|1. |MFN applied tariff rates and preferential tariff rates |

|1.1 |Australia |

|1.2 |Canada |

|1.3 |EU |

|1.4 |Iceland |

|1.5 |Japan |

|1.6 |Korea |

|1.7 |Mexico |

|1.8 |New Zealand |

|1.9 |Norway |

|1.10 |Poland |

|1.11 |USA |

| | |

|2. |Trade values |

|2.1 |Australia |

|2.2 |Canada |

|2.3A |EU – Imports |

|2.3B |EU – Exports |

|2.4 |Iceland |

|2.5 |Japan |

|2.6 |Korea |

|2.7 |Mexico |

|2.8 |New Zealand |

|2.9 |Norway |

|2.10 |Poland |

|2.11 |USA |

| | |

|3. |Other |

|3.1. |Definition of country groups |

|3.2 |EU Tariff quotas |


[1] Tariff rates of all fish products, as defined above, are not available from all countries. However, tariff rates from the main groups 03, 1604 and 1605 are available from all the reporting countries.

[2] The text of the tariff lines are only available on the 6-digit HS-level in all cases, as it follows from international standards. More details are available and reported in some cases.


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