BYRNE LESSON PLANSubject: US History Access PointsPeriod: Unit: The Cold WarSemester: ? 1 ? 2Standards/Access Points:SS.912.A.1.2 Utilize a variety of primary and secondary sources to identify author, historical significance, audience, and authenticity to understand a historical periodSS.912.A.1.3 Utilize timelines to identify the time sequence of historical data.SS.912.A.1.4 Analyze how images, symbols, objects, cartoons, graphs, charts, maps, and artwork may be used to interpret the significance of time periods and events from the past.SS.912.A.6.8 Analyze the effects of the Red Scare on domestic United States policySS.912.A.6.10 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the early years of the Cold War (Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, Warsaw Pact)SS.912.A.6.11 Examine the controversy surrounding the proliferation of nuclear technology in the United States and the worldSS.912.A.6.12 Examine causes, course, and consequences of the Korean WarSS.912.A.6.13 Analyze significant foreign policy events during the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrationsLAFS.910.L.3.AP.6b Use newly acquired domain-specific words and phrases accurately.LAFS.910.RI.1.AP.2a Determine the central idea of a text.SS.912.W.1.Su.f:?Recognize the role of history in shaping the identity of culture and characterContent Purpose StatementHigher Order Question(s) [DOK]Identify the factors that led to the Cold WarDescribe the fears that the Soviet Union had after WW2.Describe the concerns that western democracy had regarding the spread of pare and Contrast Democracy/Totalitarianism and Capitalism/CommunismExplain the rationale for providing U.S. aid to war-torn Europe.Explain how the U.S. became involve in the Korean War.Describe the U.S. Doctrines and Policies that led to the Arms Race.Describe the political and social effects of the Red Scare.Why did the U.S. provide aid to European countries after WW2?What were the fears/concerns the U.S. had regarding the expansion of communism?How did the U.S. become involved in the Korean War?What were the results of the cease-fire agreement that ended the fighting in Korea?What are the factors that led to the Arms Race of the Cold War?What were the political and social effects of the Red Scare?Key Vocabulary:Materials (including supplementary and adapted):Cold WarDemocracyTotalitarianismCapitalismCommunismSatellite Nation“Iron Curtain”NATOWarsaw PactArms RaceMcCarthyismEspionageKGB38th ParallelDomino TheoryGuerrilla WarfareStalemateDemilitarized Zone (DMZ)BlacklistThe Cold War: Visual Vocabulary PowerPoint: Click hereThe Cold War: Visual Vocabulary Organizer: Click hereBARE Causes of the Cold War Organizer: Click hereStudent Example Click hereThe Cold War: Key Figures PowerPoint: Click hereKey Figures of The Cold War Match Up: Click hereBlank Map: Cold War Europe: Click hereThe Cold War: Cause & Effect PowerPoint: Click hereGermany/Berlin Occupation Zones Map ActivityOccupation Zone 4 Click hereOccupation Zone 5 Click hereThe Marshall Plan Reading Passage and Questions Click herePost-WW2 Policies and Conflicts FlowchartPost WWII – blank Click herePost WWII – answer key Click hereKorean War Visual Vocabulary OrganizerClick hereWeb Lesson: Korean War Strategic Map Click here Korean War Timeline + CutoutsTimeline Click hereCutouts Click here Student Example Click hereMcCarthyism and the Red Scare OrganizerOrganizer Click hereCutouts Click hereStudent Example Click hereWeb Lesson: History Brief: The Second Red Scare Click here The Cold War Quiz: Click hereDurationLearning Activities / Performance TasksLinks to Experience or Prior Knowledge: WWI (The First Red Scare); WWII (Yalta & Potsdam Conferences; Atomic Bomb)Links to Learning: Language Arts: Reading Maps, Graphs and Flowcharts Learning Activities: Teacher: Set purpose: Review the effects of the Atomic Bomb on Japan. Students: Students: Think-Pair-Share: Have students decide if the United States was correct in not sharing its atomic secrets with the Soviet Union. Use Accountable Talk to discuss various opinions.Teacher: Directly teach content vocabulary: The Cold War Visual Vocabulary PowerPoint Students: Independently take notes using The Cold War Visual Vocabulary Organizer.Teacher: Directly teach the causes of The Cold War: The Cold War Visual Vocabulary PowerPoint. Students: Use BARE Causes of The Cold War organizer.Teacher: Directly teach the key figures of The Cold War. The Cold War Key Figures PowerPoint. Students: Work with table partners to complete The Cold War Key Figures Match Up worksheet.Teacher: Directly teach the “Iron Curtain” and the Occupation Zones of Germany and Berlin: Web Lesson: Europe After WW2; The Cold War Visual Vocabulary PowerPoint. Students: Independently label Maps of Europe After WW2 and Occupation Zones of Germany and Berlin.Teacher: Directly teach the Post-War Policies and Conflicts at the start of The Cold War: The Cold War Visual Vocabulary PowerPoint. Students: Independently take notes using the Post-War Policies and Conflicts FlowchartTeacher: Model reading strategies and how to read bar graphs: The Marshall Plan reading passage. Students: Work with a partner to answer questions on The Marshall Plan.Teacher: Directly teach Korean War vocabulary: The Cold War Visual Vocabulary PowerPoint. Students: Independently take notes using Korean Visual Vocabulary OrganizerTeacher: Directly teach the events that led up to and during the Korean War: Web Lesson: Korean War Strategic Map. Students: Work with a partner to complete Korean War TimelineTeacher: Directly teach effects of McCarthyism and The Red Scare: The Cold War Visual Vocabulary PowerPoint; Web Lesson: History Brief: The Second Red Scare. Students: Work with table partners to complete McCarthyism and the Red Scare Organizer.Review and Assess. Delivery (Check all that apply):Scaffolding: ?Modeling ? Guided ? IndependentGrouping: ? Whole Class ? Small Group ? Partners ? IndependentProcesses: ? Reading ? Writing ? Listening ? SpeakingDI Strategies: ? Hands-on ? Simulations ? Visuals ? Projects ? Peer Review ? Pairing ? Centers ? Technology ? Cooperative Learning ? Other: Accommodations: ? Direct Instruction ? Repeat / Clarify Directions ? Extended time ? Complete Sample Problem? Checklist ? Models (e.g. notebook) Review and Assessment (Check all that apply): ? Individual ? Group ? Written ? Oral? Test/Quiz ? Paper ? Portfolio ? Presentation ................

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