The Great Gatsby chapters 1-5 test Review Guide

The Great Gatsby chapters 1-5 test Review Guide

Match the description to the person (some letters will be used more than once)

_____ The “boarder”

_____ The author A. Mr. Klipspringer

_____ The bond salesman

_____ The careless driver

_____ The drunken auto passenger B. Jay Gatsby

_____ The drunken, soon-to-be bride

_____ The enchanting wife C. George Wilson

_____ The gambler

_____ The golf pro D. Tom Buchanan

_____ The honest, careful man E. Meyer Wolfsheim

_____ The man with the ‘molar’ cufflinks

_____ The mistress F. Myrtle Wilson

_____ The mysterious host G. Catherine

_____ The narrator H. Nick Carraway

_____ The nose breaker I. The owl-eyed man

_____ The Oxford man

_____ The polo player J. Daisy Fay Buchanan

_____ The sister K. F. Scott Fitzgerald

_____ The war hero L. Doctor T. J. Eckleburg

_____The auto mechanic M. Jordan Baker

Directions: For each passage, choose the letter of the character who is speaking.

A. Nick Carraway B. Tom Buchanan C. George Wilson D. Jay Gatsby

_____ “I’m inclined to reserve all judgments, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me…” (1).

_____ “The idea is if we don’t look out the white race will be – will be utterly submerged. It’s all scientific stuff; it’s been proved” (13).

_____ “After that I lived like a young rajah in all the capitals of Europe…collecting jewels, hunting big game…and trying to forget something very sad that had happened to me long ago” (66)

Directions: For each passage, choose the letter of the character who is speaking.

A. Myrtle Wilson B. Catherine C. Jordan Baker D. Daisy Buchanan

_____ “‘All right,’ I said, ‘I’m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool – that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool’” (17).

_____ “It’s really his wife that’s keeping them apart. She’s a Catholic, and they don’t believe in divorce” (33).

_____ “‘My dear,’ she cried, ‘I’m going to give you this dress as soon as I’m through with it. I’ve got to get another one tomorrow. I’m going to make a list of all the things I’ve got to get…I got to write down a list so I won’t forget all the things I got to do’” (36).

_____ “I hate careless people. That’s why I like you” (58).

Directions: For each passage, choose the letter of the character being described.

A. Nick Carraway B. Jay Gatsby C. George Wilson D. Tom Buchanan

E. Dr. T. J. Eckleburg F. Meyer Wolfsheim

_____ “‘Now don’t think my opinion on these matters is final,’ he seemed to say, ‘just because I’m stronger and more of a man than you are’” (7).

_____ “…he stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling” (20-21).

_____ “The eyes…are blue and gigantic…They look out of no face, but, instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a non-existent nose” (23).

_____ “He thinks she goes to see her sister in New York. He’s so dumb he doesn’t know he’s alive” (26).

_____ “He’s the man who fixed the World’s Series back in 1919” (73).

_____ “You’re acting like a little boy…Not only that but you’re rude. Daisy’s sitting in there all alone” (88).

Directions: For each passage, choose the letter of the character being described.

A. Catherine B. Daisy Buchanan C. Jordan Baker D. Myrtle Wilson

_____ “It was the kind of voice that the ear follows up and down, as if each speech is an arrangement of notes that will never be played again” (9).

_____ “…she left a borrowed car out in the rain with the top down, and then lied about it…” (57).

_____ “She was in the middle thirties, and faintly stout, but she carried her surplus flesh sensuously…as if the nerves of her body were continually smouldering…” (25).

In order to allow Gatsby and Daisy to meet, Nick invites her over for _________________.

In his nervousness at meeting Daisy, what does Gatsby almost knock off the mantelpiece with his head?


What does Mr. Klipspringer do for Gatsby and Daisy at the end of Chapter 5?

_____ When Daisy says, “We haven’t met for many years,” Gatsby replies

A. “Thanks to that bully husband of yours.”

B. “Five years next November.”

C. “It seems like a lifetime.”

D. “But I’ve met you in my heart every night.”

The garage is located in the “_____________________________”.


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