AP Human Geography - Home

General Sources

All about Geography:

AP Central: AP Central

CIA World Factbook:

Earth Science Image Gallery


Envirolink Network:

Eric's Geography Songlist :

Geography Games and Quizzes:

Geography Network:

Global Challenges:

Global Issues:

Global policy forum

Globalization 101:

History Channel:

Houghton Mifflin:

Images from LandSat

Jerome D.Fellman, Arthur Getis, Judith Getis Human Geography Website:

Jet Propulsion lab:

JPL Earth Sciences Home Page

Kamat's Potpourri:

Library of Congress/Country Study:

NASA Visualization of Remote Sensing Data

NASA Photo Gallery

Native American Web:


People and Places of the World/Photos:

Prentice Hall Companion Website/James M. Rubenstein:

Prentice Hall Companion Website/Paul L.Knox and Sallie A. Marston:

Social Studies School Service:

space photos of earth


Teaching Geography/Annenberg/CPB:

The Lonely Planet:

The Ozone Hole Tour:

United Nations Educational Scientific and Culture Organization:

– Home ?

USGS/National Earthquake Information Center:

USGS/National Water Conditions Home Page:

Visual Geography Series:

Volcano World:

Welcome to the Greatest Places:

Wiley Companion Website/de Blij Murphy:

Regional Sources

African Voices:

All Africa News:

Countries by Region:

Dale Lightfoot's Landscapes From Around the World:

Japan/Information Center:

Mr. Dowling's Electrontic Passport :


The Center of Middle Eastern Studies/The University of Texas at Austin:

The Middle East:

The Story of Africa/PBS:

Virtual Tour of Antarctica/Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica:

Population/ Migration Sources

Population Module - Lesson 2 - Page 2 - Does economic development affect birth and death rates? - Center for Global Geography Education

Center for Immigration Studies :

Demographic Data Viewer:

Population Pyramids & world info:

Population Reference Bureau/AmeriStat:

Population Reference Bureau:

Six Billion People & PBS:

United States Census Bureau:

United States Historical Census Data Browser:

World Hunger:

Culture Sources

Do You Speak American | PBS

Musical Traditions of the World: Videotapes in the Media Resources Center, UC Berkeley

Caste System in India:

Cultures of the Andes:

Largest Religious Communities:

Slide Show/Indigenous People:

The Great Pop vs Soda Controversy:

Economic/ Development Sources

Index of Global Economy Module - Center for Global Geography Education

China's Free Markets:

Department of Energy/Petroleum:


Global Exchange:

Human Development Reports :

PBS/Commanding Heights:

The World Bank Group/Statistics:

UNHCR Statistics:

United Nations Population Division/Departmant of Economic and Social Affairs:

Water in Africa :

World Economic Forum:

Agricultural and Rural land use Sources

Grocery Store Wars | Join the Organic Rebellion

The Meatrix

@griculture Online -- Agriculture News, Discussion and Information:

Archer Daniels Midland:



Environmental Protection Agency:

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Forest Service, Data and Information Systems

Forest Service, Forest Land Maps

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy:

NASS Crop Maps

National Agricultural Library: nal.

National Agricultural Statistics Service Main Page

Natural Resources Conservation Service Main Page


NRCS Maps, Facts & Figures Index

Tyson foods:

US Dept. of Agriculture:

USDA Forest Service - Caring for the land and serving people.: fs.fed.us

Country/Political Sources

foreign policy

Nationalism Module - Módulo de la Nacionalismo - Index - Center for Global Geography Education

Africa, Caribbean, Europe, Latin America:


Amnesty International USA:

Asia Source:

CAIN Web Server/Northern Ireland Conflict:

Center for International Policy:

Countries: (general)&title=Countries

Foreign Policy Association:

Inside China Today:

Mexico :

Non-governmental Organizations:

Picture Australia:

Portals to the World:

Searching for China:

The Carter Center:

Third World Traveler/An Alternative Perspective to American Foreign Policy:

World Bank Group:

Urban Sources:

Beyond Civil Rights:

Bid Rent Theory:

Burgess Concentric Circle Model:

Cities by Country, Continent, and Region:

Four Classical Traditions in Location Theory:

Gravity Model:

Levittown: Documents of an Ideal American Suburbs:

Mutiple Nuclei Model:

Current Events/News Sites:

Earth Day Footprint Quiz

A&E Classroom:

Arts and Letters Daily :

BBC News/United Kingdom:

CNN For Your Information:


Constitutional Rights Foundation:

Embassies in Washington D. C.:

Farms Around the World:

Financial Times :

Government Websites:

Museum Resources:

Nation Public Radio:

News From Africa:

Newspapers from Around the World:

NY Times/Learning Network:

Public Broadcasting Station:

Reference Desk:

Scientist in Action:

The Ultimate Teacher's Resources:

The Confluence Project :

The Global Schoolhouse:

The Internet Public Library:

The Irish Times:

United States Newspaper Program:

World News by Country :

World Pen Pals:

World Press Review:

World Wide Organization of Schools:

World Wise Schools”:

WorldView Magazine:

Your Online Guide to Offbeat Tourist Attractions:

Maps and Mapping Sources:

Sheppard Software - educational games, learning games for kids

American Geographical Society Collection/Historical Aerial and Terrestrial Prints:

AS@UVA/Cultural Maps in American Studies:

Cartographic Communication/ Department of Geography, UT Austin, 1995.

Geographic Education/Mapping the World:

Geographic Information System:

GIS and Mapping Software:

Map Planet



National :

Online World Atlas:

Outline Maps:

Peters Projection :

Terra Fly:

Terra Server/Aerial Photos:

The Atlas of Canada/Carto Corner:

The History of Cartography:

The Living Earth, Inc./Earth Images:

Topographic maps:

USGS GLIS Map Finder:

UT Library Online Collection Maps:

Visualization of Remote Sensing Data:


Physical geography:

Blackline Map Masters:

More Recent Additions:


Earth Science Week

GeoTimes on line magazine

http:// tas.apply.html


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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