Medium Term Plan – Miss Harrison – Year 3

| |Geography - Medium Term Plan – Locating the worlds counties (new curriculum 2014) – Miss Taylor– Year 3/4 |Plenary and Key points |

| |Main teaching activities | |

| |Objectives |Introduction |Group 1 |Group 2 |

|Wee|WALT |Ask children to remind you what a continent is. |The children will create a poster in mixed ability groups for each capital city in |Judge the children’s posters out against the marking |

|k 2|Identify and |Name and locate them on a world map. Show the |Central Europe. Split the class into 8 teams (mixed ability) Get one child to choose at |criteria total out of 100. Children present their |

| |research main |children a map of central Europe and ask the |random the name of a capital city. (Children can give their team a name) That will be |poster and explain what they have found out. |

| |capital cities |children to name the countries. |the capital city for that group. Together their poster must include: | |

| |of countries in| title of the capital city which stands out. 5 points |Could ask TA to judge the work in secret against |

| |Central Europe |_768.html Explain to the children that today we |Explain what country it is the capital of 5 points |criteria to fairly determine a winner. Could possibly |

| | |will be focusing on the capitals of countries in |A map displaying the capital city 5 points |have joint winners. |

| | |central Europe show the children these to help |Information about the country (5 sentences) 10 points | |

| | |them identify what they are. |Famous landmarks in the city. 15 points | |

| | | least 3 different pictures of landmarks in the city. 10 points | |

| | |_1024_768.html |5 Sentences about the history of the city. 10 points | |

| | | |Use of colour 10 points | |

| | | |TEAMWORK! 30 points | |

| | |Germany – Berlin |Explain to the children that each criteria is worth a maximum number of points. Also | |

| | | that teamwork is the most important. That means working together as a team not | |

| | |any |falling out and all contributing to the poster and not letting 1 or 2 do all the work. | |

| | |Switzerland – Bern |The team with the most points wins a prize. Explain that each group will be given 15 | |

| | | only in the ICT suite to do any research they can and print off anything to add to | |

| | |rland |their poster. Each group will be provided with books and hand outs on their capital city| |

| | |Liechtenstein – Vaduz |to help them. | |

| | | | |

| | |tenstein | | |

| | |Austria – Vienna | | |

| | | | |

| | |ria | | |

| | |Hungary – Budapest | | |

| | | | |

| | |ngary | | |

| | |Czech Republic - Prague | | |

| | | | |

| | |h-republic | | |

| | |Slovakia – Bratislava | | |

| | | | |

| | |slovakia | | |

| | |Poland – Warsaw | | |

| | | | |

| | |nd | | |

|Wee|WALT: Locate |Ask the children what they did last lesson. Then |Give the children a piece of the jigsaw puzzle (map 6x6 36 sheets) they must colour it |Test the children’s ability to locate countries and |

|k 3|and name |get the children to name the countries in central |in using crayons provided. Take the children in the hall with their jigsaw piece the |capitals in the British Isles using the giant map that |

| |counties in the|Europe along with their capitals. Ask the children|class must put the jigsaw of the British isles. Once the children have completed the |the children created during the lesson. Get children to|

| |British isles |what continent we live in. Then ask what part of |jigsaw they must each table group must use the large labels provided to label the |come up to the map and but the labels in the correct |

| |with their |Europe we live in. Show the children a map of the |correct countries in the British Isles and then the Capital cities. Display the clue map|place. |

| |capitals. |British isles. Ask the children if they can |to help the children. | |

| | |identify the countries and of the British Isles. | | |

| | |Also ask if any of the children have visited these|2nd half of the session | |

| | |places and what it was like. Go over with the |Children will then use their knowledge countries and capitals of the British Isles to | |

| | |children where the countries are and what the |label a smaller map in their books. | |

| | |capital cities are called. |LA – Label a map of the British Isles with labels already provided. TA to support group.| |

| | | | | |

| | |England – London |MA – Children label a blank map without labels provided and write sentences about the | |

| | |Scotland – Edinburgh |British Isles e.g. England is a country in the British isles. London is the capital of | |

| | |Wales – Cardiff |England. | |

| | |Northern Ireland – Belfast |HA – Children label a blank map without labels and the children also use atlas’s or with| |

| | |Rep of Ireland - Dublin |use of computers in the ICT suite to find more information about counties in the British| |

| | | |isles e.g. population, climate and the children write sentences based on what they have | |

| | |Explain main session to the children. |found. LT to work with group initially. | |

| | | | | |

| | |Resources: | | |

| | | | |

| | |pe-maps.html | | |

| | |Clue map | | |

| | | | |

| | |h-isles-map.htm | | |

|Wee|WALT: Locate |Ask children to recap what they did last lesson by|The children will label the different Rivers on their given maps. |Ask children to complete the quiz in groups giving each|

|k 4|and name major |naming and locating the countries of the British | |team points for each correct answer. |

| |rivers in the |Isles on a map. |LA – Children will have a larger map and have the labels printed out ready to stick in | |

| |UK. | |the right place. This will be completed as a group with adult support. | |

| | |Then explain that the children today we will be |MA – Children will have a larger map and have the labels printed out ready to stick in | |

| | |focusing on the rivers in the British Isles. Can |the right place. This will be completed as a group independently. | |

| | |they name any rivers in the British Isles? |HA – Children will have a small map on which they must draw the rivers and label them | |

| | | |using a guide. | |

| | |Show the children a map of the British Isles | | |

| | | |2nd half of the session | |

| | |highlight the rivers and what country they are in.| | |

| | | |Children will be put into mixed ability groups. Ask children to name a river they | |

| | | |remember from the1st part of the lesson and state what country it is in. Give each group| |

| | | |the name of a river and the groups must complete a fact file on the river. (see sheets | |

| | | |for facts on the rivers and pictures) explain the children must include all this | |

| | | |information on their fact file. | |

| | | | | |


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