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Torino process 2012

[insert country name]

Table of contents

Executive summary 3

A. Vision for VET system development 3

B. External efficiency: Addressing demographic, socio-economic and labour market needs 3

C. External efficiency: Addressing social demands for VET and promoting social inclusion 3

D. Internal quality and efficiency of initial and continuing VET delivery 3

E. Governance and financing of the initial and continuing VET system and institutional capacities for change 4

Annex 1: Governance matrix 5

Annex 2: List of Key Indicators 7

Bibliography 8

List of abbreviations

|ETF |European Training Foundation |

| | |

| | |

| | |

[List here – using the above table to which you might need to add rows - all the acronyms and abbreviations you used in the text and indicate their full text correspondence as for the example provided above]

Executive summary

[Max. 2-3 pages of text. Refer to notes in section A.]

Do not forget to add the country name in the header.

The table of content should not be updated manually. Right click on it and select ‘Update field’ for an automatic update.

Vision for VET system development

[Max. 1 page of text. Insert your text here].

Formulate your text along the guidelines of the analytical framework.

Style is ETF Body Text (Font: Arial, Size: 10). TIP: If you have already prepared your text and would like to paste here, use “Edit / Paste Special / Unformatted text” to ensure that the correct style is kept.

To insert footnotes: “Insert / Reference / Footnotes” – do not insert footnotes manually - place them before any punctuation. Limit the footnotes to the very minimum, in order not to distract the reader and keep the document simple. If information is useful, then it should be in the core text.

Citation: when citing a work, always refer to the author and year of publication using the author-date style – example: (Smith, 2006) or in case of corporate authors (European Commission, 2009). Do not use footnotes for citation. Put the reference (author, date) in the core text and provide the full bibliographical details at the end under ‘Bibliography’. Find more details on the ‘ETF guide for authors’].

[Use this style for subtitles. This is Heading 3 style]

▪ [Use this style for first level bullets: this is ETF bullets level 1 (Font: Arial, Size: 10)]

- [Use this style for second level bullets: this is ETF bullets level 2 (Font: Arial, Size: 10)]

External efficiency: Addressing demographic, socio-economic and labour market needs

[Max. 3-4 pages of text. Refer to notes in section A.]

External efficiency: Addressing social demands for VET and promoting social inclusion

[Max. 3-4 pages of text. Refer to notes in section A.]

Internal quality and efficiency of initial and continuing VET delivery

[Max. 3-4 pages of text. Refer to notes in section A.]

Governance and financing of the initial and continuing VET system and institutional capacities for change

[Max. 3-4 page of text. Refer to notes in section A.]

Annex 1: Governance matrix

[Please amend, as appropriate and complete this matrix insofar as possible. Please consider the various levels involved in the management of the system – from national, regional, local to school (provider) levels. - Please use Font: Arial, Size: 9]

| |Authority |Competence |Resources |Accountability |

| | | | | |

|Functions within a VET system | | | | |

| |Who are the actors legally in charge of this |Do actors have the technical |Do actors have adequate financial and |In which way are the actors in charge |

| |function? Have roles[1] and responsibilities |competences or what is needed to |human resources or what is needed to |made accountable for the work done? |

| |been adequately defined? |fulfil this function? |fulfil this function? | |

|Policies and legislation |

|Defining national VET and employment | | | | |

|policies | | | | |

|Monitoring national VET and employment | | | | |

|policies | | | | |

|Legislation for VET (both initial and | | | | |

|continuing) | | | | |

|Qualifications and curricula |

|National, sectoral or regional skill or | | | | |

|training needs analyses | | | | |

|Designing a list of occupations | | | | |

|Definition or revision of standards/ | | | | |

|qualifications | | | | |

|Development or revision of curricula | | | | |

|(all kinds) | | | | |

|Teachers and trainers |

|Pre-service training and induction of | | | | |

|VET teachers | | | | |

|Recruitment of teachers | | | | |

|In-service training of VET teachers | | | | |

|Teacher appraisal and career development| | | | |

|VET providers |

|Network of providers of | | | | |

|- initial VET | | | | |

|- continuing VET | | | | |

|Planning VET programmes and student | | | | |

|numbers | | | | |

|Planning budgets for vocational schools | | | | |

|Dealing with school expenses (managing | | | | |

|school budgets) | | | | |

|Learning materials and equipment |

|Learning materials | | | | |

|Workshop equipment | | | | |

|Practical learning sites |

|Liaison with employers | | | | |

|Practical training places within | | | | |

|companies | | | | |

|Apprenticeships | | | | |

|Assessment and certification |

|Assessment of students’ skills | | | | |

|Issuing certificates | | | | |

|Monitoring and impact |

|Monitoring the quality of VET provision | | | | |

|School-to-work transition surveys or | | | | |

|tracer studies for graduates | | | | |

|Research and innovation |

|Research and innovation, incl. the | | | | |

|transfer of innovations from pilot to | | | | |

|system level | | | | |

|Donor coordination |

|Efficient coordination of donors in VET | | | | |

Annex 2: List of Key Indicators


[List here all the works you cited. Works should be listed in alphabetical order of author]


Citing a monograph/report/paper (and its online access whenever available in the public domain – i.e. if you access a journal article online because ETF or other libraries has set up an online subscription to it, do not use that link)

Masson J. R., European Training Foundation, Thirteen years of vocational education and training reform in the acceding and candidate countries, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 2003. [Online], Available: (getAttachment)/4CE8B47EA1224216C1257020002FBBD2/$File/ENL_MON_13YEARS_03_EN.pdf [15 March 2010]

European Commission, Increasing labour force participation and promoting active ageing, COM (2002) 9 final, Brussels, 2002.. [Online], Available: [15 March 2010]

Citing a journal article

Traxler, F., ‘Collective bargaining in the OECD: developments, preconditions and effects’, European Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1998, pp. 207-26.

Swank, D., ‘Funding the welfare state: Globalisation and the taxation of business in advanced market economies’, Political Studies, No. 46, 1998, pp. 671-92.

Find more details on the ‘ETF guide for authors’

TIP to order your sources in alphabetical order: write them down in whatever order; once finished, select them all and use ‘Table / Sort’ (leave the default setting)


[1] Actors could have decision-making, advisory or executive roles.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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